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Burst! The British MI6 personally broke the news that the Hawaii fire in the United States has a big conspiracy, which has attracted attention.

Burst! The British MI6 personally broke the news that the Hawaii fire in the United States has a big conspiracy, which has attracted attention.

Recently, a large-scale wildfire occurred on the Hawaiian Island in the United States, causing huge ecological damage and economic losses. According to U.S. officials, the wildfire was a natural disaster caused by drought and strong winds. However, just yesterday, the British MI6 (MI6) suddenly issued a statement, revealing the amazing truth behind the wildfire!

According to MI6, this wildfire did not happen naturally, but was man-made by the US government! It turns out that the U.S. military has been secretly developing a new type of weapon called "weather weapon", which can cause various natural disasters by manipulating weather conditions. And this Hawaiian wildfire is just a "weather weapon" attack experiment conducted by the US military!

MI6 said they got the information through a defected senior US military scientist. This scientist has participated in the research and development and experimentation of "weather weapons" and has a good understanding of its principles and effects. Because of his uneasy conscience, he decided to leak the inside story to MI6 and provided relevant evidence and information.

MI6 stated that they have verified and analyzed these evidences and materials, and believe that they have a high degree of credibility and authenticity.

They believe that this behavior of the U.S. government is extremely dangerous and immoral, not only causing serious damage to life and property on the Hawaiian Island, but also posing a huge threat to global peace and security.

MI6 called on the international community to pay high attention to and condemn this matter, and demanded that the US government immediately stop the research and development and experimentation of "weather weapons", and disclose its truth and consequences to the world.

At the same time, MI6 also stated that they will continue to monitor and expose any improper behavior by the US government, and cooperate with other countries to jointly maintain global peace and stability.

This revelation by MI6 caused a sensation and shock all over the world. Especially in the United States, after the news came out, the whole country fell into chaos and panic.

Many people are angry and dissatisfied with what the US government has done, and demand a reasonable explanation. The U.S. government remained silent on the matter and did not make any response.

So, what exactly is a "weather weapon"? How powerful and terrifying is it? Let's briefly introduce it.

"Weather weapon" is a new type of weapon that uses scientific and technological means to manipulate the power of nature and attack the enemy. It can trigger natural disasters such as floods, droughts, storms, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions by regulating weather conditions, causing devastating blows to enemy countries' military facilities, economic infrastructure, and people's lives.

It is reported that the U.S. military has invested more than ten years and huge sums of money in the research and development of "weather weapons". Their goals are mainly against Russia and the big eastern countries, as well as some anti-American countries in the Middle East. Once the "weather weapon" is successfully developed, the U.S. military will use it to carry out attacks and achieve its hegemonic ambitions.

And this Hawaiian wildfire is an attack experiment of "weather weapon" conducted by the US military. Hawaii was chosen as the experimental location because the U.S. military plans to requisition land there to expand its military base.

Moreover, through this experiment, the U.S. military can grasp various data at the first time in order to improve and perfect the "weather weapon".

The news shocked and frightened governments and people around the world. Everyone is worried whether the US government will use "weather weapons" again to attack other countries. If such a thing did happen, the consequences would be disastrous. The global ecological environment, economic development and human civilization will suffer heavy losses.

Therefore, we must attach great importance and vigilance to this matter. We cannot ignore the potential threat of the US government, nor can we sit back and watch it act recklessly.

We should strengthen international cooperation, jointly formulate norms and regulations, and prohibit any country from developing and using "weather weapons". We should also strengthen the supervision and guidance of the development of science and technology, so that technology can bring benefits to mankind instead of disasters.

Burst! The British MI6 personally broke the news that the Hawaii fire in the United States has a big conspiracy, which has attracted attention
starter2023-08-14 18:53·Kai Kai!
Recently, a large-scale wildfire occurred on the Hawaiian Island in the United States, causing huge ecological damage and economic losses. According to U.S. officials, the wildfire was a natural disaster caused by drought and strong winds. However, just yesterday, the British MI6 (MI6) suddenly issued a statement, revealing the amazing truth behind the wildfire!

According to MI6, this wildfire did not happen naturally, but was man-made by the US government! It turns out that the U.S. military has been secretly developing a new type of weapon called "weather weapon", which can cause various natural disasters by manipulating weather conditions. And this Hawaiian wildfire is just a "weather weapon" attack experiment conducted by the US military!

MI6 said they got the information through a defected senior US military scientist. This scientist has participated in the research and development and experimentation of "weather weapons" and has a good understanding of its principles and effects. Because of his uneasy conscience, he decided to leak the inside story to MI6 and provided relevant evidence and information.

