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Conservative Parents with liberal adult kids

Just curious if other Conservative parents have watched their adult kids become worldly liberals. It breaks my heart because of how opposite the values they have adopted. I am grieving the conservatives they once were until they went to college and became surrounded by liberal coworkers. I am glad they are their own people with their own ideology.
But we were called racist, bigot, and facist which is extremely predictable rhetoric. We just do not like the direction this country is headed.
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Ducky · 31-35, F Best Comment
This makes me thankful my parents taught me how to think and not what to think.
RosaMarie · 41-45, F
@Ducky BC is well deserved. Makes me feel like the novel I wrote for a reply was a waste of time.

Dshhh · M
it will never be 1900 again nor should it be
Even if the maga-right has a full scaled armed revolution, fulfilling their passion for Bloodshed and revenge.
You liberal children have adopted kindness,, inclusion, liberty for all.
They will never condemn the poor, as weak and lazy
They will be happy when the might of the world will feed the hungry , house the destitute, and raise up their brothers and sisters, as Jesus taught
They will work for a better world, one that looks to a future, of generosity, instead of a past of second class citizens, women and darker people as servants and slaves, the property of the powerful
They will make a better world, not recreate the horrors of empire, dominion, and oppression.
thanks your lucky stars
Dshhh · M
@Midlifemale yes, I am sure you think so
you and yours are clear in what you want
a return to the golden age when women had to sty home and shut up where Darkies could be serfs and brown people stayed out of the way
Lynching and queer bashing are what you want
and you want this because you cant compete.
because you and your ways are old and dying
all we have to do is wait. so many of your power chair bound giant truck driving , lite beer swilling fear-alls continue to die at an advance rate
@ Mid lie Female
reflectingmonkey · 51-55, M
@Dshhh I find it interesting to watch this conversation, you express clear ideas and describe why you think the way you think and your detractors can't find anything intelligent to respond, just vague insults like" that's just stupid what you just said" or " countries going down because of all that liberal crap". they don't even realize how incapable they are of formulating an actual intelligent sentence. conservatism is a mental illness, really, its a lack of neuroplasticity and critical thinking. keep in mind you are talking to people who think the bible makes sense. I used to believe, when I was 12, then realized the whole thing makes no sense for so many reasons its not even funny but try to explain that to them and a little voice in their head goes "lalalalalallalalalalala" to block out what you are saying, they cant even reflect on the words and come up with an idea, they'll just quote the bible.
Dshhh · M
@reflectingmonkey all you say is true🙄
Gloomy · F
We just do not like the direction this country is headed.

You dislike the strawmans you build or fell for. The majority of issues conservatives talk about are entirely fabricated and detached from reality or their ideas of solutions are not real solutions but would just make things worse.

If you look at core tenents of fascist ideology MAGA fits the definition and the whole stupid "culture war" is proof there are bigots and liars at the forefront of the conservative movement.
Gloomy · F
@GoingDownSouth you would probably call any shift in culture or society "communism" 😂
Gloomy · F
@Gloomy You are so juvenile. I'm tired of talking a wall. Goodbye.
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
In the normal order of things, conservatism is a habit that is acquired later in life as people accumulate and hoard wealth and adjust their world view to justify this. Liberalism (as in free thinking and generosity towards one's neighbour) is a wholly understandable stance for young people to take.
In the normal order of things, conservatism is a habit that is acquired later in life as people accumulate and hoard wealth and adjust their world view to justify this.

That is a really interesting point- boomers justifying multiple houses, etc.
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revenant · F
@jshm2 In Canada ? In the UK ? where and when ?
DearAmbellina2113 · 41-45, F
This always baffles me. Lol

So you sent them away to college to become informed and educated about the world, but when this information changes them and takes them beyond the bubble you raised them in, it breaks your heart? 🤔

How about keeping them safe on the old farm forever then? Let them settle for staying inside that closed off bubble with you. Forget education, they won't need it when they're tucked away in Podunkville with you. 🙂
HannibalAteMeOut · 22-25, F
@DearAmbellina2113 I like how they don't see the irony in saying "college indoctrinates them to become more progressive". Ever occur to them that they are conservative because they are uneducated?
Scribbles · 36-40, F
I have conservative parents. We attempt to listen carefully to each other when politics come up.

