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I can’t decide which selfie to use as my Instagram profile photo

Poll - Total Votes: 90
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You may vote on multiple answers, up to 3.
Edit: I shall go with the winner! #1


Yes I know this is literally the most first world of first world problems, but I’d rather think about this than my real problems at the moment. So help me pick pleeease







Degbeme · 70-79, M
I like them all, but #7 is my favourite.
Degbeme · 70-79, M
@candycane Not working.
candycane · 31-35, F
@Degbeme its a video sorry I'm not messing with it it's a song safety dance
Degbeme · 70-79, M
@candycane [media=https://youtu.be/0QDKLglEP5Y]
Sequoia51 · 70-79, M
Your Eyes are So Expressive and Beautiful!
Zeuro · 26-30, F
@Sequoia51 thanks :)
Sequoia51 · 70-79, M
@Zeuro My Pleasure Zeuro
I think the glasses look good.
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3, but lighten up the dark area on the left side of your face. The others are lit pretty well, not sure what happened there.

Also, you have beautiful eyes.
Alex51 · 61-69, M
Which one did you select. Did you start your instagram account
Alex51 · 61-69, M
@Zeuro what is instagram id
Zeuro · 26-30, F
@Alex51 wdym by instagram id?
Alex51 · 61-69, M
@Zeuro your instagram user name
scooogy · 31-35, MVIP
I'd say 1 or 5, no direct look into the camera, not too much light. And your eyes look better without glasses in my opinion.
DunningKruger · 61-69, M
3 has an ethereal, timeless quality that I find captivating.
Zeuro · 26-30, F
@DunningKruger really? Cause honestly the more i look at it the more it feels slightly derpy
DunningKruger · 61-69, M
@Zeuro The other shots are nice, but they're standard selfie shots. Seen them a billion times. 3 is unique and personal and says "This is an interesting person."
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
OMG... just make a decision of your own for once.

Zeuro · 26-30, F
@MarkPaul lmao congratulations you found a way to take issue with a post as benign as this one! Impressive
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
@Zeuro What is YOUR problem dude? You keep going on these rants about me. It's as though you have 0.0 self-awareness. Stop looking for so much affirmation. I'm just pointing out that you need to find some way to figure things out for yourself instead of constantly looking for so much attention whether it's writing a story slanted to show you with no-fault or trying to shove some niche language down everyone's throats.
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blackarcher256 · 61-69, M
7….the glasses accentuate your face, and your eyes….which are very expressive
They're all very nice. I picked 7 but I'm a sucker for glasses xD...you have gorgeous eyes! 👁️👄👁️
Notsimilarreally · 31-35, F
I really like 1,2 & 7. You have a pretty face!
All are gorgeous
But my pick would be the first one
AuRevoir · 36-40, M
1 or 3…

Assuming this is from top to bottom..
IM5688 · 61-69, M
Beautiful eyes, beautiful smile.
MellyMel22 · F
They're all pretty, but I’d choose 1.
Alex51 · 61-69, M
I like all #1 is my choice.
Old51 · 70-79, M
# 4 gives a sexy look
Muthafukajones · 46-50, M
I like 1 &4 the best!
chuck7882 · 61-69, M
4. It's a very sexy photo
Ferric67 · M
I like 3 the most
Myself11 · 61-69, M
They all look fantastic 😉
Bowenw · 61-69, M
I choose 3.
Sapio · 51-55, M
I say go with #7
wintersecret · 41-45, M
JohnnyNoir · 56-60, M
jehova · 31-35, M
Old51 · 70-79, M
Which one is your instagram profile picture
Samek · 36-40, M
@Old51 #1
This message was deleted by its author.
Old51 · 70-79, M
@Samek How do you know?.What is her username
Samek · 36-40, M
Creeps be creepin' -_- and they always seem to not know how to read.
Samek · 36-40, M
2 and 7 are soooo good but I like them all! :)
Old51 · 70-79, M
# 1 may be ideal for instagram
Samek · 36-40, M
Grats on choosing :) Pic #1 is lovely!
Barefooter25 · 46-50, M
I like Pic #3 the best!!! 😃
Bowenw · 61-69, M
I like #1 and #2.
Bang5luts · M
2nd from the top or the last one on the bottom
All beautiful ~ I like number 2 ☺️🤍

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