BTW, THE ANTI-CHRIST LIVES IN OUR APARTMENTS.He's soo cute and beautiful to me. I always smile at him and he smiles so sweetly back at me. I only see darkness and beauty. Do you know how much Allah loves The-Anti-Christ? Because He will let him just 'go-play' and earth will be his paradise. He... See More ยป
Mend Your Ways Angels.This year, Valentine's Day is a snow day, if you don't mend your ways, it will soon be May. There will be cigarettes everywhere, and no wine if you don't consider the warning signs. We'll light up your homes, and set fire to the rain to reiterate... See More ยป
The meek shall inherit the earth...I think in other words....Kindness goes a long way! Is this true? Or am I missing something?
I wish that I understood...I wish that I understood the people on this website. Sadly I do not. I mean they all write well, but most are total atheist retards who honestly believe that they dwell upon a 1,000-mile-per-hour spinning rock. I have never once claimed to be... See More ยป