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How to stay healthy mentally and physically in stressful life?

I really want to be happy and with healthy physical. Unfortunately, my stressful mind affecting my physical health.

I want to practice good diet but I hate being stress. Its spoils my mood.

I really hope you guys might give some advice that might valuable for me.
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Viper · M
Some of the most valuable advice is exercise of both the body and mind, also your mouth... yup mouth.

Basically research shows humans are social creatures that need to physical and vocally communicate or they get depressed or other mental illness which is partly for the rise in mental health issues since texting and non-verbal communication is taking over the world.

So exercise your body, your mind and your physical and verbal communication skills, even if it's just talking to yourself or a pet, can do a lot of good. Yes even yourself... according to studies, while we see people that talk to themselves as crazy, they're usual no threat, it's the people that don't talk to anyone that are the highest percentage to be a potential threat to others.
@Viper this!
@Viper OMGOD! This is spot on.
RadiantRose · 31-35, F
@Viper I'm glad i read this, verbally saying things outloud help. Thanks
BlueVeins · 22-25
My advice is to focus on making things easy for yourself. Start with little things, especially in your diet. For example, if you like to drink coffee with sugary creamer, maybe try switching to a caffeinated tea or black coffee to save yourself the sugar. If you're addicted to comfort foods as many of us are, look around for some comfort foods that are healthy. For an example, you could try making this here recipe with protein pasta for some 100% healthy mac & cheese.


I make double batches to cut down on workload. I also find that some soup recipes like this one can be easy to make and deeply comforting:


Aside from that, try to find some vices that are less unhealthy than the ones you're currently struggling with. Stuff like watching YouTube & TV isn't exactly healthy, but it can displace some much worse numbing behaviors, so it can be worth it. If you don't get enough skin-to-skin contact with people you love, try to work on that because such contact boosts dopamine levels in addition to being fun. 🌺 And whatever you do, don't beat yourself up about it if it's not going well. Self care takes time and it's not a linear thing. ❤️
It is difficult especially when they are all linked. I try to make small adjustments when I struggle. I like to exercise but at the moment I struggle for motivation so rather than do nothing at all I do a small easy routine.

Or if im trying to cut down on food rather than eat two packs of crisps (chips) a day ill keep it to one.

Small steps first, nail them and then go for bigger goals.

Hope it helps..
I am trying the same. I have failed but I am going to start again.

Start with some light routine exercises, read books, learn something new,do meditation, take rest, drink plenty of water and eat healthy foods.
@littlepuppywantanewlife all the best with your journey dude. I follow a guy on YouTube called Funk Roberts he has some tidy simple routines for all levels of fitness..
It wouldn't be easy, but you have to dedicate at least 1 hour every day for your health. Exercises, yoga, brisk walk/jogg, better diet.


I'd say baby steps.

Do what ignites your soul and calms your mind.

Nature is HUGE for my wellbeing.

We are all her children and so many are just cut off.

There is scientific evidence of the detrimental effects of this: being in disconnect from nature. Mental and physical health is affected.
Nayla · 56-60, F
Please learn how to ground yourself and balance your chakras. Daily cardio too. Focus on your body and really listen to the healthy foods it wants you to feed it. When your emotions and stress run high, sit down and meditate. This will really help you
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
Exercise and meditation.
2cool4school · 46-50, F
@2cool4school i drink alot and everyone hates me. I was ugly and poor so never had a girlfriend. 🥺
Let's talk in messages, I could give some suggestions
So are you still stressed? Or things changed to some degree?
mentally you need friends to talk too. it lowers stress levels.
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
Echart tolle
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open your 7 chakras

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