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Do you hate being American now?

America is still the best place to live 💁‍♀️

what i am saying is if we go to a universal healthcare system, healthcare will be paid for via increased taxes and/or rationed healthcare.

We are paying TWICE what the next-most-expensive nation pays for healthcare (Switzerland), but we DON'T get twice the healthcare.

We pay for the many insurance companies by having a ton of people trained to merely deal with billing company A, others deal with company B, etc.

And health care IS rationed by the HMOs, etc., because we pay for oversight of your doctor by non-doctors, because these are mostly for-profit companies which make money off of our misery.
@boudinMan That's not worth having.
dakotaviper · 56-60, M
@SomeMichGuy it's only rationed today because Obamacare created the rationing.
Remember Obama saying that if you like your doctor, well you get to keep your doctor. For the majority of us that didn't happen. The doctor that I had before Obamacare was within 8 miles from my home. But after Obamacare was implemented, my doctor is 30 miles away. The closet hospital in my insurance network is 30 miles away, but the nearest hospital to me is actually 3 miles from me and not in Network.
kodiac · 22-25, M
What hate is the people that will use tragedies like school shootings to rag on the American people. It's almost like they get some sick thrill out of saying only in America.
kodiac · 22-25, M
@SomeMichGuy So you post it twice? Lol The old brain power slipping away? I won't resort to personal insults, who looks stupid now?
@kodiac No, I'm on the edge of connectivity, and it's sometimes unclear whether or not a post has posted...
who looks stupid now?

The person who takes

It IS only in America that we have the level of mass shootings.

Get real.

and replies with:

So every man women and child in America is s mass shooter? You believe that all Americans actually get some perverted enjoyment out of these tragedies ? You believe every American loves their guns more than their children? How bout you get real
DallasCowboysFan · 61-69, M
It's not perfect, but it 's better than any other nation in the world.

I don't see too many Americans leaving the country to live somewhere else, but I see tens of thousands trying to get here any way they can.

It will get better after Biden leaves.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@SW-User But shes yours.. And a good friend of you know you..😷
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@whowasthatmaskedman And in late breaking BS, it seems the Kardashian sighting was a hoax.. So she is still over in the US. America is safe. (So is OZ)😷
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No! I just hate the idiot running it.
nudistsueaz · 61-69, F
@thedarkside He works for George
redredred · M
No, I’m enjoying watching the democrats fucking up as predicted as they and their “Great Leader” stumble to inevitable failure.

It’s great comic theater.

My contention:

That was due to Republican followers of the last Republican President.

Your contention:

While that is a fair assessment, it isnt entirely accurate. These were specifically Trump supporters of Ex President Trump.

My assessment can't be "fair" if it isn't "accurate".

I understand that the former Republican Party looks nothing like today's Republican Party, but the GOP started giving up their keys to the party when they chose to go along the Goldwater -> Reagan -> Gingrich arc, which allowed the "Tea Party" nonsense, and has brought us to this point.

Like it or not, this IS the Republican party, and Trump WAS the last Republican President, and his followers on 6 Jan WERE Republicans, even though they were Trump supporters.

The GOP is embracing "the Big Lie" across the country, and is pushing through more restrictive voting laws on the basis of a problem which doesn't exist. We are being steered toward another Civil War by people who know it's a lie, but who are using the current circumstances to try to hold onto power.

There are dark days ahead, and the Republican party has made a deal with the Devil to bring us there. The party which raised up a champion of the Union 162 years ago raised up a fool whose ego is ripping that Union apart.

This is a very bitter brew born of the power lust of people who wanted the easy way...held to the lips of the Nation by McConnell et al. Enjoy the bitter taste as you quaff this deadly elixer which seems to herald the end of much of what we have known.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@SomeMichGuy You are correct, as far as "The Party " Goes and I wont exclude even Liz Cheney for that. Pretty much everyone who bent the knee to Trump is to blame and probably needs to go. There were a few, like Paul Ryan, who walked out the door when Trump walked in, who might be worth a look. But mostly I was refering to the Rebublican voters, who stayed home in droves in 2020..😷

Well, I'm not sure how many "droves" were left; with over 66% of the eligible electorate voting, who knows how many of the ~34% left are inveterate, undeclared non-voters. (This is akin to asking how many people are unemployed but have given up looking work, and so are not counted in the official unemployment statistics, which means actual unemployment is higher.)

