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Are you anti-vaccination or pro-vaccination?

@Roadsterrider The most dangerous part of neuro-toxins like thimerosal, is that they can go through the brain's blood barrier, so it can bring along with it also what's in the vaccine. A normal exposure to a virus/bacteria will never have access directly to our brains, they would have to go through our filters: skin, lungs, stomach.

I am not against getting my immune system strong through limited exposure, but all the toxins they put in vaccines to force a response from a strong immune system, is just wrong and dangerous. Especially because they are so many these days and given also to newborns in the first 12 hours of life even if it makes no sense what so ever to give a hepatitis B vaccine to a new born is the mom is healthy, because hepatitis B sources can be: sexual contact, sharing of needles, accidental needle sticks, mother to child (there would be visible signals of the mother being infected:

Many of the diseases for which they give vaccines are not even lethal. Yes we get a bit weak and our body learns and gets stronger. That is how is meant to be.

Vaccines are not guaranteed to work, but a strong immune system is guaranteed to be the best line of defence. I would rather invest in making my immune system strong through a good lifestyle and diet/nutrients, than through exposure to neuro-toxins and "inactive" viruses that can cause unexpected tragic and permanent problems especially when in combination with other drugs that people may take.

Over 44K people reported reverse reactions to vaccines in only 2019 and in USA alone: CSV File
(VAERS DATA) and that is in the USA alone and only those that actually reported the issues.
"Since 1988, over 21,491 petitions have been filed with the VICP. Over that 30-year time period, 18,473 petitions have been adjudicated, with 7,044 of those determined to be compensable, while 11,429 were dismissed. Total compensation paid over the life of the program is approximately $4.2 billion." $4.2 billion is a nice amount but it does not compare with the almost 60 billions they are making per year in profit world wide:

Enough money to motivate some kind of people to do whatever they can(pay doctors to recommend them, pay people to spread wrong data online, pay politicians to force them by LAW in countries like Romania - since when does a politician have any power over my body/life?) to have more and more people paying for more and more vaccines.

All I am saying is that I rather not play russian roulette with my and my kids' health because I will be the one having to live with it for the rest of my life and not the state nor anyone else.
"Homoprophylaxis is immunization NOT vaccination and is chosen by hundreds of our patients for their babes based on over 30 years of success with no babes suffering childhood illness and NO capacity to cause an ounce of harm."
So why not try somehting natural first? Why anyone on their right mind inject themselves with something they don't understand. People should use their brains first.
"How to Use Homoprophylaxis to Easily Obtain Natural Immunity."
Magenta · F
@sunlight It's kind of ironic so many believe it is actually a cure all, when medicine/science can't even stop the common cold or cure cancer or aids or a multitude of other diseases and illnesses. As if we can stop death coming. There is no healing medicine for the flesh. Only temporary fixes. Mmhm.
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
@Magenta yes, but they work ..
Roadsterrider · 56-60, M
I am antivac, if the folks selling the vaccines have to lie about what is in them, I have to assume they aren't being honest about their performance either. Mercury, "there is no mercury in modern vaccines", but the vaccines have a preservative in them called Timerosol, this preservative is 50% mercury. I had all my vaccines as a child and my 3 children had all the regular vaccines, but for years children had reactions to the mercury and the drug companies and the CDC said they were absolutely safe. I guess it isn't a problem unless your child is the 1 in a 1000 that has a reaction. If there is a 1 in a 1000 chance or a 1 in a million chance that something will hurt my child, that should be my decision, not the governments.
Roadsterrider · 56-60, M
@SW-User I guess the US Public Health Service doesn't understand it either because they recommended removing it from vaccines back in the 90s to "reduce the exposure to infants to mercury as much as possible. From an article published by the NIH "mercury and mercuric compounds—including thimerosal, its metabolite ethylmercury, and methylmercury—are well-established nephro- and neurotoxicants." It doesn't matter if is a compound or not, the body still winds up being affected by it and processing it. There isn't any chemistry explanation that can make the fact that there is mercury in Thimerosal go away. All the organizations that oversee health, CDC, NIH, USPHS, all the above, were on board with removing it to prevent exposure to mercury to children. You are correct, we aren't going to agree. What would change my opinion is complete honesty in what they put into the stuff and that probably will never happen.
@SW-User You are focused on the wrong thing. Thimerosal, can go through the brain's blood barrier, so it can bring along with it also what's in the vaccine. A normal exposure to a virus/bacteria will never have access directly to our brains, they would have to go through our filters: skin, lungs, stomach.
@sunlight how does it bring along other components?
Isn't it interesting how people against vaccination stop responding when you point out some of their arguments are refuted by the core principal of chemistry? 🤭
@sunlight vaccines aren't 100% effective in every case, and some people can't be vaccinated due to a week immune system. The exceptions are protected by herd immunity which only exists of those able to handle the vaccinations do get them.
@SW-User Vaccines destroy natural herd immunity:

Listen to this doctor:

@sunlight that is compelling, though not entirely supported by science. Mothers can't supply their antibodies to their babies, so that's where most of his story falls apart.
You should really read a bit more about vaccines before you let yourselves or your loved ones be injected with those highly toxic chemicals, especially persons younger than 2 years old who don't have the immune system fully developed.

I do not want to be forced to be injected with mercury and other toxins they use to make the vaccines trigger a reaction by our immune systems. If they really work they should not affect those already vaccinated. But no, they want to force everyone to take them. That does not sound right to me in any way. No vaccine guarantees we won't get the disease, and if we do get sick even if vaccinated for that disease, the only one that will save us is our immune system. So I prefer to make my immune system stronge rather than be injected with dangerous chemicals that can pass the brain's blood barrier.

If the possible conequences are not important to you, then you won't mind living with any possible conequences for the rest of your life, if such a life is worth living.

The Truth About Vaccines Docu-series - Episode 1 | Robert F. Kennedy Jr Interview | Smallpox Vaccine

Dr. Suzanne Humphries' Testimony at West Virginia Senate on vaccinations

Doctor behind film that links autism to vaccines speaks out

Corporate Lobbying Group ALEC Behind Mandatory Vaccine Agenda

Texas school with 100% vaccination rate forced to shut down due to whooping cough outbreak – and they want us to believe that vaccines work?
Magenta · F
@sunlight Indeed, there are many articles and info that support this. I believe the majority are brainwashed.
crownedwithlaurel97 · 26-30, F
I had no idea there were so many stupid people on here. it's all fun and games until your unvaccinated child dies of a completely preventable disease cause you were playing doctor with an internet medical degree🙃
Harriet03 · 41-45, F
@crownedwithlaurel97 @ArishMell People don't like the expression, but we live in "herds". One gets infected, it endangers the whole herd!! 🤷‍♀️
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@Harriet03 True. There is no reason to dislike the word, and it is used medically, in "herd immunity".
Harriet03 · 41-45, F
@ArishMell Indeed.
ArishMell · 70-79, M

There have concerted campaigns of wilful ignorance by certain groups of extremely cruel, callous, selfish and anti-social people to prevent vaccination and return to the days of crippling and often fatal, infectious diseases. Not just the obvious ones like polio, tetanus and tuberculosis; but also the more insidious illnesses like measles.

They act by frightening parents into replacing care with dogma.

Some of the fear arose from a British doctor who published a very poor paper claiming the MMR vaccine as a "cause" of autism, but that was subsequently shown utterly wrong - he had confused correlation with cause. Sadly the damage had been done, and the rebuttal received far less coverage or notice than the original publication.

In some countries, the campaign has a political slant, driven by people who hate anything they can link to "The West".

Otherwise, I do not understand these campaigners' motives, especially in countries like the USA that like to boast how clever and educated they are.

I wonder how many of these bullies have any children of their own? None, probably, and I hope they do not, for I would fear for their children' safety.
@ArishMell measles is not usually lethal just as flu is not always lethal.