I would never call my parents racist, bigoted, or fascist. But sometimes they do express views that are quite racist, bigoted or fascist. It's not rhetoric, it's the truth.
They are also good hearted people deep down. Those views are paper thin and shallow, but are often stated with a lot of anger or blame behind them. It usually doesn't take much to flip their solution of wanting to be a Karen or a bully or support oppression or guns or crap economic policies by pointing how something that would fix the solution in a positive way.

Usually it is because they do not like the direction that the country is taking....or supermarket, or neighborhood, or a school or the world, or people or atheists or immigrants, or LGBTQ+ people or whatever is taking or that is different..
however that does not excuse them acting racist, bigoted or fascist. I will listen to them express their view or concern. I often try to gently figure out what the actual problem is, and help them find a solution and gently help them recognize that we all need to share the world and that involves living, working together and that we all have equal human rights.

I think more and more people will become democrats as generations go by, unless republicans completely change many of the things they stand for.

I think it is a blessing to have children that want to raise up and work for a better world that cares about everyone's safety, healthcare, inclusion, housing, kindness, human rights for all, equality, and liberty rather then a few.
Scribbles · 36-40, F
@BritishFailedAesthetic My parents did expect me to be independent, smart, become a good person and have a good heart. They did make sacrifices, though I can't say their parenting was great. They did the best they could like anyone I suppose.

I expect them to be good people too. I would not abandon them just because they slip up and say something mean and horrible. Though I can acknowledge that it was mean and horrible. And expect them and help them to take ownership of their behavior and words and be better then that and not justify their own bad behavior.

Listening first is a fundamental skill.
Holding up a mirror is more effective then calling names. Encouraging human decency and kindness and active solutions to fix problems rather then oppressing others does work. I'd want someone to do the same for me, if I lost my way.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@Scribbles Very good points. I am not American nor do I live in America so I don't take any "liberal" or "democratic" side in the context of US politics; but understanding each others' points of view goes a long way to defusing the anti-social "-isms",
Amylynne · 26-30, F
@Scribbles We agree on so much
I wish Conservative still meant, careful and prudent without our public resources, wary of international intrigue, and cautious with th economy
and that Liberal still meant generous, welcoming, and an eye out for the little guy

the US is/was supposed to be a Democratic Republic
Republic, from the Latin res Publica, A public affair.
thus the nation, A republic openly runs the government, For the benefit of the people
And Democracy dēmokratía, dēmos, people , kratos, rule.
thus the nation, a Democracy is ruled BY those people

Democratic Republic is there a nation, Openly operated for the benefit of it's citizenry where all citizens choose together, how tat nations should be Openly Operated
hmm Open Source Government?
Ryannnnnn · 31-35, M
Why is that?. People having more progressive values and being more conscious of how the world has become the way it has will lead to the betterment of it. You can't stop progression, though that is analogous to conservatism in a way.

Conservatives need to have something worth conserving first, you can't cling to what was, things will always change. I consistently hear about people's complaints about left leaning people, yet I myself and those I know are good people who question things and just want the world to be better. We're frustrated and disappointed with what has been. I'm more morally Christian than a lot of "actual" Christians, yet I hear about my generation and gen z being terrible constantly by right wing papers and conservatives.

Your worries are unfounded, which is a good thing.
Ryannnnnn · 31-35, M
@Ryannnnnn honestly, knowing people laugh at this sentiment goes to show how bad it really has been. To be that cynical and apathetic to basic morality and observation goes to show how deep the rot really goes.

The selfishness of previous generations that has destroyed the planet and given children asthma from living in cities, created wealth disparity to obscene levels whilst calling those who don't share in that lazy or resentful etc. Etc etc.

