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To all those who just don't get it!

*Scenerio for you* If a child was going into school as a boy (say 8 year old) let's call him Sam. Then say six months later he turned around and said he wanted to dress as a girl and be called Sarah. All his friends and peers have ONLY ever known him as Sam. Now you tell me how a school/ teachers then explain that to a classroom of 30+ children who are 7/8 years old? Then to a school of say 600 children who have 4/5 years olds in reception? WITHOUT causing confusion??? Love to hear how anyone here questioning my concerns, would tackle that situation to ensure EVERY child can FULLY understand how, why, Sam has changed!?
Gloomy · F
Not every child needs to understand why, trans kids might not even understand why they are who they are at this point. What matters is that the kids should not bully her and be kind.

Also it's important to note that if Sarah is trans she didn't just "turn around" and even if it's just a phase the emphasis should be on acceptance and to prevent bullying.
WillaKissing · 56-60
@Lanie78 Teaching the basics at that age is the teacher's job, not gender identity. Gender identity issues are the responsibility of all parents to their children not the school. Schools are for education of the basics until the child enters college or a trade school.
KarenDuponteDurose · 46-50, F
@Lanie78 Please see my reply...
WillaKissing · 56-60
@Lanie78 More accepting at that age than 11 to 18 years of age, the only shame with that would be the parents of the child's friend not being as accepting to the change as their own child. It is the parents/adults that make the issue sensitive and problematic.
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
You know what happens when kids learn trans people exist? They go 'oh' and just get on with their lives. Kids can have transgender siblings, cousins, friends of family, parents and even grandparents. What is with this weird idea that kids have no exposure to reality outside of school?

But you know that. This isn't about kids. This is about making sure Sarah commits suicide before adulthood.
Lanie78 · 41-45, F
@CountScrofula She should be allowed to carry on in whichever makes her feel happy. I haven't said otherwise.
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
@Lanie78 And the school does what?
Lanie78 · 41-45, F
@CountScrofula Perhaps take a look at @HannibalAteMeOut reply. They've a very sensible approach to the situation.
Dicey · 31-35, F
It's hard to answer your question in detail without knowing what specific questions are being asked. In general, it's okay for the recognition that someone is trans to be confusing or to feel like that doesn't make sense, as long as people are willing to listen and try to understand. That goes for children too, and I would hope that we're raising them to be open-minded and curious about the world.
Elessar · 26-30, M
You've been unnecessarily rude.
Bold this coming from the one who calls you sexist or bully for merely pointing out the great majority of your posts and comments are inflammatory reharseals of anti-trans far-rightwing talking points.
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
@Lanie78 I haven’t seen @BobbyMoeven or @Elessar be rude to you here.
Lanie78 · 41-45, F
@iamonfire696 If you say so.
HannibalAteMeOut · 22-25, F
I just have to ask, why "WITHOUT causing confusion"? At the age you're describing, I was confused when a boy came over and said "I love you" because he wasn't my family member or friend and I had no idea about such things as romantic interest. Yet my confusion didn't cause any drama or harm later on.
Now to your question, I'm not a teacher or parent or social worker, but first of all I wouldn't accommodate EVERY child in the school to this fact, and for sure I would not announce anything with a microphone lol. I'd first of all have a talk with the family to see how they're taking it and their own needs and wishes. I'd say to the kids that one of their classmates, Sam, wasn't feeling comfortable with their name and gender and prefer to be Sarah. Then I'd explain that some people go through that, others are older, not necessarily children, and that for some people there are extra steps to get to know themselves better. I'd also add that in the furure they too might disvover that they are different from their peers in a way, but it's not bad and they should feel comfortable with change and respect others' differences too (not make fun of them or exclude them). And of course if they have any concerns they're free to talk to me (or the school psychologist, if any). That's all I think.
HannibalAteMeOut · 22-25, F
@HannibalAteMeOut also about the kindergarten kids that for some reason need to know about Sam: first of all kids of those ages (4 and 8) don't usually interact with each other at school unless they have siblings. But anyway at 4 a child cannot even tell what time it is. Pretty sure telling me that a random boy is now a girl at 4 would be a way easier concept to grasp lol.
Then at 8 I was learning about how Helen was cheating on her husband because someone gave an apple to a goddess. Talk about confusion lmao.
In seriousness, it's not that big of a deal.
Lanie78 · 41-45, F
@HannibalAteMeOut That would be a good approach. Well said. Sorry so many replies difficult to keep track at times.
HannibalAteMeOut · 22-25, F
@Lanie78 thank you
BlueVeins · 22-25
Overwhelmingly, it's not the kids who are confused so much as the parents.
The biggest issue here are the parents. The school and its teachers can explain as much as they want as long as there's transphobic parents that raise their children in their own believes. @Gloomy explained it very well already. As for those in the younger classes, they'll likely never become aware of the transition. In a school of 600 children, in classes of 30+ children they will mostly be aware on the children on their own school level. And yes, I got children myself and know about the dynamics in schools and among children.

