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MysteryGirl · 22-25, F
Will new groups be created or will we be able to make our own groups?
NankerPhelge · 61-69, M
@MysteryGirl It would be nice if we could make our own groups. That's one change that would be welcome.

A category for adult oriented material/topics.
*unavailable to users under 18*
James1956 · 61-69, M
Under this one perhaps a fetish sub category so we can not see some those posts

FeetAreFantastic · 41-45, M
@SW-User Also I strongly agree with this one. Add a category "Adult" or "NSFW" or "Sex and Kink" or something similar.
BlueVeins · 22-25
Just wanna say, I'm really hype for this. Maybe replace religion with spirituality to make it a little broader? Also, a 'food' category might be wise.
Hasmita · M
@passingby8 Good point. Although it might seem odd to some religion is the last place I would be searching on for spirituality. Conversely some religious folk will be offended by what spirituality could throw up.
adorbz · 26-30, F
by the way ‘Spirituality and Religion’ is already a question category 😅 so they’d probably just use that anyway
JohnOinger · 41-45, M
@adorbz I Just Suggested Two New Categories To Andrew LOL
No scissor section?
kentex35 · 100+, M
@ScarletWitch agreed
kentex35 · 100+, M
@Punches that's funny
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
JohnOinger · 41-45, M
Can you make A Mythology & Folklore Category & An History Category
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@JohnOinger History gets my vote but it probably comes under interests.
Nanori · F
@JohnOinger wow John u can speak other words too!
RubySoo · 56-60, F
I feel it needs a way of separating the fun stuff from the serious stuff as some people do still wish to vent,seek advice without being nade fun of or told to lighten up!

I know this is not the point of this post but id like a way of seeing when your friends have posted, like a notification as if youre not online when they post its easy to miss what yr pals post.
RubySoo · 56-60, F
@Andrew i look forward to seeing how it all pans out.
Thanks Andrew 🙂
Andrew · Admin
I just noticed your second suggestion:

I know this is not the point of this post but id like a way of seeing when your friends have posted, like a notification as if youre not online when they post its easy to miss what yr pals post.

This is also something we have been discussing.
We have something planned that may be released in the coming weeks,
it won't be precisely a notification, however, it will help you to more likely see your posts of your friends that you may have missed, in your home feed.

(The idea of the notification, has been discussed also, and will likely come later, but not too far off).
RubySoo · 56-60, F
@Andrew oooh cool! 😀
BlueVeins · 22-25
Instead of 'questionable' and 'illegal,' do 'sus' and 'impostor' pls.
BlueVeins · 22-25
@SW-User technically an allusion
ViciDraco · 41-45, M
@BlueVeins pop culture tends to lead to looking old after a while and would require updating in the future to not look like it's stuck in the past.
BlueVeins · 22-25
@ViciDraco To be fair, that should be very easy in this particular case -- just changing a single string of text or maybe image file.
I’m surprised music isn’t one of the top-level categories 🤔
Yulianna · 26-30, F
@SW-User yes, good idea
@SW-User under a broader category Entertainment maybe?
@SensitiveCha0s Hmm naaah. Music deserves its own category.
Oh wow. Would this allow me to block Politics and Religion as an entire category from my feed?
adorbz · 26-30, F
@Andrew this is so awesome
@adorbz I seriously can’t wait. 😊
@Andrew No need to respond but thank you again. This is an awesome change.
I think you need a Miscellaneous in there
Dan193 · 31-35, M
@SensitiveCha0s Also keep "Community"
sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
What about a section for creative writing, fiction, and/or poetry?
@sarabee1995 Beautiful. 😍
Rutterman · 46-50, M
@sarabee1995 Great idea, Sara. 👍
sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
@Rutterman Thanks Danny 🙂
TexChik · F
Why not just label one as romance /intimacy/sex. Obviously there is a lot of sexual subject matter posts on here , would it not be better to just acknowledge the elephant in the room and post them all there so that those who wish to avoid them could ?
@Yulianna If the vast majority of politic post are in the politics category, I can block that category and it will vastly reduce the number of those I have to see by topic. Most people will follow the rules and the few that don’t I will be able to easily ignore, vastly improving my experience here. That’s basically it.
Yulianna · 26-30, F
@JustGoneNow ok, i understand that, if that's the direction you want to go in
@Yulianna 🖤🙂
plungesponge · 41-45, M
If I could make a broader suggestion, I believe one of the major reasons people leave is they come here looking for connections with like-minded people, and often find smut and random porn cluttering up their feed (or worse, posted on their stories and questions). It was less of an issue on EP, because people couldn't post images on questions/replies. The effects of this are vast on the general vibe and conversation (and therefore, quality of connection), just like any movie would lose some of its magic and meaning if random scenes of porn are spliced into it.

