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How to fix school shootings

The answer isn’t to ban assault rifles! The answer is simple you hire retired army vets for every public and private school in America. You heavily arm these army vets and I guarantee you won’t have another school shooting.
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@sunsporter1649 Deflection.
Do you believe that Marxists are behind LGBT rights? Yes or no?
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@BohemianBabe That scared, eh? Amusing
Entwistle · 56-60, M
After the Dunblane school shooting in Scotland the UK gun laws were tightened up. There hasn't been a mass school shootings since.
Just saying.
Entwistle · 56-60, M
@fanuc2013 We know that.
Which situation do you think is more likely to lead to a mass shooting?
A:Guns being legal and freely available.
B:Guns being illegal and not at all freely available?
acpguy · C
@Entwistle Guns will be easily available no matter what the laws state as there are so many currently in the hands of most the civilian population in the USA. No law is going to remove them in a short period of time. But if you had any common sense you would understand that common household materials, gardening supplies along with gasoline could cause a lot more deaths than any gun. I have had some training in that while working for the military and it is very easy to take out large numbers of people at schools or public events. Liberals / socialists like you have not much in the way of common sense and and have been brainwashed by fake news and governments and do not understand that they want to control people with the gun scare issues. More people are killed with clubs, knives, bombs, hands and feet than with guns in so called civilized countries and if you do not believe this then go to the FBI site and look it up.
Entwistle · 56-60, M
@acpguy I just know that people without guns can't shoot other people.
How many lives must be lost before you realise that? How many mass shootings are there in countries that allow people to own guns by comparison to countries that don't allow their people to own them?
RosaMarie · 41-45, F
I have been a conservative leaning libertarian most of my life. I want very much for us all to have more rights and more freedoms. That being said, I'm also an engineer. I study data all the time. I look into data for cause and effect. So let's talk and data, and let's talk about cause and effect.

Prior to 2008, it was very hard to get a semi automatic high capacity rifle like an AR-15. That year, the US supreme court ruled on the second amendment for the first time in 70 years. Prior to that, local laws and state laws limited some access to some guns. One of these laws was a federal ban on assault rifles.

In the 90s, there were around 100,000 of these guns sold each year. 2.8 million were sold in 2020. 1 million plus each year since 2015. That's not open for debate, it's just a fact. It doesn't care about what you or I feel.

In the same time frame, mass shootings have gone up. The numbers can change depending on the exact criteria you set to define a mass shooting. But regardless of the criteria, the trend always looks the same.

For reference:

As more high capacity semi automatic rifles are sold, the rate of mass shootings goes up. That's cause and effect. I spent most of my life wanting us all to be responsible. We should be mature enough to handle the great responsibility that comes with great freedom. Unfortunately, the data doesn't care about my feelings either. It's clear that we, as a society, are not better off with the freedom to own these kind of weapons. I am a gun owner. I love freedom. But I'm also very aware of data and bias. What I want and what I spent most of my life believing just isn't supported by data. We should not have to have daily mass shootings. We used to not have that.

When the gun laws changed, the danger to society changed. We tried to show that we were responsible enough to have unlimited access to guns of all types. We tried, but we failed. We need to be honest with ourselves and follow the data. The data says that if we limit the sale of certain kinds of weapons, we will return to a time when these shootings were the rare tragedies instead of the everyday norm.
fanuc2013 · 51-55, F
@robb65 Exactly! The "Ban" was actually a joke!
@fanuc2013 one of my favorite things to do is to ask liberals which gun below is more dangerous. You can guess which they usually choose. LOL

fanuc2013 · 51-55, F
@BizSuitStacy Good Example!!!
Oster1 · M
@BizSuitStacy Exactly right!
SteelHands · 61-69, M
The problem is that the media our schools and business giants appear to be promoting and rewarding psychopathy with congratulations and there are Democrats that want to supply the actual money for mutilating children and self mutilation.

Not guns. Not even anger.

The real problem is that insanity is being normalized under the guise of "acceptance"
@SteelHands 😂 no it wasn't cause before the Nazis took power Germany was still recovering from the first world war.
This comparison is so fuckin stupid anyway
SteelHands · 61-69, M
@RebelliousSpirit Don't kid yourself kid.