Can I ask a personal question? Why are you so obsessed with the LGBTQ community? I mean you mask your questions in various ways, but basically they're all about the same, singling out LGBTQ as an issue in the society and us best not being allowed to be a part of society, why this hate? What did anyone of us do to you?
BobbyMoeven · 51-55, M

How pretel , is it unhealthy to scrutinize something that you read ? And to dissect , or determine its worth or contribution .. How is that unhealthy ?

If a modern article was written 'The Earth is Flat '....I think it would be in my best interest to scrutinize it , as the next around the world trip I take , I may not be coming home .. 😉
Lanie78 · 41-45, F
@BobbyMoeven People take everything out of context. Of course it's healthy to question, not to the extent though many do here.
Words are cheap, actions less.

Therein you'll find the response on the opposition you find to your posts. It's not hateful to argue you on this topic, not even calling you out as long as you won't let us understand what's your motive for your unhealthy obsession with LGBTQ.

And this far, you've still reflected to answer on my parallel to autism. I guess there's reasons for that deflection as well.
itsok · 31-35, F
My sister in elementary school decided to change her name in the middle of a school year. Not legally, she just wanted to go by a different name. Her teacher immediately accepted it and so did everyone in her class, calling her by a different name. At the beginning of the following year the teacher sent home a letter asking what name she wanted to go by that year. It didn’t seem to be a huge deal.
My brother, in elementary school, was friends with someone for years thinking they were a boy, before he found out she was a girl. No meltdown ensued.
I don’t think there would be much confusion on the kids’ part. As someone who has been around a lot of kids, the younger they are, the less they seem to care about things like that.
Exactly, wonderful examples of how an issue is a non-issue unless adults want to make it a huge issue.
Elessar · 26-30, M
Oh, you're really obsessed with this topic, ain't you? Speaking of extremists..
Lanie78 · 41-45, F
@Elessar You're being offensive towards me. Both sexist and name calling. Immature.
BobbyMoeven · 51-55, M

Nobody has called your views offensive ... In the slightest !!!

Being called out as being an extremist about an issue , is not at all the same as being called offensive ...

Case in point ..
Elessar · 26-30, M
@Lanie78 I'm not. You have a problem with opinions differing from yours and even more so with being called out for pushing an agenda while you pretend you don't. The one throwing random accusations (of sexism), again, isn't me here.
KarenDuponteDurose · 46-50, F
Why you generally find, hun, is that kids will be kids regardless of their, irrespective of the child being Sam or Sarah, they'll still be playing the same way and doing pretty similar things...albeit in a skirt or dress...and other children will just see it as 'play' rather than anything too sexual...

You give children too much credit for being very highly intelligent and complicated when they're very simple people with simple needs....

...and this is coming from a teacher, ok?

Lanie78 · 41-45, F
@KarenDuponteDurose I'm not a teacher. Never said any where that I was. To claim children are simple with simple needs is incorrect. Your whole reply is derogatory towards children and you haven't understood my post at all.
The leftist woke answer to the question is "You are a racist, a homophobe, a transphobe, and a bigot blah blah blah. 🤣
BobbyMoeven · 51-55, M

Thats pretty much what I expected as a response ..I can see you are very comfortable in this line of communication ...

No worries , I've levelled up since , while you unfortunately are stuck , along with your prehistoric views of sex and gender ..

Maybe next time take the opportunity to review this post and comments and get some context, before chiming in like a child ..
@BobbyMoeven You are the one name calling like a 4th grader.
BobbyMoeven · 51-55, M

Ohhhhhhh ,comments on repeat ...

Now , That explains it, I thought I might be texting with a bot or really tech savvy parrot 😉
Lanie78 · 41-45, F
Truth is. No-one on this post can answer my OP. Clearly noone here has ever been in the situation where they need to explain it to many children in a school setting. Nor have I, why I broached the subject.
Instead though some here, rather than say I don't really know.... they've just turned it all around and claim I'm racist and transphobic and always deflecting 🤷

Gloomy · F
In Sams case you could say "When Sam/Sarah was born it was automatically assumed that she was a boy, but once she was old enough to understand herself and explain it to us, she told us she's a girl. She now dresses in a way that makes her feel comfortable so that people see her as a girl. We use a girl's name and say she and her when we talk about her.”
I believe you were given several sincere replies at first. Somehow you chose to deflect them to further a narrative that you’re not willing to share in public with others in any sincere way.
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
@Lanie78 What is your point here? You’re trying to stop bullying? When you figure that out please let me know because kids bully others for a multitude of reasons. That starts with the parents at home.