Check this graph on polio vs lead, arsenic, DDT etc:

From his book 'Health and Healing' Dr Andrew Weil best answers it with this statement:

"Scientific medicine has taken credit it does not deserve for some advances in health. Most people believe that victory over the infectious diseases of the last century came with the invention of immunisations. In fact, cholera, typhoid, tetanus, diphtheria and whooping cough, etc, were in decline before vaccines for them became available - the result of better methods of sanitation, sewage disposal, and distribution of food and water."


I am 100% for making ours bodies stronger, but not through poison and not before we are ready for them:

Babies are given a hepatitis B vaccine in the first 12 hours of life, when hepatitis B happens by:
- Sexual contact
- Sharing of needles
- Accidental needle sticks
- Mother to child (the mom would already have very visible symptoms if she she's already infected)

From all I read, baby's immune system is not fully developed before 2 years old, so no vaccines should be accepted before that as they will be no anti-bodies produced anyway.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@sunlight Thankyou for showing us that example of what parents and doctors are up against from the disease-wanters.

Measles is not usually lethal in otherwise healthy children, no, and I have had it; but it can lead to very damaging diseases later; more so I believe in girls.

Weil's pointing out improvements in sanitation etc. is of course right but that does not yet apply world-wide, and even in countries like ours, is still only part of the solution.

That paper's crude attempt to use his and others' work, and to compare vaccines which overwhelmingly succeed in protect life with poisons that have no health benefits at all, is absurd, cynical, cruel, wilful fear-mongering.

Using the problems of shared needles or inoculations given too early in life, is also absurd fear-mongering, by blaming the principle for neglect or incompetence in its administration.

There are people who deliberately and concertedly want children left unprotected from highly-infectious diseases that could seriously harm or even kill them. Worse, these people use fear and ignorance backed by misuse of science is one of their weapons.

I would challenge these groups to identify themselves and tell us all their motives. I wonder what other modern health benefits they would want banned.
Wraithorn · 51-55, M
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout Lol. I love the ears man. It rocks.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
I am pro science and anti propaganda. If the vaccine works then by all means use it. If the vaccine has to be hyped because it is very limited in effectiveness then I won't get it. Yes I have been vaccinated against polio and small pox and a few other deadly diseases for which vaccines have been shown to be effective. No I do not get flu vaccines and I don't need measles vaccine since I have life time immunity by getting the disease as a kid.
wildbill83 · 36-40, M
@hippyjoe1955 until they come up with a flu vaccine that can be given to everyone, works against all known strains of influenza, and lasts a lifetime... flu shots are pretty much useless in a general population
@HannahSky At this rate you'll never ever do me😂🤣
HannahSky · F
@SW-User correct 🤷🏼‍♀️
@HannahSky 💔
Oster1 · M
For the most part, anti. Once one learns of the non important ingredients added, it can be an eye opener. Read the insert with a super magnifying glass. There are many damages paid out every year and worse. This comes out of another fund, set aside after Congress gave Pharma immunity in case law.
Yulianna · 22-25, F
@sunlight this man is totally discredited
@SW-User the idea of censorship never deters anyone who wants to ignore that it is owned mostly by the new world order...the internet that is.

Also the body never learned to type. And its spellchecker works much better.
@Whiterosesociety just show me some or reviewed evidence of people who know what they are talking about and I'll take a close look. If it confuses atoms with molecules though, I'm done and refer them back to the very first chemistry lesson everyone gets in highschool.
I wouldn't have gotten some, and I never suffered except from clueless-origin-problems...

and I think there might be some problems with after effects of modern vaccines,

and I also know the system lies/covers up stuff all the time.. like the story of

glyphosates...nicotine, asbestos poisoning...
ExtremeNext · 31-35

Anybody who is anti is a idiot
nedkelly · 61-69, M
@nedkelly Why do you think that is the correct thing to do?
nedkelly · 61-69, M
@sunlight i dont think it is your business to tell me what to do with my children
@nedkelly I only asked you why you consider vaccines safe. May be you know something I don't. I am not telling you what to do. I am just trying to learn, hopefully that is ok with you :-)
antivaxxers need to be shot on sight as defence
ExtremeNext · 31-35
@SW-User you can use this if you need it🔫
Harriet03 · 41-45, F
Anti vaxers are selfish & dangerous!!
@SW-User why are you pro vaccines?
Anti - I don't put my trust and faith in that. Do some heavy research and not just what the mainstream medical profession wants you to see.
@SW-User And what does the alternative research show exactly?
Remember that time we all got polio?
Nah. Me either. I was vaccinated 😏
Roadsterrider · 56-60, M
@Yulianna The study I referenced, they did find evidence that mercury is causal to ASD. I am not trying to prove anything, just sharing an opinion.