The BDSM uniformed elites took out anything that showed even a slight particle of femininity. By the night the long knives were finally drawn that argument was closed, along with the sexuality centers and bath houses. Pink nazis went extinct in Gurminnie and for the duration of century XX.
Graylight · 51-55, F
@SteelHands Wow, I've never seen meds wear off in live time so quickly.
when you got 100B to send offshore to corrupt countries with ZERO oversight.
but cant afford a armed gaurd for schools.

sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout 10% for the big guy....
badminton · 61-69, MVIP
Ban military grade weapons . Congress must be forced to enact a Federal Assault Weapons Ban. And require a license to buy handguns, with a requirement for completing a gun safety training class, deep background check, photo and finger prints.
Snuffy1957 · 61-69, M
Maybe that's true.. soo how is making more laws going to work??
@Snuffy1957 it's about how laws are enforced. Gun ownership is a big responsibility and should require a certain kind of maturity and resilience.
Background checks, gun safety class and maybe even a psych evaluation should be necessary.
Snuffy1957 · 61-69, M
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
Ideally you would want to understand the reason why in America school shootings are so prevalent in the first place.
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
@chrisCA argue about pronouns,
chrisCA · M
@JimboSaturn And whether their kids see a photo of Michelangelo’s "David".
MethDozer · M
@JimboSaturn I can tell you why unprovoked violence and mayhem in general is so high here in general. People got little to nothing to look forward to, zero in terms of help or support, and one side or the other telling everyone it is some (((others))) fault, along with a country that loves promoting the lone saviour/rectifier fantasy.

It's a perfect storm of how to fuck a scared and trapped creature. Only the creatures are humans. "Disposable" humans..
redredred · M
Stop prescribing psychotropic drugs to kids. There’s really no full understanding of all the side effects.
@MrBrownstone Ya butt.
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
@BohemianBabe So you posted misinformation. Got it.
You heavily arm these army vets and I guarantee you won’t have another school shooting.
If that were true, we'd never have a single mass shooting on a military base, now would we?? Gosh, in real life, the presence of heavily armed soldiers doesn't have that much deterrence, does it??


December 6, 2019: Pensacola Naval Air Station (Florida)
Yhe Navy has confirmed the suspected shooter is dead. Three people were killed and eight others injured.

December 4, 2019: Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam (Hawaii)
Active-duty US sailor Gabriel Romero killed two civilian workers and injured another before killing himself, officials said. Investigators have yet to identify a motive, but they say he chose his victims randomly.

April 2, 2014: Fort Hood (Texas)
Army soldier Ivan Lopez killed three people and injured 16 others before fatally shooting himself in the head. A US official later said Lopez had previously reported being taunted and picked on by soldiers in his unit.

September 16, 2013: Washington Navy Yard (D.C.)
Twelve Navy Yard workers were killed and eight others injured when military contractor Aaron Alexis went on a shooting rampage. Alexis was killed after an encounter with security officials.

November 5, 2009: Fort Hood (Texas)
In what is considered the biggest mass shooting at a US military base in history, Major Nidal Malik Hasan, an Army psychiatrist, opened fire inside the base’s processing center, killing 13 people and an unborn child and wounding 32 others. A wounded civilian officer managed to shoot Hasan, who was taken into police custody. Hasan was later sentenced to death and is currently on military death row at Fort Leavenworth in Kansas.

fanuc2013 · 51-55, F
@ElwoodBlues And all because servicemen are not allowed to walk around with weapons! They are restricted to armories and firing ranges! In reality, most of a military base is a " gun free zone"!
@fanuc2013 So the enlisted men are unarmed, access to high rate of fire and large magazines is very restricted, the MPs and other military law enforcement are armed, some officers are probably carrying sidearms, and this explains why base shootings are rare and have low kill rates. Good to know.
Graylight · 51-55, F
In related news, overnight a fireworks factory exploded into a great fireball visible for miles. Area fire battalions responded quickly by dousing the explosion with gasoline and striking a bevy of matches. An exemplary instance of fighting fire with fire.

Next up, we’ll look at how removing sand from local beaches is helping curb erosion at the shoreline….

You didn’t grow up in an armed school. Neither did I and times are not that different today. It’s that we’ve lost our ever-loving minds on gun regulation and control. When we decide human life is too high a price for personal freedoms 98% of people will never even use, then the death will stop. (And speaking from experience, I wouldn’t trust the average Army vet with a rifle in a field 6 acres long.)
robb65 · 56-60, M
@Graylight When I was in school half the trucks in the parking lot had guns hanging in the gun racks and all the guys (and several of the girls) had a knife in their pocket. Students didn't shoot up schools because they felt someone had done them wrong. Maybe there was an occasional fist fight but even then the knives stayed in their pockets. Something changed and it isn't the guns. Here's a 28 year old woman who was apparently upset about attending this private school so she shoots her way in and kills kids who weren't even born when she was a student there. But lets pretend it has nothing to do with her being fucked in the head, and that every other school shooting involved someone who was in some way fucked in the head.
Graylight · 51-55, F
@robb65 Did you grow up out west or in Canada? I ask because much of the west has that sensibility. Some rural places here. A gun is ubiquitous and understood to be just as dangerous as it is. But they can be tools weapons of defense against wildlife, a hunting tool.

