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To all those who just don't get it!

*Scenerio for you* If a child was going into school as a boy (say 8 year old) let's call him Sam. Then say six months later he turned around and said he wanted to dress as a girl and be called Sarah. All his friends and peers have ONLY ever known him as Sam. Now you tell me how a school/ teachers then explain that to a classroom of 30+ children who are 7/8 years old? Then to a school of say 600 children who have 4/5 years olds in reception? WITHOUT causing confusion??? Love to hear how anyone here questioning my concerns, would tackle that situation to ensure EVERY child can FULLY understand how, why, Sam has changed!?
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Dicey · 31-35, F
It's hard to answer your question in detail without knowing what specific questions are being asked. In general, it's okay for the recognition that someone is trans to be confusing or to feel like that doesn't make sense, as long as people are willing to listen and try to understand. That goes for children too, and I would hope that we're raising them to be open-minded and curious about the world.
Lanie78 · 41-45, F
@Dicey Yes I get that and actually best answer so far. So you can see how and why it could be difficult for children to process?!
Dicey · 31-35, F
@Lanie78 Yeah, I could see that. I think it's hard for a lot of people to process at first. It's an experience that relatively few people have; most people are totally fine with their birth sex, so it's hard to imagine what being trans would feel like.
Lanie78 · 41-45, F
@Dicey Exactly my point. Thank you! At last!
Dicey · 31-35, F
@Lanie78 Glad we agree :) I think that it's still important to encourage children to try to understand, even while we acknowledge that that might be difficult, at least at first
Lanie78 · 41-45, F
@Dicey Yes I agree. Yet I'm being called anti trans and extreme for having this view 🤷
Elessar · 26-30, M
@Lanie78 You're being called anti-trans for the attitude you've shown in your recent multitude of posts about LGBT, not for this post in particular.
BobbyMoeven · 51-55, M

You are projecting your own instituted feelings about this on hypothetical kids ,,

This post and your comments are all imaginary and not factual from presented ....

An example is siding with a point 'I see how this could be hard to process '... Its only projection and hypothetical ...
Lanie78 · 41-45, F
@BobbyMoeven So now you're telling me his couldn't be the case? Even though it actually has been. Not common for this age group but it does happen. Seriously?! I'm classed as narrow-minded here yet thinking outside the box. Do you read my replies or just interpret what you want to from them?
Elessar · 26-30, M
@BobbyMoeven Also what's comical is that this user repeatedly complains bout "her" opinion not being accepted by the SW community, in particular (and let me quote her literally) by the "the extremists, basically far left, sometimes far right" (

Considering the left/right polarization on the matter, and the fact they define themselves as having a "different opinion" (than indeed those who she defines "basically far-left extremists"), the only logical conclusion is that their "different opinion" is indeed anti-transgenderism.

But they sure gets upset when you point it out lol
Lanie78 · 41-45, F
@Elessar Other people have comments here, actually fully against the trans education of children. Why aren't you attacking them?
Elessar · 26-30, M
@Lanie78 Maybe someone pays you for being here and thus you have contract obligations on your engagement, I do not. I'll comment when I want and where I want ;)

That said, generally I do, when there's a veiled or not-so-veiled political agenda being pushed.
Lanie78 · 41-45, F
@Elessar Paranoid bully.
BobbyMoeven · 51-55, M

Your whole post starts with 'Scenario for you ',,,you are constructing an argument based only on your own projected insecurities ...
Elessar · 26-30, M
@Lanie78 Again, false accusation. You've made a public post and I'm expressing my opinion on it. Wasn't it you complaining because you perceive the site isn't open enough to different opinions?

Then you attack me, and expect me not to defend myself? Or you complain because I don't engage with other users that share your view, and attack me again for doing it? Make peace with your brain and decide what you want me to do lol, as it seems you have a problem with me no matter what I do lol
Lanie78 · 41-45, F
@Elessar Pot kettle black. Honestly you're something else. Happy to discuss, if you can discuss as an adult. You've proven you can't without resorting to Insults and assumptions. Bye now 👋
Elessar · 26-30, M
@Lanie78 I've replied using the very same register you used; if anyone's childish here is the one hiding behind "neutrality" to push an evident political agenda and then making up false accusations to try to sway the attention away when they're called out.

Feel free to flee from the argument, because evidently you know you can't possibly prove my point wrong.
Lanie78 · 41-45, F
@Elessar Whose arguing? You're just a random on SW who can't see beyond your OWN views. I don't need to prove anything. You don't need or have to agree with my views. That's how adult debate/interactions work.
Elessar · 26-30, M
@Lanie78 Oh I can definitely see past my own views, I can see the narrative you're desperately trying to push in particular, and that's what you're arguing against. Short term memory perhaps?

You complain because you perceive your "different opinion" isn't well received here, and then attack with false accusation anyone who disagrees with yours, and now try to pretend you never argued in the first place. Go figure.
Lanie78 · 41-45, F
@Elessar Sigh. I'm not arguing. This is quite amusing.
Elessar · 26-30, M
@Lanie78 You even called me names ("sexist", "bully" - I've no idea where you've seen me being sexist or bullying anyone), simply for pointing out the obvious narrative being spun by this series of posts of yours and/or disagreeing on a public post, and you speak of "adult debating"? Sigh, really. What are you, 14? "Throw the stone and hide the hand" much?
Lanie78 · 41-45, F
@Elessar You've referred to me as a dude numerous times. That's disrespectful. Among other things. I've nothing to prove here or to anyone else. You're just here to troll. That's your objective, because you don't like what I post. Simples. I've no malicious intent whatsoever. You however choose to attack me for your own gratification. No doubt a one handed keyboard warrior 🤮
BobbyMoeven · 51-55, M

Every Scenario you have raised here in this post,, I have experience with directly or indirectly through other families as well as through conversations with teachers at,my school and who I am friends with ..

We have kids who are autistic , LGBT , have chronic disorders ... All these differences in kids are openly accepted by the majority of kids and families in the district... There will always be struggles , but the more open and accepting we are to lifes factual natures.the easier it becomes to embrace it, and it starts with kids... Who are the most flexible and adaptable to any information .

My kids both have issues that can create cause for bullying ,, and these issues have been openly raised in class and ny kids , don't feel isolated ir bullied as a result ..
Elessar · 26-30, M
@Lanie78 Ah so your point is that calling you "dude" is exactly as offensive and ground enough to throw random/unbased accusations of "sexism" and "bullying"? Jeez, it's a slang, not even necessarily gendered. And then you even complain that people get offended too easily 😂

You're projecting your problems on me, again. Almost the totality of your posts here revolve around igniting debates about LGBTQ attacking what you perceive as the mainstream position, and multiple users (that you define "basically left-wing extremists") called you out on it, but no it's me the "troll" or the "keyboard warrior". Seriously, you really seem to have a self-awareness problem and bad case of psychological projection to figure out.

Accusing people of sexism and bullying with no evidence whatsoever is definitely malicious, for the record.
Lanie78 · 41-45, F
@BobbyMoeven As do I have personal experience. Try reading your replies again and that of your little friends. You've been unnecessarily rude.

I've replied to other users on this post and they can see point. Why can't you?
Elessar · 26-30, M
You've been unnecessarily rude.
Bold this coming from the one who calls you sexist or bully for merely pointing out the great majority of your posts and comments are inflammatory reharseals of anti-trans far-rightwing talking points.