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scooogy · 31-35, MVIP
Kids often seem to repeat what adults say. My niece once called me obese and grinned at me.

Orpheus · 56-60, M
You're not overreacting. I've been in a relatively similar situation and I've known of others who've had to live within a situation they were unable to change due to the people involved.

It makes a person miserable and even though you're putting on a brave face, your boyfriend should recognise your righteous upset, put his daughters straight, and make it known that HE is angry with them, demand apologies and let them know in no uncertain terms that it won't be tolerated in the future.

The problem is, a father with two daughters. They've got him wrapped around their little fingers. The fact is that it is HIS responsibility to sort this out. You are not at fault, so why should you suffer? If he's not prepared to man up and deal with his daughters' rude behaviour, he is devaluing you, and therefore, the importance of your relationship. In which case, he's not good enough for you. Harsh but true.

If he continues to ignore this, it allows them to escalate their bad behaviour, as they're obviously pushing boundaries, banking on your relationship cracking before he steps up and puts them in their place. The remaining options available to you are:-

1) Put your foot down, ultimatum style, If boyfriend doesn't deal with it...(A following threat has to be inferred and followed through if he doesn't) ...relationship is over. Ideally, you would have to be confident enough in your relationship to use this bomb tactic.

2) Sever the relationship and get on with your life. It's always messy to one degree or another but if things don't change, it's the sensible option.

There is also your son to consider. His well being and respect for you are to be considered paramount and I'm sure he would rather you stand tall and make a decision than let slide the unchecked disrespect of your boyfriend's badly behaved daughters.

Also, if your stature appears intimidating to others, it is the 'others' perception of you that allows them to be intimidated. The fault does not lie with you. You are six feet tall. Stand proud and do not slump or do the 'goofy thing', diminishing yourself by pandering to the whims of others. It presents visually as having low self confidence and people will use it to take advantage of your good nature. You will know when and where you can relax and have fun. Otherwise, if you have business to deal with or people who are undeserving of your concern for their feelings, stand tall, be you, be six feet tall and tell them straight exactly as it is.

There is, on occasion, a necessity to intimidate as a useful defence mechanism. Otherwise, standing straight, looking people in the eye, clearly and firmly stating your wishes in an even tone and without apology is assertiveness. There are clear differences between assertion and aggression. Standing straight aids a feeling of self confidence. To intimidate is to deliberately instil fear in others to leverage a desired outcome and I really don't think you do that.

Sorry this has been long. It was quite a post to address. I have maybe overdone it but hopefully, it will be of some help.

Ps. Regarding your appearance...I've seen your photo and you look bloody great! Take no notice of anyone who says otherwise. Good luck!
@LaLa81 It's only going to get worse until they drive You away, sometimes sacrifices must be made, if push comes to shove, he will pick them over you.
@LaLa81 Yes. BUT You need to take a firm stand with him and his daughters. Demand respect. if you don't get it, your only recourse is to leave.
Adrift · 61-69, F
@LaLa81 You can stop seeing him or keep putting up with the abuse.
He allows it to go on and says nothing, that should tell you something about him.
HumanEarth · F
My daughters are well over 6 feet tall. We're all over 6 feet tall out 11. The other half, me and 9 kids. There is only 3 that are just under 6 feet tall

Turn that negative into a positive. That will steal their power from their name calling.

I know you don't like it. But one one way is use "Oversize Cow" like a professional wrestling name and play fight with kids with it.

It takes the power of the name away and their power of hurting you. That's a example of turning a negative into a positive.
HumanEarth · F
Oh yeah, overdosed a few times, twice CPR was performed. They're clean now, but just a shell of human.
LaLa81 · 41-45, F
@HumanEarth Sorry you went through this.
HumanEarth · F
I was gone, before that, but kids were still in the picture, custody of kids, visitations, courts and other BS that goes on that other people just don't see.

When your young and in love. You think its only to get by. To help them sleep, to help with pain.

Then they start seeing other doctors in different countys, even other states to get pills.

Not just taking one or two at a time. But 15 to 20 at a time and then chase it down with booze.