So perhaps most of that group won't vote, period.

But the Republican party surely shot itself in its collective foot by not encouraging people to vote early, use mail-in voting, etc.
Baremine · 70-79, C
Hell no. I am proud to be American but am ashamed of the dumbass that put the socialist democrats in charge. They are most definitely trying to destroy the land of the free and the home of the brave.
Jokekilla · 26-30, M
@boudinMan wiser…where? Ignorant, yes indeed.
@Baremine definitely
Zonuss · 41-45, M
@boudinMan The history doesn't lie. Only people like you..
Start up the rotors

@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout my favorite 😂
PatKirby · M
😂Hahaha, this made my day! I work on choppers. Here's the personal touch...

whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
Some Americans seem to be having trouble realising America is not the Boss of the world. While it never was, the government and the media did at times portray it that way. Now as petrol prices and inflation rise America can no longer hold back the tide of the world. Nor can it bully other nations into falling in line.. While the place has been a House of Cards for decades, it took Donald Trump to fling open the curtains and show the naked Fat old man in the window to all the passers by..
And now Americans have to get used to tha fact they are still a pretty good country in some ways.. But not really a great country.. Thats gotta hurt..😷
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@checkoutanytime Again we disagree about what margin is "Large".. But I can wait a year.😷
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jimjim1969 · M
@whowasthatmaskedman watch out for the putting puppets. paid propaganda
IronHamster · 56-60, M

It is a letdown to have a government that hates America.
Graylight · 51-55, F
@IronHamster Good answer.

Funny, I've missed that in-depth take on the Jan 6 panel hearings. Or is your whole group simply going to deny it forever?
Paladin · 56-60, M
@IronHamster Yes, that's why he was voted out of office.
@IronHamster Yeah, my "problem" is that I understand what I read/see, question it, and come to an understanding based upon various sources.

I don't let armchair idiots who can record a video, but have no sources affect my opinions.
HikingMan · 51-55, M
I love my country and hate a lot of the people clinging to power.
I hate both political parties.
Albeit for different reasons.

But this country is a good thing.
Without America, the world would shift for the worse, and that's a fact.
No. I'm proud to be an American. Always will be.
@boudinMan Amen!
PatKirby · M

According to CNN's Senior Data Reporter, it's going to be a turkey shoot come November...

...Round #2 in 2024...
boudinMan · 61-69, M
@PatKirby we can only hope... but, i'm sure CNN is trying to rally the troops.
DownTheStreet · 51-55, M
No, haven’t you heard? We are building back america better or some sh*t like that. Lol. Which I guess means huge inflation, impossible gas prices and now a recession. But we can all take solace we are part of a “great transformation”
DDaverde · 56-60, M
It’s not short term we have another 2 years or so to go with these buffoons
Look at the damage they have already
@DDaverde You have no clue why we have inflation..........high gas you? I mean past what Rogan or Carlson or NEWSMAX tells have no basic understanding at all of why we are inflationary, do you?
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Chickie · F
I wish foreigners would stay out of our politics, they don't want us in their business and I don't give a fuck about the military bases in their country. Our country affairs has nothing to do with you.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@Chickie No.. Its the peoples debt not the governments. Fo all the electronics, oil, cheap clothes and anything from Walmart you bought..You didnt pay enough. And they borrowed the rest in your name. How did you think you got so much cheap stuff?😷
Pfuzylogic · M
@Chickie I am in total agreement with you. I have noticed the conservatives opining in our politics and it is far from wanted. The only help they could serve is housing trump if he isn’t incarcerated after the Congressional hearings. As far as I’m concerned they should be grateful for the hit we took from France to make sure that Australia received nuclear submarines to help contain China.

voting won't make a difference and take your $85,000 debt with the government not me

Had some thousands more voted in specific precincts, we would NEVER have had Trump as President.

