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โ†”๏ธ How would you Categorize All Groups and Posts on SW? ๐Ÿ”ƒ

Hello all! ๐Ÿ–๏ธ
We have been moving ahead with plans of restructuring Similar World's Groups and Categories (for all Post types).

As most users may already know, the existing various groups that exist on SW, were imported (many hundreds of thousands) from the defunct website, EP.

To properly organize and improve Similar Worlds, we aim to provide a Category based Hierarchal structure, for all Posts on SW.

This will allow posted content to be properly grouped and categorized,
so that users will finally be able to see more of the content they are looking for,
and less of the types of content they wish to not see.

To move another step closer towards having these changes made, we would now like to allow users the opportunity to suggest to us (the SW staff):

What Broad Categorization do you believe to be most accurate, for the various existing groups and categories that currently appear on our website.

We will be working on a feature, yet to be released,
likely a Drop-Menu of Categories, which will exist within each Group on this site, whereby any user can place their "Vote" for the correct categorization of that group, by making a selection from the Drop-Menu list of options.

Below is a sample (but not the final) list of Broad/Top-Level Categories we are considering, to group of all posts on SW within.

(Further categorized into sub-categories, but we will address this later.)

List of Broad / Top-Level Categories on SW (Incomplete / Pending)

โ€ข Career
โ€ข Fun & Questions
โ€ข Health & Fitness
โ€ข Identity
โ€ข Interests
โ€ข Life
โ€ข Politics
โ€ข Relationship
โ€ข Religion
โ€ข Self-Improvement
โ€ข Sports
โ€ข Struggles

โ€ข Questionable (suggested to be Reviewed)
โ€ข Illegal (strongly suggested to be Removed)

You can assist us via the comments section below,
by proposing a final list for our Broad / Top-Level Categories
(or by simply suggested adjustments to our list).

The options listed as:
โ€ข Questionable
โ€ข Illegal

... can be utilized by users, to help bring to attention inappropriate groups more quickly,
so that we can sooner flush out unwanted and inappropriate groups and discussions, from our Similar Worlds community.

Previous Admin Announcements on this topic:

Clarification on Group & Post Changes:

๐Ÿ”„ SW Group & Category Re-Structuring (Feedback Appreciated) ๐Ÿ“ฉ:

Thanks and kind regards! ๐Ÿ™‚
-SW Staff
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plungesponge ยท 41-45, M
If I could make a broader suggestion, I believe one of the major reasons people leave is they come here looking for connections with like-minded people, and often find smut and random porn cluttering up their feed (or worse, posted on their stories and questions). It was less of an issue on EP, because people couldn't post images on questions/replies. The effects of this are vast on the general vibe and conversation (and therefore, quality of connection), just like any movie would lose some of its magic and meaning if random scenes of porn are spliced into it.

If SW can create a controlled environment where individuals who want to express themselves through writing feel confident they will find meaningful replies and interaction, they'll stay and they'll create a community atmosphere that will draw in new users. The smut people can't do this for SW, their stuff might be titalating but not compelling.

I can imagine how difficult this is to control, since people can mislabel their posts and create new profiles when banned, but perhaps these 2 suggestions are possible?

1. Gives users the ability to block out posts with images, except for people they approve (eg friends)

2. If a user's posts are continually flagged for inappropriate content, have their posts quietly hidden away from people who have indicated they don't want to see nudity etc. Don't nuke their account, that'll just encourage them to create a new one, just have the users with question marks next to their content muted until an admin can check out if they should stay muted or not
Magenta ยท F
@plungesponge Your first and second paragraph are spot on.
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@plungesponge THIS IS EXCELLENT!!! :)