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It’s impossible to call yourself a patriot with any conviction if you hate half of the people in the country for voting differently to you.

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MoveAlong · 70-79, M
Those who would support and try to return an insurrectionist to office are not patriots. Make no mistake he was attempting to usurp power from the legitimately elected president.
MoveAlong · 70-79, M
Reason10 · 70-79, M
@Reason10 [media=https://youtu.be/YPt4ulVGGDE]
@Reason10 says
Biden did NOT win that election.

Trump brought SIXTY ONE court cases at different levels in different states with different teams of lawyers, and NONE of them found any evidence of significant election fraud. NONE of them.

Trump also asked his attorney general (and one of his staunchest allies), William Barr, to have the 112,000 member Dept of Justice look into election fraud. I don't know how many members were assigned to look for fraud, but with 112,000 members they have plenty of resources. Barr told the AP that U.S. attorneys and FBI agents have been working to follow up specific complaints and information they’ve received, but “to date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election.”

But wait! There's more!!

In the days after his 2020 loss, Trump's campaign commissioned two different independent firms to look into 2020 election fraud: Simpatico Software, headed by Ken Block, and Berkeley Research Group. Neither found any significant fraud.

In the months after Biden took power, the republican states of Arizona and Georgia carried out very careful hand recounts and examinations of voter rolls, including the notorious Arizona "Cyber Ninja" hand count. Both found no significant fraud and no signs of funny business.

Ariz. hand count https://azsos.gov/election/2020-general-election-hand-count-results
Georgia signature audit https://www.ajc.com/politics/no-fraud-georgia-audit-confirms-authenticity-of-absentee-ballots/QF2PTOGHLNDLNDJEWBU56WEQHM/
Georgia Independent machine audit https://www.wrcbtv.com/story/42925055/no-sign-of-foul-play-found-in-audit-of-georgias-voting-machines
Mich: https://www.michigan.gov/som/0,4669,7-192-47796-553386--,00.html
Georgia: https://www.ajc.com/politics/no-fraud-georgia-audit-confirms-authenticity-of-absentee-ballots/QF2PTOGHLNDLNDJEWBU56WEQHM/
Arizona https://apnews.com/article/technology-biden-cabinet-arizona-phoenix-elections-b59f85b6e917e91a40dc8e99bcab480a
Penn https://www.inquirer.com/news/pennsylvania/spl/pa-election-results-risk-limiting-audit-results-limitations-20210310.html

But wait! There's more!!

Additional "rigged election" claims have evaporated under scrutiny.

(1) Mike Lindell? Lost to his own "prove me wrong" thing.
(2) Mark Meadows? Recanted under oath.
(3) Sydney "Kracken" Powell? Recanted under oath.
(4) Kenneth Chesebro? Recanted under oath.
(5) Rudy Giuliani? Convicted of defamation.
(6) Vote counting machines? They match hand counts.
(7) 2000 Mules? Source "True the Vote" refuses to back up any of their claims in court, despite subpoenas.
(8) Fox News paid out $787,500,000 because they couldn't support their claims of election fraud. $787,500,000 - that ain't pocket change. A business doesn't pay out $787,500,000 for defamation without first spending millions to see if there might be a shred of support for what its people said; to find some excuse for why it's not defamation.

Source info for all points available upon request.

So there you have it, @Reason10. There's no rational reason to believe Trump's lies about a "rigged" or "stolen" election. Evidence for it doesn't exist. Now I know all these investigations won't change the minds of cult members, but an immunity to evidence is one of the ways you know you're in a CULT!!!
MoveAlong · 70-79, M
@ElwoodBlues Good try Elwood. But I believe this is above @Reason10s comprehension level and his vocabulary is pretty thin. He does specialize in four letter words though. NAZI being his go to today.
AndysAttic · 56-60, M
People are different...What separates us from lentils is to understand that not everybody has the same views.
nudistsueaz · 61-69, F
This administration has had their turn to do something for the country and it's citizens. The citizens and the country are much worse off now, pure fact.
kutee · 22-25
a patriot loves his country, not the peoiple
@kutee The people are the country.
@AMelancholyHaunting you can still love your country with the people going bad. Non Nazi Germans still loved their country and their heritage while denouncing Nazi supporters.
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
Good point.
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
I'm speaking as an outsider here but there are (at least) two different visions of what America is or should be. You can even talk of two incomparable understandings of reality.

