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How do you de-radicalize people who are stupid enough to believe what Trump tells them ?

JoeyFoxx · 51-55, M
Perhaps it's time for a real conversation.

There are people on the left that are every bit as gullible. There isn't anywhere in the world that has "free healthcare". Sure, there is healthcare offered by various governments, but it comes with significantly higher tax rates and it's very well rationed.

Using this as an example, there are many people that have no idea what they are talking about with they talk about "progressive reform."

Many of the people who support Trump have been disenfranchised by both Democrats and Republicans. It's wonderful how people are dismayed about immigrants that voted for Trump and behave like, "oh, those people don't know any better."

It's obnoxious.

Yes, Trump is a dispicable douchebag who flies in the face of societal norms. He's a bad person.

But, for all the "good people" who have been elected to office in the last 40 years, many of them are douchebags too, they are just more polished about it.

If people want others to be de-radicalized, the best place to start is with a good hard look in the mirror.

But, that won't happen either, because everyone is so in love with being outraged.

So, carry on. There's nothing to see here.
JoeyFoxx · 51-55, M
@Northwest she wouldn’t survive one with me. That’s for damn sure.

She can’t coherently argue her way out of a paper bag. She’d run away after calling me an entitled white guy
Northwest · M
@JoeyFoxx 🤦‍♂️
SammyJo · 51-55, F
@YoungPoet345 Of course the media has to jump on whatever bandwagon it wants to, stoking the fires of hysteria. That's a given. Yes there's good and bad on both sides, again, that's a given....but I think, with some, some are leaders of a party and some think that they are the party, that's the difference in this case with Mr Trump....but the party is also to blame for either 'buying into' his agenda or not having the balls to stop him running riot..

The Leader represents the party...and visa versa....the people may not have voted for the party, more the man, but that's how it is...

Hitler had a very similar way about him...he was charismatic too, don't forget...

I just hope that these individuals do wake up from his spell and society and democracy can be safe from the 20th onwards...

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Eternity · 26-30, M
At this point I think blood is just going to have to be spilled. These people are violent and clearly won't be satisfied until they get a fight.

Time to use those over-policing tactics they love so much (when used against minorities) against them for a change.
@Eternity Amen !
YoungPoet345 · 26-30, F
@Eternity actually though
I'm not sure, but calling them deplorables sure as hell didn't do it.

I'm not sure that calling them stupid or uneducated helps either, because a lot of them aren't stupid and buy into the lies knowing they're lies because they genuinely think that lying is acceptable and justified because the other guy does it well and that the way to survive is to kill before some one kills you.

Cruz and Hawley both come to mind. I don't for a second believe that either of those guys don't know that Biden's win wasn't the result of massive election fraud, but they both supported and spread the lies because doing so benefitted them.

Can you force people to behave by punishing those who don't? Sure, you can some, but for many, all you're going to do is make them better at not being caught.

At this point, I'd settle for that, I guess, discouraging openly criminal and antisocial behavior, but I think the real key, which might not open any locks for a generation or so, is educating their children about the reason for laws and how, respecting them and other members of society can greater benefits than living in a pure state of nature where everyone is only out for themselves and even the strong who can kill or enslave the weak, don't enjoy the greater benefits of living in a cooperative society.

If we don't, sooner or later, the tribes who spend all their time fighting amongst themselves are going to be taken advantage of by bigger tribes or even just smarter ones.
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RodionRomanovitch · 56-60, M
@MistyCee "Mr. Hawley’s idea of freedom is the freedom to conform to what he and his preferred religious authorities know to be right. Mr. Hawley is not shy about making the point explicit. In a 2017 speech to the American Renewal Project, he declared — paraphrasing the Dutch Reformed theologian and onetime prime minister Abraham Kuyper — “There is not one square inch of all creation over which Jesus Christ is not Lord.”

From a piece in today's NYT which attempts to address in some measure what I'm getting at , although confined to the Republican Party itself rather than the plebs who tried to overrun the Capitol.

(If you don't have a subscription I can copy and paste it for you.)
@RodionRomanovitch Damn, that's more nauseating to me than Barr's justifications for his positions, but thanks for pointing it out.