The kids that don’t understand it or aren’t accepting of this probably live in households that are fuelled by hate for trans people. They are being taught that this is the wrong way to live and it goes against the bible and there’s something wrong with Sam because she knows she’s Sarah.

Many people have said that most kids would just accept it and keep playing with their friends.

What answer are you looking for?
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BobbyMoeven · 51-55, M

Nope ...Ellesar is not on his own here ,

I think this post is complete BS as well ..

Its not a just a polarized 'Scenario ', but a complete sham !!
Lanie78 · 41-45, F
@BobbyMoeven Actually no, you two are bullies. Fact. Bye now 👋
Elessar · 26-30, M
@Lanie78 No dude, calling out the evident political agenda behind these posts does not constitute "bullying", nor "sexism". You keep making up and throwing random accusations.
Rolexeo · 26-30, M
The topic is too complex for children, it only serves to confuse them, especially when reinforced by the culture.

20 years ago if your 5 year old said "I'm a girl" and they kept saying it for months or years. You knew something was up, they thought of it themselves.

Nowadays if a child says it you don't know if they've just been brainwashed by the school.
Rolexeo · 26-30, M
@pillowprincess Have a tampon
Rolexeo · 26-30, M
@pillowprincess Wait it out, hun
Not every child is trans .. first of all it may be a phase ..he might just be trying something out just to see what it's all about . There is a lot more talk about it openly than there ever was before . Kids hear things from parents ..teachers ..peers all the time ..let them just be kids and stop over thinking this ...he's too little to process the enormity of it all son wanted to be a princess at 4 years old 🙄 that doesn't mean he still wants to be one at are ever changing ....
re. frigging...lax...
Lanie78 · 41-45, F
@SW-User I fully understand that. However how then do you explain to a child's peers when they decide to back to being Sam? Especially in the school setting? All kids go through phases and I believe they should be allowed to explore, I just simply questioned how in a school setting you make their peers understand without causing more confusion 🤷 is that really that difficult to understand?
@Lanie78 I feel that is something that the parents should explain to their own children...or simply put it this way ... change happens..and that's ok to your students doesn't need to be overly explained to small kids ...simply put is best
Lanie78 · 41-45, F
@SW-User Yes I agree. Best answer probably. Parents know their children best, so know how to broach it in a way their children can process it according to their age. I just struggle to see how a school can deal with that situation in a way that's best for EVERYONE. Thank you.
Heartlander · 80-89, M
I think transference, the wish to be someone else, is pretty common, especially with children. Even as adults, how many people would like to be Joe Burrow or Patrick Mahomes instead of themselves. As adults, we know it isn't possible so we keep such thoughts in check. Children however have not yet learned how to keep fantasies in check and may hold onto the idea of being someone else much longer. Then, if parents or others encourage the idea, it may cease being a fantasy and instead become a reality. The someone else may be a different gender.
KarenDuponteDurose · 46-50, F
@Heartlander To a degree, pet, however there's transference and there's the need to be of a different sex. Two different extremes of the same just relies on time to see if it's a fad or something more permanent.
Trying to argue continually to prove something to yourself or strangers on the internet won't solve whatever is going on home . Find a good support system and focus on your real life
Jackaloftheazuresand · 26-30, M
Let the kid explain it if they know their self so well to even arrive at such a conclusion
Lanie78 · 41-45, F
@Jackaloftheazuresand At that age and like @Gloomy has said they probably won't even understand it themselves.
Jackaloftheazuresand · 26-30, M
@Lanie78 😉
Sexism is free to roam your streets while you well meming people confuse and degrade the discussion.
You totally got this.
You so hurt memes no progress on sexism or equality in our society. Gross. Pants,- wear pants that do not get you shot or beaten up. And shut up about genders because making sense doesn't work anyway.
This stuff should be ignored and not talked about. Kids do not need to be exposed to LGBT perversions
Lanie78 · 41-45, F
@Stargazer89 That's not a healthy outlook. Religious views shouldn't determine how someone chooses to live their life. To not at least have some understanding is just plain ignorant.
Budwick · 70-79, M
Religious views shouldn't determine how someone chooses to live their life.

From a Christian POV this is exactly opposite of the truth.
@Budwick it's amazing how so many people want to chip away at what it means to be a Christian. Now apparently we can't even live our lives according to the Bible
This is speculative..

the teacher’s job is to teach curriculum.
If the subject is brought up at all, it will be in coordination with administrators and parent involvement.
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
Not even adults can understand why Sam has changed. 8 year old sams didn't use to suddenly swap genders, it's a parasitic idea that is plaguing society and sneaks into many things that Sam is exposed to. Children are like sponges, they learn from their environment and they become their environment..
LordShadowfire · 100+, M
Think I figured out why people are yelling at you online.

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