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Real talent

Name an actor/tress you feel 'elevates' everything they're in

*Ron Jeremy* 馃槅
Harmonium192351-55, M
Philip Seymour Hoffman, RIP
Emma Thompson
Frances McDormand
@Harmonium1923 really miss Phlip 馃挋
Harmonium192351-55, M
@metaldog He was brilliant. I was really shaken by his death.
DearAmbellina211341-45, F
@Harmonium1923 all 3 brilliant
Peter Cushing, Christoper Lee, Alan Rickman, Maggie Smith.
@Whodunnit yeah great choices!
caesar761-69, M
@Whodunnit Cushing and Lee were also great friends!!
hunkalove61-69, M
John Olinger. 'Nuff said.
@hunkalove I said elevate
This gang 馃憤. The best ever 馃槃

[image deleted]
馃檶. I miss the muppet show 鈥ut now I have SW 鈥ol @metaldog
calicuz51-55, M

Love that gang!!!
So who would you compare here to your favourite muppet characters 馃. Lol @calicuz
Purplehaze7846-50, F
Robin Williams 馃様
MasterLee56-60, M
Al Pacino
@sunsporter1649 Marion 馃榾
MasterLee56-60, M
Sean Connery

@PatKirby I've never seen the movie but I'll never be able to unsee that lol

Slade56-60, M
Seka "elevated" all her co-stars! 馃憤馃槇
Exactamundo. But let's not be too hard on Seka. Although a newbie, she was in a growing position to capture that special goodness until she was tugged away from what she loved. 馃殌
Slade56-60, M
@PatKirby with all around erupting satisfaction!
Orson Welles, Jimmy Stewart, Tom Hanks and used to think Deniro but no longer true. Meryl Streep, Emma Thompson and Katherine Hepburn.
@stratosranger He is nothing now but a foul mouthed bully and a liberal hack. Its too bad, he used to be very good. Heat was the last movie he did that I didnt hate him.
Impeccable. Taxi Driver, Casino, The Godfather, Heat鈥 long list of grand slams. Now? A shyster for the USSA @TexChik
I'm of two minds about this man. On the one hand he's a fine actor in a tough and fickle industry whose earned his respect through talent, skills, and decades of hard work. On the other hand his loss of control of his mouth on public forums is indicative of an eager willingness to jeopardize that hard-earned respect and dignity and toss his career down the tubes due to his willful removal of the filter between his mind and that mouth of his. That willful removal of the important skill of selective verbalization of thoughts has indeed brought him down several pegs. I was in no way aware that De Niro was such a whining, simping, leftist weasel. So when I heard what he had to say, I was a bit surprised and disappointed to say the least.

I very much enjoy and willingly pay to see actors and actresses perform good theater illustrating on stage the slings and arrows of life we all endure in different ways. Especially when supported by great script and story line. However, De Niro's inability to control his political views and spew personal filth on a national forum has definitely made me view him with less respect and dignity. After all this time, underneath that shiny veneer of celebrity and mystery lies nothing more than a pompous, conceited, angry little man with money who gets paid to act like he's someone else. I don't go to the box office to pay good money to be lectured to.

Therefore, although I typically root for the groom in divorce cases, I waive this one. I'm glad to hear that the judge presiding in the Robert De Niro/Grace Hightower divorce case has ruled that he must pay Grace $1 million a year in alimony, $6 million toward buying a home of her choice, and sell the $20 million home. De Niro is a Democrat, and Hightower is a staunch Republican, but don't get me started.

calicuz51-55, M
Robert Duvall
@calicuz really great actor
calicuz51-55, M

Yes, a brilliant actor!!!

Forgetthepast51-55, M
Gary Oldman
@Dino11 geez he was gorgeous 馃槏
Jeffrey5351-55, M
Giancarlo Esposito, Margo Martindale, CCH Pounder
Allelse36-40, M
Jeffrey5351-55, M
@Allelse huh?
Allelse36-40, M
@Jeffrey53 It's line by CCH Pounder from her character in the FX tv show the Shield. It was later made fun of in the show It's always sunny in Philadelphia. I took a shot that you might know it.
xbandoleerx56-60, M
There are many. Jack Nicholson, Anthony Hopkins, Meryl Streep, Julia name a few. Love them all
Poised, polished and unflappable. Let Denzel Washington explain it to you...

Anthony Hopkins, Charlton Heston and Meryl Streep.
Tommy Lee Jones
@TAReturns lurv Tommy Lee
Allelse36-40, M
@TAReturns I first watched him as a kid in Lonesome Dove.
Jack Nicholson
Sam rockwell
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout always love his characters
Jack Nicholson
Rene Zellweger
Viola Davis
John Wayne *
Clint Eastwood
Tom Selleck
Angela Bassett
Barbara Stanwick *
Charlie Chaplin *
Marlon Brando
Al Pacino
Robert Duvall
Kevin Costner
Cloris Leachman
James Earle Jones
Morgan Freeman
NeoNeo41-45, M
Vera Fermiga
@NeoNeo yes I really like her, she has a special quality for sure!!
Harmonium192351-55, M
I missed the joke in your original post (which, as I type this, has 69 replies). 馃槅

I could probably come up with a list of actresses who have an elevating effect.....
@Harmonium1923 I added that later lol I always see 69 replies on youtube and hate making it 70 馃槅
Peter Sellers, Buster Keaton. Henry Fonda. George C. Scott. Gene Hackman. Bette Davis. Rutger Hauer. Brian Cox. Robin Williams. Steve McQueen. Gary Oldman. Steve Buscemi. Jack Nicholson..
DearAmbellina211341-45, F
Meryl Streep
Jack Nicholson
Leonardo DiCaprio
Frances McDormand
Evan Peters
Cillian Murphy
Harmonium192351-55, M
@DearAmbellina2113 Dynamite list.
Slade56-60, M
I'm thankful today Ron Jeremy is not stuffing my 馃 turkey! 馃槸
Coralmist41-45, F
My two favorite actors...Joaquin Phoenix and Denzel Washington
Tom Hanks

Ray Liotta

Robin Williams

Joaquin Phoenix

Remy Malek
calicuz51-55, M
Actor: Yule Brenner

Actress: Audrey Hepburn
Ray Liotta

Jennifer Lawrence
@SW-User can't believe Ray's gone 馃槥
rrraksamam31-35, M
Matthew McConaughey, Tom Cruise, Jason Statham
That covers both
Allelse36-40, M
Daniel Day Lewis.
thepreposterouspanda36-40, M
Morgan Freeman
Jenny123451-55, F
Evan peters
calicuz51-55, M
Dennis Hopper

Viola Davis.
Except that weird ass thing she kept doing with her mouth when she played Michelle Obama but we don't talk about that
Slade56-60, M
@NickiHijab She had to change species for the role!
@Slade Okay?
HoraceGreenley56-60, M
Al Roker
pancakeslam41-45, M
Ummmmm Clint Eastwood?
uncalled456-60, M
Jane Lynch
MonaReeves8636-40, F
Denzel Washington
Sidney Poitier, RIP
Tom Hanks
Robert DeNiro
Helen Mirren
Angela Bassett
caesar761-69, M
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@checkoutanytime she'll always be Guinan to me
@metaldog [media=]
2 me, 馃檮
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