If SW can create a controlled environment where individuals who want to express themselves through writing feel confident they will find meaningful replies and interaction, they'll stay and they'll create a community atmosphere that will draw in new users. The smut people can't do this for SW, their stuff might be titalating but not compelling.

I can imagine how difficult this is to control, since people can mislabel their posts and create new profiles when banned, but perhaps these 2 suggestions are possible?

1. Gives users the ability to block out posts with images, except for people they approve (eg friends)

2. If a user's posts are continually flagged for inappropriate content, have their posts quietly hidden away from people who have indicated they don't want to see nudity etc. Don't nuke their account, that'll just encourage them to create a new one, just have the users with question marks next to their content muted until an admin can check out if they should stay muted or not
Magenta · F
@plungesponge Your first and second paragraph are spot on.
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@plungesponge THIS IS EXCELLENT!!! :)
Wheres my anonymous confessions section?
@BettyBeez apparently that’s the one that is housed on the FBI server
@SensitiveCha0s i dont mind. I want it back
helenS · 36-40, F
Question is: what's preferable:
(a) a jungle, wild, chaotic, dark, loud, messy, with doubious creatures lurking in the thicket; or
(b) a zoo, well-defined, easy-to-read signage leading to the attractions, a safe place for everyone, with a built-in ice cream parlor?
@helenS 💋
Yulianna · 26-30, F
@helenS if you care about the animals, you choose the jungle...
A category for memes 🤣
Classified · M
@SW-User I'm inclined to agree, but memes should roam free 🤔😌
Dan193 · 31-35, M
I just wish you'd creat a filter on the profile page, where people could filter stories from questions, because it's all a big mess now, and there is no way I could go back to revisit my old stories, because they are all buried in a pile of questions. The same with other people's profiles.
You have sorting by "nudity" and "all audiences" now. I wish you would get "Stories" and "Questions" filters as well.
Regarding the groups, would be nice if we could create our own, or could make it as a VIP feature, so everyone wouldn't flood the site.
Dan193 · 31-35, M
Also could have a "confession" catergory and a "Journal" category
@Dan193 This. Make stories and questions separate. Cause yeah it's a big mess now. Confession section is good too.👍
Just toss in "Confessions" if ya can somehow
@TheBlackPowerRanger I want whatever makes you smile. 😊
@JustGoneNow aw, don't make me go softtttt 🤗
You're the sweetest
@TheBlackPowerRanger I get all soft when my girlfriend is here. Sorry. 🖤🤗
Khenpal1 · M
Kind of hard to comprehend, EP had some futures which were a head of their time. On the other hand one can't go back in time now. Each profile on EP had function where one could see same or similar groups one had in common with each and every member.
@Khenpal1 (The BAD changes came in BETA version. It went downhill from there, slowly but it did.)

I appreciated their
actual cards we could send to members.

The IM on site.

The Pet Corner? You can greet and play with a person's pet or pay your respects to the pet.

ETC. :)
Khenpal1 · M
@LunadelobosIAMTHEDRAGON They had to fight so many issues back the. Even laws on internet were fresh. Countries have laws that apply within their borders, and even international laws apply only to those countries that have accepted them. A lot of changed since then . It was not the Beta or Alpha which killed EP .
@Khenpal1 I know that I was VERY lucky, even blessed
to have met so may incredible
and DIVERSE human beings.
It was very truly lovely and AWESOME :) !

Thanks for your input.

Take care, L.
Tsondru · M
It would be nice to have a science and technology section, as well as an arts section.

(Which might include drawing/painting/cooking/gardening/knitting sub-groups)
Yulianna · 26-30, F
@Vivaci juggling? home brewing? dressing up as napoleon?
@Yulianna that should go under entertainment! 😉
Yulianna · 26-30, F
@Vivaci 🤗😂
Music? I assume under interests but maybe worthy of its own high level category. I'm biased as it's my passion but others may agree.

Could religion be Religion / Spirituality to encompass those with a strong spiritual sense but who are non religious. Immediately below that could split in sub categories into recognised religions and spiritualality etc.

Good luck with this and thanks for the work you continue to do on sw.
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ViciDraco · 41-45, M
@MagnifiqueGirl I second this. Seeking Advice would be good
I think what you're suggesting looks good! You might want to consider making two additional general groups:

Nudity: where it's automatically listed as both adult and nudity so the options to check aren't left up to the individual. Some people don't check those purposefully because part of their kink is to shock and upset. In addition, people are given the option to block that group title if they don't want to see it.

Fetish: Where all the diaper, poo, pee, role playing, etc... stuff should be listed under. If it's an adult looking for other adults, we don't have to guess if there are children involved.

Both groups should automatically be hidden from anyone under 18 who signs up.

