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On the radio news, I heard Brandon has tested positive for Covid, again.

Isn't he the one who, about a year ago, was telling us to stop being selfish and get vaxxed?
Proof that the vaccine doesn't work

Only fools who drink liberal Kool aid got vaccinated
Fairydust · F

ok 👌🏻
He is insufferable, but the never ending, talking in circles, trying to 'baffle with BS', is truly on another level! Honestly, I think he's obsessed with you, seeks, and enjoys the attention.

I don't want her attention or yours.

It would be nice to just have either of you even understand the stats/data behind the vaccines.

Yes, I'm sure it's baffling to you, but you can take classes and grow your understanding. If you understand graphs, data, is not so baffling.

Or you could listen to others who also have no training, and trade rumors. But that's not "research".

"Science" cannot seem to decide if the air is 70% or 80% nitrogen,

This is because instead of being things with definite composition:

• an elemental entity (like gaseous oxygen, O2), or

• a compound (e.g., water [H2O], carbon dioxide [CO2], table salt/sodium chloride [NaCl], or a simple sugar [C6H12O6]),

air is a mixture, and has no definite composition; soil, and lots of other things.

Since air is a fluid mixture, the local values depend upon local sources and "sinks" (negative sources, things which remove) of the various components. If you live near a big forest fire, it wouldn't be surprising to have oxygen depleted, carbon dioxide boosted, etc. If you are near a big cow or pig farm, you might well see methane boosted. Open fields on, say, the great plains, might well have boosted CO2 (and O2 depressed) compared with a site in a national forest, due to the many trees.

nor can it get much of a ballpark figure on what percent the human body consists of water.

I'm not sure what you mean, because I remember seeing "a ballpark figure" years ago.

[Of course, this is similar to the problem with "air", because the net amount of water in you depends upon

what it *was*
what entered you (e.g., via drinking, eating)
what left you (urination, defecation, sweat/evaporation)

and you can be dehydrated or over-hydrated.]

A quick search gives a number of's one

If you scan a set of the links, water varies by age, sex, and other factors...which is unsurprising.

I mean true science is exact and based on actual facts but in some cases man cannot seem to get things right. is about characterizing observations which are repeatable/reproducible [this is where the social sciences have been having a very hard time].

Some things are exact (the chemical formula for water), some are more variable (most measurements are not counting objects, and so have error limits).

Some things are hard to either

• measure right now, or
• explain right now.

That's part of science.

Of course where the vaccine is concerned, every time something f^cks up they say, "Science is evolving".

I'm not sure what you mean. With the *vaccine*, the initial characterization of effectiveness was exactly that: the *initial* effectiveness. The ongoing effectiveness has had to be evaluated over time, since this *was* new, just as the initial guidelines for shopping (wiping items) changed with more information.

Science that doesn't evolve is unlikely to be science.

But new variants also...well...WERE new, and so, untested against the existing vaccines, etc.

How much you wanna bet Michguy ain't even vaccinated?

I'm not sure who *that* is, but *I* am fully vaccinated, incl. all boosters.
CestManan · 46-50, F
He has dementia. He only thinks he has covid.
Fairydust · F
aww I get passionate and will fight all the way.

Tell Me haha!! (Don’t say that and not tell me lol) 🤣

Oster1 · M
@Fairydust I would never do that. This is why, I openly tell you, how I feel.

It's all true and sraight from my heart. There is so much more, you will recieve.

Never worry. I love giving you little treats, any chance I get!
Fairydust · F
[image/video deleted]
Yes, and he didn't die. What's so hard about understanding covid vaccine doesn't STOP the virus, but moderates it?
Thinkerbell · 41-45, F

"Lincoln's notes ARE "a word-for-word...transcript" of his speech."

It must have been a very large envelope then. 😂

And why are there something like six extant versions of the speech, if Lincoln had it all written down on an envelope...? 🤔

"Re: plagiarism
Good memory, that bothered tf out of me when he did that years ago, too...probably meaning his speech writer did it."

Biden has a LONG history of plagiarism, dating back at least to his first year in a second-rate law school, where he later graduated near the bottom of his class. 🙄


"... set the order of Presidents (historians put Trump in the basement with 3 other jokers)."

If Trump is in the basement with 3 other jokers, then likely voters have put Biden there as well.

Poll: Biden, Trump statistically tied in favorability

"Of course they [Pfizer] sold the vaccine."

Q. Why are they selling it for 50% more now, per shot?
A. Because they can.
ProfessorPlum77 · 70-79, MVIP
@Thinkerbell I think he had to withdraw from the 1988 presidential primaries (Dem.) because of plagiarism.
@ProfessorPlum77 This such a silly argument. I guess Biden did plagiarize.

Maybe Trump didn't, but it's close to the ONLY sin against humanity he did not commit to satisfy his over-weening ego.

I have noticed of late that there is much less Trump-justifying and much more Biden-maligning.

