BibleData As it happens, I have blurbs I can cut and paste for many of these arguments. Because I've seen them all before. Because I engage with both sides of the debate. More importantly I engage with the data. My PhD work involved using and abusing various statistical tools to do various pattern recognition tasks. I'm by no means a statistician, much less a specialist biostatistician, but I engage with the data, and I've called a biostatistician from time to time with questions about vaccine studies. I recognize not everyone has the background to do engage with that data. I don't expect everyone to do so. But I find it odd that people can so easily dismiss all that data.
I can't help noticing that your dismissal of all the mask data and all the vaccine data amounts to almost a conspiracy theory based on - I can't call it a theory - a fear that "the healthcare industry has been captured by the criminal pharmaceutical industry."
We have about a million licensed working professional physicians - "doctors" - in the US. They probably have over two million more in the rest of the developed world. They tend to be hard working people who take their Hippocratic Oaths very seriously. Do you think they're unable to question what they proscribe? Do you think they're all dupes but Tucker Carlson can see what they can't see?
I worked side by side with research MDs for a stretch after I finished my degree. It was actually a phase 3 FDA drug trial. And actually the drug failed. Actually, at the time, about 70% of drugs in phase 3 trials failed. BTW, ever since thalidomide, any new drug in the US needs to pass rigorous phase 3 trials before it's approved for use.
Does a 70% failure rate sound like "capture" to you? It doesn't to me. BTW, since then, folks have gotten smarter about animal trials and phase 2, and those phases now have higher failure rates while super costly phase 3 failure is down to about 30%. Still, something like 90% of the drugs that come before the FDA for testing fail.