We have too many guns in too many irresponsible hands, to be sure. But you’re right; there’s a disconnect somewhere. Most of these shooting cases (and believe the stats, school shootings are just the glimmer, not the norm) are issues of mental health and external pressures. We make fun commercials with celebrities about mental health, we talk respectfully and affirmingly upon hearing about a friend’s family trouble with mental health, we hold events and designate special months to it; we have an infinite number of meds to counteract whatever everyone is simply diagnosing for themselves after watching a few TikToks.

Mental health in this country is a punch line and the more we ignore it while at the same time adding more and more pressure to the average citizen, the more incidents like this are going to happen. An incident like this represents no more holding space, no more reserve and no relief. Nothing has to ever get that bad. It’s just that as long as it doesn’t happen to us, it sits on the back burner. We’d much rather argue about who’s dementia is worse.
robb65 · 56-60, M
@Graylight The south. We've always had people with mental issues. I'm not sure if it has gotten worse or we've gotten worse at how we deal with it. Maybe there's more pressure on people, and particularly young people than there was years ago. I can see how that could be true. Probably there's a combination of factors.
Doomflower · 36-40, M

Yeah!!! Bring out Meal Team Six!!!
Doomflower · 36-40, M
@Belladonna gravy seals unite!
Belladonna · 41-45, F
@Doomflower It's not funny. It's really just stupid, and it betrays a low level of intelligence.
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Arm every man woman and child and also pets

The Second Amendment doesn't distinguish according to age! Clearly the founders wanted six year olds to be carrying handguns, otherwise they would have banned the practice in the Constitution!!

The Second Amendment doesn't distinguish according to location! learly the founders wanted kids to bring their handguns to school, otherwise they would have banned the practice in the Constitution!!
fanuc2013 · 51-55, F
@fanuc2013 or replace the easily shot out glass with metal… 😑
acpguy · C
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout There are one or two companies that sell safety doors for schools and businesses that appear to be normal glass doors but will stand up to a .30 caliber rifle round. So those would work if they are locked.
originnone · 61-69, M
No, it's not. Assault rifles are almost identical to many shotguns. And having armed guards in schools is a great mark of a very frightening society. The answer is that you can have a gun to hunt; if you want to use it, you can check it out of a facility that stores it for you.
RosaMarie · 41-45, F
@originnone what shot gun do you own? Mine holds three rounds. Three. AR-15s come with 15-30 round magazines. Buck shot travels a couple hundred yards. A rifle round can easily travel half a mile. If you're going to make an argument, at least don't spew bull shit.
originnone · 61-69, M
@RosaMarie I only know what I've read on gun sights from my own curiosity. You obviously have more first hand experience AND can swear at people....
We got a people problem, not a gun problem.
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
@BizSuitStacy Hard to explain how two different pairs of shoes were worn.
@MrBrownstone very true
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@MrBrownstone nice catch
@fanuc2013 says
And all because servicemen are not allowed to walk around with weapons! They are restricted to armories and firing ranges! In reality, most of a military base is a " gun free zone"!

So you're telling me that the Second Amendment is suspended on military bases - and that is saving lives!!

!!! You have identified the solution !!!

It's so simple - each state can declare its urban and suburban areas a military base! And therefor the Second Amendment doesn't apply!! On these new expanded military bases:
* all guns must be registered and tracked;
* all guns must be locked up;
* all forms of carry will be require special strict licenses;
Turn things around albeit slowly. Work to eliminate poverty and bullying. Help single parents rsise happy, healthy children. If a mother or father or couple has trouble with their kid or kids, get them help. Counselling. Regular check ins. Make sure they are supported. If the child cannot be well or changed, put them in a facility. After age 18, reevaluate them. Do not set them free. Start when the child is young. In the formative years. Long before adolescence. This is a start. Make reports of gun concerns in teens addressed before the killing starts. Have teams of people monitoring social media for threats from teens or younger. Identify possible at risk kids. When shooters enter schools, let teachers who know how to use firearms use them to protect. Indicate by clear signsge that dhooters will be killed immediately. Enough death in scholls. Enough is enough.
Vin53 · M
I have yet to learn about a heavily armed security guard that could defend against a .22 shot to the temple.
This isn't afghanistan checkpoints you feeble minded fool
A heavily armed vet is also known under the moniker "first fatality"
Crazywaterspring · 61-69, M
@Vin53 Vet endorsed comment.
refuse to debate the subject all together, until the absolute drugging of kids today with anti depressants and hormone treatments......with a dash of ritilin is also discussed..

