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Never forget! Never again!

I have had arguments with quite a few people on SW who spread far right talking points.
But I encountered a new low with a certain user (sree251) claiming:
Hitler did not commit atrocities. He was doing what we humans do to save the world

While we might disagree on political issues I like to use this post to remember all the victims of the Nazi - murder machinery and hope many come forward to join me in calling out and fighting any kind of Holocaust denial, fascist apologism and Neo-Nazism.

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originnone ยท 61-69, M
Yes, this is what scares me about comparing trump to hitler. I don't like trump any more than anyone else, but it feeds this kind of thought.
gol979 ยท 41-45, M
@Gloomy he does have a point. Your list of " fascism" reads like a list of traits of people who have been indoctrinated to some form of cult.

Easiest way to describe fascism is a coming together of state and corporate power designed to enshrine and grow that power at the expense of all else.

And he is also correct that tyranny can come from perceived "left" and "right".
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black4white ยท 56-60, M
@Gloomy You can NOT talk sense into this person...and if his ancestry points back to being in concentration camps and fighting for their lives yet they are still a #45 fan, that alone tells me they NEVER learned a thing or dont listen worth a bit. You can defend anything because many people defended slavery and believed it was just how its suppose to be. This is whats scary and I just know we are set for a world of MASSIVE problems if this guy takes office again. A Hitler and John Gotti admirer are people this person looks up to YET his minions are okay with that and think its a good thing.
Usually scroll through pages in the morning but will reply to this one.

Here we have a moving memorial to victims of the Nazi regime and people cannot shut their mouth about politics- not reffering to the individual who I was having a civilised discussion with.

Never again ๐Ÿ’”๐ŸŒน๐Ÿชฆ
Lostpoet ยท M
There's thousands of personal accounts of the holocauset i don't know how anyone could deny it.
JSul3 ยท 70-79
Forget trying to have a civil discussion with people who refuse to accept documented truth and facts.
hippyjoe1955 ยท 70-79, M
So you are not aware that the Nazis of the 1930s are the same as the US democrats in the 2020a?
hippyjoe1955 ยท 70-79, M
@JSul3 So do you. Any other silliness from the obtuse one namely you. Sheesh but you are thick.
JSul3 ยท 70-79
@hippyjoe1955 You ignored what McCarthy/McConnell said about Trump/J6.
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whowasthatmaskedman ยท 70-79, M
You are never going to get sense from these people. So just state your case and move on leaving others to judge who is right.. Unless of course you like just poking them with a stick to get a reaction..๐Ÿ˜ท
I trust you reported him.
DazzaTheHutt ยท M
I get frustrated when people casually use the phrase Nazi. It means all these people have been forgotten.
basilfawlty89 ยท 36-40, M
I'm surprised it took that long for you to find a Nazi sympathiser. There are actually tons on here.
BohemianBabe ยท M
@BritishFailedAesthetic Yes, because that's not how genocides start. Even the Nazis hid the Holocaust from the public. They never openly talked about murdering ethnic groups, rather they painted these groups as being "the enemy" of the people. Much like the right-wing establishment does to trans people.
I've literally seen people calling for camps for transwomen on the right

Ok, was not aware of that.
@basilfawlty89 No kidding. There are too many anti Semitic people on SW.

I am shocked. Really saddened.
Where are you today?....
HannahSky ยท F
What user?
deadgerbil ยท 26-30, M
'Sree' is an actual user?

But yeah that's a very disturbing quote. There was literally someone a week or so ago who was trying to make the exact same excuses for Stalin and his genocides and how people on the left should look up to him. Like omg, people don't realize how stupid they sound
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Gloomy ยท F
@SUPERVlXEN The Nazis had forced conscriptions anyway and send political enemies like socialists into concentration camps before the war even broke out
Richard65 ยท M
@SUPERVlXEN so that would be a no, then sweetie...? ๐Ÿ˜„
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LeopoldBloom ยท M
That user is a troll who deliberately takes offensive positions. The other day he said women should not have assistance while giving birth because there is nothing wrong with โ€œnatural death.โ€
Ferric67 ยท M
people are terrible to each other and it's a real shame

there are plenty of days that I have remorse for my species
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Raaii ยท 22-25, F
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Raaii ยท 22-25, F
@BlueGreenGrey exctly
I also think
they really need to hire some more people and put some of thm as admins hre
pancakeslam ยท 41-45, M
that's a very useful chart too. there were some users recently saying they never talk about 'all the victims'. sure they do. the Nazis were famous for covering up the facts, not the Holocaust museums. those users need to get out more
bijouxbroussard ยท F
I blocked him. He has many problems. This being one does not surprise me. ๐Ÿ™
Allelse ยท 36-40, M
Yeah they're really growing in number at the moment and that orange bonehead in America hasn't helped much either, not that I think he's a true NAZI, more that he's a political whore, even more of a political whore than most politicians, and he'll take the support wherever he can take it.
JimboSaturn ยท 56-60, M
Yep, this user is a complete piece of shit. I have reported him as well. In fact he is currently trolling me on other's posts. He must be butthurt I destroy him so often.

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