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Have you had an MRI?

What was your experience?

Did you panic?

I'm scheduled for an MRI on the 17th and I am not a fan of confined spaces. 😩
Zaphod42 · 46-50, M
It’s just super loud. I’m claustrophobic also, but the mirror in there that gives you a view outside the tube really helps, but I can’t stress enough how fucking loud it is in there…like three or four guys beating on it with baseball bats loud.

But just deal with it for 20 minutes or so and it’s over 🤷‍♂️
Zaphod42 · 46-50, M
@SlaveEt Been a long time…I don’t recall if that was offered. I just remember the metal of the tiny spring in the draw sting clamp of my sweat pants levitating quite strongly the entire time I was in there…kept me amused 😂
@SlaveEt no earplugs. You can't hear instructions
Cassieeeee · 31-35, F
@SlaveEt You get headphones to protect your ears.. At least where I've been
Eh....nothing to it. I had wandered the same. Don't freak out about it. It ended up being nothing. You just lay on the table and slide in a little tunnel and just keep your eyes closed and you won't feel so confined. It's not like you can't breathe. And it doesn't hurt, best of all! You'll do fine if you just don't panic before you even get into the machine. I've never known of anyone that the machine hurt. Haha I understand your hesitation honey but please don't be afraid. You'll see it's okay. But since you're scared I would keep my eyes closed and don't worry about all the little noises because they can't get to you or hurt you. They just have to move around so they can get a good picture that's all. Don't psych yourself up before you even get in there.
A lot of people ask their doctor to prescribe a mild sedative/anxiety pill for that reason.

I've had 4 so far. About 1 per year. Not a fan of tight spaces either. But the MRI is a breeze.
Ther's just a lot of negative misinformation and hype.

There's also a cord with a panic button you hold that will stop the procedure and pull you out.
Usually you have a headset on too, and the operator checks in with you regularly. They notify you how much time remains, and what stage you're at.

The operators are super well trained, and know how the machine works as good as the scientists that built it. They can answer any questions/concerns you have.
They see everything happening on their 3 screens, and can slow, stop or control the scan at any time.

The MRI Is open on both ends. If you're completely inside, you can still look up and back out to see the room.
There's cool air flowing and soothing light inside. Some play music in the headphones.

The best is to just close your eyes until the scan is complete. I recommend not using the towel to cover your eyes.

Usually you're free to fall asleep.

The contrast die circulates and is painless/harmless. It will illuminate certain areas in even finer detail, that your Dr.s want to see.

It WIIL make same loud noises --high or deep bass, some of them weird. You get earphones/plugs 4 them.
Try to marvel at them, rather than be afraid. It's an amazing scientific device, & each sound is a super HD scan being made. Better than any camera you own can take.

You also may hear a noise like a squeaky tire pump when 1st you go in. That's cooling the machine so it gets the best scans. (Cryogenic Helium coolant pump).

You may get lucky, and it's a low profile machine having little or no tube section at all.

Best of luck. You got this, you'll be fine. Take a friend/family member for support if needed.
Jenny1234 · 51-55, F
Ive had a couple. The worst part is the loud swooshing noise. It’s weird. But they give you earplugs or headphones.

When I had mine done., I was nervous because I am quite claustrophobic. But I focussed on my breathing and doing deep breaths until I relaxed. the technician is there with you and they give you an emergency button to push if you absolutely cannot stand it. I thought for sure I would use the emergency button, but I did not

And you should receive information from them before your MRI with what to do beforehand what to expect and what to bring with you if anything. For my first MRI many years ago I was told I could bring an audiobook with headphones But I wasn’t told that for the second one I had three years ago. I guess it just depends on where it’s being done.

You’ll be totally fine though
Fluffybull · F
@Jenny1234 I'm quite claustrophobic. I couldn't go in one 😱
very claustrophobic, won't get in an elevator, never in a MRI
Northwest · M
Tte MRI itself was fine. But they gave me an iodine tracer injection (they were looking for signs of a brain tumor) that I was lightly allergic to, which made it difficult for me to breathe. I don’t know if they will give you an injection, but guy should note any potential allergies.
@Northwest The order indicates 'with and without contrast', so that means they'll be injecting something. 😬
Nevertooold · 56-60, M
I just had one last week....I've had many catscans but had never had an MRI....Just make sure to take the ear plugs they offer and push them in deep.....Really really noisy....no way could you sleep during this test......pretty much just like a cat scan as far as the machine is concerned and they can talk to you during....it only took about 30 minutes....Make sure NOT to wear any jewelry....or dentures with metal in them....nothing metal at all but you get a locker to put your stuff in while undergoing the scan....Nothing to it unless you're really claustraphobic.....You'll be fine!!!Any questions just him me up!!!
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@Nevertooold Thanks 😊
exexec · 61-69, C
I had several MRIs over the years and had no problems even though I don't like enclosed spaces. Let the technicians know about your concern. They will help you.
rosyhills · 31-35, F
Keep your eyes closed.
They give you music of your choice to listen to while you're in there.
Ontheroad · M
I've had three of them and while not exactly a pleasant experience, I'm not claustrophobic, so they went okay. Noisy, but that too isn't more than I can handle. I just tune it all out and lay there.

Maybe tell your doctor you are feeling nervous and a bit panicky about it... he/she might prescribe a relaxant for you.
AntisocialTroll · 56-60, F
I was surprised by how noisy it was, the noise made me forget I'm not that keen on enclosed spaces as it was so riotous.

