Today marks three years since I joined swNo big deal. I just like to acknowledge and observe the passage of time, blowing away like leaves on the breeze (1)
Have you ever taken your cat on a road trip?I’m driving to Montreal next month to stay for a while and I might want to take my cat. What do I need to know?
The longer I work at my jobThe more I see most are there out of self indulgence's sickening
If you use math to explain the universe, can a decimal represent another reality?Numbers can continue an infinite amount represented by only 10 numbers, 0123456789, which continously loop back on itself forever creating a bigger and bigger number. When you add a decimal, it creates a new plane of numbers at any point in the... See More »
Boss Baby Nedgem here has taken over my heartAnd quickly will take over control of the entire house (1)
I have this fond memory from my childhood...I must’ve been around 10 years old. My family and I had spent the day at the farm outside the city. As we drove back home after sunset, the twilight sky was absolutely gorgeous. A brilliant blend of deep blue and rich red. As we munched on the... See More »
Flat Earth proof #2. Proof of the flat Earth and the global flood...Or, was it a universal flood?Indeed, renowned scientists agree that the Earth is flat or...In the words of Professor Nile deGrasse Tyson it is an 'oblong spear shaped haemorrhoid.' Well, the global flood would explain this. You see when the waters cascaded on to the flat Earth... See More »
Flat Earth proof if proof were needed. Non Creation scientist try to tell us that the Sun and the Moon are over 1000 miles away from our flat EarthAre they right? Well, first we must look at subjects we agree on. Both Non Creation scientists and 'pseudo scientists' agree that the Sun gives us heat and light and the Moon produces cold and darkness, we agree on this. But the distance, 1000... See More »