I would disagree. I can see the appeal of guns and I'm sure that many can, whether they are pro gun or not. Shooting as a test of one's skill is arguably as compelling as any other accuracy-based competitive activity such as archery or darts. Guns themselves can be compelling too, whether to feel like your favourite hero from a Western or action movie or simply to feel safe/powerful. They can empower those who would otherwise feel afraid. Guns themselves are not the problem, much as tigers themselves are not a problem. Their safe place in society is the question.
BrandNewMan · M
Small minded, judgemental people say a lot of stuff I ignore beyond what it tells me about who they are as people.
Among a lot of outdoor things, I hunt game animals for food. I also shoot sporting clays and trap and target shoot occasionally for recreation. I raised two sons who know how to safely and effectively store, handle and use firearms.
I'm not obsessed with guns, but I'm going to continue to pursue what I do and support the right to no matter what others think.
Among a lot of outdoor things, I hunt game animals for food. I also shoot sporting clays and trap and target shoot occasionally for recreation. I raised two sons who know how to safely and effectively store, handle and use firearms.
I'm not obsessed with guns, but I'm going to continue to pursue what I do and support the right to no matter what others think.
Richard65 · M
No, to like shooting per se is understandable. It's a pastime a lot of people enjoy. I'm guessing the person was referring to America's obsession with guns and the thrill of violence that infects American culture, and is mainly centred around guns. I understand that guns are a big part of American culture, but to the rest of the world the obsession appears immature.
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Richard65 · M
@Ceci13 Where did I say anything about gun control? My point was that guns are a part of your culture, but the rest of the world regards America's obsession with them as immature, which it is. Patriot's aggressive reply amply demonstrates that macho immaturity I described perfectly. As does your's.
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acpguy · C
No I don't agree with that small minded person. My husband has shot competition shoots for money since he was 14 yr.s old (skeet and trap). I enjoy target shooting and have hunted both birds and deer with him. Neither of us have had thoughts of hurting a person and are safe to a point of being almost religious about it. The way I see it most bad people were not raised doing shooting sports, had terrible parenting growing up and those folks have some kind of mental problem.
Some other thoughts. More people have been killed every year with hands, feet, knives, clubs and other means than guns. If they banned guns a bow and arrow would kill just as effectively and can do out to 50 yards with a modestly accurate shooter.
Some other thoughts. More people have been killed every year with hands, feet, knives, clubs and other means than guns. If they banned guns a bow and arrow would kill just as effectively and can do out to 50 yards with a modestly accurate shooter.
JPWhoo · 36-40, M
Your logic: Some people enjoy shooting for sport, therefore enjoying shooting shouldn’t be a red flag for anyone. 🤨
That said, I don’t personally consider it a red flag just because someone enjoys hunting or even target practice; however, I definitely understand where they’re coming from. Guns are made to kill people and animals, and the gun culture in America is out of control.
That said, I don’t personally consider it a red flag just because someone enjoys hunting or even target practice; however, I definitely understand where they’re coming from. Guns are made to kill people and animals, and the gun culture in America is out of control.
JPWhoo · 36-40, M
@Reason10 Over 936 school shootings in the last five years for a start. I don’t know how many mass shootings we’ve had over that time period, but just from watching the news I know it’s way too many. Firearm's are the leading cause of death for American children now.
Major shootings mostly in happen in major population centers…. Who woulda thunk it? And yet the rate of deaths by firearms is actually higher in rural areas. That means if rural areas had the same level of population as urban areas you’d be much less in danger of getting shot in the urban areas.
Major shootings mostly in happen in major population centers…. Who woulda thunk it? And yet the rate of deaths by firearms is actually higher in rural areas. That means if rural areas had the same level of population as urban areas you’d be much less in danger of getting shot in the urban areas.
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CarlaMommy · 41-45
No I do not agree. I'm a woman, and I carry.
HumanEarth · F
How are guns a hot topic?
Guns have formed nations, fought wars, put food on tables, saved lives, and gives people freedom
I believe everyone everyone that has the mentally capacity should own at least 1 gun without the government knowledge.
Because once you register a gun. The government is coming to you 1st because they know you have them.
Guns have formed nations, fought wars, put food on tables, saved lives, and gives people freedom
I believe everyone everyone that has the mentally capacity should own at least 1 gun without the government knowledge.
Because once you register a gun. The government is coming to you 1st because they know you have them.
Nitedoc · 51-55, M
That's ridiculous! Guns and gun culture are heavily ingrained in American culture. If you choose not to participate in it, you don't have to. That's called freedom!
Prison1203 · 61-69, M
@JPWhoo the AR is a single shot gun just like any other gun it’s not a weapon of war , we cannot get a fully automatic weapon unless we have a federal firearms license and even then you open yourself up to searches of your home at any time day or night by the ATF and if said weapon is not in your possession when they come to look for it you go to jail without passing go and collecting $200 an AR used in war has select fire , single shot. 3 round bursts or fully automatic. Those cannot be bought by the general population. Maybe you should actually learn about something before you open your mouth and look like an idiot, I can shoot my pistol as fast as an ar and change magazines faster and shoot the same amount of bullets in the same period of time or even faster , AR’s are not used in as many mass shootings as the government leads you on to believe
I don't agree. I have been through weapons training and very much enjoyed testing my skills.
2ndtimeguy · 61-69, M
Grew up hunting rabbits and quail and years later deer have a rifle and a shotgun most men do in our area
WowwGirl · 36-40, F
Scary stuff
Wireman · 31-35, M
When guns are used to make another law, be careful. Americans may love guns, but so do a lot of other countrys. Guns can't harm anybody, politics however do it well.