But you stay because you think you can fix them and save them
Bang5luts · M
It is your boyfriend's responsibility to ensure his children are treating you with respect and kindness. I am divorced and wouldn't ever let my kids adult, teenage or younger treat anyone I was dating with anything less than respect, kidness, dignity and compassion.

Talk to your boyfriend and let him know you will not tolerate any further verbal disrespect from his children or anyone else. You don't deserve it and have treated his kids with nothing but respect and kindness.
LaLa81 · 41-45, F
@Bang5luts thanks for your support. My boyfriend is very protective of his daughters, because of the whole situation with his ex wife. Their mom is an addict. She is addicted to cocaine. In 2018 she was sentenced to 3 years in prison for credit card fraud. They divorced. She served 2 years. My boyfriend has full custody of his daughters.
Bang5luts · M
@LaLa81 and he should be protective. That's his job, but to condone their mistreatment of the woman he loves is an injustice to them and to you. A good father loves, protects, provides and corrects his children when they are wrong. Not turns a blind eye or makes excuses for their bad behavior and blatant disrespect of the woman he has chosen to be with. I hope this helps
DoubleRings · 51-55, F
The kids should learn never to comment on anyones body no matter who they are - child or adult. Coping with loss or not. Period. If they continue this, maybe have your bf have a chat with them. If they are young enough, there is a really good book called have you filled a bucket today? That could open the lines of discussion about appropriate and kind comments (bucket filler) vs angry rude or inappropriate comments (bucket spiller). Connect it to how you feel. Just cause they have a hard time coping doesn't excuse their abusive behaviour and you don’t have to tolerate it. You teach others - including your bf- how to treat you by what you tolerate. In fact if your presence is so distressing to them to the point they absolutely cannot comport themselves in a respectful way, then kindly see yourself out for their benefit and yours. It’s not fair. Plus apples don’t fall far from the tree, and if your bf permits this level of disrespect, this behaviour is probably festering in the tree too. 🚩
DrWatson · 70-79, M
My two cents, based on what I have seen with friends of mine: people tend to underestimate the effects of divorce on children, even older ones.

It sounds as if these girls are still hurting from their mom and dad's breakup, in which case they will be dead-set on disliking anyone he dates.

If that's the case, then your size is not really the main issue. If they are making fun of your height, that just happens to be what they are seizing on in your case. If it were a different woman, they would be focusing on something else. I understand that those particular kinds of taunts hurt especially since you have felt self conscious about your appearance even before you met these two. But I am betting that what they say is not really the crux of what they feel.
Punches · 46-50, F
I grew up as a soft hearted girl, well I’ve had my mean moments and I wasn’t always nice.
For whatever reason, taller women are often big teddy bears. Unlike tall men who like to throw their weight around.


Now If the girls have been getting away with this for a year now, things are not likely to change.
Especially with immature teenagers who cannot be reasoned with. You have to think about whether or not you really want to deal with this. Rude teenagers typically do not change until the real world has kicked them in the backside a few times.
But when we have to deal with someone who is rude constantly, how does one deal with that?

People get conditioned to interact with others a certain way. That is why boundaries and such need to be established early on.

Now with them saying you are overdressed, I assume you tend to dress nice or more business-like. Some people are intimidated by sharp dressers. I tend to "over dress" and a few people didn't like it. Tough. We do not want to look like slobs. They are going to have to get over it.

People talk about height, but I believe it is shape, not really size, that makes someone look good or not.
LaLa81 · 41-45, F
@Punches I was always the tallest in my class. They use to call me “giraffe” The older I get the more confidence I get from the fact that I am tall. Women aren’t supposed to take up a lot of space, we aren’t supposed to be bigger than guys, aren’t supposed to be the tallest in the room. And the fact that I am is making me happy. Honestly even though it doesn’t make sense being tall has made me more secure in my femininity and beauty. I throughly enjoy being large. My parents are extremely rich. I grew up rich.
I am dressing up everywhere (even for grocery shopping ). The whole shebang, satin/leather/shiny pants/skirts, satin/silk blouses, pantyhose, shapewear, high heels, full make up on, be it morning, noon or evening.
Most of my outfits are well-coordinated in terms of color
I love my style and get lots of compliments on my clothes. . My clothing makes me stick out like a sore thumb . I am always dressed up to the max, on high heels, full make up on.