In the last presidential election, voters turned out to create ~7 million more votes for Biden than Trump, but the Electoral College means certain states & precincts end up being more critical.
DDaverde · 56-60, M
Why would I ? I dident vote for obiden and his buffoons! And I don’t fall for the woke
Shit to hate my beloved Freedom
Or the USA
@ron122 So it doesn't actually mean anything, it's just a smear-word that sheep repeat?
ron122 · 41-45, M
@BohemianBoo Well the woke are sheep.
PatKirby · M
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
Nope. Even with our issues, this is still a great country.
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fanuc2013 · 51-55, F
Absolutely not! But, we have to make some changes, starting in November!
@fanuc2013 Trump has been on the ropes for some time. The review of his financials showed that no business je has run--except for Trump Tower--made money. His buying spree of golf courses/resorts--from TV income--hasn't panned out, and he owes a bunch, personally, which should come due here pretty soon.

You DO know that he has gone through bankruptcy a lot, don't you? That's not the hallmark of actually successful ppl, though the FL move makes sense as a setup for bankruptcy.

And as for the lawsuits, there are so many investigations, it is pretty much assured, of course. He was brazen.

And of course his argument about age DOES bite him in his own old ass. lol
fanuc2013 · 51-55, F
@SomeMichGuy According to Politifact, Trump has never filed for personal bankruptcy. His separate businesses have filed for bankruptcy in 91, 92, 04, and 09.
@fanuc2013 He'll likely have to file for personal bankruptcy, this time unless he can squeeze enough more donations out of his lies.

Politifact seems to miss the two Atlantic City bankruptcies in 1992--the Trump Castle Hotel & Casino, and the Trump Plaza Hotel & Casino--which were listed by Thoughtco.


If you think his businesses having to go through bankruptcy is a good thing, then please invest in him. I'm sure he'll *take* your money.
InHeaven · F
No, I love USA. God bless America!
Torsten · 36-40, M
i would if i was
IronHamster · 56-60, M
@SomeMichGuy Science denier, you are.

True The Vote found plenty of fraud.

All sorts of people looked into all sorts of wild claims, and NONE resulted in fraud at a level to change the election.

Giuliani's much-vaunted "notebooks" were full of nothing but wuld *claims*, but no evidence. Lawyers bringing lawsuits on the basis of the nothings there have been sanctioned, etc.

You just aren't smart enough to know what a liar you obviously are.


*I* can read with understanding, which shows which one of us has that faculty.
Science denier, you are.

The numbers speak for themselves.

I don't deny science, which has nothing to do with the crazed notions passed around as reality in the Trump camp.

No! Proud to be American! 🇺🇸
Not proud of the dimwits running the country but SCOTUS made me proud for the first time in a while.
jimjim1969 · M
Why? I would certainly hate being Russian now
Lol!!! True! @jimjim1969
marciamom · F
@jimjim1969 Only if you had access to non propaganda news...
InHeaven · F
Russian news is 100% propaganda in Russia @marciamom to brainwash Russians and they are all swallowing like there is no tomorrow
Mindful · 56-60, F
Whaaaat? Never. That would be like hating family…. Although we can be disappointed in some, we only hate criminal behavior. We fight and work hard to teach those we know as best we can, and, by adulthood, you’re responsible for the choices you make, including playing dumb. Regardless of your party, adults should know better.
BlueVeins · 22-25
No, I'm glad I live here and therefore have a modicum of a chance at fighting the rising tide of fascism.
nudistsueaz · 61-69, F
Not at all, just embarrassed by the elected people in DC
@nudistsueaz stolen election…
carpediem · 61-69, M
Things are eerily similar to the Carter years.
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
dakotaviper · 56-60, M
Nope. I'm proud to be an American.
But to all those within the USA that hates the idea of being an American, JUST LEAVE. Go to one of those countries where everything is FREE. And never come back.
@dakotaviper I second that!
Jokekilla · 26-30, M
No, I just hate the American politicians. We need new younger ones. Not old close to their deathbed ones.
Term limits@Jokekilla
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@stratosranger We have term limits. They are called elections
We also have a lot of questionable elections too @sunsporter1649
laotzu92 · 70-79, M
Not a "namaste" type question. More of an incendiary, provocative attempt to stick someone in the eye type question.
@laotzu92 True.

