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Americans, Whatever You Do, Do NOT Re-elect Joe Biden!

For the sake of all of us, for those who don't live in the USA but will nevertheless be affected by this decision, do NOT restore that evil regime.
You may not like D. Trump, but he is by far the lesser of the two evils. A vote for Biden is a vote for more multiculturalism, open borders, national humiliation, the destruction and devaluation of the dollar, the undermining of the family, atheism, communism, and every other insidious evil you can imagine. The fate of the world hinges on this, so take a side but make sure it's the side of peace, prosperity and God.
Now, before anyone says something like, "But you're not American, so why do you care?", all I can say is that you just do not understand how something like this can, and will, affect the rest of the world. Just think of how humiliating it was when you had to leave Afghanistan to the Taliban, after 20 wasted years of fighting in that country. It was all for nothing!
Let's Go Brandon!

Edit: Looks like I really upset the Democrat AI bots here. Good. I hope their irrational anger causes them to blow a fuse. 😂
Repete · 61-69, M
I would vote bugs bunny before I would vote for rump.
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
@Bellatrix2024 There are two biological sexes, gender is different and since gender isn't biological sex it can be infinite.
Bellatrix2024 · 22-25
@SatanBurger Nothing within physical reality is actually infinite, not even the universe itself, and there actually is a correlation at least between biological sex and what people these days like to call "gender". An infinite number of genders is simply impossible.
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
@Bellatrix2024 Biologists describe biological sex and gender as two different things and if you did research on gender you'd probably understand.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
The hyperbole, especially the attempted religious items, such as....

.... undermining of the family, atheism, communism, and every other insidious evil you can imagine. The fate of the world hinges on this, so take a side but make sure it's the side of peace, prosperity and God.

...hardly helps your case, but you do raise an important point.

What the US Government does within the USA is purely the Americans' business, but its foreign policy, actions, responsibilities and abilities are hugely significant internationally.

The USA likes to think herself the "leader of the free world", a concept tyrannical governments despise; she is the leader of NATO, and an active member of the UN and its bodies, the ISO and a huge raft of other international co-operative bodies, and it is easy to overlook this in all the fuss and palaver best summed up the gimmicky phrase "campaign trail" with its "TV debates" (that are not debates) and such rhubarb.

So which of these two men becomes President of the USA, does matter to most of the rest of the world. Yet one is already noted abroad for poor diplomatic skills, and now has a criminal record; the other is innocent in law and more competent internationally but comes over as now unable to cope properly with such roles and even failed to challenge his opponent's wrong or false claims on a TV show.-

They can be elected only by their own fellow-citizens whose choice is limited to either of only two Parties and abstention, the last helping no-one). Elected to posts from which they cannot be removed until the next end-of-term; in a country whose internal arguments have become ever more divided and divisive.

I do not know how much the quarrels on this site reflect Americans' political feelings and comprehension generally; and the number of Americans using SW must be tiny fraction of the country's adult population anyway.

Nevertheless what is striking is the almost complete lack among them here, of any real understanding, analysis, balance, nuance and compromise. The way that such discussions often degenerate into mere insult-swapping highlights that.

Whilst other threads suggest many Americans do not really know much about the rest of the world, making me wonder what they are taught in school history and geography lessons, and if they are properly served in documentaries and current-affairs by their mainly-commercial Press and broadcasters. This is shown on SW for example by Americans apparently thinking "Europe" is a single country.


Americans, I would urge you for your own and our other countries' sake to vote, not abstain or play that silly "tactical voting" game*; but to think your choice carefully, rise above the emotions, divisions and insults, and vote honestly for the President and Party you consider sincerely might be the better at home.

Not only at home. I know many of you have little interest in other countries, and some might not even care, but please do think also who may be the better for America's policies, relationships, arrangements and reputation abroad. Don't forget your enemies as well as friends are watching you - and you have plenty of both among all the other nations around the world.

(Including the nearly thirty separate, highly-individual countries that comprise "Europe"!)


*I am not sure if you can vote "tactically" between only two parties or candidates. It is believed in by some British voters, but Britons have several Parties, including three secessionists, to choose between.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@gol979 Policy difference/ A good question! The two main parties are not ever so far apart, or at least overlap.