I'm sure you'll be fine, it's not as bad as you think it's going to be, just keep your eyes closed and do deep breathing exercises whilst you're in there.
Cassieeeee · 31-35, F
I've had several lol..
It's not that bad honestly, and I used to panic in confined places and still don't like it. They give you a thingy you can press if you need help. It's really loud and don't take that long. You can tell them that you're really nervous too :)
4meAndyou · F
Simply bring an eye mask with you, and put it on before they move you into the machine. Sing songs inside your head, and bring your beautiful calm part to the fore. Remember, nothing can hurt you.
@4meAndyou The eye mask is a good tip. Thanks.
I have had a few and the people who ran the machine were very nice and made me feel comfortable. So it was a relaxing experience
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
Ear buds are a must.

I've had several MRI'S over the last few years and sometimes the sound can feel like it's physically being beaten into you.

The earbuds don't block out the sound but they certainly dull it.

The contrast stuff can be a bit weird.
I've had some where it seems to feel like a very warm pressure point in the crook of your arm. And others where I've barely noticed it.

I'm sure you'll be fine. It's just the anxiety of not having experienced it before so have nothing to compare it with.
thepreposterouspanda · 36-40, M
I've had quite a few of them at this point. I can't do them without sedation anymore, my anxiety and claustrophobia have gotten worse. 😅
JRVanguard · 26-30, M
I had one a few months ago on my knee
It was fine
I almost fell asleep tbh
But I’m not claustrophobic personally
It wasn't too bad but I did get pretty uncomfortable before the end and I don't mind confined spaces at all
JohnnyNoir · 56-60, M
I've had several. A mask helps plus the hospital where I had mine gave me headphones and played music for me
Lilymoon · F
You have to try and stay as still as you can. Otherwise they have to do it over. 😬
Selah ·
You'll be ok. Your mind is always trying to protect you. Just relax and dissociate.lol
reubles · 41-45, M
I've had a few, and they're not bad, I've ner had any issues with em
Dolimyte · 41-45, M
I've had many over the years. It's not that bad inside. You'll be fine.
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
@DreamyCrush I've had lots of MRIs. Not a big deal. Close your eyes and take a nap.
gregloa · 61-69, M
It’s got a rhythm lol. Ask for ear plugs.
ronisme1 · 61-69, M
Ask for music and close your eyes
robertsnj · 56-60, M
I am sorry you are in a situation where you need one. I hope you can close your eyes and imagine yoruself on a wide vastless beach with calming waves, a sunset soft wind on your skin and serenity all around you. Best of luck
@robertsnj Sounds delightful. Thanks.
ineedadrink · 51-55, M
Try to keep in the front of your mind that the more still you can lay, the faster it goes. My last one was supposed to take 20 mins, I was done in 10 because I laid statue still.
Magenta · F
No I haven't. I usually panic at the dentist.

Aw it'll hopefully pass quickly for you. Maybe they'll have music to distract. 🪷
@Magenta I have major dentist anxiety
Magenta · F
@SW-User Aw, I feel you. Mine has gotten better with age and finding a dentist that is the right fit. << That is important I think.
YourFriend4ever · 26-30, F
Just close your eyes, imagine lying down on beautiful green grass and there is a lot of fresh air.
That visualization might help.
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
The very first one they strapped my down and I spewed all over the place mid scan. Then I have had them every 2 years for awhile.
I had one recently. They provide ear plugs, and you can close your eyes. You might be able to listen to some music. You'll do fine.
TrunkZ · 56-60, M
Yes. They played relaxing music and I kept my eyes closed and was able to relax and not move.
Yes, it was nothing. They usually play music but they forgot and it was still relaxing. No worse than an X-ray.
Pfuzylogic · M
I can’t count the number of hot air balloons I saw floating around while I was confined. It did help.
Pretzel · 61-69, M
it was noisy and I kept my eyes closed and thought of wide open spaces

wasn't too bad
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
Yes, I mostly kept my eyes closed and listened to the music so I didn't panic too much.
wackidywack · 22-25
Hello ! What's wrong! What's the need for an mri?
@wackidywack Trying to find/identify what didn't show up on my ultrasound 2 weeks ago.
mooncrest02 · 31-35, F
Ive had it twice and I did panic a lot, needed a break a couple times.
newer machines are no where near as confined as they used to be
Patriot96 · 56-60, C
Very loud like being in cement mixer
@Patriot96 😳
Elisbch · M
There are Open MRI machines. If you're near a larger city, there's probably more of a chance there would be one. You might be able to find the location online. Then call to confirm. If you find one, have your doctor send the orders for it over for the MRI to that place. I've done this. They are much less claustrophobic.
assemblingaknob · 26-30, F
Just close your eyes, ask them to get you earbuds.
I've had a couple, I was able to stay pretty still. I didn't have an issue with it, but I can understand how it might be problematic for people who dislike confined areas. it's not quite as bad as portrayed on media, but it's not a large space. it shouldn't take too long.
Donotfolowme · 51-55, F
If you are claustrophobic then yea it would be a bit of challenge
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
I have had a few MRI’s. Probably like 10 now. The longest was an Hour and Forty minutes when they scanned my brain and C-Spine.

They put headphones on your head because it’s loud and I find it very uncomfortable to lay there especially if you have pain. I just close my eyes until it’s done:

If they are doing your lower extremities then you go in feet first.

If you need the tracer med it honestly can feel like you have wet yourself but you haven’t,

You can ask for a mild sedative to take before the exam from your doctor if tight spaces make you nervous but then you will need a driver. I have never taken one and I am a bit claustrophobic.

I hope it goes well 🩷.
@iamonfire696 Thank you. Unfortunately I'll have to forego the meds since I don't have anyone to drive me home.
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
@DreamyCrush I am sorry you don’t. I hope it goes well for you.
Nevertooold · 56-60, M
Close your eyes, you won't know.
Musicman · 61-69, M
Closed spaces don't bother me so I would be fine. Wishing you all the best. 🙂 I will pray that you have a good experience. 🙏🙏🙏
@Musicman Thank you. 😊
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