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If the Earth were spinning...

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newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
The Earth rotates at 2,670 kilometres per hour at the equator (decreasing as the cosine of the latitude as you move north or south of there)..

If an aircraft takes off at the equator and flies west at 1,760 kph to a destination 1,760 kilometres away, it will arrive there in an hour.

However, an observer in space would see the aircraft lift off, remain stationary in the air while the Earth rotated beneath it, and then descend to its destination once that rotated around.

That’s because (and this is the bit you seem not to comprehend) all motion is relative.

There is no absolute motion.
TBIman · 46-50, M
@SomeMichGuy Maybe someday I will.
TBIman · 46-50, M
@newjaninev2 The Earth does not move at all. That is a tested and proven fact. Look into it.

Or better yet, do what I did, and attempt to prove to yourself that the Earth moves at all. Let me know what you come up with.
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DocSavage · M
Unless, like the rest of us, he was held by gravity, and the whole thing moved along with the planet.
People really should do their homework.
But you don’t believe in gravity, do you ?
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TBIman · 46-50, M
@DocSavage No. I try not to believe in unproven theories.
Really · 80-89, M
f you haven’t checked out the information yourself, then you must be going on hear say
A great deal (perhaps most) of the 'knowledge' each of us thinks we possess has come to us by hearsay. Very few can access the resources to conduct basic, much less advanced, research. Even those who can, are usually starting from the earlier conclusions of others. How much of the information you think you possess, have you independently discovered or confirmed? In general we're stuck with using personal judgement to decide whom and what to believe.
What, you don't think the atmosphere spins along with the ground? You don't think the atmosphere pushes that helicopter along?

Actually there are several subtle tests that prove the Earth spins. One is a Foucault Pendulum. The dynamics equations for the Foucault Pendulum are taught in upper level undergraduate physics courses. They depend on a characteristic of rotating frames of reference known as the "Coriolis Force" or Coriolis effect.

Coriolis effect appears in many places on Earth. It's the reason winds rotate around low pressure centers. This rotation can cause hurricanes and tornadoes. The rotation of the winds isn't random. And it wouldn't happen if the Earth didn't rotate.

Coriolis effect explains why river banks in the northern hemisphere erode their right hand banks more so than their left (right hand as you look in the direction of flow), causing rivers to meander. River banks in the southern hemisphere erode their left hand banks more so than their right. Similarly, railroad tracks can wear out quicker on one side than the other.

@TBIman It's possible I've been deceived, but not equally possible. I have tons of data and simple tests and observations one can do oneself. You have beliefs. You keep saying your claims are "provable" but you don't offer anything more than your beliefs.

BTW, Dr Neil deGrasse Tyson pubished original research in a number of scientific papers in peer reviewed journals. That makes him a working scientist and a contributor to science. He has since switched to the role of science communicator. But published original research makes him a real scientist.

P.S. you might want to look into what "provable" actually means in physics.
DocSavage · M
@TBIman Which comes down to the same thing. You're telling all of us that everything we see and know is wrong, and you give no evidence , just stupid claims, and you expect us to accept them at face value, or at least consider they might be true. No matter how stupid .
What kind of bullshit is that ? We're just supposed to take your word for it ? Even when you've been proven wrong . Tell you what Master mind, Why not show us all your Nobel Prize first, It won't help, But we might get the reward for returning it.
DocSavage · M
You seem to be waaaaay more intelligent than me,
I had a cat, that's been dead three years now . and it's waaaaay more intelligent than you are.
He knew more about gravity just by knocking things off the table.
redredred · M
@TBIman It’s complications you want to avoid? Do you know what an epicycle is? In the ptolemaic (or earth centered) theory of the solar system it was an attempt to explain why the planets appeared to be traveling backwards in their orbit around earth sometimes. They don’t but since they are on their own orbital track, the earth occasionally laps them and they lap us, much like runners on a laned track.

These epicycles got inordinately complicated until we (Copernicus that is) realized all the planets orbited the sun. Seeing the truth was a great simplified of the facts.

