Text I can't send - BraisI sometimes imagine seeing you again some day, how I would react, how you would react, if we would even say "Hi" to each other or pretend as if we were strangers, like we used to do as kids, hiding our friendship from everyone at school, afraid of... See More »
Texts I can't send - LucasI remember the first time I saw you on Tinder.. I think I cried a little bit. But it wasn't like as soon as I saw your profile I instantly cried. I think I felt confused, I couldn't understand why your profile was being recommended to me, I thought... See More »
I don't know whyI just needed to vent somewhere because i have the feeling no one listens anyways, I'm transgender but still closeted and i usually change on the toilet of the girls changing room for P.E. i don't know why they think it's funny to just open the door... See More »
Small VentI kind of want to get myself a binder but my biggest fear right now is that it'd make me realize things about myself and my gender that I don't want to know.