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Do you understand what a narcissist is? What's your understanding of this

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Magenta · F
Seems to me everyone has their own definition and apply the label often. Plus project it onto others.

This comes the closest to my understanding of it.
NPD is a mental health condition in which people have an unreasonably high sense of their own importance. They need and seek too much attention and want people to admire them. People with this disorder may lack the ability to understand or care about the feelings of others. But behind this mask of extreme confidence, they are not sure of their self-worth and are easily upset by the slightest criticism.

Most importantly, to me, it's more what a 'clinical psychologist' determines they are, after spending time in sessions with them, analyzing, studying etc..
@Magenta everyone calls everyone a narcissist lately because they think it's a big word and just a synonym for "bad"
Magenta · F
@OrionInTheNight Precisely. Everyone's ex is one, right?! Not. The percentage for actual diagnosed narcissists is very low actually.
NinaCherry · 26-30, F
@OrionInTheNight yeah I miss when that word had merit
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
Vaguely. I think that what differs narcissists from other malignant personality disorders is their need to be admired. They need the audience and usually want to be perceived positively, to keep the mask of a good guy or someone successful, accomplished and powerful in public. Sociopaths aim to profit materially, they don't care about the prestige or opinions of other people unless bad rap would somehow threaten their wealth or anything they value and demand to have in their life.

How does that manifest itself in various people from various environments and social background, that's something more complicated, I think. I remember some case study that described a woman who was sending herself flowers to her job so that her coworker would think how much she was loved.
Justmeraeagain · 56-60, F
Yes,have a relative who is one.
There are 7 main traits; you have to have at least 5 of the traits to be diagnosed as a narcissist.
People can have high narcissist traits and not be a narcissist.


Grandiosity: An exaggerated sense of self-importance, superiority, and uniqueness

Lack of empathy: An inability to understand or appreciate others' feelings and needs

Exploitative behavior: Taking advantage of others for personal gain

Arrogance: A scornful attitude toward others

Antagonistic: A need to be better than others, which can involve lying, cheating, or gaslighting

Entitled: A feeling of entitlement and a need for admiration

Lack of boundaries: An inability to set or maintain boundaries

Lack of accountability: A tendency to blame others for problems
Thrust · 56-60, M

I only have one (exaggerated self opinion) so I guess I passed. The empath I crush, sometimes to my detriment)
Ducky · 31-35, F
I know what a narcissist is. I live with a spouse who shows narcissistic tendencies occasionally. But I know enough about it to know she's not really a narcissist, but she does show some qualities of one.
4meAndyou · F
My mother was one, and so was the third ex.

A narcissist is self absorbed to the exclusion of almost all else. Other people, to narcissists, are only reflections of themselves.

If you have a narcissist in your life, and you are not PERFECT, or the narcissists idea of perfection, they will make your life miserable because they are so unhappy with your appearance or performance.

Unfortunately, their requirements can be about your physical appearance, your school performance if you are in school, or your earning power if you are working.

A narcissist will COMPARE you to those people in his or her life whom he or she believes are BETTER than you, and woe unto you if you don't surpass that ideal.
It's an axis II personality disorder which means it is treatable if the person is willing to come to terms with it. It should also be left up to doctors to determine, for the most part.
BLP11520 · 61-69, M
I definitely do , my dad was one. Her wife is one.
Zaphod42 · 51-55, M
My mother is a malignant narcissist. She lies, steals, manipulates and back stabs, all while playing the victim. I tried to commit suicide at age 14, and the first thing she said was ‘How could you do this to me?! Do you know how this is going to make me look in the community??!’

Yeah, I have a decent understanding of them.
Greyjedi · M
Do you understand what narcissism is; most people who ask this question are just trying to start a fight because they are upset about something and think they know everything. Because you are a teenager I’m going to guess you are “most people”. I’m sorry you are dealing with tough people, but just because someone does something you don’t like does not mean they are a Narcissist.
MyNameIsHurl · 41-45, F
HumanEarth · F
It's a personality disorder I know that much and they but their needs above others if I'm right
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
It's two things.

The first is a medical diagnosis of someone with narcissistic personality disorder.

The second is a slang term for someone who is abusive, manipulative, and self-centred.
BobbyMoeven · 100+, M

A narcissist would discount your analysis and demand a second opinion of your diagnosis ..

So they can also blatantly ignore that as well ..
@CountScrofula I doubt many true narcissists are medically diagnosed, as according to them, there is nothing wrong with them and everyone else is the problem.
At its core, someone for whom everything centers on them and how it affects them, to the extreme. The myth about the handsome young man, Narcissus, tells how he saw his own reflection in a pond, fell in love with it and refused to eat, drink or do anything but gaze longingly—at himself, until he died.
HannahSky · F
Has 5 of these.
Having a grandiose sense of self-importance, such as exaggerating achievements and talents, expecting to be recognized as superior even without commensurate achievements
Preoccupation with fantasies of success, power, beauty, and idealization
Belief in being "special" and that they can only be understood by or associated with other high-status people (or institutions)
Demanding excessive admiration
Sense of entitlement
Exploitation behaviors
Lack of empathy
Envy towards others or belief that others are envious of them
Arrogant, haughty behaviors and attitudes
@HannahSky This is my Mother
HannahSky · F
IamBack · 31-35, M
I think narcissists share some traits with psychopaths and sociopaths, which is some lack of remorse in addition to being manipulative and thinking that the world revolves around them 🤷🏻‍♂
smiler2012 · 61-69
[@absolutelyfabuloous]🤔 i always thought it was somebody who loves daffodils lol 😆😆😆
Degbeme · 70-79, M
You`re back!!! 🤗

Someone who thinks they`re right and everyone else is wrong.
@Degbeme I am, haha.

Yes, they really can't see that they're wrong ever
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Northwest · M
A narcissist is someone who has an exaggerated sense of self-importance and an excessive need for admiration.
eyeno · M
A person who thinks the World revolves around them.

Magenta · F
@eyeno That's actually a lot of people.
ShenaniganFoodie · 36-40, M
A person that drinks a lot of Porter, Stout or Guinness Beer, normally Irish

overly boastful, exaggerating one’s own achievements
My mother is one of the worst.

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