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I accidentally took home with me some top secret, national security classified documents

But when the cops came I pointed at the boxes and said "I declassify them". There. Now I can't get in any trouble 😇
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
So you think the president goes to the records room and takes the documents himself? Really?
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@ElwoodBlues You refuted yourself and are too stupid to know it. Run along son you really are not very bright.
I was trained as an engineer
A sanitation engineer? You were trained in the use of both brooms and mops?? You can lift a trash barrel without hurting your back???

Again you can't refute me, again you have no counter arguments, so again you use the ad hominem fallacy, LOL!!! You are just one big fallacy tonight, Mr Jealousy!!!

sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@ElwoodBlues left-wing nut-job perpetual motion machine.

Wait, wait. When they sent you a subpoena, did you ignore it?
@sunsporter1649 So you agree, Trump didn't have the power to just declare documents declassified?
Well, I'm glad we have some common ground here. Trump broke the law when he took classified documents to his home.
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@BohemianBabe LOL, I totally agree that the President has final authority on what is sensitive and what is not. And you still have not figured out when the boxes were delivered to the residence and stored in Melania's underwear drawer. Funny thing, Presidents do not have security clearances, Presidents decide what is sensitive and who has access to the sensitive information, and determine what is sensitive and what is not, not some glorified cop doing the bidding of a banana republic's dictator.
I totally agree that the President has final authority on what is sensitive and what is not.

But he can't just do it on his own, yes? He has to go through a process.
@hippyjoe1955 says
Do you remember a lawsuit against Bill Clinton?

Thanks for the link! See how well it works when you supply a link - now we're both on the same page so to speak.

I had never heard of this case; some folks sued Clinton for some personal audiotapes Clinton had made during conversations with an historian. The suit was in 2012; long after Clinton left office.

How is this case different from Trump's SCI documents?

(1) The article never mentions anything "classified" about Clinton's tapes.
(2) The documents in question in Trump's case were generated by the government, printed by the government, marked "Top Secret" by the government, whereas Clinton made his own recordings (or perhaps the historian made the recordings and gave Clinton a copy; article doesn't specify).

Thanks again for the links; it all works so much better when we're on the same page, doesn't it?

P.S.: I learned that when pressed, you CAN supply links to substantiate your claims, just like with Suncor. Therefore, it's fair for me to assume that when you refuse to supply links, it's because they don't exist. Thanks for that!!!

The papers Trump had were not classified either. He had declassified them. He had a standing order that anything he had in his personal possession was declassifed. You do need to step out of those big red shoes for once in your life.

Trump's former national security advisor says that "standing order" is bulllshit.
Mr. Bolton, who served as Mr. Trump’s third national security adviser over 17 months, said he had never heard of the standing order that Mr. Trump’s office claimed to have in place. It is, he said, “almost certainly a lie.”

“I was never briefed on any such order, procedure, policy when I came in,” Mr. Bolton said, adding that he had never been told of it while he was working there, and had never heard of such a thing after. “If he were to say something like that, you would have to memorialize that, so that people would know it existed,” he said.

What’s more, he pointed out, secure facilities for viewing sensitive material were constructed at Mr. Trump’s clubs in Florida and New Jersey, where he often spent weekends as president, meaning that the documents wouldn’t need to be declassified. And if they were declassified, Mr. Bolton said, they would be considered subject to public record requests.

He continued, “When somebody begins to concoct lies like this, it shows a real level of desperation.”

If a president declares a document declassified - IT IS AND SHALL EVER REMAIN DECLASSIFIED!
Neither shouting nor big text makes this claim true.

There needs to be some kind of record of the act. It needs to be "memorialized" in Bolton's words.

Even the "record" needs to be correct. Trump tweeted on Oct 6 2020 that he had declassified all Mueller Russia documents. Only he hadn't.
Donald Trump's chief of staff said Tuesday that the president told him his two tweets calling for the declassification of all documents related to the Russia investigation meant something entirely different.

Mark Meadows signed a sworn declaration that was submitted to the US District Court for the District of Columbia in response to legal challenges by BuzzFeed News, based on Trump's Oct. 6 tweets, seeking the release of thousands of pages of records from former special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation.

