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I seriously am about to give up

I'm so scared of death, but I can't take this anymore. I can only vent here and it's painful but people atleast listen, I barely have one or two friends in real life and I almost always stay closed in my room crying about how ill never be seen as a boy, how much my mother is dissapointed in me and wishes I've never changed, how my father doesn't even care if I'm feeling bad, school is draining me and I csnt keep going like this, it hurts.
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Funlov · M
Here is the way I look at it it’s been shoved in are face pushed down our throats that we have to change and accept it but we don’t that’s are god giving right so why is everyone stepping over? All right I’m not against you, but we have a rights as well.
Funlov · M
@saladtweezers I’m a father of two daughters I know how hard it is for them. I’ll tell you the same thing I tell them don’t let anybody bully you don’t let anybody tell you you can’t cause you can just move forward.
Funlov · M
@saladtweezers my life is sad not much changes in my life except for my girls, but you got your whole life ahead of you just make the right decisions but make them for you not for anybody else. What makes other people happy don’t worry about it make yourself happy and don’t feel down. Look in the mirror and tell yourself you’re logged in your special because you are just keep going every day. 🌹
Dainbramadge · 56-60, M
@Funlov To bad you didn't start off with this comment.
Lucyy · 22-25, F
Can I ask how old you are? Because if you are still in school and a dependent on your parents, it can absolutely get better once you get away from that, and almost always does.
Lucyy · 22-25, F
@Funlov Nobody cares. The fact that you are going after this so hard on a minor's mental health post is really disturbing.
Lucyy · 22-25, F
@saladtweezers ofc ❤️ Again, remember that you can use that block button so people on here can't make your mental health even worse. Keep on keeping on
@Lucyy I appreciate your help, but we did settle, a bit harsh at first but it's all right now! ty still for helping <3
Punches · 46-50, F
Though progress is never linear but things are moving in a good general direction for trans folks. Even if one does not "pass" as their chosen gender, they can still present in the role and live a normal life.

It is not like the old days when things were way harder.

One thing - even if an FTM cannot start HRT until after age 18, testosterone is a powerful hormone and will still have a lot of effect.

Things might be tough right now but it will get better.
greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
I wish you the very best. May life improve for you very soon! Things will get better for you so HANG IN THERE my friend. Don't give up. I will say a prayer for you.
Wiseacre · F
Consider it temporary...
Funlov · M
@Lucyy it all falls into the same basket. Everything’s being shoved down normal people who live a normal life throats. That’s all a got to say not trying to pic a fight, but it all falls in the same basket so I’m done I had my peace I said it just like to be with me
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Dainbramadge · 56-60, M
I can attest at how fucking hard people can make your life when your not their definition of what they wish you were or think you should be.
I am Bipolar and fought tooth and nail all the time I was growing up to be like everyone else. Seemed the harder I tried the further from normal I got.
I got shit at school endlessly and not from the students most of the time.
I got bucket loads of shit at home.
It was never ending reminders that I failed everyone.
I couldn't just be like everyone else.
But even tho I am still pretty fucked in the head I am a lot more comfortable with it.
I have found a few friends that except me like the broken toy I am and I believe they actually like that about me.
Things take time to wash out.
I'm sure this isn't exactly what you were looking for but I have read the rest of the comments and I see where you appreciate this place for what it can be.
You just gotta hang in there for a bit more and try to roll with the punches as crappy as that sounds.
Sorry I don't have anything more to offer.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
Parents can be terrible at times like this. I don't know how to help you.
@LordShadowfire don't worry , I'm glad you still tried! Not forcing anyone to help, I'm just venting yknow?? Ty either way ❤️❤️
GuyWithOpinions · 31-35, M
Dam that sucks. My lifes all fucked up too. Except im no longer afraid of death. I have literally no friends at all now. Want to talk about your shit? Il listen.
@GuyWithOpinions don't worry, this site is all I need and even knowing I am not alone and that someone offers to listen is more than good for me <3

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