So many just think of themselves, you're not Christians, you're fakes who enjoy the guise of one. You don't love your neighbour, you speak Ill of those you perceive as below you, it seems family values is true indeed, valuing nobody else, no thought for the future, no compassion for others. People like you are the reason Im not religious, I even saw it as a child. I'm so disappointed in all of those like that. I'm tired of being disappointed with people for such basic things.

They say the world is going in a bad direction, who's been steering the ship all this time?. Anyway, more a rant but an honest one.
RosaMarie · 41-45, F
As a recovering conservative, I want to address this. I went to a very liberal college. I spent my entire time in college and almost 20 years as an adult as a conservative. I still don't believe that the government is the answer to all problems. I even had a brief fling with the libertarian party before I realized they were all crazy.

That being said, I believe in the spirit of America and the American Dream with far more conviction than I would ever hold towards a political party. This means that the moral character of anyone holding office matters.

For this reason, when Trump and Hillary ran, I voted for Gary Johnson. That was the first time I stepped away from the R. Then Trump happened. He added 7+ trillion or 25% to the debt. He threatened rivals. He encouraged a coop and then delayed action to stop it. There has always been corruption at the highest levels of government. But Trump flaunted it and elevated it in ways that will be discussed in scholarly halls in the way that dictators from time beyond memory are discussed.

I don't say this lightly. This was recorded phone calls and video. This was sworn testimony from many of Trump's own staff. Trump is corrupt. His record was about at far from being fiscally conservative as any president has ever had.

And the cherry on top was his three court appointments rolling back 50 years of woman's rights. The only significant court reversal in US history which took away a right that was already granted. Ever.

So as adult in my late 30s and early 40s, I watched the party move farther away from the values they proclaimed. Give up whatever moral high ground they ever had. Work to erode rights that most woman alive don't ever remember not having.

Tell me again how it was the colleges that changed my mind. That's a cop out. The Trump platform isn't popular. The silent majority might have been true with Reagan. It's not true today. 60-70% of the country doesn't agree with the court on abortion. Most conservatives I know don't even know that Trump contributed more debt than any president ever because they are in a media bubble. When I can convince them to look it up, they are stunned.

I might vote for a conservative again. If there is such a thing. But a current Republican. Not a chance.
Graylight · 51-55, F
@RosaMarie Thank you for sharing your experience and thoughts. Until we can acknowledge our weaknesses, they'll never be addressed. I promise you there are Democrats who are growing disillusioned with the party's remarkable tendency to hope problems away.

I'm a Democrat on almost every level, but I hope sincerely that the Republican party comes to its senses. Not all ideas are bad, and it's only by working from multiple perspectives that the best solutions come. There are Republicans I would vote for, but until this part is straightened out from the self-defeating, aggressive and willfully cruel and ignorant outlaws who have seized control, I don't see any benefit in supporting them on any level.

We need to start working with each other, not fighting. Not approaching aggressively, refusing to even listen, but by discussing weaknesses and strengths and mistakes and progress. Democrat does not equal bad and Republican does not equal bad. We'd do well to stop acting like 5th graders at recess and get to some workable middle ground.
Definition of Conservatism:

The paranoid fear that somewhere, somehow, someone you think is inferior is being treated as your equal.
Silla71 · 51-55, F
Thank you all....
I wrote that when my frustration was fresh. 🥴 I absolutely adore the adults they have become. I am a very lucky Mom. The dust settled overnight. We're able to put aside our political views and I'm happy knowing they are their own people (fine ones at that).
My bit thing is the force fed sexual identity obsession with kids. The normalization of thing's confusion to a child's brain development being introduced and encouraged. It's confusing and unnecessary. I played hot wheels with the neighbor boys. Making tracks and tunnels in the dirt for the cars were the best! I wore my heehaw overalls out and LOVED mud so much so that I had a designated "mud dress". I'm thankful my parents didn't plant the seed in my head I might be confused because of that. I am all woman yet I like bugs, reptiles, fishing and camping. But I'm feminine too. Never once questioned my sexual identity. Married to hubby for 32 years.
My long winded point is it appears that mainly left wingers are rushing to suggesting to their kids they must be confused and are encouraging them to question or exposing them to LGBT+ community asap. Jumping the gun to help them choose their gender. Making it almost a mission to hyper focus about it. My kids see no problem with a lot of that. They don't have kids themselves so no doubt they will have strong convictions about certain things as they watch the world interact from a parent's perspective someday.
Indoctrination begins at a young age. The participation trophy has driven the country into a downward spiral of entitlement.
dale74 · M
I had one and I sat him down and said I am glad he has embraced souch a world view. Then I said can you enlighten me on some things?
Who pays your tuition?
Who pays your apartment?
Who pays for your car?
Your health insurance?
Your clothes?