I feel confident this way, so i don't want to dress down . I don't live with him, counting my lucky stars for that lol. I can't imagine how much harder of a time that would be for me and his daughters. ALL kids have a need to belong and like to exert power. They're naturally egocentric and are learning about their boundaries. That's part of their natural development. The parents' job is to teach them those boundaries, which my boyfriend is failing to do, probably because that takes a lot of work and he's not into actually putting in the effort. He just keeps saying the dynamic will get better.
LaLa81 · 41-45, F
@Punches @Punches I do have a weird mix of an elegant and eccentric style. I know that I will stand out and people will judge me. But I wear these clothes to please myself, not others, so I couldn't care less.
I think its important to draw a line in between what can be said and what cannot.Clearly ,they’re feeling insecure when you’re around their dad .With time and patience ,these could be resolved.
Try being patient ,with them if you love your bf .
@NativePortlander1970 yeah but that ain’t her fault anyways .There are two ways to do this for her ,either confront them and tell them to shut up which might escalate to anything unpleasant or keep quiet and non reactive.
I prefer that she chooses the second option because that might just possibly turn out better in future.
@LaLa81 Leave him, your patience will only be trampled upon. I tried being a kind and gentle role model with my own late ex fiancee's son, to be a better role model and example than what my mother's second husband was to me, heck, I even took him to the shooting range and taught him how to shoot on his 17th birthday, which did impress him a lot, I still remember it to this day :)
@Caleidoscope It does not matter that it's not her fault, the kid does not see it that way and does not care, all the girl sees is an invader.
PHlover19701 · 56-60, M
My opinion is your boyfriend needs to be more respectful of You and take appropriate correcective action with his daughters...he needs to step up. It amounts to nothing more than bullying by them toward you....which neither he nor you should stand for. If he's not respectful of your feelings then it may be time to move on. It shouldnt have happened even once much less over and over again.
JohnS79 · 61-69, M
I would tell him to tell them to lose that attitude or he will lose you!!!!

Don’t give the ultimatum of they go or you go, since they are his blood daughters and f’d up in the head!

He needs to go off on them though till they break and come crawling to you with an apology!

No one should endure that abuse!
I know he wouldn’t want to lose you, as you are a true catch and plus sized with love!!!!!💗
LaLa81 · 41-45, F
@JohnS79 thanks for your support
JohnS79 · 61-69, M
@LaLa81 You got it 💯 percent of the time, Dear!!!!🌹
Strongtea · 22-25, M
I’m sorry that they call you that, it is a funny name, but I get that it must be a bit hard to deal with.
LaLa81 · 41-45, F
@Strongtea It is. The joke has just gone too far.
Strongtea · 22-25, M
Awww, I’m truly sorry. I’m sure you’re not overdressed, try to pay no attention to it.@LaLa81
black4white · 56-60, M
Leave the relationship OR don’t be around them until you are respected… at least while in person with them as it becomes a point where YOU are responsible for defending your own self.

Sorry for your situation but stand up for your self !!! Good Luck
YoMomma ·
Eh i׳ve been married 20 years and never even met my 6 hateful step kids 😏

Trying to be more understanding now tho.. when i was younger i was more than a bit hateful too i guess 😏 probably just kids being defensive? Idk 😳