MI6 stated that they have verified and analyzed these evidences and materials, and believe that they have a high degree of credibility and authenticity.

They believe that this behavior of the U.S. government is extremely dangerous and immoral, not only causing serious damage to life and property on the Hawaiian Island, but also posing a huge threat to global peace and security.

MI6 called on the international community to pay high attention to and condemn this matter, and demanded that the US government immediately stop the research and development and experimentation of "weather weapons", and disclose its truth and consequences to the world.

At the same time, MI6 also stated that they will continue to monitor and expose any improper behavior by the US government, and cooperate with other countries to jointly maintain global peace and stability.

This revelation by MI6 caused a sensation and shock all over the world. Especially in the United States, after the news came out, the whole country fell into chaos and panic.

Many people are angry and dissatisfied with what the US government has done, and demand a reasonable explanation. The U.S. government remained silent on the matter and did not make any response.

So, what exactly is a "weather weapon"? How powerful and terrifying is it? Let's briefly introduce it.

"Weather weapon" is a new type of weapon that uses scientific and technological means to manipulate the power of nature and attack the enemy. It can trigger natural disasters such as floods, droughts, storms, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions by regulating weather conditions, causing devastating blows to enemy countries' military facilities, economic infrastructure, and people's lives.

It is reported that the U.S. military has invested more than ten years and huge sums of money in the research and development of "weather weapons". Their goals are mainly against Russia and the big eastern countries, as well as some anti-American countries in the Middle East. Once the "weather weapon" is successfully developed, the U.S. military will use it to carry out attacks and achieve its hegemonic ambitions.

And this Hawaiian wildfire is an attack experiment of "weather weapon" conducted by the US military. Hawaii was chosen as the experimental location because the U.S. military plans to requisition land there to expand its military base.

Moreover, through this experiment, the U.S. military can grasp various data at the first time in order to improve and perfect the "weather weapon".

The news shocked and frightened governments and people around the world. Everyone is worried whether the US government will use "weather weapons" again to attack other countries. If such a thing did happen, the consequences would be disastrous. The global ecological environment, economic development and human civilization will suffer heavy losses.

Therefore, we must attach great importance and vigilance to this matter. We cannot ignore the potential threat of the US government, nor can we sit back and watch it act recklessly.

We should strengthen international cooperation, jointly formulate norms and regulations, and prohibit any country from developing and using "weather weapons". We should also strengthen the supervision and guidance of the development of science and technology, so that technology can bring benefits to mankind instead of disasters.

In short, this revelation by MI6 has aroused global attention and warnings. Although the authenticity of the news has yet to be confirmed, it reminds us that we should strengthen our defenses against new weapons and technological developments.

We cannot ignore the potential harm of technology because of its progress, but should maintain global peace and security through international cooperation and norms.

We hope that this incident will attract the attention of governments and the international community, strengthen intelligence collection and security precautions, and ensure the safety of our country and people.

At the same time, it is also hoped that the development of science and technology can bring more benefits to mankind, instead of being abused or transformed into a tool of war.

Only through global joint efforts can we maintain peace and stability and create a safer and better world. Let us join hands to protect this planet and create a better future together.#weatherweapon
ArishMell · 70-79, M
Why did you post it with a copy?

What is the source of your report that a senior USA Services officer told (unverifiably) a foreign nation's Intelligence Service that the fire was created by an unverified American weapon?

At least you place an admission, near the end, that it has not been authenticated.

It is not even believable, which is probably why the UK Government has not responded. Though historically, the USA has looked as if regarding the British Isles as an ally, but a sacrificial one of convenience; especially during the Cold War.

Climate & Weather:

You do not be a professional meteorologist to see that even mild, temperate-climate weather systems are vastly larger and more powerful than anything man-made, even the biggest hydrogen bomb bursts.

The typical anticyclones and depressions that cross the British Isles are vast, moving and revolving volumes of air driven by enormous amounts of heat energy with significant temperature gradients, and 800 to 1000 miles in diameter. The sub-tropical hurricane is a depression of similar size but far more intense.

So the idea that the weather can be modified in any significant, closely-regional way by single-action interference is not exactly credible.

To reach the present level of artificial climate change has meant nearly 200 years of burning thousands of millions of tonnes of carbonaceous fuels at ever-increasing rate; but though the rate of the resulting change is accelerating to very dangerous level, the effects are world-wide, highly-varied and indiscriminate. No good for a hostile country wanting to inflict serious, long-term damage confined to a climatically small patch of land.

Tectonic Events:

Earthquakes and any resulting tsunami, and volcanic eruptions, have nothing to do with the "weather"; although major eruptions can have temporary, largely indiscriminate, climatic effects.