It is hard to know because whenever interviewed they spend more time rubbishing their opponents than explaining what they intend.

I don't believe Scotland and Wales can effectively run as independent countries. Scotland would have the better chance but I doubt neither would be able to generate enough income to operate alone as fully-fledged nations.

Taxes are "theft" are they? Oh dear, so I have been educated, had two surgical operations and other medical treatment, was paid when in government employment, now draw a pension, am able to drive on at least reasonable roads..... on the proceeds of crime, then? Perhaps I'd better pay it all back.
gol979 · 41-45, M
@ArishMell so no difference then. My point exactly.

i will let you tell the welsh and the scottish people that you dont think they can look after themselves.

And its a shame you think tax is magic and provides all those benefits. I know its hard but you could have the same outcome without taxes.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@gol979 Obviously the Scots and Welsh who want independence genuinely do believe they can make it work, but so far at least there has been precious little on how, from the two Parties concerned. Scotland may have the better chance. They already have a lot of devolved authority, creating pointless differences in laws and policies between all three countries.

I don't know the figure for Wales but the pro/anti independence feeling among Scots seems very nearly 50/50, or at least has been for a long time.


Since when have I ever said tax is "magic"?

. Of course it damn' well isn't and no-one likes paying even their fair share,. but how else can any nation, especially in an increasingly complex and difficult, interconnected world, function without any sort of government and any sort of formal revenue to run and pay for all the services and functions necessary?
Elessar · 26-30, M
* This paid political advertisement was paid for by mr. Vladimir Putin, Vosdvizhenka str. 1, Moscow 121019 (Russia) for P̵u̵t̵i̵n̵/Trump for America, 2024
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Elessar · 26-30, M
@Bellatrix2024 Again, shut up Vladimir.

Pointing out that your beloved dictatorial regime is meddling with western politics isn't "phobia".
They're GREAT leaders, and I support Victor Orban too.

I figured.
Bellatrix2024 · 22-25
@BohemianBoo Well, of course I'll support leaders who are actually LEADERS, and not sell-outs to the WEF (like Justine Trudeau).
Bellatrix2024 · 22-25
@BohemianBoo Russ-i-ya! Russ-i-ya!
HeadGirl · 41-45, F
Americans, whatever you do, do NOT re-elect Donald Trump. You may not like Joe Biden, but he is by far the lesser of the two evils.
MartinII · 70-79, M
@HeadGirl But that's hardly the point, if Biden really is as incapacitated as he appeared in the debate, and nevertheless manages to stand.
TrashCat · M
Calling Biden evil is hyperbole. I watched trump spit lie after lie. All documented and fact checked by me in real time. With that said,Biden look very old and I will still vote for Kamala Harris via proxy
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@TrashCat not just lies, but still spouts the same anti-democratic vitriol
@TrashCat Yeah, it's fine to criticize Biden, but when people say he's evil, or he's the worst president in history, they're obvi just being bad faith.
ron122 · 41-45, M
@BohemianBoo 🤣🤣🤣
Jennster · 18-21, F
and he’s so old and creepy. he is as strong as a piece of paper
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
@Bellatrix2024 And I'll vote for Biden again too
Jennster · 18-21, F
@Pikachu that’s whataboutism - Do the Dems really have no one else?
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Biden bombed a pipeline in Europe to secure the dollar, Biden definitely cancelled human rights at your borders to keep people out - drilling and killing are at record highs - nobody thinks conservatives can do much differently, and Trump will definitely be just the same kind of conservative as Biden. But people should think that Biden is the left. That way only death and conservatives can win.
Elessar · 26-30, M
@Roundandroundwego Yeah Russian missiles landing on civilians in Ukraine are doing wonders for the ecosystem instead
@Elessar US gave Ukraine the missiles and they shot them on a beach in Crimea, killing seven civilians who dared to be on the beach - two days ago. Nice.
Elessar · 26-30, M
@Roundandroundwego No, Russian AA shot those when they were above the beach and the debris fell on people.

But please, keep repeating Putin's propaganda like a parrot.
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
The outcome of the election will affect the rest of the world, that is why many of us take an interest in it. A Trump presidency is likely to result in American isolationism, uncertain commitment to Europe, and reckless disregard for the norms of international law and diplomacy at a time of heightened insecurity.