DownTheStreet · 56-60, M
I think it’s a good example of someone who knows little about actual gun culture (vs the media view)
WowwGirl · 36-40, F
@DownTheStreet good answer
nudistsueaz · 61-69, F
@DownTheStreet Exactly
BizSuitStacy · M
It's only a red flag for the hoplophobes. I worked at a company and had several co-workers from Canada, Europe and Asia. When we hosted company events in the US, guess what they all wanted to do? Yep...they wanted to go the shooting range.
4meAndyou · F
Not all people have my phobia regarding guns, so I will say that the User who said enjoying shooting is a red flag is probably VERY narrow minded.
wonwonwonwow · 100+, M
I wouldn’t call it a red flag per say since there’s a difference between enjoying it and getting pleasure from being violent if that makes sense
WowwGirl · 36-40, F
@wonwonwonwow it does
DearAmbellina2113 · 41-45, F
Adogslife · 61-69, M
Guns would be easy to regulate if politicians and the NRA weren’t quite so fearful that all rights would be taken away. I’m not sure that’s anyone’s goal.
BrandNewMan · M
@Adogslife The implication there are no regulations .. is complete b.s..
Guns are regulated. I've gone through a new background check for every gun I ever purchased. Felons are not allowed to purchase/own guns. There are age restrictions, some tighter than others, in every state. There are varying laws around types of guns, magazine capacities, access to ammo, etc, around the country. Yes .. there are some gaps .. gun shows and private sales, etc and as a responsible and law abiding owner, I actually support tightening those laws.
Guns are regulated. I've gone through a new background check for every gun I ever purchased. Felons are not allowed to purchase/own guns. There are age restrictions, some tighter than others, in every state. There are varying laws around types of guns, magazine capacities, access to ammo, etc, around the country. Yes .. there are some gaps .. gun shows and private sales, etc and as a responsible and law abiding owner, I actually support tightening those laws.
Adogslife · 61-69, M
@BrandNewMan BNM, good post. I’m sorry for not clarifying. I’m simply one that prefers additional regulation on “new” guns or new” gun owners. Current legal owners would/could be grandfathered in.
The basic test(s) you go through are seemingly fine for low capacity non-semiautomatic arms, like a hand gun for instance.
I’d prefer more sophisticated weapons to require tiered licenses and longer wait times. Think of it like a driver’s license. You start with a learner’s permit, which requires supervision and carries restrictions as far as usage. Typically, after six months and “x” number of training hours, you test for a full license.
Even that license is technically not all inclusive. You can’t drive a motorcycle nor a semi. That would require further licensing and testing. Apply similar logic to guns. Some hand guns, shotguns and rifles would be in the basic tier of licensing. But, there’d be a wait time, perhaps two years, to attempt to get a license for something like an AK.
There’s a way to provide for greater safety and not eliminate the rights of those that would like to own guns. That tiering alone would’ve prevented some of the mass shootings because it eliminates impulse buying with the intent to harm. I’ve not heard of many shooters that planned for years…
The basic test(s) you go through are seemingly fine for low capacity non-semiautomatic arms, like a hand gun for instance.
I’d prefer more sophisticated weapons to require tiered licenses and longer wait times. Think of it like a driver’s license. You start with a learner’s permit, which requires supervision and carries restrictions as far as usage. Typically, after six months and “x” number of training hours, you test for a full license.
Even that license is technically not all inclusive. You can’t drive a motorcycle nor a semi. That would require further licensing and testing. Apply similar logic to guns. Some hand guns, shotguns and rifles would be in the basic tier of licensing. But, there’d be a wait time, perhaps two years, to attempt to get a license for something like an AK.
There’s a way to provide for greater safety and not eliminate the rights of those that would like to own guns. That tiering alone would’ve prevented some of the mass shootings because it eliminates impulse buying with the intent to harm. I’ve not heard of many shooters that planned for years…
nudistsueaz · 61-69, F
NO, not at all.

I agree with you shooting a gun is a Sport not a red flag that is crazy.
icedsky · 51-55, M
I'm sure that it is just one out of hundreds of Red Flags that user has for themselves.
pdockal · 56-60, M
Just the opposite
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BigandHard1 · 36-40, M
Hell no. Plenty of law abiding citizens enjoy target practice and never hurt anybody. Some people are brainwashed by the Left Wing Agenda.
WowwGirl · 36-40, F
@BigandHard1 I think he was foreign
BigandHard1 · 36-40, M
@WowwGirl who?
BohemianBabe · M
Nah, but I get why people can think that. American gun culture has a lot of cringe.
braveheart21 · 61-69, M
Enjoying shooting is perfectly ok.... The choice of target is dubious in lot's of cases tho...
Dave1955 · 61-69, M
If he/she was an American yes! They don't know what paper targets are for
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WandererTony · 56-60, M
Nah. Enjoying shooting has nothing to do with the gun permissions.
WowwGirl · 36-40, F
@WandererTony what I thought
Roundandroundwego · 61-69
Yes. The fabulous success of the culture of violence notwithstanding.
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Virgo79 · 61-69, M
Typical child minded comment
MasterLee · 56-60, M
It is a red flag when people have irrational fear of weapons they obviously have no understanding of.
Quimliqer · 70-79, M
Leftists need to be avoided!!
There is difference between shooting and killing.

MasterLee · 56-60, M
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Reason10 · 70-79, M
@Reason10 By the way, I do not like guns. I do not like shooting (maybe because the gun is so damned loud and I can't hit the side of a barn.) I don't like the idea of being in a room with something able to inflict such efficient death.
But I don't hold everybody else to my views. The Second Amendment exists and my neighbors can own cannons and machine guns for all I care.
But I don't hold everybody else to my views. The Second Amendment exists and my neighbors can own cannons and machine guns for all I care.