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Anybody else notice that things really changed after the Covid Pandemic?

I don't know but to me it seems that the pandemic was the point of no return for the world, people seeming to have lost their minds, the world and America as a whole being too soft on crime which allowed it to Skyrocket and just straight up weird shit going on. don't get me wrong the world was messed up before but at least there was some version of Order. and the biggest kick in the pants all this INFLATION!!!!! which wouldn't be so bad if companies stopped being greedy and raise our wages.
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Vin53 · M
A lot more Americans would've gotten through the pandemic if we had a president who wasn't so much more concerned about his image than his country's citizens.
JohnOlinger81 · 41-45, M
@Vin53 yeah Trump didnt take it seriously he called it a hoax his biggest problem was not listening to Dr Fauci cause Trumps a know it all
gol979 · 41-45, M
@Vin53 trump is your medical lord and saviour. He was in charge when he put you under house arrest(lockdown), tried to force you to mask up, closed the economy, printed trillions and the cherry on the cake.....he is the father of the covid experimental injection.

Blues and reds are the same. Its so obvious to anyone not in the childish partisan mindset
LesDawsonsPiano · 70-79
@JohnOlinger81 Yes, just like global warming is a hoax to him. Our world will pay the consequences.
dancingtongue · 80-89, M
Some truth to that, but a lot of conflation. Post-pandemic inflation would not have been as severe if corporate America hadn't been moving production off-shore for years, lengthening the supply chains and thus the shortage of masks, stay at home living necessities at the beginning and general commodities when normal consumption resumed. Yes, there was somewhat of a spike in crime during the pandemic, but mostly domestic-related from people being confined at home and the stresses it brought. The rest of the "increased crime" is debatable since overall crime statistics do not substantiate perceptions, and the issues of violence surrounding social protests (from Black Lives Matter to January 6) and the push to moderate law enforcement have been more impactful, imho. A third factor on crime perception, I believe, is the great shift away from objective journalism that relied largely on print and broadcast media having large staffs to cover a wide range of topics that they had some expertise on, to an online streaming, personality-driven "news media" that has used objective news outlets as there source material without paying for it. Resulting in severe staffing cutbacks to objective journalism to the point where print media staffing is pared down to practically nothing and the cheapest, which is sending a cheap newbie to read the police blotter and fill space with crime stories. And "neighborhood website" chat rooms which largely project fear and misinformation by the paranoid, imho.

We live in a world of perception this century. I thought at the time that universal mandates on masking and vaccination (except for high risk areas like health care venues and confined public areas) was a mistake. I'm old enough to have lived through eras where public health quarantines for highly infectious diseases was routine, and the roll out of the polio vaccine. Both were largely done through public education, a public appeal for the community good, and I like to think we haven't become so self-centered as a society that it couldn't have worked again. But as soon as you began mandating it for everyone -- particularly for a vaccine developed in record rapid fashion using a relatively new process -- you just fed the anti-vax, anti-science, anti-nanny state crowd that already was out there.

Off my soap box, so no need to throw things.
SandWitch · 26-30, F
All of what you've stated in your first post was precipitated by the Trump Administration who dropped the ball with the pandemic when they went into denial mode that it was actually happening.
dancingtongue · 80-89, M
@SandWitch True to some extent, but the mandate was a Biden Adeministration decision.
SandWitch · 26-30, F
Biden was responding to the mess that the Trump Administration had turned the pandemic into, which turned into a clean-up Administration for Trump's mishandling of America's reality.
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
We were on that decline already you can see it in everything.

Covid took everything shitty about the world and put it on fast-forward, though.
Yup, ive been saying the same thing. That pre pandemic and post pandemic are two different lives
SladetheMentor · 26-30, M
@SW-User I agree it just feels like a joke that long stopped being funny.
Nitedoc · 51-55, M
I've noticed that too. I have become suspicious of what was really in the coronavirus vaccines.
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No they didn’t!!
zonavar68 · 56-60, M
There is still a lingering standoff between the pro Covid Vax and anti Covid Vax crowds but hardly anyone asks and questioning a person's Covid status is pretty much forgotten.

In dating I think there's still a fairly strong undercurrent of women who straight out refuse to date men if the won't disclose their Covid Vax position or openly voice against it.

Masks linger on but few if any people still have them.

The WFH thing never affected my job.

Covid was a financial goldmine for the corporate/elite sector though.
ViciDraco · 41-45, M
@zonavar68 I keep my mask in my car. If I'm feeling ill, I'll wear it in public to reduce spread chances. It was a common thing to do in Asian cultures even before covid and I think it's generally a good and considerate idea. But yeah, most people have moved past them.
FreestyleArt · 31-35, M
Yep...more than that.

Although things will change back to normal and restore next year.
Jimmy2016 · 61-69, M
@FreestyleArt 🤔
@AngelUnforgiven there is more than 1 way to get it it can shed from those who has gotten it.the spike protein transfers from vaxed - unvaxed.
5g can radiation poison the body as well symptoms like the flu and cold
@AngelUnforgiven i started to research it i always trust my gut. isn't it strange just when they wanted to start The Fourth Industrial Revolution a catalyst shows up? aka COVID? side note--the blue mask has tiny hooks that rips your lungs. breathing in your own co2 can cause bacterial pneumonia. please research

They murdered them with Remdesivir and midazolam!!
Hospitals got paid to put them on ventilators, many didn’t need them.
You are not wrong that the world went a bit weird.

