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Yes, kinda mean. It depends what your name is. What I am trying to say is if your name is from another country, hence not a popular name for him, it might be hard to pronounce it. I have a few asian friends, and I'm canadian, and it's hard for me to pronounce some of their names sometimes-- even years later! Some of them I had to resort to calling them a nickname or part of their full 20-letter name (I don't know how many letters, but it's humongously long names sometimes)... So maybe take that into consideration and his whole behaviour with you before you assume he's doing it on purpose.
iamnikki31-35, F
@Peanut2 no. That is so high school. It's not funny, it's annoying and frustrating. This is a 50+ year old unnactrative male.
@iamnikki We women usually are more mature than men, and I wasn't trying to be 'funny'. Trust me, many 40+ men could behave that way. Remember, they say that the 50's is the men's third adolescence. Maybe he's unattractive, but it doesn't stop him from feeling attracted to women.
iamnikki31-35, F
@Peanut2 I didn't think they were that slow to mature
. I was referring to him not being funny

Beautifullyderanged36-40, F
How many people have you met who couldn't pronounce it? I have a pretty normal name but people always butcher it, not because they're being mean or trying to get my attention,it's mainly because they don't use it often or we don't talk a lot. If you hardly speak to him then he won't get much practice saying it right. Instead of being aggressive about it and making him feel embarrassed, help him to pronounce it properly. At the moment I doubt he will really want to use your name at all...
iamnikki31-35, F
@Beautifullyderanged he says it right one minute, then says it wrong the next minute. Says it right the next day he sees me, then says it wrong at 2pm.
Beautifullyderanged36-40, F
@iamnikki does he say it wrong when it's just the two of you or with other people there as well
iamnikki31-35, F
@Beautifullyderanged with others as well. Also will introduce me to someone I haven't met and say my name wrong to them. i think that's on purpose. Thank you for your time
MarkPaul26-30, M
Seems a bit childish for both of you.
MarkPaul26-30, M
@iamnikki I suspect he claims he is being assertive too.
iamnikki31-35, F
@MarkPaul that doesn't make since but okay
Edit: sense
MarkPaul26-30, M
@iamnikki If you know anything about human nature it makes complete sense. You are both trying to rationalize your childish behaviour while you each get childish satisfaction over thinking you are annoying the other.
JoePourMan61-69, M
That isn't the least bit mean, he is making no effort to learn and pronounce it correctly
Nah you're not mean, you're assertive. No need to apologize for sharing your concerns.
*But you might be better off ignoring him. If he really gets off on teasing you, the best way to make it stop is to simply have zero reaction. Don't take any shit. Just give him the death stare and ignore him entirely.
Its not mean.. serves him right .. but maybe call him something more annoying
Hmmm. Well...probably not something I would do, because I don't like confrontation, but it's not actually mean. Maybe he is murdering your name on purpose so you will talk to him...馃槈
@iamnikki I had a physically abusive mother, who believed that only males were worthy, and trained me to be a servant. Mainly HER servant...but I had to schlep hors d'oeuvres and drinks to her friends, and to my own brother who was treated like a demi god when he arrived home for visits. I did NOT learn to be assertive...because that usually earned me a hard slap straight across the face.
iamnikki31-35, F
@4meAndyou omg, no one deserves or should have to endure being treated that way. I think I would have gotten emancipated. When did you leave home?
@iamnikki The second it was legal. But I didn't realize I was marrying a perv to get out.
I like your attitude actually
So, I think this strongly depends on your name...and how far off he is. There is no excuse to not try, but there are some names that are just beyond me. Not many, but some.
iamnikki31-35, F
@RandomForest my 4 year old neice can pronounce my name correctly.
@iamnikki ah, well that solves that, coworker needs a slap
iamnikki31-35, F
@RandomForest exactly. I really dislike some people
Not mean at all...
Do you get on with him otherwise ?
iamnikki31-35, F
@revenant what does 'get on' mean? Get along? We don't talk much. He's in and out of the office all day. We have our clients so it's usually busy in the office. Plenty of downtime though for all. Such as now when I'm on my phone
@iamnikki Oh I was just wondering if he was being passive aggressive and doing it just to get under your skin.
iamnikki31-35, F
@revenant I think he is. I told him ' I think you're doing this on purpose'

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