if we only gunna blame the guns. the conversation goes nowhere..
Rolexeo · 26-30, M
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout These 20 something left wing Karen teachers do more harm than good. They don't understand children. They understand how to be politically correct.
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
Remember in the 1920’s and 1930’s when gangsters were shooting up people with tommy guns and all the calls for gun control?
@MrBrownstone There were calls for gun control. It led to passing the National Firearms Act of 1934. Machine guns, sub machine guns, short barrel rifles, short barrel shotguns and suppressors were all heavily regulated as a result.
@MrBrownstone What does this have to do with the topic?
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
@BohemianBabe Why did you pick ONLY this thread?
wildbill83 · 36-40, M
30-40+ years ago; better morals, better parenting, only two genders, God still in schools, less law enforcement/less government, less mental illness, easier access to firearms, cheaper firearms/ammo, etc. = mass shootings so rare to be practically non-existent

now; society full of hedonists, poor parenting/lack of discipline, multiple made up genders, God removed from schools, more police/more government, mental illness galore, more difficult access to firearms, expensive firearms & ammo, etc. = mass shootings practically a daily occurance

democrats = yep, guns are the problem... 🙄
wildbill83 · 36-40, M
morals and discipline begin at home; poor parenting (or lack thereof)/broken homes & societal hedonism is the root cause.

quite frankly, people who ignore traditional values & and have no responsibility aren't mature enough to have kids to begin with...
JPWhoo · 36-40, M
@pdockal We got off on a tangent. It makes sense if you read all the comments on this chain, there aren’t that many of them.
pdockal · 56-60, M
We ?
I'm on point !
One usually gets off point when one doesn't have anything productive left to say
Bub bye
chrisCA · M
too stupid to use birth control
Good. I see you are advocating comprehensive sex education in American schools.
wonkywinky · 51-55, M
Simple.Give up all your popguns americans.What the hell is wrong with you nutjobs?
How many kids and teachers have to die before you say"hey maybe its not such a good idea to allow people to play soldier with live ammo?"Or at least just have legalised gun clubs where you can go and fire off a few rounds.Leave the guns to the professionals,Army,Police etc.
wildbill83 · 36-40, M
acpguy · C
@wonkywinky You are a typical socialist not even from the USA that has his head planted deeply up his socialist ass. You have not place to comment on USA issues as you have already given up your freedoms due to brainwashing by the new world order that will continue to control you and remove more of your freedom despite you not recognizing what you have lost.
Thodsis · 51-55, M
Ban schools instead.
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@Thodsis home school across the board
@MasterLee With all the American single working mothers, that's going to be difficult. School is also now a form of daycare.
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@RocktheHouse we will adjust
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
Yeah, kind of like arming soldiers ensures there will be no wars.
Zeusdelight · 61-69, M
No, you'll start an arms race right in your schools.

Shooters will come more heavily armed.

You are repeating the world's arm's race but in your schools.
Zeusdelight · 61-69, M
@acpguy I see that you cannot mount an intelligible argument.
acpguy · C
@Zeusdelight I would say that you are the one without any intelligence, but I have to consider you are from another island of idiots that inherited stupid from your ancestors that came from another island of inbred idiots with bad teeth that sent their prisoners to your current homeland. So I won't waste any more time arguing with candy ass socialists like you that have given up your freedoms of having guns..
Zeusdelight · 61-69, M
@acpguy Cut and paste arguments now. Don't you bore yourself with your own repetitions?
Oster1 · M
To all. This is very, very sad. Human lives were taken. It's so obvious what has happened. A Christian School was targeted. There are many video examples of Trans people mocking and justifying this tragedy. Why?

Because average people will support adult freedoms, but want to protect children?
Lovely... Traumatised adults with a shit ton of mental illness and more weapons than sense is guaranteed to solve the problem of another kid taking mom's gun to school, right??? 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
@acpguy Well... you're part way there - at least armed police or trained guards would work a bit better than the current suggestion of hanging out down the local psych hospital and handing out weapons to war vets.