With those generalized headings, it would be easier to monitor & flag someone for placing a post in an incorrect category. It also makes it easier to find pedophiles or anything that might be deemed illegal and against TOS.
RubySoo · 56-60, F
@SW-User great suggestions. X
bookerdana · M
I really wish you'd SEPARATE the Qna from stories/experiences! I know this post is about groups(sorry) but I can post almost anything from community or miscellaneous and the " SEPARATE the Qna from stories/experiences" issue is a big pne. Thanks for your post🙂
RopinTexan · 36-40, M
I preferred the more specific groups that EP had. I think this did a better job of helping me see only the posts I wanted to see, based specifically on people who had gone through the same things I have. For example, I was in a group called “I Write Poetry.” When I visited that group, I could almost guarantee that I’d be reading other people’s poetry. I was also in a group called “I Have Seizures.” When I went there, I only saw stories about others who have seizures.

With this “broad strokes” format, I believe I’ll actually see *less* of what I want. If I visit the “career” group, I won’t necessarily see posts to which I can relate, like people with the same career as mine, but stories about all sorts of careers. I’m not interested in banking, so why should I have to see posts from bank tellers when I don’t care about that career field?

And “life?” As opposed to what? That’s the broadest category that could cover literally all the other categories. Is religion not a part of “life?” Are struggles not a part of “life?”

I don’t mean to be overly critical, but this just seems like a bad idea that will make SW *less* like EP, the Web site I loved, not more. I say go back to the ability to create our own groups like EP did.
RopinTexan · 36-40, M
@4meAndyou That’s certainly better than just having the broad categories, but I still prefer the old format of EP.
@RopinTexan EP was Golden when it was in its Alpha version. Wow.

I can hardly believe all the features it had.
Just amazing really.
RopinTexan · 36-40, M
@LunadelobosIAMTHEDRAGON What do you mean by Alpha version?
My other concern is to do with the separation of 18+ groups.......Frankly I think some are just NOT suited for this site, SW is NOT a fetish site, as far as I was concerned.

It's a COMMUNITY SAFE connection site.

So if you (SW admin) MUST keep kinks and fetishes around PLEASE let's just bear in mind that some of us actually do get physically sick and can't bear to even read those things that others find appealing.

Please, I urge you, to use common sense and at the very least, a modicum of DECENCY.
This site as it stands IMHO is much too much focused on SEX and all related stuff: 18+.

As YOU preach: SW members are to treat each other with respect not abuse, no name calling, no bullying, no harassment, no discrimination, etc.
The thing is that there are kinks and fetishes which literally ARE that: ABUSE, DEGREDATION, etc.

I could go on but, I hope I have made my point.

Thanks. L.
Magenta · F
Where are we going to discuss bout Addictions?

And can we also have a Group called

Green Earth

Where we can have sub-groups like
Environment/Pollution/Forest fires/Climate change?

Ty! 💞
Fun and question would be good
@JustGoneNow Wow!!! My first name is French and it means something about darkness. We are soul sisters!!🤗🤗🤗
@Mondayschild Awesome. ily, girl. 🖤🤗
@JustGoneNow Same for me Ily 🤗💚
nedkelly · 61-69, M
Why not have a Category for TROLLS
Can we get a politics filter?
@Callmewhatyouwill I’m honestly so excited.
@JustGoneNow but that won't stop political posts under other headings.
@Callmewhatyouwill It will... greatly diminish them, though. Most... will play by the rules, and the rest I can easily ignore.
4meAndyou · F
Recipes and Cooking Tips...Food. Can't live without it...🤣
@4meAndyou I agree!
TheRascallyOne · 31-35, M
Will there be carrots?
Khenpal1 · M
@TheRascallyOne plenty of them out there.
TheRascallyOne · 31-35, M
@Khenpal1 🐰
ould we make our profile unique whit vip or whit out vip back ground or color and make groups or aatar id like to personalize my page on sw tyy love the site xxoxoxo
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
The only point I would raise is the difficulty of fitting everything into pre defined boxes ... As you have just found out!
I would suggest one more category ...Other .... As there's a always going to be many something's that don't quite fit!

Good luck!
If you could make it so I never have to see a "pooping in my pants" post ever again, I would appreciate it. Why they show up in the general community is beyond me?
I hope to see an option for choosing between user types so user's experience more often like minded or notice those who share our same groups so it will be easier to notice our friends or new posts in these groups too.Also,many of that exist groups on SW are of that EP created groups and mostly useless so hopefully it will be be removed and will be we able to block.
Thanks Admin.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Ok you want top level. Yet you have a very broad base of top level on that list.

Many here have requested a separation between questions and stories. Some have even left because of that lack. So such a broad base without a separation makes no sense.