I'm one for constructive dialogue and I don't hate people for their political beliefs outside of outright fascists.

To some degree, the antagonism in American politics is kind of rational.

If you think Biden stole the election, that the great replacement theory is true and that Trump is the man to save America, you aren't going to like Democrats.

If you think that Trump is a threat to American democracy, that he's in league with Putin and that Project 2025 will effectively end the constitution, then you aren't going to like Democrats.

There must be so many nasty family arguments about politics in America.
Vin53 · M
There must be so many nasty family arguments about politics in America.

Not so much since my divorce.
Convivial · 26-30, F
It's a paradox beyond their understanding
@Convivial I know so
@Convivial In the 90's there was a movie called Flashback, with Kiefer Sutherland and Dennis Hopper, near the end of the movie there's a speech that pretty much sums it all up.
Reason10 · 70-79, M
Well said.

Things get more complicated when the other side threatens to put you in a shallow ditch for having a different view of the country.
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow Neither side has clean hands.
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@SlaveEt Exactly
Northwest · M
Goes with the territory. The ticket you're voting for is telling you to hate the other half, and if you buy that, then you're buying that the other part of the country is not patriotic enough, or not patriotic at all.
Vin53 · M
Normally that would hold true, but a 34 felony convicted rapist is a bridge too far sorry.
Reason10 · 70-79, M
@Vin53 LEGALLY ELECTED TRUMP was not charged or convicted of rape. And those bogus felonies will be overturned on appeal because (a) he is innocent,and (b) that NAZI New York court violated the rules of criminal procedure.
Unholymanswers · 26-30, M
I don’t hate people that vote differently or have different views. I hate people that enforce their ideas knowing that they’re destructive to the country.
MasterLee · 56-60, M
It is when half ran away into communism
Jaego · 100+
That’s true.

And people are going to hate you for saying it.
What if the people I despise are a small but loud minority and they want to eliminate the principles that my country was built on for no other reason than to make everyone miserable?
Reason10 · 70-79, M
@BohemianBabe Not possible. You disagree with EVERYONE IN THE UNITED STATES WHO HAS A JOB.
@Reason10 You're saying I disagree with myself?
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pancakeslam · 41-45, M
yes and it makes even less sense if you're running for the vice presidency
zonavar68 · 56-60, M
But isn't that pretty normal in a highly secular state like the USA? Thank fark Australia is nothing like the toxic religiousness of that country.
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Do you truly and honestly believe leftist dems want to preserve and defend the US Constitution? NO, they're constantly wanting to rewrite it, claiming it's a "living document" and that "it's not set in stone".
swirlie · F
If you believe what you say is true, then it will remain forever true for you until you change your mind about what you perceive to be the truth.
@swirlie Back in 2019, in a small middle of nowehere town in iowa, of less than 450 people living there, close to where I'm currenly living less than an hour away, an older Lady that was the bank manager was unlocking the door was ambushed, shot, and killed, by an out of state thug intent on ransacking the bank vault. Crime happens where and when you least expect it.
@swirlie Beermeplease asked me to ask you to unblock him.
Reason10 · 70-79, M
Trump never said that. In fact, he said "I LOVE THE POORLY EDUCATED."

That pretty much covers EVERY DEMONAZI in America.
@Reason10 The poorly educated are the Trump base. But since you flunked out of school I get how you missed that.
zonavar68 · 56-60, M
@Reason10 Trump also famously said 'I Love Wikileaks!'.
@Reason10 I never said Trump said that - I said it.

If you turn up on one of my posts with another half baked thought again I’ll remove your replies. I’m not accommodating oxygen thieves.

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