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Were you bullied

Growing up
Scribbles · 36-40, F
Yeah. There were things I didn't give a shit about as a kid and it drove my peers crazy. They could be petty as fuck. I didn't get it.

It made me a bit more shy, I think. And it's why I don't share much about me personally.
I do understand why I was bullied a bit. Because there were things about me that struck some people as just different, and so it was easy to pick on me for those things or for not coming from the same background or not prioritizing the same things as them

So I just closed my inner circle to people who were worth it and stood up for anyone else who needed it or was being bullied until I had peers who had bloody grown up and matured. Sometimes even my closest friends didn't always understand, but. It was ok. I never felt scarred over it...because I knew it was petty shit. So I rarely took it hard.

It also made me less tolerant of bullying in general. I loved messing with someone picking on someone else. And it made me someone that people went to when they just needed support through tough times.

It wasn't ok,
But I turned out ok.
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sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
There were things I didn't give a shit about as a kid ...

... there were things about me that struck some people as just different...

... for not coming from the same background ...

... not prioritizing the same things as them.

Wow. You just described so much of me back then. I know much of our circumstances were quite different, but these elements described me to a tee. And I've never thought that I was "bullied" for it, but I was certainly picked on and given derogatory nicknames.
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Fairydust · F
Yes at school, work…
I got bullied by a bunch of older woman for a year when I was 19.
I never once said anything back to them, took it, always when I was by myself, they’d come to my workplace, tried to knock me over in their car, pushed me down stairs, attacked me, verbally abused me in public, made my life hell.

The last time it happened they came in to my workplace, always intimidating me, I followed the main one down to the toilets and went for her, I attacked her, she got the biggest shock of her life, never expected it.
After that it never happened again, about a year after she apologised for what she had done to me.
I was pushed to my limits and just snapped.
antonioioio · 70-79, M
@Fairydust my 3 kids were bullied in school and grandson was bullied in school the eldest a girl snapped after a month and sorted it
The one a boy , the police one Saturday morning were interviewing him his mother when I came home,
They had picture of the other boy he had assaulted, his nose was flattened after my hitting him,
It turned out that the other boy had being bullying him for over a month and he snapped,
It took my granson a year before he snapped,
With the majority of bullies I think that they have a lack of intelligence because they think, it will never happen them
Fairydust · F

Yeah it’s very sad, two of my kids got bullied badly too. The middle one didn’t but she’s more feisty, she’d knock them out lol.
I won’t tolerate it now, it can be bad here too.
antonioioio · 70-79, M
It is sad because you can't go in and fix it for them
ElegantAlex · 18-21, F
Yes. Being new to the school, rather petite, quite shy, genteel and nicely dressed, plus being a couple of years younger than the rest of the class, I suppoise I was a natural target. My shyness made me aloof. My academic excellence made me a nerd. My college level vocabulary (and slight English accent) made me a snob. In my elegant apparel I was considered an "ice queen". I had yet to develop a social support network so I was easily isolated by the trio of girls who resented me from the moment I appeared.

I did emerge from that successfully - but not without damage.
BarbossasSpouse · 36-40, F
In both kindergardens and all 6 schools I went to. Even as an adult.
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
The Town I grew up in, got its name from the Natives, meaning 'Resting Place.' But you wouldn't know it by how feral the kids were. And how predatory they were to anyone different in any way. I could say that place was hell. But it was right next to the beach, and when the bullying got to bad I would take off for a swim.
assemblingaknob · 31-35, F
Yes. It's funny. Because they would get away with it. Schools don't give a shit about bullying. These girls ironically got "A+" on their character certificates, while I got a B. Fcking asshats.
cerealguy · 26-30, M
@assemblingaknob it's painful and I know the steuggle
Yes, mostly just in middle school when I had lots of other things going on so I was an easy target.
Ferric67 · M
Bullies were afraid of me because I could put their heads through a wall if need be.
Jenny1234 · 51-55, F
@Ferric67 wish you were around when I was growing up
Yes but I always stood up for myself and for others who were being bullied
Yea, I was. Just some rite of passage I had to go through on the path to a better life.

I think I started on hard mode and things just got better and better as time went on given what other people tell me.

I come across a lot of people who are like, "oh I had so much fun when I was younger and now we have to pay for those times". Plenty of peaked in high school people say shit like this.
Schools are run by billies for bullies.
GuyWithOpinions · 31-35, M
My entire life up to this date.
ChiefJustWalks · 26-30
Nah never. I was always the guy my siblings & cousins came to whenever somebody was messing with them.
Big kids, bullies, or not, I stepped up to anybody so nobody really messed with me
ArminArlert · 26-30, M
I know I'm probably in the minority here, and I'm grateful, but I was never bullied.

I know how much bullying hurts people, even as adults. I'm lucky.
Jenny1234 · 51-55, F
@ArminArlert you were very lucky
smiler2012 · 61-69
@Jenny1234 😞i was sadly right through school and when i first started work it scarred me badly mentally . but now as i have got to my age i am taking shit no more so if you try watch out 😆
As an adult, too. When they fire you from really big places after well documented torture of someone like me, they do get caught by our system.
not really, although i did get harassed by a small group of girls for part of my sophomore year of hs because their friend was dating the same guy i was dating
when I was in school I was very skinny .small, so I used my head made friends with the oldest biggest boys, no one bother me,
Yes. It was easy to pick up on me. Since I was very nice and gentle towards people. Still happens and I want to be a bad one sometimes
Selah ·
Hm. No. I had conflict but never felt targeted by my peers. I had a few teachers who were on my ass a lot tho lol
Yeah. My entire class just decided to exclude me and it went on for years. I'm now socially stunted.
antonioioio · 70-79, M
Yes until I learned how to frighten them or made them more afraid of me
Queendragonfly · 31-35, F
Tons. It started from age 6 and went on til age 23 or so. Last school I was in.
GerOttman · 61-69, M
maybe a little but I was not really reactive so I wasn't much fun.
I have been and I have done it too ,idk if anyone's immune
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
Most years in school. I was small and quite shy, so an obvious target.
notsure · 56-60, M
Yes i was when younger from starting school
DaveE54 · 56-60, MVIP
Many tried but I fought them all
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DCarey · 46-50, M
I was bullied in school, yes.
Wizardry · 46-50, M
Been cyber bullied online
Yes. Until high school.
Yes quite a lot
vetguy1991 · 51-55, M
cerealguy · 26-30, M
pancakeslam · 41-45, M
I still get bullied
HotPizza71 · 51-55, M
At school a little,at work even now,a little
empanadas · 31-35, M
Not really, my older cousins would just knock them out. You mess with one and you mess with the whole family basically. Also I grew up with alot of people that became gang affiliated. I never joined but they always had my back and looked out for me when I got into stupid shit.
Musicman · 61-69, MVIP
I don't know anyone who wasn't growing up by older kids.
Yes, I was the class husky runt, however on dodgeball days my bullies feared me, I was tough to hit despite my size, and I put my weight behind my throws with scary accuracy.
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