Please do not drag God into politics, that is too desperate 😞
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
Fyi, everyone.

Trump is much more unpopular outside the US than Biden. Only the real hard right in Europe has any time for Trump.

Biden's debate performance notwithstanding.
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
@Illyria It's obvious that the OP is a rightwing conspiracy theorist.

But yes, Biden needs to convince American floating voters that he has the physical and mental health for the job. That's probably impossible now.
@Burnley123 clearly a paid shill. But yes, I think Biden has lost now if he continues as president.
MartinII · 70-79, M
@Burnley123 That's certainly true, but I think Trump's unpopularity in Europe is based very largely on his personality and behaviour (with good reason, obviously) much less on any opinions about or even knowledge of the candidates' policies.
Morvoren · F
Otherwise you’ll cry?

This is desperate stuff 😂
Morvoren · F
@Bellatrix2024 I doubt it. Americans are not the world. Just a loud mouthed 300 million in a world of 8 billion.
Bellatrix2024 · 22-25
@Morvoren Yes, BUT what happens over there affects the rest of us. That's extremely unfortunate, but true.
Morvoren · F
@Bellatrix2024 Only if you choose to participate.
Why would anyone vote for a convicted felon with three more trials to go?
Pliz to tell Comrade Putin he need employ better trollings.
Oh how terribly emotional people get when the dog whistles start blowing during an election year. Keep blowing buddy. It suits you
Bellatrix2024 · 22-25
@samueltyler2 The 6th of Jan. was just a case of a few misguided, lost souls who should have known better than to fall into a Democrat-Communist trap.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@Bellatrix2024 how many pleaded guilty to a riot? how many police officer were injured and or died as a consequence?
Bellatrix2024 · 22-25
@samueltyler2 Zero, and zero again.
Hi Igor! How is the weather in Moscow today?
Elessar · 26-30, M
@Bellatrix2024 Weren't you Australian just a few replies ago?
Bellatrix2024 · 22-25
@Elessar Yes, Australian. But also Austrian, English and Hungarian.
Bellatrix2024 · 22-25
Was born in England to an Austrian mother, Hungarian father, and we moved to Australia and I now have citizenship.
ron122 · 41-45, M
Democrat voters aren't very smart so it's a hard sell to get them to see what's actually going on with the democrat party.
@ron122 Americans in general don't want Trump or Biden and would rather have other choices. But the oligarchs are completely safe from such busy and obedient slaves.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@ron122 on the other hand, we all see clearly what has happened to the Republican party!
Repete · 61-69, M
@ron122 same for the republicans it’s a sad day when both sides are supposed to be working together for the country but instead are blindly being led to destruction.
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
I'll vote for Biden. I'd rather have Andrew Yang but the world isn't ready for him. I'd rather honestly have someone that doesn't talk about immigrants the way Trump does regardless of Biden's physical health.
Kwek00 · 41-45, M
@specman They even put "constitution" in a bigger font. The irony is strong in that one.
gol979 · 41-45, M
How about not voting and giving your consent for evil or lesser evil (still evil) to have authority over you?
Convivial · 26-30, F
I think you swallowed too much cool aid
Bellatrix2024 · 22-25
@Convivial What's cool aid? I don't drink alcohol.
Rolexeo · 26-30, M
I just want affordable living, for there not to be a war, and the border crisis fixed.
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
You like being in the Cult of the Orange Dictator Wannabe, eh?
trollslayer · 46-50, M
Traumatic brain injury?
Bellatrix2024 · 22-25
@trollslayer That might be what Joe has. Who really knows?
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Bellatrix2024 · 22-25
@Kwek00 Wow. You've been brainwashed really well by the corporate, mainstream media. You should be their spokesman or something, for how effective it can be.
Kwek00 · 41-45, M
@Bellatrix2024 I guess you haven't really been paying attention.

I also wonder how many people I need to explain too, that if you want to know what Donald Trump trully is. You don't need to watch anything else then his speeches. For people like yourself, I would advice you to read his speeches instead of listening to him. When you have to read, and the intonations are gone and the lemmings aren't clapping on the background... it might be a bit more easy for you to focus on the substance instead of being blinded by that charismatic effect that he has on segment of populus.
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