A belief or lack there-of in the bible or of a God has nothing to do with the discussion. But the knowledge that medicines can affect people differently is factual and proven by science and experience. And sometimes the drug companies just get it wrong like with Gardasil, the HPV vaccine, then they admitted that they never tested with a placebo during development.

If you want to follow the advice of Merck and Phizer like a sheep to be sheared, you are free to do so, I will question everything. Medications, religion, the mechanic that fixes my car, everything.

I have been married to a nurse for 30 years, when a new vaccine comes out, she waits at least 2-3 years because she sees the results in the real time. Our daughter was 12 when Gardasil came out. Not sure if she ever took it but she didn't then, and she never had any of the problems that other young women had.
Yulianna · 22-25, F
@Roadsterrider this is all flim flam. nobody disputes that there have been very bad cases of pharma not testing. nobody disputes that even with the most rigorous testing, some people may suffer bad reactions.

A study in the "Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology" Volume 16 Sept 2016, indicates that exposure to mercury is causal or contributory to ASD.

they did find evidence that mercury is causal to ASD

so which is it?
causal or contributory
has become

If you want to follow the advice of Merck and Phizer like a sheep to be sheared,

hardly a value free argument, is it? you have resorted to ad hominem attack, why? because you realise your position is so weak?

and, in the great scheme of things, while your love and care for your daughter may be admirable, it is totally irrelevant, as are you wife's observations. neither have any scientific value.

you say you question everything, as though that is something to be proud of. what is clear is that the one thing you do not question is your own opinion.
Roadsterrider · 56-60, M
@Yulianna From Healthline,
There were also side effects from the polio vaccine, some even had serious allergic reactions to it.

What is the evidence? Read the articles, it will tell you what the evidence is.

My issue is that I shouldn't be forced to take something that may hurt me, I shouldn't be forced to allow my children to have vaccines that I feel may be harmful.

The government that makes those decisions isn't worried about 1 in a 1000, they are concerned with the mass population, getting rid of polio was a wonderful thing, as was the invention of antibiotics, but to say that they are harmless and okay for everyone is a falsehood.

Even the best products from the world of pharmaceutical companies come with a warning on the label, if you have a reaction to this drug, go to your doctor or the emergency room. If you think everything out there is safe, have at it, I am more cautious.
@Shutterbug why are you pro vaccines?
Shutterbug · 56-60, M
@sunlight if you look at what has been achieved since the introduction of vaccines over a 100 years ago, eradication of some hideous diseases, such as smallpox, seen infant mortality rates decrease, increased longevity and overall health.

From his book 'Health and Healing' Dr Andrew Weil best answers it with this statement:

"Scientific medicine has taken credit it does not deserve for some advances in health. Most people believe that victory over the infectious diseases of the last century came with the invention of immunisations. In fact, cholera, typhoid, tetanus, diphtheria and whooping cough, etc, were in decline before vaccines for them became available - the result of better methods of sanitation, sewage disposal, and distribution of food and water."


I am 100% for making ours bodies stronger, but not through poison and not before we are ready for them:

Babies are given a hepatitis B vaccine in the first 12 hours of life, when hepatitis B happens by:
- Sexual contact
- Sharing of needles
- Accidental needle sticks
- Mother to child (the mom would already have very visible symptoms if she she's already infected)

From all I read, baby's immune system is not fully developed before 2 years old, so no vaccines should be accepted before that as they will be no anti-bodies produced anyway.

Also veccines are not given in a natural way: if we'd ever get a virus/bacteria from our environment, they would go first through our stomach/lungs, and not directly in our blood like vaccines are given.

