Pre democracy, there was an argument against the masses voting because they were unsound minds, unqualified to know what was best for a country. PINNEDReading politics posts here add substance to that concern. Every slack jawed idiot has a vote to cast. And that’s possibly why things are as they are. Perhaps democracy has had its day.
If women really do get paid less than men for same hours and productivity, why aren’t economists not hiring just women to halve their overheads? PINNEDSeems obvious. 💰 Unless it’s not true…
I’ve decided to proclaim myself king of Puerto Rico and begin our great patriotic war of independence against the US. PINNEDMostly because I like rum, sunshine and latinas. Not always in that order. 🇵🇷
Have pity on white rap fans. They’ll never be able to sing along to their favourite, without someone having a melt down. (1)
There’s a catfish called Subalugirl. Be careful, they are after money and if you even gently point out they are using stolen pics they get nasty fast.Reported them. But when did that ever do anything?
The best possible outcome for me is being a rich old recluse, living with limited staff and decent WiFi in a huge gothic mansion.Surrounded by woodland so thick you could drive past and be almost entirely unaware of it. (1)
If you read up on astronomy, when you wish upon a star, you’re 250 million years too late. The star is dead. Just like your dreams.
SW is a bit tame. Is there anywhere that’s a bit wilder and more funny?Dank memes, edgy jokes and so on.
There are people here who are funny, charismatic and witty. But then they talk politics and makes me want to fart in my hand and slap them with it.
What’s with all the god squad posts today? Why are they waving around their deadman on a stick on SW more than normal?Has another priest been caught with his hands up an altar boy’s frock?
People keep talking about this “America” place. But with all the weird shit that goes on there…I dunno, it doesn’t sound real.Is it like Narnia - full of freaky animal people and evil magic?
The Brits are about to change one word in their national anthem. Can you imagine the chaos that would happen if the US had to do this? (3)
I might start a secret society.We might take over the world governments. Or just give conspiracists a new reason to be constantly soiling themselves in fear.
Has democracy failed enough yet for peasants to accept they need a feudalism as much as their lord needs them?
Be honest. If a post is more than a hundred words, are you still reading it?Some feel like they are copy/paste’s of news sites - and what’s the point of that?