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Why do you get high?

Idk anymore. It started out as a way for me to forget stuff. Escalated to stop crying. Then came a point when I felt so much and I wanted to feel nothing. I'm numb the third time in a row and it's good. I can't feel shit. I can't cry after I'm high. I'm just smiling even though it's ripping me apart within. It's just harder for me in the day as my co-workers notice me sleeping or upset all the time lol. If I could. I'll choose to be high everytime. I'm done going through the feelings.

Why do you get high? Is it for fun or for something else?
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Starsandfire · 31-35, F
I haven’t for a while, after a very bad experience trying edibles for the first time. But mostly to get a break from the constant high alert anxiety state of mind I’m in.
Starsandfire · 31-35, F
I’m hanging on in there and I hope you are too @Beatbox34
Beatbox34 · 31-35, M
@Starsandfire It's a rollercoaster for me.

My mind is all over the place. Idk what I'm doing. At work, I'm staring at a screen for no reason. I'm dead inside tbh. Maybe I'll get out of it or let it kill me. Idk anymore.
Starsandfire · 31-35, F
I’m not you and I don’t pretend to totally understand how it feels for you…but I get it. I absolutely do. You’re not alone 🤗@Beatbox34
i get high bc i'm lonely basically. cannabis has been my friend since 12 yrs of age. but it also just feels good & lets me not worry so much. btw i saw your comment below, be careful drinking in your car, you don't have to be in the driver's seat to get a DUI in a parked car, you just have to be inside the vehicle with an open container, so be careful please. 🤗
Beatbox34 · 31-35, M
@lovelywarpedlemon I'm just too depressed and it's getting the best of me.

Idk. I need to kill so much in me. I can barely keep my eyes open and tbh the alcohol has only been something that never left me. People used me and trashed me. I never mattered and will never matter. I wish I did though.

Thank you so much for this . Idk. Thank you for caring. It means so much to me 🤗
@Beatbox34 you do matter. i'm sorry people treated you that way. it's all too common for bullies to win over quiet & kind people, it's not fair but we just keep moving on... aww i can imagine how you're feeling now, it's lonely out there. big hugs & wishes for brighter tomorrows. 🤗🖤
DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
I get high when I start experiencing depression
Beatbox34 · 31-35, M
@DeluxedEdition Same.

I'm drinking excessively to not feel. Not cry. To numb it all.

I've probably had over 8 drinks so far.
To have giggles. When I’m high I will laugh with myself and say things that may or may not be funny.

I like to think. I also get high to think on things and enjoy nature.

It also helps with my social anxiety.
it's an escape a couple times a week. It breaks me out of the habits and repeated patterns of my brain.
PoeticPlay · 51-55, M
Apparently I am supposed to be.

If it is meant to be, it will be.
Beatbox34 · 31-35, M
@PoeticPlay Understandable.
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
C-PTSD, chronic pain, and recreational dependency.
Dino11 · M
Tastes good and relaxes me...

I wish I was high. Never been. Only drunk
Beatbox34 · 31-35, M
@SW-User I hope I'm invited lol

This is what I'm having btw

@Beatbox34 sure, just come to Norway 🤟 it's just cider for me
Beatbox34 · 31-35, M
@SW-User Sure lol if I could teleport.
REMsleep · 41-45, F
I'm too busy to get high and I don't use drugs but if I did it would be simply to relax and enjoy zoning out and laughing and to enhance my enjoyment maybe Marijuana nothing instantly addictive or life altering.
Getting high does not fix problems
God fixes my problems or allows me to grow thru them.
I hope that you find your way to peace.
Beatbox34 · 31-35, M
@REMsleep I hope so too.
I don't do it often, nor to necessarily "get high". I do it when my pain and anxiety is out of control.

Best wishes to combating your mental health without the need to stay numb.🤗
I don’t get high as such. The only time I consume cannabis (in edible form only) is as a sleep aid, because that’s how it affects me.
Beatbox34 · 31-35, M
@bijouxbroussard I know how that is to struggle with sleep.
MrAboo · 36-40, M
The weeds store a block away. Weed let’s me think.
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
For fun, sometimes to take the edge off of the day.

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