If you read about it, many of the diseases for which vaccinations are given are not even lethal. And they don't guarantee anything, they could even cause the disease they are trying to prevent, depending on how strong your immune system is. For me, a strong immune system and liver are a far better guarantee than vaccines. Especially because I don't see how me being healthy is in the interest of a pharmaceutical company.

Our bodies need the proper environment and resources to heal themselves. Not synthetic/patented poisonous ones :-)
As this argument keeps coming up: vaccines do not contain mercury. They contain substances with mercury atoms, but when atoms connect into molecules, they lose their own properties. (E.g. water isn't just a mix of hydrogen and oxygen. It consists of only those two things, but is something entirely different.)

If you don't understand that part of chemistry, I don't trust your chemical analysis of vaccines.

Of course vaccines contain mercury:
Thiomersal (INN), or thimerosal (USAN, JAN), is an organomercury compound.

The multi-dose versions of the influenza vaccines Fluvirin and Fluzone can contain up to 25 micrograms of mercury per dose from thiomersal.[15][16]

Thiomersal is very toxic by inhalation, ingestion, and in contact with skin (EC hazard symbol T+), with a danger of cumulative effects. It is also very toxic to aquatic organisms and may cause long-term adverse effects in aquatic environments (EC hazard symbol N).[21] In the body, it is metabolized or degraded to ethylmercury (C2H5Hg+) and thiosalicylate.[12]

Methylmercury and ethylmercury distribute to all body tissues, crossing the blood–brain barrier and the placental barrier, and ethylmercury also moves freely throughout the body.[24]

Thiomersal can cross the brain's blood barrier.
And they inject it directly into the blood.
If even a bit bit bit toxic, would you inject anything into your blood?
Of course not.

Why are you defending this?
There are better way to immunize that don't kill us in the process
@SW-User Is like saying if I put poison/fluoride in the water is not going to be poisonous anymore!!! 😋
@sunlight no, that's a mixture and fluoride maintains its properties there. Mercury being in timerosol is like oxygen and hydrogen making up water.
Darci ·
Pro. No one wants horrendous diseases that can kill you. Those im allergic to (according to my GPs and consultants) I just don't take.
Wraithorn · 51-55, M
Pro. We don't want certain unpleasant diseases to make a comeback now do we ?
@bookerdana why are you pro vaccines?
@sunlight He didn't know either🤣😂
bookerdana · M
@Whiterosesociety So far, we’ve used vaccines to entirely wipe out two diseases: smallpox and rinderpest, which infects cattle.

We’ve also come extremely close to eradicating polio, with less than 500 new cases annually, largely in Afghanistan, Nigeria, and Pakistan.

In the United States, a long list of diseases have been nearly eradicated by vaccines: diphtheria, bacterial influenza, measles, mumps, rubella, and tetanus, among others.

Still, there are many developing countries that have limited vaccine supplies and scant funding for childhood vaccination services, which has allowed preventable diseases like whooping cough and rotavirus to continue spreading._
CoffeeFirst · 56-60, F
Super pro. 💉
@CoffeeFirst why are you pro vaccines?
330GTC · 56-60, M
@330GTC can you please give a bit more details on why you are against vaccines?
wildbill83 · 36-40, M
I think anyone coming into country should be forced to take the vaccines we all had as children or be red flagged and prevented from ever entering on the basis of being a hazard to society
Lucia · 36-40, T
Pro. I think being vaccinated should be a pre-requisite for being in public schools, kindergardens etc.

The vaccines may not be perfect - but that's not a valid point. It's just statistics. If you can do one thing that has a higher chance of saving your own and other people's children - or you can do it and have a lower chance. Then there's a decission. One is good. One is bad.

Depends on who you want to be as a parent then.
@Lucia There are many many court cases won for life-time damage caused by vaccines.

If there is a better, more natural way, without the bad side-effects of vaccines, wouldn't you want to know about it?

What makes you think that doctors know everything? They preach what they are thought. And they are not even tought much nutrition if at all. And if they don't prescribe what they are thought they will lose their license. How can I trust them then? when big pharma is dictating, through them, what people should be taking. Especially when they also are paid for recommending one drug/vaccine or another.