I think it's an alt of another Putin apologist.
Adrift · 61-69, F
Well lets just say that I'm still looking for that undiscovered remote tropical island that has WiFi.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@Adrift Call Tom Hanks.. He knows a place.,.😷
Adrift · 61-69, F
@whowasthatmaskedman I have cute a volleyball that Wilson should meet.
Budwick · 70-79, M
Do you hate being American now?

No. America is the best place in the world, IMO.
Our current leadership sucks beyond belief - but that will change soon enough.
I am ashamed of how we have become a cautionary tale which exhibits "inverse exceptionalism"...
@IronHamster lol I'm sorry that your memory is not good.

It's in scene during the car ride home from school, where Dash and his mom are talking.

Start watching at 15:29.

Since you won't, but you'll just say Dash doesn't say what I said, here's my quick dialog from the movie [this starts at about 15:25 for more context]:

Helen: ...The world just wants us to fit in, and to fit in, we just gotta be like everybody else.

Dash: But dad always said our powers were nothing to be ashamed of, our powers made us special.

Helen: Everyone's special, Dash.

Dash: Which is another way of saying no one is.
(Emphasis added.
Dialog transcribed from The Incredibles, [2004].)
IronHamster · 56-60, M
@SomeMichGuy Ah. But, look at the context. His point isn't that it's true. The movie's point is that it isn't true also.
You said Dash never said what, in fact, he DID say.

You were wrong.

Yeah, Syndrome/Buddy could also say something comes with being a THEME.
IronHamster · 56-60, M
I think all college students need a mandatory class called Isn't It Great to Live in America in the 21st Century.
Democrats in the legislature stonewall, preventing reasonable laws from being passed and rewarding failure.

No. Stop lying.

You have described the Republican playbook for years.

Don't blame Republicans for being the common sense alternative to racist hate mongers.

No, stop lying.

Democrats have tried to lift the country while Republicans have used fear and hate.

It was a Republican President who told white supremacists that he loved them, etc.

That same Republican President tried to push illegal & unconstitutional maneuvers to cling to power denied to him by a majority of voters AND of electors.

That same Republican President tried to use the violent part of the crowd to start an insurrection against the government.

And the Republicans have blocked all manner of reasoned legislation; for years, they have opposed stronger gun control, and even now don't care to go after the WEAPONs of choice.

They have increased our healthcare costs--they disallowed Medicare to bargain for better pricing for years.

They have given tax breaks to the superrich...has that helped you?

They have lagged in getting our country better aligned with renewable energy, which is both likely to severelybdamage the planet and our economy for at least a century, but it also exposes us to petroleum-based inflation...
IronHamster · 56-60, M
@SomeMichGuy Ok. Let's do an easy one. Democrats "war on poverty." We spent more on this than any other war. Why are there still poor?

Department of Energy. It took Trump to get us to succeed in being energy independent. Biden fucked it all up again. The DOE failed.

When Carter started the Department of Education we were, what, second in the world for educating our children. Now we are so low that in Oregon they now hand out highschool deplomas to young adults that neither read nor do math. The DOEd also failed.

Low hanging fruit but it indicates you are among this latter maleducated generation.
@IronHamster Why are Americans still poor? Hmmmmmmm. Stupidity is one reason. Look at Kentucky. McTurtle's home state.........also home to the most counties in any state in the United States with the highest populations on welfare. Drive thru Arkansas back roads...West Virginia......Alabama...Mississippi.....Louisiana. In virtually every Red Sun Belt state nothing but abject poverty. People living in places that look more like a dumping ground than a home that most of us would let a dog live in. But one thing they ALL have in common.........a Trump/Pence sign is still in the front yard from 2019. In all states fact all Red states rate well below average for job company start-ups....literacy levels....quality of schools....wages.

