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Biden/Harris deplete FEMA funds for immigrants.

The Biden-Harris administration took more than a billion tax dollars that had been allocated to the agency responsible for American disaster relief and used it to offer services for illegal immigrants.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) allocated nearly $364 million in the fiscal year 2023 and $650 million for the 2024 fiscal year to the “Shelter and Services Program” “to provide humanitarian services to noncitizen migrants following their release from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS),” according to the government’s website.
Broache73 · 46-50, F
Is anyone honestly surprised or shocked by this?! Genocide Joe has one foot on the Grave and the other on a Banana Peel, his bottom feeding Cackling Hyena of a Vice President got her Law Degree out of a Cracker Jack Box.

We have no real say in how the US Government runs, or what Taxpayer Dollars are being forced to pay for.

The Government is fleecing us at every turn and forcing us to pay for Endless Warfare that do more to fund the Military Industrial Congressional Complex than protect us, Pork Barrel projects that produce nothing, and a American Police State that serves to imprison us within its walls.

If you have no Choice, no Voice, and no real Options when it comes to the Government’s claims on your Property and your Money, YOU'RE NOT FREE!

While US Voters struggling to get by, and making tough decisions about how to spend what little money actually makes it into our pockets after the Federal, State and Local Governments take their share (this doesn’t include the stealth Taxes imposed through Tolls, Fines and other Fiscal penalties), the US Government continues to do whatever it likes—levy Taxes, rack up Debt, spend outrageously and irresponsibly—with little thought for the plight of its Citizenry.

This is no way of life.

In our History, when our forebears said “Enough is Enough” and stopped paying their Taxes to an illegitimate Government. They stood their ground and refused to support a System that was choking attempts at Self-Governance, and refused to be held accountable for its Crimes. Their resistance sowed the seeds for the Revolution that followed.

Unfortunately, in the 200-plus years since we established our own Government, we’ve let Bankers, Turncoats and number-crunching Bureaucrats pilfer the accounts to such an extent that we’re back where we started.

What if we didn’t just pull out our pocketbooks and pony up to the US Government’s outrageous demands for more Money?!

What if we didn’t dutifully line up to drop our hard-earned Dollars, no questions asked about how it will be spent?!

What if we did a little calculating of our own and started deducting from our Taxes those programs that we refuse to support?!

As made very clear in his book Battlefield America: The War on the American People by John Whitehead; If we don’t have the right to decide what happens to our own hard-earned Cash, then we don’t have any Rights at all!
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@Broache73 https://www.fema.gov/press-release/20240923/biden-harris-administration-announces-nearly-715-million-help-communities
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
AbbeyRhode · F
Yep, and now they have nothing for the victims of Hurricane Helene. Those poor people have lost everything, and now have no hope of any help from this evil regime, while foreign invaders kick back in fine hotels, with free food, clothing, healthcare, and Democrat voter cards. 😡
DogMan · 61-69, M
@AbbeyRhode Biden/Harris will spend 100s of billion that we don't have, which will
increase inflation. They will blame it on Trump as soon as he is elected.

If Kamala is elected, they will blame the strike, for the new increase in
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Bhs123 · 36-40, F
@MarkPaul what good is it to buy groceries if you have no where to put it. No house no power
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
@Bhs123 So, you still think these people are going without food and water until their homes are rebuilt? You might not have much of an education, but there is such a thing as non-perishable foods, personal hygiene products, and purchasing food items that will last for short periods of time. It's certainly not ideal, but when faced with a natural emergency like a hurricane, $750 for grocery related items is a lifesaver.

Try going without food and water in the time it would take to rebuild or restore a house because you don't have access to a refrigerator and report back on your progress. And, then tell the people in the path of destruction and educate them on why they don't need the $750 of [u]supplemental[/u] support.
4meAndyou · F
This breaks my heart. North Carolina, alone, will now have thousands of homeless, and winter is coming.

Biden is an evil joke. Harris is worse. The American PEOPLE are going to have to dig deep, and GIVE even the tiniest amount of money that they have, so that these poor people can be HELPED.
4meAndyou · F
@DogMan I would send money. Money buys food and water, and at this point, the army is there to airlift supplies and hike them in to the less accessible places.
DogMan · 61-69, M
@4meAndyou There will be a huge problem with animals also, we won't hear about that
for a while.
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Trump puts Americans 1st, while Biden/Harris put Americans last.

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Bhs123 · 36-40, F
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Hopefully Biden can convince his donors ( 25 million he was given) to have them supply the same amount to the ravaged states of Hurricane Helene.

Seriously, Biden instead of being spiteful needs go invoke the Taft Hartley provision and get the port strike ended. It could have an immediate impact on those people and areas needing aid and help.
PatKirby · M
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Cloud7593 · 46-50, F
Such dirtbags!!
GeistInTheMachine · 31-35, M
Open the Borders. See how you like being flooded, Yankee.
GeistInTheMachine · 31-35, M
@DogMan You haven't seen anything yet. It will be like what America did to Europe. Karma. Enjoy the flood.
DogMan · 61-69, M
@GeistInTheMachine What did America DO, to Europe? Save them from Facism
you mean? I would have you say thank you to my father, if he were still alive.

He went through hell in combat in Italy during WWII. Wounded twice, and also
suffered from the effects of trench foot his whole life. Not to mention nightmares
off and on until the day he died. He was forced to kill Germans with his bayonet,
at times just to save his life, while fighting for Europe.

GeistInTheMachine · 31-35, M
@DogMan I'm not European. I'm Latin-American. I love ALL of the Greatest Generation that fought the fascists & imperialists, including the MILLIONS of Soviets and Chinese.

BUT that generation is passing away. What are we left with instead? This. Look outside of your bubble, sir.

What you don't understand is that Zionist Neoliberal America is now on the wrong side of history.

Your wars and economic hegemony have ruined the world and we are taking it back. American wars and economic sanctions have created a Migrant/Immigration crisis.

You want your country back? We want our world back!

Yankees all across the world, go home!

You stay in your borders stop messing with us and then we'll talk.

Until then, this is a Cold War that is turning real Hot, and you guys aren't ready for what you have unleshed.

The Hounds of Hell have been unleashed. Almighty God will strike the Great Satan of Amerikkka Down for all the world to see her genocidal sins.

Behold the Whore of Babylon: The United States of Israel.
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
Really? That's weird I just saw on the fema website how they have them 715 million. How does that work.

DogMan · 61-69, M
@soar2newhighs It should be for Disasters.......hey....are Biden/Harris now
ADMITTING the migrant problem is a huge DISASTER? sure sounds like it.
@DogMan A difference: What Biden/ Harris created IS MAN MADE. Hurricane Helene is NATURE.
@SatanBurger do the math 🙄

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