I would never let another decide my faith, unless I first investigated and came to that conclusion myself. I didn't realized this all my life. But after using the system for a while you can see that it does not have all the answers. Is definitely needed for acute situations, but traditional doctors don't treat us holistically, so how can they ever find and treat the real cause?

Also I believe that our immune system is the one that saves/heals us from anything. Anything else is there to help, if not do the reverse.

We should never accept anything without first understanding it. Otherwise we will suffer the consequences, plus lead a brainless life that is basically not our own. Exaclty like cattle.
Lucia · 36-40, T
@sunlight We should accept things without understanding them. It's called confidence in others. We should be skeptical and seek the conflicting thoughts of other bright minds that also has information - and who has solid grounds for their viewpoints.

What we shouldn't do is accept youtube videos and blogs as the truth. We don't know who creates them or why - except when they lead to websites advocating 'natural' diets, supplements or behaviour - which is then taught or sold conveniently by their partners. In my opinion the ruthless capitalism is even worse in these sites, because they tell you that 'natural' is always superior to medicinal. Which is not true. In the past millions of people died from simple diseases or birth. Then we learned what went wrong, and we found solutions to combat 'natural' which was the very thing that killed us. And then people who would have died, lived.

There are millions of things in this world I don't understand, but accept. I accept that too much sugar is bad for me. But I never saw or felt it on my own body. And I had a lot of it in my life. I accept that gravity is real, eventhough I don't understand how it works. I accept that Spanish is a language, eventhough I do not understand it.... I could go on with a million examples.

Also 'big pharma' might be a problem in some areas of the world. I don't really care. It's not a problem where I live. And most of the vaccines that are given to children have been tested for years and years - and has been working well for millions, if not billions, of people.

And no, I don't think doctors know everything. But I know how the first idea of vaccines was found out - and that the idea to proceed this direction was brilliant.

Just because doctors don't know everything, doesn't mean they don't know more about health than you and I do. They spend a lifetime learning and working in this field. They make scientific discoveries which are published and peer reviewed - and built upon - by other doctors, and other professions for years and years. Mistakes will be found by their peers because there is so much honor to be had in refining the understanding of that very field.

The immune system is, yes, the thing that saves us. It's also the part that is helped by the vaccines to understand and eliminate threats before they become an illness.

What people who oppose vaccines are actually doing is taking away security from their children, because they need to feel they are in control, and are making good decissions on their behalf. They are not. It's statistics. If 1.000.000 people get the vaccine, xx people will suffer from it, who wouldn't. If the 1.000.000 do not get the vaccine, >xx people will suffer seriously or even die.

But if you need to make your children a tool to feeling special, smart and bright, at the cost of endangering them and others (who can't get vaccines) - I understand. I just wont forgive.
@sunlight she didn't know lol!
This message was deleted by its author.
@HannahSky why cause you can't support your position.
Egg01 · 56-60, F
@Egg01 why are you pro vaccines?
Egg01 · 56-60, F
@sunlight Because I don't want to see the human race taking a step backwards which results in people dying of preventable diseases. Plus, I've yet to come across conclusive proof in scientific publications of peer reviewed studies telling us that vaccines are harmful or cause autism etc. I've seen many claims however, not backed up by conclusive studies.
@Egg01 There are plenty of doctors and families talking about the harm vaccines can produce:

From his book 'Health and Healing' Dr Andrew Weil best answers it with this statement:

"Scientific medicine has taken credit it does not deserve for some advances in health. Most people believe that victory over the infectious diseases of the last century came with the invention of immunisations. In fact, cholera, typhoid, tetanus, diphtheria and whooping cough, etc, were in decline before vaccines for them became available - the result of better methods of sanitation, sewage disposal, and distribution of food and water."


I am 100% for making ours bodies stronger, but not through poison and not before we are ready for them:

Babies are given a hepatitis B vaccine in the first 12 hours of life, when hepatitis B happens by:
- Sexual contact
- Sharing of needles
- Accidental needle sticks
- Mother to child (the mom would already have very visible symptoms if she she's already infected)

From all I read, baby's immune system is not fully developed before 2 years old, so no vaccines should be accepted before that as they will be no anti-bodies produced anyway.