Any you called me what again a bigot racist fascist.

Let's see you are not my biological son as you like to remind me
I am German and English decent.
You are Mexican and native American.
Have you met a loving caring liberal who loves you more than myself?
You have ok do you have their number.
You are 21 a sophomore in college. I think it is time you stand up and make a statement to help you I will no longer make you take my racist bigot money. Call them and tell them you need a place to stay.
When you be one enlighten call me.
He slept on the carport that night I did give him a warm sleeping bag.
HannibalAteMeOut · 22-25, F
@dale74 blackmail them with money and then they might show you some (fake) respect. I guess nothing is more conservative than that.
dale74 · M
@HannibalAteMeOut no black mail I cut him off he did not respect the fact I had taken care of him ever since he was 15 never asked him for anything in return and he disrespected me for all I had done for him. Well he has that right just like I was not obligated to pay for all his needs and extras since he was over 21
Conservative parents have an uphill battle. The liberal path is an easy one to fall into especially what with all the technology stuck on the kids faces 24/7. Conservative values require that one separate themselves from the world which is becoming increasingly difficult in a world that requires one be digitally savvy to survive.
@hippyjoe1955 Good for you! You are a good person.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@GoingDownSouth There is no one good but God. I do what I can. I have seen the disaster the state has created by taking over the welfare of people. There are more homeless now than ever. Drug addiction is killing more people than disease. Property crime is through the roof. Ever wonder why?
@hippyjoe1955 I know why. The politicians likw people to be dumb and distracted.
vorian · 51-55, M
The one constant thing in this world is (rather ironically) change. Everything always changes. You can either embrace that or moan about it....either way its going to happen.
carpediem · 61-69, M
My kids came out of college as liberals. They indoctrinate students. Fortunately, after being in the real world for a number of years now, they're starting to see the world for what it is. They see the move towards communism by today's leftist democrats is hurting them and their growing families. They realize the BS they were fed about anyone with a different view was in fact... BS.
revenant · F
@carpediem I think they are gone far too on the left to be called Liberals.
Liberals are about difference of opinions, curiosity of what other people think, debates, respecting other people's choices and accepting others who are not conformists.
But now the left has become very authoritarian, full of diktats and prissy like old church women.
Dshhh · M
@carpediem nobody is seriously a communist anymore
look art"communist china"
more like China incorporated!
name a country that IS communist

not just one that says it is
carpediem · 61-69, M
@Dshhh I didn't mention a country. I said a "move towards communism" and I stand by that remark.
But we were called racist, bigot, and facist which is extremely predictable rhetoric.

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@BritishFailedAesthetic Not for leftists.
@SW-User If you mean it doesn't, I mean it only applies to the radical ones.
Graylight · 51-55, F
People you call woke and liberal fight for social justice and equality. They have the same core values as many conservatives; there’s no Pleasure Island enclave where we headquarter. We simply understand that life moves forward and time changes literally everything, even within a new generation. Managing life means managing the ebbs and flows of time. Otherwise, we could all be seeing our physicians for some bleeding and taking stage coaches for that road trip we’ve been planning.
My oldest started out on the left, but, as she has been out in the real world, she has moved farther and farther toward the middle. i wouldnt really classify her as a liberal or a conservative, as she is liberal on some issues and conservative on others.