It sucks when your mate doesn't come to your defense and put them in line but such is life *shrugs*
2ndtimeguy · 61-69, M
Thats a mean response and their father should tell them so, they dont have to like you or accept you but they should be respectful!
LaLa81 · 41-45, F
@2ndtimeguy thank you
Lilymoon · F
clearly he's defending his daughters.
He's not going to change.
I would think about moving on.
LaLa81 · 41-45, F
@Lilymoon But I love him sooo much
akindheart · 61-69, F
i am sure i am called names behind my back. i found out after my daughter passed away that her and my sister used to make fun of me. Never to my face though because they knew the CASH COW would tell them to F themselves. and no you are not overreacting. they are disrespectful
LaLa81 · 41-45, F
@akindheart thanks for your support.
akindheart · 61-69, F
@LaLa81 absolutely. don't let anyone talk down (or up) to you
masterofyou · 70-79, M
You write about your the ones that are rude and if you're powerful, like you say, do something about it....
Penny · 46-50, F
theyre children and they need to be taught better manners. i's suggesttelling them very matter of factly that theyre being very unkind an dthey ought to be ashamed of themselves for it. it probably wont stop them but at least you would have said something in your defense. but also try to be nice to them after like they never said anything mean. this will show them that theyre taunting isnt having an effect so hopefully wont reinforce their behavior. theyre dumb emotionally distraught kids. im sure the divorce was very painful. if they see that youre nice to them maybe theyll eventually apologize and start to like you.
LaLa81 · 41-45, F
@Penny Thanks for your response. I am nice to them. I love my boyfriend.
Penny · 46-50, F
@LaLa81 good luck.
JailyneMaria17 · 22-25, F
much love to you doll 🫶🏽🤍
Quimliqer · 70-79, M
No, your feelings are normal. His daughters are acting out and he has to tell them that the future is his choice, not theirs!
@Quimliqer Maybe they see something their father doesn't see, we may not be getting the full truth from the OP. Never, ever discount the feelings of the child.
Quimliqer · 70-79, M
@NativePortlander1970 I understand, but I’ve trod this path as a parent.
@Quimliqer I have been on both sides, my mother's second husband using me as a punching bag, and being with a single mother with an older teenage boy that made my life a living hell.
Justmeraeagain · 56-60, F
No, you are not and boyfriend should have a talk with his girls.
They keep it up because they know there are no conquences for their behavior
pdockal · 56-60, M
Might be time to move on
Respect is respect
pdockal · 56-60, M

That doesn't matter
Love only goes so far
LaLa81 · 41-45, F
@pdockal I want to see the good in his daughter's and be a support for my boyfriend when it comes to discipline and parenting, rather than get irritated by their behavior and fight with him about his reactions to it. I also want to solidify and be consistent with my role in his daughter's life, but every approach I try seems to fail. More mother-like, less mother-like, more hands-on, less hands-on. It all yields the same results, I feel.
pdockal · 56-60, M

We don't always get what we want
nobodyishome · 31-35, F
yea, and when you feel insecure about being larger than other women, in size, you do anything in your might (anger) to belittle the other women who are not insecure, at least about their figure.

And that gives you some kind of self-validation. Bravo.
LaLa81 · 41-45, F
@nobodyishome I was always the tallest in my class. They use to call me “giraffe” The older I get the more confidence I get from the fact that I am tall. Women aren’t supposed to take up a lot of space, we aren’t supposed to be bigger than guys, aren’t supposed to be the tallest in the room. And the fact that I am is making me happy. Honestly even though it doesn’t make sense being tall has made me more secure in my femininity and beauty. I throughly enjoy being large.
Fertilization · 36-40, F
You are not overreacting at all. Give them a shut up call for once.
LaLa81 · 41-45, F
@Fertilization thanks for your support
Sharhearts · 26-30, F
Youre overreacting
Speaking from experience, I was with a woman for over nine years that had a teenage son who had a teenage gf of his own. Leave, it will not get better. All parents think their kids are perfect little angels that do no wrong, that what they do and say are just harmless little pranks or jokes, they're not. Save your sanity and years of fights and conflict, it's better to rip the bandage off now and get it over with than it get worse further in, and it will get worse.
Neoerectus · M
Keel hauling solves most rude people...
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@FreeSpirit1 Things took a twist in your comment thread with the woman who expects respect from her boyfriend's daughters. Having been on both sides, I see a parent thief and authortarian when I see one.
LaLa81 · 41-45, F
@NativePortlander1970 i am not a parent thief .
Strictmichael75 · 61-69, M
Screw them!
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@LaLa81 sorry, her I mean
LaLa81 · 41-45, F
@ShellSeeker They are 15 and 17 year old girls. Also i am a big girl, but i don't know to fight. I have never been in a fight. I never went picking on fights and I know that I lack the ability to even bluff my way through one. I grew up as a soft hearted girl, well I’ve had my mean moments and I wasn’t always nice. I mean let’s face it. None of us are ALWAYS nice. I was tall and big for my age so nobody really messed with me which is an advantage.
@ShellSeeker Sadly she cannot do that in this day and age.

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