I used to have a strong sense of home. But places aren’t the same once the people who made them special are long gone. PINNED
Has Trump considered people don’t buy American because the product isn’t that good anymore?Who’s going to buy a Tesla when decent European and Asian manufacturers make much better cars?
So the next time there’s a 9/11 or an attack on US soil, should we follow Trumps example and ignore it because it isn’t happening to us?
Living a memory for all time.There are things that tie us to a place. Some remain tethered to a patch of land. A time and date. The spilling of blood. A terrible crime. But there are others. Others that hold onto an emotion. A drive. Loss. Revenge. Or love. Those, they never go... See More »
Is having mental health issues a solid reason for routinely treating people like shit, while not expecting to be held accountable for it?
Aren’t you ever suspicious of people who are telling you exactly what you want to hear?Whether it’s a positive comment about who you’re going to vote for, or a negative comment about those you stand apart from. Do you consider yourself to be easily manipulated?
It’s impossible to call yourself a patriot with any conviction if you hate half of the people in the country for voting differently to you.
Democrats don’t seem to understand that the more “bad boy points” Trump accrues, the more support he gets from RepublicansNot that it matters. In an election of these two candidates, whoever wins Americans lose.
I will be the last generation of my family. Nobody could have predicted this series of twists and turns. It all stops when I turn out the light.
I’ve no idea what I’m supposed to be doing with the second half of my life.Im a guy in his early forties. I’m happily married. I don’t have children - my wife didn’t want any. I have an okay job and I own a modest home. I used to have the best time with my friends. Three or four times a year the five of us would meet up... See More »
Where is your sanctuary?Is it place, a person, a song or piece of music? An activity or an interest? What quiets your mind and settles your heart?
When you decide to move on, how did you do it?Whether it was a group of people, a place or a period of your life - how did you move on, and what did you move on to?