All the above can be condensed and categorized to a smaller top level and you can just as well make them tabs since there is only four. Then use all the other topics as sub categories.

This is how I would arrange it. .

Common interests.

Please keep in mind this is just a suggestion and you did ask for suggestions. This applies the KISS principal (Keep It Simple Son). What you are suggesting is complex. Perhaps too complex for some.
Peaches · F
I think an anonymous section/group would be great for those that want and need to share something without sharing their user name. 😎
Yulianna · 26-30, F
@Peaches 😂 well, if you are bored and have loads of free time... and a spare box of tissues 🤗
bookerdana · M
@Yulianna I just like the image of Snoopy pfffting😜😜
Yulianna · 26-30, F
Noble · 56-60, M
Thank you @Andrew for involving the users in your decision making; that really speaks toward unity and best results for all.

Often, it can be difficult to select one category - I suggest being able to offer multiple category selections for posts, but allow for questions to be separate from stories.

I don’t envy trying to determine these categories, but if you run word search matrix from posts, that might be insightful.

A few specific categories I recommend are;
Prose and poetry
Art and photography
Anonymous confessions
@Noble Great suggestions! It's a popular vote for questions and stories to be separate.
ChampagneOnIce · 51-55, F
What about a category for the Arts? Poetry, music, short stories, books, quotes, artists, etc.?

Also, a category for Adult Topics (NSFW and not for under 18) would be great.
just get rid of the illegal pedo groups, and let me filter out politics and religion from my feed. i don't care how other groups are consolidated, or what they're called. thank you! :)
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@OldMan70 the only catagories i'm interested in getting rid of are the illegal pedo groups. whether we filter out groups we don't want to see, or just choose only groups we do want to see, makes no difference to me, as long as the result is the same.
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JesseInTX · 51-55, M
I think there should be one listed strictly as Adult. A lot of us here enjoy the adult/NSFW posts however some don’t and I understand that. It could include sexual, fetish, erotic, nudity posts. Just a thought.
Magenta · F
My main wish is that stories and questions can be separated. It feels quite messy and cluttered now and is one of the reasons I have lost interest in writing and sharing. The whole vibe of it is not conducive for that an longer. There are far less quality stories now from others as well.

What of categories for..
Poetry/creative writing

Thank you Andrew, for all you do.
Andrew · Admin
@Magenta thanks for your feedback.
This is something we have been aware of, and discussed internally.
We have changes planned to improve this situation.
Hopefully we may prioritize this, to have these changes implemented sooner.

Kind regards!
Magenta · F
@Andrew You're very welcome.

Sweet! Glad to hear. And much appreciated. ☺️
Magenta · F
@Andrew P.S. There are some other great suggestions here as well, per Noble, ChampagneOnice, JollyRoger and more. Romance/Intimacy would be great as well.

But I think the key to it all is a little simplicity. It could easily become cluttered and confusing.

Thanks once again!
KW001 · 56-60, F
Good idea to group! I miss a Family group!

And Sport should be under Interests...
@KW001 THANK YOU :) Family.
laotzu92 · M
@KW001 well thought recommendation.
adorbz · 26-30, F
This seems like a great idea :D and a good way to sort out all the disorganised groups

They seem like good broad categories (although Interests is especially vague - maybe needs to be broken down a little further although I’m not sure into what. And a family one would be a good addition!). But I think you should consider also having a ‘this does not fit into any of these categories’ option with a text box and the groups where this option wins the vote would be reviewed with new categories added for them. I’m sure there will be some that don’t fit these categories!

There’s also a lot of groups which are just a verb - ‘I Love’ is one I use a lot because it has a lot of potential meanings and when my post is unspecific this feels right. But that and a lot of others like them won’t fit well into categories like this at all, unless maybe there is a ‘verbs’ category but that might be weird? I’m not sure 😅

Either way I’m really happy to see you working on this and I can’t wait to see what you come up with! This seems like a great solution 🎶
Bring the questions section back. Please.
Peaches · F
@SW-User I liked the question section better too. I don't think I've asked a question since they changed it.
Yulianna · 26-30, F
@Peaches yes, it does make things easier to manage
Lilymoon · F
Well of course remove the "illegal" that's a no brainer
Could we also have Trivia

that includes subgroups

Instead of the "Fun and Questions" Group please? 🤔

The Identity group sounds a bit vague to me... could you clarify as to what is going to included under that group?

Just thinking as a user... don't mind my feedback. Ty! 💞
@Vivaci so much this..

Random trivia bot FTW..
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout Maybe they should have a category called Random...For all Questions that are usually flooding our feeds. 🤔😉
passingby8 · 31-35, F
Not sure if its been said but what about Pets?
adorbz · 26-30, F
Also - a way to vote to remove grammatically incorrect groups would be great too!
@adorbz I second that

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