Also veccines are not given in a natural way: if we'd ever get a virus/bacteria from our environment, they would go first through our stomach/lungs, and not directly in our blood like vaccines are given.

If you read about it, many of the diseases for which vaccinations are given are not even lethal. And they don't guarantee anything, they could even cause the disease they are trying to prevent, depending on how strong your immune system is. For me, a strong immune system and liver are a far better guarantee than vaccines. Especially because I don't see how me being healthy is in the interest of a pharmaceutical company.
EmeraldOdinelle · 22-25, F
Depends on what jabs they are
Chevy454 · 46-50, M
Pro. Or don’t have kids
Pro vaccinations.
Jesus would have been pro-vaccination. Hence, I would have been pro-vaccination.

Let’s face it.... anti-vaxxers killed Christ.
@SW-User Don't you think that Jesus would have inveted them in his time if he considered them so useful?
gregloa · 61-69, M
gregloa · 61-69, M
@sunlight duh if they had gotten the vaccine they wouldn’t have got the measles. Virtually all measles cases are those who didn’t get the vaccine. Vaccines continue to be safer and safer. The risk of the disease far far outway the risk of the vaccines. Most of which have been proven untrue. Without a doubt!!!
Dr Suzanne Humphries, who's studying vaccines for many years, testifying in front of senate in the video above, found cases, available to public, that show that vaccines did cause measles outbreaks.

Please show me where vaccines have been proven to be safe, also when combined with other drugs that some people take. I am very much interested to see the proof you are so sure about.

Thank you very much!
gregloa · 61-69, M
@sunlight your dr. Is anti vaccine!! Vaccines causing outbreaks is ludicrous. Lies, you show me proof. If she found anything it was 999,000,000,000 to one
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@MalteseFalconPunch So you do vaccinate? That's a wise decision!
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@SW-User can you please give a bit more details on why you are pro vaccines?
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@SW-User From his book 'Health and Healing' Dr Andrew Weil best answers it with this statement:

"Scientific medicine has taken credit it does not deserve for some advances in health. Most people believe that victory over the infectious diseases of the last century came with the invention of immunisations. In fact, cholera, typhoid, tetanus, diphtheria and whooping cough, etc, were in decline before vaccines for them became available - the result of better methods of sanitation, sewage disposal, and distribution of food and water."


I am 100% for making ours bodies stronger, but not through poison and not before we are ready for them:

Babies are given a hepatitis B vaccine in the first 12 hours of life, when hepatitis B happens by:
- Sexual contact
- Sharing of needles
- Accidental needle sticks
- Mother to child (the mom would already have very visible symptoms if she she's already infected)

From all I read, baby's immune system is not fully developed before 2 years old, so no vaccines should be accepted before that as they will be no anti-bodies produced anyway.

Also veccines are not given in a natural way: if we'd ever get a virus/bacteria from our environment, they would go first through our stomach/lungs, and not directly in our blood like vaccines are given.

If you read about it, many of the diseases for which vaccinations are given are not even lethal. And they don't guarantee anything, they could even cause the disease they are trying to prevent, depending on how strong your immune system is. For me, a strong immune system and liver are a far better guarantee than vaccines. Especially because I don't see how me being healthy is in the interest of a pharmaceutical company.
@xixgun why are you pro vaccines?
xixgun · M
@sunlight because I have seen how many mass graves there are in London
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
Pro. I’m old enough to have grown up with polio survivors.
@InOtterWords Hi, why are you pro vaccines? Thanks
This message was deleted by its author.
@sunlight because they prevent death and improve quality of life.
@SW-User There are many many court cases won for life-time injuries caused by vaccines.

Also diseases were coming down way before vaccines were introduced due to improved hygene, clean water etc:
@sunlight what is many? How do those numbers compare to deaths by not vaccinating?

And of course hygiene helps, but it's a fact that infections are on the rise again since the anti-vax movement. How do you explain that?

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