I try not to get too deeply into religion here, because I actually do try and respect people's faith, and don't want to push my own issues with religion on others, but it does help to understand people's justifications for their positions. Honestly, I find discussions of religion and morality tedious, because all too often, it seems like anything can be justified by faith and a God told me so line.
YoungPoet345 · 26-30, F
You can’t. They only believe what Trump says. They think everyone other than trump is a faker or a liar and everything out there is a conspiracy against them. I just dissociate with them and do what I can as a citizen. Anyone who still support Trump after what just happened? I don’t think they have any brain left I’m capable of changing.
Mindful · 56-60, F
@Eternity I hope you have a Twitter account, Reddit account, Facebook account, Instagram account, even a MySpace! Do they even exist? and any other social media account, and take the opportunity to re-post this.
I forgot to say, please.
RodionRomanovitch · 56-60, M
@Eternity Bravo !
TinyViolins · 31-35, M
Unfortunately, there is not really a sure-fire strategy.

To cut off the head of the snake, by silencing leaders of these conspiracies, is bound to validate their views and make them even more blinded by self-righteousness

To stop the flow of disinformation, by censoring topics or outlets or groups, is going to create resentment. It's going to make people feel like they have nowhere else to turn, and it only figures that cornering them like that will lead to even more danger

To counter those arguments with facts and working to debunk them is going to fall on deaf ears, because their alignment is not about the truth at all. It's a moral issue that is positively reinforced by the social appeal of the group. It's tribalism

To try to shame or mock them will just push them further and further into the fringes of their beliefs

I think the only thing that has a shot at showing these people the light is to entertain them. These people desperately want to be right, which is why they're so passionately stupid. Let them talk, feel like their opinion is valid, ask them questions about why they believe what they do, and eventually show them that their beliefs are baseless and substantiated mostly by rhetoric they're parroting and by unquestioned axioms they take for granted
@TinyViolins I like that sneaky education by "entertainment" part, but it's damned hard to compete for students' attention when its so easy to get off on first person shooter video games.
TinyViolins · 31-35, M
@MistyCee Jon Stewart, John Oliver, and Hassan Minhaj are pretty good at it, but they're already preaching to the choir. It's not really deradicalizing anyone so much as it is circumventing the issue for a generation
Well, you don't do it by arrogantly calling them stupid and judging their core values and beliefs.
kodiac · 22-25, M
Northwest · M
@kodiac You've been reported.
kodiac · 22-25, M
@Northwest Thanks you got the same hours ago🤣
Carla · 61-69, F
It'll never happen. Trump may fade away, but the cult, while maybe less cohesive, will continue. They will bury themselves in fantastical conspiracy theories, and latch on to another or others, hopefully less powerful "leader/s".
There needs to be a real conversation. What did these people expect to gain through vandalism and/or murder?

They claim they are making America better... but what does that mean?

No abortion?
No immigration?
No free healthcare?

I mean seriously... what was worth destroying America for?
@Driver2 You really don't get how this works... do you?
marybmom · 41-45, F
@SW-User several hundred democrats did in 2018 and blocked members of congress from voting on brett kavanaugh
@marybmom wow. You're creepy. How many accounts do you have?
BlueVeins · 22-25
You break up their echo-chambers and hope for the best.
Fukfacewillie · 51-55, M
Three letters...FBI. We need infiltration and arrests. We need a domestic terrorism law. Talk to the Brits about the IRA. Rule 1. Take this seriously.

We also need civics and the FCC to step in to cut licenses for programs that preach sedition.

We need corporate boycotts of anyone who does business with Trump.

They need to be outcasts. Fired, not hired, and shamed into oblivion.
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@Fukfacewillie You voted for it, enjoy the consequences
Fukfacewillie · 51-55, M
@sunsporter1649 nonsensical logic from the terrorist supporter. lol
Armchair quarter back liberals always have a snarky attitude until their house has been raided and lit on fire. It’s only when it’s too late they then understand. But they will. Sharp learning curve ahead! 😂 @sunsporter1649
It could take years. Like any cult, it depends how long it took them to get your hooks into you. If a Trumpette was radicalised over the course of three weeks, say, then it will take them three weeks to be deradicalised.
Mindful · 56-60, F
@SW-User he’s been practicing his magic his whole life so some of these entrepreneurs have been admiring from afar for a very long time. He is an American Born Entrepreneur, that happens to be a narcissist. He acts like he started from rags to riches, but that’s nit true. He doesn’t necessarily mean to do bad so much as he so ObSSESSED (addicted) to power and being center of attention, the idea of being a dictator— he has probably even promised the presidency to his successors in secret but what he really plans is to use his popularity to maintain his position, and say, “hey, this is what the people want” now that he has power, and inside info on everyone, he threatens the socks off of any one that doesn’t support him. He’s a very good salesman. It’s literally his background!!!!!! I feel sorry for the guys he said he would support in four more years. They have their on on the presidency and can’t see thru Trumpism. He plans to remove and control votes in favor of himself. That is anti American. Anti democracy.
HairbrushDiva · 31-35, F
Fortunately I don't have that problem because I don't know anyone who is stupid enough to believe what Trump tells them. Nobody in my area is that stupid.
SammyJo · 51-55, F
@HairbrushDiva I wished I had that!