Meadows said Trump's tweets were related to an “authorization he had provided” to Attorney General Bill Barr to declassify documents on the genesis of the Russia probe. Meadows described the records as pertaining to “intelligence activities relating to the 2016 Presidential election and certain related matters.”

Meadows declared: "The president indicated to me that his statements on Twitter were not self-executing declassification orders and do not require the declassification release of any particular documents," including Russia investigation-related documents that BuzzFeed News has filed multiple Freedom of Information Act lawsuits for.

Last week, US District Court Judge Reggie Walton ordered the government to obtain a declaration from Trump or someone who would speak directly with the president to get the meaning behind his tweets and his intent.

In closing, I'd like to remind folks of a major Trump campaign promise:

"In my administration, I'm going to enforce all laws concerning the protection of classified information," - Candidate Donald J Trump, Aug. 16, 2016, West Bend, Wisconsin

"On political corruption, we are going to restore honor to our government. In my administration, I'm going to enforce all laws concerning the protection of classified information. No one will be above the law." - Candidate Donald J Trump, Aug. 18, 2016, Charlotte NC

"One of the first things we must do is to enforce all classification rules and to enforce all laws relating to the handling of classified information." - Candidate Donald J Trump, Sept 7, 2016, Philadelphia
@sunsporter1649 Or maybe it was the Tooth Fairy? The Easter Bunny??

Did you think "deep state" is in charge of republican congressional staff? Because THOSE are the folks who conducted EIGHT separate investigations of Hillary Clinton. That's right there were EIGHT separate congressional investigations of Hillary, run by republican congressional staff.

Oh and did I mention, all EIGHT exonerated her. So maybe it was the Tooth Fairy???
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@sunsporter1649 You mean Durham sucks at jury selection? Yet another area of republican incompetence you've identified, LOL!!! Poor Durham never had a case to begin with, dude!!

You keep hopping from idiot talking point to idiot talking point like some kind of moronic right-wing frog, LOL!!!

And you're always forced to pretend there's some kind of GiAnTt CoNsPiRaCy, despite ZERO leaks and ZERO whistleblowers. You have gone down the Qanon rabbit hole and you have nothing to show for it but more and more idiocy!!!
justanothername · 51-55, M
Of course not and if you complain that you are being unfairly persecuted by the FBI for doing so you could even win more votes from the Right.
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
Wiseacre · F
Unfortunately YES!@justanothername
Elessar · 26-30, M
But the most concerning this is that this could happen to anyone 😩😩

Imagine, you're visiting the WH and a folder drops from the shelf and falls right into your backpack, what do you do?

Elessar · 26-30, M
@Vivaci Remember the sinking of the Concordia? At the time, the captain left the ship, rather than coordinating nthe evacuation, and while there were still passengers on board. The official excuse was that he tripped and fell in a lifeboat, which coincidentally happened to be his GF's lifeboat. And they say luck is blind
🙆‍♀️What a brave man….unlike the Titanic captain who went down with the ship…like he was the last man standing…so much ego!!! 🙄

Elessar · 26-30, M
@Vivaci Yeah 🥴
Majorsite · 61-69, M
Sandy Burger took documents straight from the national archives in His socks for Hillary, And never spent a day in jail !
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@Majorsite you are totally nuts! where do you get your crazy ideas?
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@sunsporter1649 get over it!
Yes! It’s like finding 340,000 emails from the Secretary Of State on an unsecured laptop. Thank goodness the Secretary Of State does not handle classified information. 😉
Graylight · 51-55, F
I accidentally drove home in a Porsche, but when I said "It's okay, I transfer it mentally to me," it was all OK.
nudistsueaz · 61-69, F
lol, Yes. He's taking a page out of the Clinton playbook. 👍
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@nudistsueaz The hildabeest was president! When did that happen?
‘I’m a KGB spy…what else do you expect from me?’

hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
[@samueltyler2 ] Not sure why doesn't work. But if you want simply Google Tapes in Bill Clinton's Sock Drawer You will find the article second item down.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@hippyjoe1955 touche, you act like the playground bully, all you can say is...
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@samueltyler2 And you play the village idiot. Next. Tell you what try to do some thinking instead of criticizing and see how little bullying you get from me.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@hippyjoe1955 you do realize that you really are acting like a non-thinking jerk!
Good job Hillary!

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