That being said claiming the US is soft on crime and that crime has skyrocketed is just fantasy.

Crime has been dropping since 1990. And the US has more people in prison than any other nation in absolute numbers and by percentage.
I just want to comment that there was the world BEFORE covid and the world AFTER covid. Never mind the world DURING covid. The world continues to exist in chaos. People have become angrier. Hostile. They lack couth and etiquette especially online. It is shameful. People are so flawed. It is up to each of us to be the example we want to see in the world. To care. To support. To stand up for our rights. Especially now.
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
I can't judge that because my life situation changed in 2020 too. The cost of living where I live was already high before the pandemic and wages low. What truly changed the world for me was the war in Ukraine. There truly is no going back from that.
1490wayb · 56-60, M
printed and gave away too much money...waste fraud and abuse everywhere
Magenta · F
Absolutely it did. That was the inflection point. The world and attitudes defo changed. Everything feels so much different now. 🫤
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StevetheSleeve · 31-35, M
You should be on tv offering you’re thoughts on how that guy could have possibly won
darkmere1983 · 46-50, M
i believe it isn't the end either, i think more pandemics will happen but even worse.
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
It's all happened before and will happen again.
Ppl paying attention now…

The awakening..
I just feel we're being played
HumanEarth · F
I noticed that after 911 happened
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
Pre covid optimism vs post covid defeatism and resignation ?

The crashing and burning of 90% of the western world economy ?

Financial institutions got way too big accumulating more debt than their assets could cover and the detritus that's left sees the likes of Trump; Schultz; Modi et al running the world into the ground.
Rolexeo · 26-30, M
It was just very obvious. 2005 felt different from 2010, 2010 from 2015, etc. I kinda miss 2021
In 50 years everyone will forget about it and then the media will hype up another virus and this will happen again.
Greyjedi · M
Umm, crime was actually pretty low during the pandemic.
Elessar · 26-30, M
It's because we all died back then, you think you're still on Earth but actually this is the purgatory
Vin53 · M
Elessar · 26-30, M
@Vin53 maybe we need to go through another Trump term to atone for our sins 😬
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DonaldTrumpet · 70-79, M
I’m herEZ to SaveZ U
ViciDraco · 41-45, M
Can you be more specific about the nature of crime you believe is getting worse? Carjackings and phone/internet scams are up compared to pre-covid. Most other categories of crime are either flat or down for most localities in the US. There are some exceptions, but the average is a decline in crime.

Inflation isn't a crime, but pairing supply chain crunches with greedy opportunism didn't help. We actually did really well in the US. Our inflation was much lower than most of the developed world. For those who didn't get matching wage increases, that's little comfort though. Even though we did a better job managing it than everyone else doesn't put food on everyone's plate.

People are a little ruder and have given up some common social graces, but that's the biggest real change I've seen. But, I was fortunate enough to get cost of living increases in my job.
JamesBugman · 56-60, T
Yea, it really messed up a lot of things. It was an act of war from China although nobody recognizes it as such. They can play mean games sometimes, and I am sure they had a good laugh watching all the American's die as Trump fumbled around and did everything wrong. Sad about the rest of the world also catching it, but hay.. seven monkeys right.
Vin53 · M
JamesBugman · 56-60, T
@Vin53 But can't you see how perfect it was? They "accidentally" let covid out, and then gave the antidote to their own people while it travelled to the US. Then they started the anti-vaxx campaign, fooling the easily manipulated people into believing the vaccine was dangerous, and they died. Brilliant, and not a single shot was fired or any retaliation. Nothing could be proven. That was for the sanctions Trumpy placed on them. Let's see what strategy they use next time.
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Punches · 46-50, F
I think covid was kind of a lifestyle for some people. They keep wanting to live like we are in the pandemic.
They want others to play along too.

Well for most of us, it is pretty much forgotten. That is okay because we are coming up on another sh*t storm real soon that will have similar effects, especially another huge transfer of wealth to the elite.
Vin53 · M
@Punches There are many reasons why people wear masks out in public, cancer patients with immune deficiency or hyper-allergenic sufferers. Nobody knows what people are going through.
TheShanachie · 61-69, M
The biggest hypochondriacs ever turned into anti vaxxers.
Atlotto · M
Yes...I'm self-employed and struggling.
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SladetheMentor · 26-30, M
@Underconstruction I agree back when we had a spine these days people would be offended by a leaf falling.
Musicman · 61-69, MVIP
I have noticed that too. ☹
SandWitch · 26-30, F
I travel on business a lot and what I've noticed is how many people are not buying into the notion that the Covid pandemic is over and is now behind us, meaning that they are still living in lockdown-mode in their own minds.

A person who has been imprisoned for many years feels the same thing when he gets released, where he can walk the streets as a free man but in his mind, he still feels incarcerated and antisocial.
Moneyonmymind · 31-35, M
I speak for many when I say I miss life before Covid

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