I have a few friends, state side, that have the concept that if Twitter and FB try to ban you then it means that ''re getting near the truth...'


These people aren't bad people...pretty intelligent actually....but...y'know....i leave them to their 'Flat Earth Society' BS and just try to get on with the connection that we have....

SJD xx
At this point I think most of them are a lost cause. Many of them are so completely brainwashed that they don't even know what the truth or logic is anymore.
What did they suggest for those people radicalized by ISIS a few years back ?
“Lock ‘em all up”, “Shoot “em”, “Drop a bomb on ‘em” ?
Think the Trumpsters would be okay if folks took that kind of simplistic approach ? 🤔
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@bijouxbroussard Considering Trump calling an "emergency" up to January 24 and one of his Homeland Security heads resigning on the spot I would suggest that Trump is looking to actually cause more trouble. But Trouble he can disassociate himself from. That would be a nice change,.😷
RodionRomanovitch · 56-60, M
@bijouxbroussard I happen to believe there is no de-radicalising a great many of their number. The ones whose certitude derives from their white privilege and entitlement and those evangelicals who believe they are 'doing God's work' , there is no convincing these people of their folly.
@RodionRomanovitch Yes, I’m certain you’re right. It’s too much a part of who they are as people.
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
Smiling and agreeing when Colbert mentioned that protests are still ongoing, Harris added:

“But they’re not gonna stop. They’re not gonna stop. And that’s – they’re not – this is a movement, I’m telling you. They’re not gonna stop.”

In an apparent warning, she continued:

“And everyone beware, because they’re not gonna stop….

“They’re not gonna stop before election day in November, and they’re not gonna stop after election day.

“And that should be – everyone should take note of that.”

Harris continued:

“They’re not gonna let up. And they should not. And we should not.”

Not once did Colbert or Harris touch on the violent nature of the “protests” across the United States, with their multiple millions of dollars in property damage, murders, arson and destroyed businesses, and aggravated violence against law enforcement.

Instead, in keeping with her usual silence on the matter, Harris ignored the destructive actions by Black Lives Matter and used flowery language to praise the “intensity” of the “movement” characterized by violent protests, simultaneously telling the country to “beware.”

And of course this is not inflammatory, right?
You need to be an expert in paranoia first. That's the fiddle Trump was playing, the only one he can play. A lot of mummy-hate in it, methinks.
RodionRomanovitch · 56-60, M
@stratosranger I happen to think this is a fake account from somebody who previously blocked me. In that spirit , I will return the favour.
RodionRomanovitch · 56-60, M
@sunsporter1649 I also deleted that idiocy which you deem to fit to copy and paste into every thread you reply to.

Quack , quack.
monte3 · 70-79, M
@sunsporter1649 but yet it is completely true. Have a nice life living with your fantasies.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
Put up a wall around the Red States and stay away until the shooting stops. You cant educate people who wont think.😷
can't won't forget it if u call them STUPID
what do u expect to happen next round


ok now 4 an answer..

these people are hurt, abused, traumatized and maddened by this hideous monster whipping them up
just like....
oh forget it
u know what we're dealing with here

so...once more the "solution" is for people to get their needs met

ya, education, hope...not too sexy/flashy bunch of answers.
Crazywaterspring · 61-69, M
You can't. Some people are just gone. They've been inoculated against proof and even science.
@RodionRomanovitch Thank you for proving my point.
RodionRomanovitch · 56-60, M
@stratosranger The only thing you proved is just how vacuous your argument is.
@RodionRomanovitch I know I know you don’t like having your hypocrisy exposed. But it just was. 😄
kodiac · 22-25, M
What do you expect to accomplish with this kind of post? Either to get people to agree and stroke your ego or disagree and start a fight isn't this a good example of the basic problem with both sides?
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@kodiac If you do not agree with their left-wing nut job policies they will destroy your businesses and burn your homes
RodionRomanovitch · 56-60, M
@kodiac 'What do you expect to accomplish with this kind of post?'

