4meAndyou · F
I think when we are in our 20's, our looks seem more important than our personalities, simply because the dating field is highly competitive, and men and women both are extremely shallow.
Some, BTW, never out grow that unfortunate trait.
Some, BTW, never out grow that unfortunate trait.
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Lilymoon · F
They don't... But people tend to see the package first before opening it to see what's inside.
FemboyJessi · M
I don’t think they matter more but looks and mutual attraction kind of open the door for more in depth conversation and chemistry is what I believe
icedsky · 51-55, M
Personality always beats good looks in my opinion. But also good looks is an opinion. What one person considers beautiful or sexy can be the exact opposite for someone else.

It shouldn't be. Many people are shallow.
msros · F
Because looks are the first thing you see before talking to the person,
They don't matter more but they do matter somewhat. Just like appealing to eyes for a while. Personality & looks can't be compared coz former is there to stay whereas latter vanishes in a bubble with some climatic infection, accident or genetically.
While travelling or working, you sure would notice a handsome male or a sharp featured female but other commoners would be overlooked.
No one has time in the existing scenario and instant result is what most of the present generation runs after.
While travelling or working, you sure would notice a handsome male or a sharp featured female but other commoners would be overlooked.
No one has time in the existing scenario and instant result is what most of the present generation runs after.
Casheyane · 31-35, F
Friends wise, looks don't matter as much. Though for some reason, it feels great if the gang goes out and we all look pretty. It's like a girl thing. But I have friends who aren't as pretty. It's the same for boys. The friends I'm really closest to aren't as conscious as me on how they look. But they're the truest to me so I care for them like good pals.
But when it comes to potential partner, romantic wise, honestly I ghosted guys because I didn't like the looks. It's something I guess. It's because when I close my eyes, I imagine the person I like. So it's important that I like what I see. And it's also important that he makes me feel good being with him. So yes, looks matter. There must be good things, looks and personality wise, before I date a man.
But when it comes to potential partner, romantic wise, honestly I ghosted guys because I didn't like the looks. It's something I guess. It's because when I close my eyes, I imagine the person I like. So it's important that I like what I see. And it's also important that he makes me feel good being with him. So yes, looks matter. There must be good things, looks and personality wise, before I date a man.

Getting to know people could maybe have had bad results for many.
I’m 💯 more attracted to personality. Idgaf what people look like it’s about how they treat themselves and others.
Ferric67 · M
Amen 🙏
Danerol · 36-40, M
Its more of shopping thing you are drawn more to the thing that you find attractive weather it be looks personality or what. If any of that fades well then the relationship wasnt very good to begin with
Strongtea · 22-25, M
Looks and image are really important and do make me consider how much I want to get to know that person. Hopefully their personality is great too!
BiasForAction · M
Why should it matter what most people do? Go your own way. It’ll make all the difference.
Look at me, I just shortened a classic Robert Frost poem!
Look at me, I just shortened a classic Robert Frost poem!
HannibalMontanimal · 26-30, M
Social media

They don’t matter more

It's one thing I like about internet... until you finally show yourself, people are liking you based on conversation and what you post.
Maybe parents should teach their children appreciation of what others are skilled at, can do in daily life to bring something to the table in marriage, etc....
Maybe parents should teach their children appreciation of what others are skilled at, can do in daily life to bring something to the table in marriage, etc....
BigGuy2 · 31-35, M
Looks, sets the whole relationship in motion, but then personality should be then equal to looks
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