Yes the Red leaders from those states L-O-V-E passing bills to keep guns and keep the rich, richer in their states..........but look at the state as a the citizens live. And yet Red voters in those predominately Republican states are so convinced that if they just elect one more Republican.......or put the same ones back into office AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN---the same ones that have let them down for decades....something...sometime soon...will finally get better. All the time while taking welfare and food stamps and child care credits and every other dollar in public assistance they can get........ (that the Dems they hate passed for them).......they can't put 2 brain cells together to figure that out that if they vote for the ones that swear to them they will end socialism..."if you just elect me"......if they actually did as they promised and could ram that thru would kill the ones voting for them. By any measure.............why are Americans poor? Stupidity.

Now........Trump made us energy independent???? Really??? ;-) ;-) ;-) Let me of the "deep state" "lizard people" told you that??? ;-) ;-) If you knew what real actual facts are........and I know you don't...because this is 2022............the "information Age"............a time where in 2 seconds you can find 15 sources of truth on anything in less than a minute................but you refuse too. Trump bought just over 700,000,000 barrels of RUSSIAN crude in 4 years.............while telling suckers like you that "he" was making us "energy independent". What a joke. Read...learn something......then speak. Stupid people just assume that everyone else has no clue about what really happens around them........based on their own desire NOT to know. That's stupid thinking. Just because you all refuse to expose yourself to anything factual...don't mean that knowledge is not available to the rest of us. So while you all think you can just say it and who will ever know any better??? You forget...........all of the rest already know.

Oh and Oregon? Thanks for making my point about Republicans purposedly dumbing down the people in their states by doing all they can to suppress education.....defund it......lower the quality of education in their states. Oregon is a RED STATE.
ravenhill · M
you never should of voted against Trump.
@ravenhill You have that right, now we all have to pay for the liberals stupidity.
Graylight · 51-55, F
@ravenhill @thedarkside You realize a statement like this is so painfully stupid it can't be taken seriously.
Blazer420 · 36-40, M
Even with everything going on today, I'm still happy to be an American!
What now?!
DDaverde · 56-60, M
What war? we dident invade Ukraine
Just wasting money that this country
Can’t afford to give them.
Changeisgonnacome · 61-69, F
@DDaverde you sell yourselves short ! Everyone knows NATO made Russia invade-. Everyone says you got a proxy war going.
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TheBannibalOne · 61-69, M
You better believe it.
It went downhill in the last year and a half.🤠
Tres13 · 51-55, M
MAGA part 2
@Tres13 lol Because part 1 was so successful?
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Raffiki · 22-25, F
I’ll just say I’m SO happy I left and I will never, ever move back. The grass is greener sometimes.
@Raffiki Wow. Well, Europe is amazing. 😊

Baremine · 70-79, C
@Raffiki bye
PatKirby · M
No. With all its flaws, all the conflicts and things that need to improve here, it’s still home.
Oster1 · M
No. Someone has to be around, to pick up the pieces, when SHTF! We always did. We even helped mostly ingrates, like now.
No, the cycling administrations, dont reflect the American people very well.
Dlrannie · 31-35, F
Nope but that’s because I’m not American 😂😂
Northwest · M
No, and why would I?
No, but I don't see life in America getting better for most people any time soon. I'll be studying abroad in Europe beginning in October and I wonder if it will tempt me to move out of the country once I graduate...
DDaverde · 56-60, M
@SW-User at the rate things are going here I’d leave if I were in your position you are youn and can afford to
Start over.
Pfuzylogic · M
With a President like this you have got to be kidding.

We are leading the fight against the evil russian leaders. Where is India?
marciamom · F
@Pfuzylogic setting that bar pretty low
Pfuzylogic · M
He doesn’t have closed door meetings with a murderer. 😙
DestroyerOfIdeologies · 22-25, M
No, it's a better country than many others. But I wouldn't say it's the best. It would be a few other western countries I might prefer more. I don't like liberals and conservatives.

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