Like, "Oh, yeah, well, maybe our guy DID brainwash his supporters and sent them into the Capitol which not only put them and the defenders into mortal danger, but resulted in deaths on both sides."

Did he try to stop them when he was begged to do so?

"Well, no. He was busy proof-reading an 'I did so win after all' speech to ensure there was no plagiarism."

Some moral honor.
AbbySvenz · F
And the strain that’s infected him isn’t the same one that was around a year ago.
AbbySvenz · F
No, it is according to the latest research coming out on the latest variant.

It isn’t that BA.5 is necessarily more transmissible, so much that it is escaping prior immunity.

This isn’t anything new— surely you’ve had more than one cold or case of the flu in your lifetime @ProfessorPlum77
ProfessorPlum77 · 70-79, MVIP
@AbbySvenz Well, I have had more than one case of flu and I have had several colds. However, I don't remember the government closing down businesses, schools, and countries because of colds and/or flu.
AbbySvenz · F
Well, you weren’t around in 1918 🤷‍♀️ @ProfessorPlum77
graphite · 61-69, M
Thought he said covid was a pandemic of the unvaccinated? He's had 4 shots.

Did he get a bad case?

Was he admitted to a hospital? Remember, unvaccinated Trump had to go to Walter Reed.

Did he recover quickly, even at his age?

Answer to all is YES.

The people going into hospitals are mostly unvaccinated. The people dying are even more mostly unvaccinated.
ProfessorPlum77 · 70-79, MVIP
@graphite He did say something similar. It as if Karma and Irony got together to prank him!!!
I bet it’s monkey pox from a piss orgy
Valerian · 100+, M
I think the Covid Test are EXCUSES to either hide a Stroke or A Bad Episode of Dementia.

CestManan · 46-50, F
@Valerian They are trying so hard to keep the fear of covid alive.
The media is just bored at this point.
That whole mess was costing companies too much money so it was dropped overnight.
Valerian · 100+, M
@CestManan it's STILL as Dangerous, they overblew it and SCREWED the economy.
CestManan · 46-50, F
@Valerian Yep, once a trend starts hitting people in the wallet, suddenly it becomes a problem.
Adogslife · 61-69, M
Very informative thread.

Can we weave the stolen election and AR-15’s into the thread too?

Then I’d really be on the edge of my seat.
Adogslife · 61-69, M
@SomeMichGuy love it 🤣
@Adogslife Why, tyvm! lol
ProfessorPlum77 · 70-79, MVIP
@Adogslife It was NOT informative. Until you added your contribution, that is. Thank you, comrade. 🇸🇮

She called it...

ProfessorPlum77 · 70-79, MVIP
@BizSuitStacy Wow!! She sure did!!
Virgo79 · 61-69, M
Hes a carrier, and still hasn't fufilled his promise, ILL STOP COVID IF IM ELECTED😡
Yea he bad😂
ProfessorPlum77 · 70-79, MVIP
So much of what they have told us has been modified or overturned. Who knows what to believe? Like one radio talk show host said, "Men, who think they are women, telling us to follow the science."
ProfessorPlum77 · 70-79, MVIP
@SomeMichGuy He admitted he used one figure because he did not think the public would accept a higher figure. But, anywho...
@ProfessorPlum77 Not good if that was his decision tree, though ppl habe been crazy stupid about this...
AbbySvenz · F
So much of what they have told us has been modified or overturned.

That’s…. how science works. 🤨@ProfessorPlum77
nedkelly · 61-69, M
I remember this stating if you get vaccinated you can not catch covid, as long it does not affect his memory 😁
He's been vaxxed and getting Covid, again! imagine the possibility of that one.
gol979 · 41-45, M
"Means its working"

That line is, probably, the most insane of the lot
First of all, F Trump.

As I answer elsewhere here:

Did he get a bad case?

Was he admitted to a hospital? Remember, unvaccinated Trump had to go to Walter Reed.

Did he recover quickly, even at his age?

Answer to all is YES.

The people going into hospitals are mostly unvaccinated. The people dying are even more mostly unvaccinated.
@WhisperingAngel Lmao

Trump has had lots to hide, but you bought all the lies, starting with what he said he was doing...trying to poison the well so his followers wouldn't believe the established media.

I've had my fill of your ilk over these years, so bye.
@SomeMichGuy I've enjoyed the laugh so thanks😂
I'm happy trump made the economy better then what biden has done...
@WhisperingAngel Look at the job creation numbers, and the last year of Trump...
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
He’s now 2 for 2.
Oster1 · M
Some of us, know the real reason, behind this. It's not hard, to figure out. He is on the way, out!!!
@Oster1 Go process some food...
Valerian · 100+, M
@CestManan Yez...
But one of these variants is going To get BAD and KILL LOTS of Unvaxed Fools and Pfizer Vaxed left & right
Zonuss · 41-45, M
Oh please shut up. 😂
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