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Is Anyone Still Disinfecting Their Groceries?

I ran out of Lysol/Clorox wipes, and can’t find them anywhere. I’ve been using those tiny squares of 70% isopropyl alcohol instead. Do you think it’s safe on the food packages, and will it kill the virus?
supposedly, it's not necessary to disinfect groceries, except fresh produce, before storing them, but to answer your second question, yes, 70% isopropyl alcohol is enough to kill the virus within 30 seconds, as long as you don't dilute it further.
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
@Carissimi take Vitamin K too, it helps absorb the Vitamin D.
Carissimi · F
I can’t. I have to keep it low. @Starcrossed
@Carissimi i hadn't heard of him, but i'm gonna check him out. i've been alerted to the vit D connection through a site called earth clinic, plus i'd already read a ton about it, but would only take 2,000 IU for years to keep me barely sufficient. now i should have levels near 60, which is preferable in these times. thanks for telling me about Dr. John. :)
I never disinfected mine
@Carissimi I totally understand ❤
Carissimi · F
@Carissimi 🤗
I never disinfected them and I’m still alive
Carissimi · F
This gives me some hope, and I’m glad you are still alive. 🙂@SW-User
JeanAnna · F
I have never disinfected my groceries, but I use Lysol spray to disinfect the remotes, door handles, phones, etc.
Carissimi · F
@JeanAnna I can’t find masks at any store.
JeanAnna · F
@Carissimi I found some at CVS, Menards, Meiers, plus a friend made me a couple. So I'm in good shape.
Carissimi · F
I’ll check back at CVS. Thanks. @JeanAnna
SageWanderer · 70-79, M
I still wipe down the surfaces of packages with an alcohol solution before putting them away. Not that I think it matters that much but still trying to protect my wife.

Some things have just become habit during this pandemic and I don’t see any reason to change it yet. Would rather be safe than sorry.
SageWanderer · 70-79, M
@Carissimi It might be overkill but do what makes you comfortable. More is definitely better than less.
Carissimi · F
I’m tired of all this wiping and hand washing though, aren’t you? I suppose it’s better than getting sick, but it is getting old. @SageWanderer
SageWanderer · 70-79, M
@Carissimi We are getting tired of all this extra precautions but just feel the danger isn’t completely over.
Doomflower · 36-40, M
I am lazy and don't disinfect my groceries. I wash my hands a lot and wipe down surfaces. Which reminds me I need to dust.
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
I am but never used lysol or wipes in the first place. We use a home made bleach solution and super cheap washable microfiber towels. I'm high risk so will continue to do this even though I've heard many times it's not necessary and/or overkill. Kind think I should be doing it anyway because I'm finding everything was SO gross and dusty when I'm done.
Carissimi · F
How much bleach to water? I’m also high risk, and even though infections have slowed where I live, it’s still going up, like a very slow burn. It’s such a horrific disease, if it’s severe, that I don’t want to take the chance. @Starcrossed
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
JoePourMan · 61-69, M
We make our own wipes, alcohol on washable cotton cloth. We have been disinfectingeverything that comes in the house for 40 years
Wash all the produce every time
JoePourMan · 61-69, M
@Carissimi Isopropyl alcohol. I get it by the gallon from a Veterinarian Supply company
Carissimi · F
Wish I could find it. Do you dilute it, or put it straight on the cloth? Even those 70% ones I use are overpowering in their smell. I have to keep my face turned away a bit. @JoePourMan
JoePourMan · 61-69, M
@Carissimi straight
Lochlee · 51-55, F
Yes, we are hitting the rising period now. I think disinfecting has a reassuring element - but in reality it is a bit hit and go - you could miss a spot - but on the other hand, you might hit the actual spot. So I still do it. I also have those tiny squares - they should work.
Carissimi · F
I was thinking the same, “am I missing spots using those tiny wipes?” I could drive myself insane with the stress of that, so I had to just do my best, and hope it’s enough. @Lochlee
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
I never did that.
70% alcohol is what’s often recommended for killing the virus on surfaces
I’d say it’s safer than Clorox when accidentally ingested
Still rub things with it for at least 20-30 seconds
Carissimi · F
Thank you. I was always concerned that Lysol or Clorox might seep into the food, so good to know the isopropyl alcohol is less harmful if accidentally ingested. @SW-User
As soon as we get home I wash the groceries off with soap and water. Been doing that since the beginning and havent gotten sick.
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
Yeah I am. I wash all the groceries that are sealed in plastic or metal. I use plain ethanol for disinfecting surfaces.
Carissimi · F
Do you use dishwashing liquid to wash? @MartinTheFirst
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
@Carissimi yeah
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cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@SW-User I know some who went way overboard with their disinfecting routines. Got under my skin pretty quick.
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