the rest of my kids lean to the right.
revenant · F
My eldest son is a neo marxist. He went to university and got indoctrinated in all kinds of weirdo ideas. Looks like he got taught how to argue and win at all cost. Truth is certainly not of his concern lol🙂. It is all about winning and gaslighting people.
revenant · F
@BritishFailedAesthetic My parents are also conservatives but EXTRA conservatives and I ended up way more liberal. My parents were very stiff and authoritarian without any compassion with the refusal to understand that we were not in the Middle Ages anymore. I had to fight and struggle to get anything I wanted. They did not leave me anything so I have nothing to thank them for. They threw me out because I wanted to marry a Chinese man lol..🙄
@revenant Sorry to hear that. Really sad to hear you're having to deal with that problem in reverse 😞
Adstar · 56-60, M
@revenant They where in their own category... Called racist.. And you know that it does not matter if a person is on the left or on the right.. People from both sides can be racist..

I hope you ended up having a worthy marriage..
Everyone who has a relationship with their TV is under that spell
ArishMell · 70-79, M
Irrespective of the parties and their dogmas - or the insult-trading between too many followers on both sides - should you not instead exalt and praise these young people for having minds of their own?

For learning to think about and develop their own political beliefs instead of blindly believing as they are told to believe?

Even if you don't like what they come to believe?
Gloomy · F
@ArishMell The issue here is that she thinks Universities are places of indoctrination and doesn’t even realize that expecting kids to simply follow their parents beliefs and values, keeping them in a close minded bubble, is the real indoctrination.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@Gloomy Yes, a very good point!
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
Happens every December when kids return home from first semester of college.
fanuc2013 · 51-55, F
Many kids just want to rebel against their parents. I know of one family where the parents were liberals and their adult daughter was conservative. Years later the parents retired and became conservative, and the adult daughter switched to the liberal camp! My best friend has a daughter that goes the opposite of everything they say, no matter how trivial! If they say black, she says white, just because she can!
Adstar · 56-60, M
@fanuc2013 I have experienced that same illogical level of opposition in SW and other web sites.. If you take a position on something the other person will automatically oppose it simply because of who you are and what you believe.. It's insanity.. But it is real..
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It's happening throughout the western world
ViciDraco · 36-40, M
As a leftist, I will fully admit leftists and liberals are calling conservatives fascist, bigot, and racist too often. There is a difference between being something and enabling something. Most conservatives are not those things. But their presidential voting record shows they are willing to enable that thing.

The problem comes because when they see you vote for someone, they believe you are endorsing their behaviors. Or at the very least, willing to accept them and look the other way to get something else you want.

Donald Trump is a Fascist. Or, at least he plays one on TV. You do not need a holocaust to be a fascist. Fascism is a form of authoritarian right-wing government.

Donald Trump has a history of racist- seeming actions, and as such he could be a racist. I'm not so sure about that that one myself. I think he actually hates everyone who isn't himself. The old joke "I am not a bigot, I hate everybody!" definitely seems applicable.

Ron DeSantis, whom I am picking on because I am from Florida, is both a Fascist and a Bigot.

It is entirely possible that people do not like that these two men have these traits but that they still vote for them because they are concerned about gun control, or taxes, or any number of republican policies.

But what your liberal and leftist friends and family see is essentially those people are saying "A fascist is better than a Democrat." Or "Lower taxes are more important than giving gay and trans people recognition and fair treatment under the law."

Whether those people like it or not, they have made a value judgement.

If somebody ran on a platform of "Free college and Free Healthcare" but they have also made statements that maybe it should be legal to eat babies, you can be damn sure people who were voting for the guy because of the college and Healthcare would be getting called baby eaters.
smiler2012 · 61-69
{@silla71] 🤷‍♂️like it or not they are showing freedom of expression and do not probably' like the way the conservative republicans are going too the right and where trump is taking them
RosaMarie · 41-45, F
For what it's worth, I stayed conservative through college and almost until I was 40. It wasn't the liberals that changed me. I was Trump and his cult.
@RosaMarie I was a Leftist before Trump, but I used to at least believe that Conservatives wanted what was best for the country and the world. I figured they just fell for the right-wing propaganda. But now I see that they really just want to harm people, nothing more.
I don't like the use of the word facist being thrown around, not a Conservative though.