Take an astronomy 101 course at a community college. Really you need a strong dose of truth.
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redredred · M
@redredred one more thing. There are probably a million or more people globally (yes, we’re on a globe) that have PhDs in astronomy, physics, geology, geography, oceanography and related disciplines. Why would all these underpaid scientists eschew an easy Nobel Prize by failing to announce what you see as an obvious truth? In addition to the prestige of the Nobel it pays more than a million dollars. All of them, every one of them is participating in a global (there’s that word again) conspiracy to delude you. For what? Where’s the lift? What’s the upside for them in fooling you? What is so important about you and the four or five other equally deluded people on this globe (again) that this conspiracy has been hatched? For what purpose or benefit?
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TBIman · 46-50, M
@newjaninev2 I ignore your offer because I do not believe in this thing you call spacetime. There is space and there is time. I believe that spacetime is made up.
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
@TBIman so your standard response to anything that contradicts you or debunks your claims is ‘I’m going to ignore it because I don’t believe it, and I don’t believe it because it contradicts me or debunks my claims’.
Do you also hold your hands over your ears, make a loud screeching sound, shake your head, and yell ‘I can’t hear you!’?
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redredred · M
The atmosphere is part of the earth. It’s the same reason the oceans spin with the earth. I guess fluid dynamics weren’t part of your “edukashon”
redredred · M
@TBIman I don’t have a problem. Yours is fetal alcohol syndrome or a childhood head injury.
TBIman · 46-50, M
@redredred Apparently you do have a problem. You can't even write a comment without insults. What have I done to cause you such anger man? I'm just telling you that you do not live on a spinning ball. Chill out.
redredred · M
@TBIman my anger stems from the fact that 50,000 years of effort to drag the human species out of blind ignorance and superstition has somehow produced a blithering idiot like you rushing headlong back thousands of years into more ignorance. You’re an insult to humanity.
Matt85 · 36-40, M
The air is moving with the earth and the air that's forced downward by the propellers pushes against that air (and also the ground at first).
redredred · M
@TBIman if you have a sensitive enough scale you can weigh an empty basketball and then weigh it again gully inflated. The full basketball weighs more. Air has weight, hence mass.

Even easier, you can demonstrate the mass of air by standing in a breeze. If you feel these air molecules hitting you it’s because what’s hitting you has mass.
TBIman · 46-50, M
@redredred I am not disagreeing with anything in this comment. Does anything in your comment PROVE that we live on a gigantic ball that spins? I like you because you refrain from name-calling.

Look man, I just want to know where I live before I die. This should be everyone's goal. The problem is that we are all taught that we live on a gigantic ball with absolutely no physical evidence to back up that claim.
TBIman · 46-50, M
@Matt85 OR... The Earth doesn't move. Why complicate things?
U r full of it.
TY for telling me , but he might be serious... maybe.@ViciDraco
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TBIman · 46-50, M
@Petamber499 I am 100% serious about Earth being a stationary plane. Try to prove axile rotation or curvature to yourself and fail. Or you could be just like the majority,
Really · 80-89, M
Einstein couldn't hold his beer but his brother Zweistein could (relatively speaking.) Zweistein proposed the even-more-general theory of relativity, succinctly stated as : "it all depends".
TBIman · 46-50, M
-@Really Yeah, I don't know about all that. I was just attempting to prove a point with the meme.
Apparently, I failed. Thanks for being civil.
Really · 80-89, M
@TBIman I thought I was being flippantly irreverent but apparently I failed 😊. Civil is good with me so long as it doesn't forbid a bit of humor.
DocSavage · M
Most people I know learned basics of science when they started school, not before. Evidently you got things backwards.
TBIman · 46-50, M
@DocSavage I learned the basics of science. Something needs to be testable, measurable, and repeatable to be classified as science. The globe Earth is extremely unscientific.
DocSavage · M
Now you’re just being silly
TBIman · 46-50, M
@DocSavage No, I'm attempting to remove your blinders.
@TBIman Denying gravity exists and then being confused about the effects of gravity - Pretty sick stuff man.
DocSavage · M
I believe that it's you who needs the help.

Trust me, You are not in a position to give anyone advice, or insult their intelligence.
TBIman · 46-50, M
@ElwoodBlues There is no such thing as "gravity." It's a theory and has never once been proven to exist. Please keep your pseudo-science to yourself.
AndysAttic · 56-60, M
Indeed, but nobody would notice as in 24 hours he would be right back in the same place. 1/0 to the Flat Earth.
Bang5luts · M
If the earth spins at 1000 miles per hour which converts to .27 miles per second. If I jump up and down I should be able to jump 1 mile every 4 seconds. Way cheaper and faster than car.
redredred · M
@Bang5luts you’re spinning too. Next time you’re riding on a bus or train, flip a coin. Once it leaves your hand, does it immediately fly to the rear of the vehicle? No, because it too accelerated as you did once you got up to speed.
TBIman · 46-50, M
@Bang5luts The Earth is stationary.
redredred · M
@TBIman sure it is. It’s that big ball of fusing hydrogen, a thousand times larger than the earth that is rotation around us that’s moving. How do I know how large it is? Einstein proved it with gravitational lending.
Even idiots can create memes.

Takes another idiot to believe what they're reading, however.
TBIman · 46-50, M
@SW-User Thanks for the insult.
Bang5luts · M

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