The kind of debate and discussion that the more thoughtful posters have engaged in.

You should try it.
Once Trump is out of the picture, his movement will break up. There isn’t anyone else who can replace him. It will be like when Alexander the Great died.
Northwest · M
@LeopoldBloom I wish I believe this. They used to be Tea Partiers before becoming Trumpsters. What will they become next?
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
@Northwest [youtube=]
Northwest · M
@Tastyfrzz 🤣 One of my favorite movies.
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
Convict him in the senate by a wide margin. That would convert a lot of them. Then they'd understand that he was to blame for the mess.
RodionRomanovitch · 56-60, M
@Tastyfrzz I fear that's very wishful thinking.
Graylight · 51-55, F
The only way to win somebody over to your way is to show them it's successful and let them know you're willing to share it. From there, it's up to them.
Take their firearms away for the “armed protests”.
@Aliveshock and leave them with only their wits to defend themselves?

That seems cruel in a way.
They are unarmed if they have only their wits
kodiac · 22-25, M
Trump is gone this is old news i know your reason to live is tds but you need to find a new cause. It's so funny you people needed Trump way more than his supporters.
RodionRomanovitch · 56-60, M
@kodiac Would the question have made any sense without it ?
kodiac · 22-25, M
@RodionRomanovitch It's about what trump tells them so It's about trump
@kodiac and his legacy, but not just, Trump is a puppeteer who is tapping into frustrations. He didn't so much create those feelings as give them more legitimacy.
Alot of them are just convinced that democrats are evil and Trump's bullshit feeds into their hatred. With newsmax, fox news, hate radio and whatever media that gives them hate and lies changing them is hopeless for most I think. They like hating democrats..
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Thevy29 · 41-45, M
Make them binge watch the Golden Girls
kodiac · 22-25, M
RodionRomanovitch · 56-60, M
@kodiac Yeah , you should.
How do you rehabilitate people who join cults? I think they have to be willing participants.
Graylight · 51-55, F
Finally - a use for all those cult "deprogramming" After-School Specials.
Like what for instance did Trump tell any group to do something ?
eMortal · M
You take the leader away. Next, you go after their finances.
FrozenWasteland · 61-69, M
Why would you want to try to change their minds?
@Mindful Except that it doesn’t much matter what you call them, in terms of their behavior. They don’t see reality. The fact remains that with no evidence whatsoever they believed Trump when he claimed there was voter fraud, and continued to believe it in the face of recounts where he continued to lose and court challenges that kept being thrown out. If they’re not stupid, they’re incredibly gullible. 🙁
Mindful · 56-60, F
People who are idealist but don’t follow the news, and wish and hope that some like Trump can solve everything so they overlook rules and regulations when it ma convenient to thei own interests @bijouxbroussard
@Mindful Unfortunately, that’s the way a child sees the world.
Through education.
You dont you just stand by and watch them do stupid shit to get themselves arrested
midnightsun · 26-30, M
well, why do you want to change stupid people in the first place?
You can't. They should just be banned from social media.
AngelofFail · 26-30, F
at this point we should consider reeducation camps...
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
A mug of underboob sweat from overweight men.
Quetzalcoatlus · 46-50, M
Time, it’s like a breakup
Re-education camps.
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tenente · 100+, M
livestreaming Trump supporters getting arrested for rioting at the capitol something I would pay full price to watch 🤔 hell, I’d even upgrade to ad-free premium
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@Jeffrey53 Yes, and anyone can consider them foolish because of it. 🤔
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@Invocations Believe it or not, this incident has clarified who is actually a problem to our country and who just got carried along for the ride. Some of the rioters brought zip ties (you know, used to secure wrists and ankles, like in a kidnapping ?) What does that tell you ? A pro-Trump mob chanted “Hang Mike Pence” and built a gallows because he upheld the Constitution in defiance of Trump’s directive.
What does that tell you ?
A lot of conservatives have come to their senses and pulled away from these extremists. There is no reason to mollify those who still don’t get it. They belong in prison.
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@Invocations Then perhaps you still don’t understand the situation. You’re seeing it as a benign conflict resolution when it’s become a terrorist cell with its leaders needing to go to prison. And if they weren’t mostly white conservatives, no one would be confused about it. But unfortunately in our country that’s who’s traditionally been the privileged class.

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