Why were you called those three things?
Silla71 · 51-55, F
There was nothing pin pointing that made me understand that. Other than that is the favorite go put downs for not believing what they believe.
My husband and I have a problem with the whole transgender agenda with children. We do not believe this should be in school talked about. We don't believe anything should be taught in school, but core subjects and loving your friends. But to waive a Pride flag and have assemblies about it, especially in elementary school we just don't agree with it. We don't like Target store situation. Not a fan of what Bud light did, not happy that Disneyland put a man in a dress with a mustache named Nick in the Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo boutique. I just don't like how inundated this is becoming in our country. I feel like they're trying to indoctrinating to the point of making those who disagree are MAGA influenced. Why make it normal for our children to be over exposed to all things confusing for their age? That is what makes me a fascist, a bigot, and a racist? that throws me because we grew up overseas. We had friends of every color and from multiple cultures.
@Silla71 Well, despite differences of opinion I hope they don't forget who raised them and made sacrifices for them.

If they are not seeing you, I pray their hearts soften and they do.
Scribbles · 36-40, F
Mom, dad?! 🤣
Graylight · 51-55, F
And I'd like to say this as gently as I can, but historically the Republicans have demonstrably been discriminatory and bigoted. Trump is calling for the death of anyone who disagrees with him. That is fascism. Perhaps it's not predictable rhetoric; perhaps it's just repeating the truth.

That said, even with worry in your heart for them you've allowed your children to become who that are, not as you wish them to be. That's already head and shoulders above many parent. And you never have to stop guiding them.
Steve42 · 56-60, M
Our jobs didn't change. As parents we are supposed to love on them and offer advice, but only when they ask for it. And pray for them. Otherwise, I feel I'd be on a fools errand.
MotherifLLD · 36-40
I’m really sorry this has happened. I also shared my opinion on the border crisis and was told I’m a racist as her “partner.” Is an immigrant and how could I say such mean things. My heart is broken as I’m not a racist I care about our country and my daughter has chosen this partner that never shared the same political views and has brainwashed my daughter and now we are alienated. I’ve apologized and even apologized to the girl bit of course they are the victims. It’s so ridiculous how they think it’s delusional!
Midlifemale · 61-69, M
I am in a similar situation trying to keep our children going in the RIGHT direction and not the liberal idiotic ways this country is going.
TRUTH, FAMILY, LOVE, WORK HARD, GOOD EDUCATION, CHRISTIAN MORALS, and not cater to the LGBTQ, woke companies, political correctness, homeless everywhere, defund the police, high crime and transgender teachings and liberal ways and open borders... All bringing our country down fast.
Dshhh · M
christian values
to repeat and ho0e yo have an Answer not just a snarky come back
I will assume till you repudiate it that the values in this meme, are those you support
redredred · M
Don’t worry too much. Once they are forced to deal with reality the smart ones figure out that the leftist crap their worthless professors taught them is just that, crap.
Budwick · 70-79, M
@redredred I pray that you are correct.
I have adult children - teachers in the burbs of Chicago.

The crap is strong in them.
Fukfacewillie · 56-60, M
If you watch Fox News you have warped view of…everything.
Ynotisay · M
IF this post is real, which I doubt, I'm glad for your kids. Hope they became atheists too. Then they could live a life of morality, compassion, fearlessness and freedom. But I don't like the direction of the nation either. And that's because of religion, extremism and REALLY stupid, angry people looking to blame others for their own shit lives. Welcome to SW.
Renaci · 36-40
So you want your kids to be just as bad as you are. That is fucked up. And of course this is the first post of a new account. Trollllll.
Go Trump! Dyslexic Pussy Grabbers Untie!

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