As for the rest of what you say... I'd be more worried about who is on school grounds than liberals or trans people. More children are abused by people who identify as "Male" than are abused by trans people - so when do we make schools a female only zone???
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@acpguy No... I'm part of those idiots who can see and accept facts and statistics when I see them.

I don't suffer a knee jerk reaction after every single shooting and hate on liberals and trans people because I accept that most shootings are carried out by men.

It's also hilarious how I managed to disagree with you and argue my point civilly - yet, the only thing that you can argue is that I'm an "Idiot" - because what??? I'm factually incorrect in the effects that working in war zones has on vets??? Or is it just that most mass shooters happen to be female instead of male???
A) Who's going to pay for it
B) we've had school shootings at schools that have police so how will army vet make a difference?
C) again who's going to pay for the training that is required because soliders are not trained to deal with children, they will need weeks of training as well as psychological evaluations
Crazywaterspring · 61-69, M
@RocktheHouse Make gun owners buy liability insurance.
chrisCA · M
@RocktheHouse That is one of the problems. No one wants to pay for anything,
pdockal · 56-60, M
Rolexeo · 26-30, M
Do you know how expensive that'd be? There's like 10 school shootings per year. The incentive isn't there.

And let's say your plan actually works. People will just go to a mall to shoot everyone up, or a different venue, or just a crowded area. We gonna have armed security at all places at all times? It'll never work.
Rolexeo · 26-30, M
@pdockal No, let's just not do something stupid.
pdockal · 56-60, M
Your brainwashed
Some schools already have armed police @ their school
It works
Why an i bothering to even discuss this with somebody like you
Bub bye
Good luck
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SkeetSkeet · 100+, F
Until they have PTSD flashbacks and start shooting everyone
Why are you people all so fucked up.
Sure throwing more guns at the problem will fix it instead of looking at root causes of shootings.
familyfunguy · 56-60, M
What about the mentally unhinged among the retired vets?
Also, should they themselves have assault rifles to be competent against the mass shooters since that's what they tend to use?
It could be only a matter of time until such a plan backfires. It would be interesting to know if a mental health background check would have screened many of the mass shooters from qualifying for certain things.
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@familyfunguy unlikely
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Lostpoet · M
I think we'll start to have vets mistaking parents for terrorists.
Graylight · 51-55, F
@Lostpoet I know vets. I know lots of vets. Great people almost all, but I wouldn't put a gun in but one or two of their hands.
Lostpoet · M
@Graylight Most of the vets I know don't want guns in their hands.
kodiac · 22-25, M
Close the indoctrination centers ,home school or zoom
Funlov · M
I can see you don’t know much about military life
Funlov · M
No not at all you don’t no much I can see about military vets
Vin53 · M

Funlov · M
@Vin53 come on troll better your looking bad 👎
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doong · 56-60, M
Shoot them to d*e before they shoot people in school.
And interrogate them later.
@doong Yup, we tried that too. Doesn't work. The "good guy with a gun" preventing shootings is a myth.

Again, these shooters are going in with the plan to die.
chrisCA · M
@doong How about a tank in the parking lot, and a sniper team on the roof?
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@chrisCA dream on
acpguy · C
The very best things to do are do not let children under the age of 18 have smart phones, do not allow them to have socials media on computers, remove all liberal controlled education programs and teachers, teach them how to shoot, hunt, fish and be a parent not a friend.
JPWhoo · 36-40, M
You “guarantee”? What happens if you’re wrong?
pdockal · 56-60, M
Too fucking bad
JPWhoo · 36-40, M
@pdockal I thought you were done here?
pdockal · 56-60, M
@JPWhoo bub bye
Belladonna · 41-45, F
I like the way you think.
What is going on in schools that cause people to want to shoot everyone in them? I've never wanted to shoot anyone in a school. I just feel like are people being dicks or are the shooters tripping.
MasterLee · 56-60, M
Might work
bugeye · 26-30, F
except for the raised taxes to pay for them and the equipment, and making sure the vets don't have ptsd and end up shooting up the school themselves.

i agree with you but there's reasons it's not been done yet.
Vin53 · M

Somebody looked at this guy and decided to give him a gun and let him watch over kids.
@Vin53 you can't judge anybody by their appearance
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@RocktheHouse I

Guns are important. Stochastic violence is key.
Americans lack the sophistication to transition to democracy.
Prison1203 · 61-69, M
I absolutely agree, as long as they have been fully vetted for PTSD and are not suffering from it
WolfGirlwh0r3 · 36-40, T
How to stop scool shooting kill all the kids before they can go to school

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