@SW-User Thanks. I am not claiming to be right with this, but like say I see someone dressed a little funny to me like a guy with his pants sagging down past his bottom and his skivvies are showing and he waddles because his pants are sagging yet never pulls them up. And its obvious he wears his pants this odd way to me. I make an observation, might laugh in my head about it, but get on with what it was I originally set out to do. And if dude stops to ask me a question, I do not go into asking hey, how come you like to have your pants falling down like that? A pretend he is just another guy asking a question. I answer if can, he goes his way and I go mine. That is what I would generally do.
But then there are those I have witnessed, that usually in a group for if alone would not have the nerve, they yell out some insult to the guy with saggy pants. They laugh at him aloud. Might even throw a bottle at him.
Yeah it might be irritating wondering why that guy wears his pants sagging and his butt sticking out, and obviously is having difficulties walking with his pants hobbling him like that but he obviously likes it that way. Its just clothes. Its none of my business WHY; it might be a curiosity. But I am curious about many things, whether its about people or bugs, plants or rocks. I check it out, look it over, then move on. Not everything do I like. If I dont like it I leave it. If I like it I check it out more. So I guess what I am asking in my question is why does some folks get stuck on something like these things and let it bother them to no end; get them furious even? It has nothing to do with them from outside; they are tormenting themselves inside by what something does around them.
Now if the saggy pants guy gets to stalking me or getting aggressive, yeah then I take extreme notice and might have to get defensive. But its not about his pants. Its his actions directed at me specifically.
So like back to my being Transgender, if I am simply going from point A to point B and have nothing to do with some guy seeing Transgenderism as a Mystery, what would make him get to follow me and persist at hating me when he has other places to go to, yet ignores his other needs to persist in following me to torment himself even more? I do not get it. It baffles me.