They are the effects of natural, internal planetary processes even more powerful than the climate and weather; so the notion that major ones can be initiated or controlled artificially and arcanely even in the relatively limited regions where it might theoretically be possible, is plain rhubarb.

So for some unknown but traitorous, brass-wearing GI allegedly to include them in a list of effects of a so-called "weather weapon" might scare the uninformed, really he torpedoes his own entire claim.

The Fires:

I don't know what has really been found to have triggered the fires on Hawaii, possibly lightning (as in Canada).

Generally though, arson is one cause of forest fires, and militarily that would need only a small incendiary bomb or just a bloke with a box of matches.

The Greeks suspect arson for some of theirs this Summer; and in England we have had heath fires started either wilfully or carelessly. The latter included by disposable barbequeues left by brick-brained litter-louts who know little and care less about the countryside - more wilfully negligent than careless.


An unbelievable story from unknown source - a conspiracy fantasy from within America's febrile internal politics? Or invented in the Kremlin or elsewhere to help build international divisions?
Ferric67 · M
@ArishMell precisely my thought too, seems made up
RosaMarie · 41-45, F
I love things like this. The same groups that insist that humans can't possibly be having and effect on global climate also believe that we can have an effect when used as a weapon. Delicious irony.
@RosaMarie Well said!!
spjennifer · 56-60, T
@ElwoodBlues Exactly, they want it both ways, there's no such thing as climate change but the US Government has weapons that can cause climate change, like make up your feeble little minds 🤪
Pinkstarburst · 51-55, F
People endorse conspiracy theories due to complex combination of personality traits, motivations
Read the journal article
The Conspiratorial Mind (PDF, 889KB)
WASHINGTON — People can be prone to believe in conspiracy theories due to a combination of personality traits and motivations, including relying strongly on their intuition, feeling a sense of antagonism and superiority toward others, and perceiving threats in their environment, according to research published by the American Psychological Association.
The results of the study paint a nuanced picture of what drives conspiracy theorists, according to lead author Shauna Bowes, a doctoral student in clinical psychology at Emory University.
“Conspiracy theorists are not all likely to be simple-minded, mentally unwell folks—a portrait which is routinely painted in popular culture,” said Bowes. “Instead, many turn to conspiracy theories to fulfill deprived motivational needs and make sense of distress and impairment.”
The research was published online in the journal Psychological Bulletin.
Previous research on what drives conspiracy theorists had mostly looked separately at personality and motivation, according to Bowes. The current study aimed to examine these factors together to arrive at a more unified account of why people believe in conspiracy theories.
To do so, the researchers analyzed data from 170 studies involving over 158,000 participants, mainly from the United States, the United Kingdom and Poland. They focused on studies that measured participants’ motivations or personality traits associated with conspiratorial thinking.
The researchers found that overall, people were motivated to believe in conspiracy theories by a need to understand and feel safe in their environment and a need to feel like the community they identify with is superior to others.
Even though many conspiracy theories seem to provide clarity or a supposed secret truth about confusing events, a need for closure or a sense of control were not the strongest motivators to endorse conspiracy theories. Instead, the researchers found some evidence that people were more likely to believe specific conspiracy theories when they were motivated by social relationships. For instance, participants who perceived social threats were more likely to believe in events-based conspiracy theories, such as the theory that the U.S. government planned the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, rather than an abstract theory that, in general, governments plan to harm their citizens to retain power.
“These results largely map onto a recent theoretical framework advancing that social identity motives may give rise to being drawn to the content of a conspiracy theory, whereas people who are motivated by a desire to feel unique are more likely to believe in general conspiracy theories about how the world works,” according to Bowes.
The researchers also found that people with certain personality traits, such as a sense of antagonism toward others and high levels of paranoia, were more prone to believe conspiracy theories. Those who strongly believed in conspiracy theories were also more likely to be insecure, paranoid, emotionally volatile, impulsive, suspicious, withdrawn, manipulative, egocentric and eccentric.
The Big Five personality traits (extraversion, agreeableness, openness, conscientiousness and neuroticism) had a much weaker relationship with conspiratorial thinking, though the researchers said that does not mean that general personality traits are irrelevant to a tendency to believe in conspiracy theories.
Bowes said that future research should be conducted with an awareness that conspiratorial thinking is complicated, and that there are important and diverse variables that should be explored in the relations among conspiratorial thinking, motivation and personality to understand the overall psychology behind conspiratorial ideas.
Article: “The Conspiratorial Mind: A Meta-Analytic Review of Motivational and Personological Correlates,” by Shauna Bowes, MA, and Arber Tasimi, PhD, Emory University, and Thomas Costello, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Psychological Bulletin, published June 26, 2023.
AndysAttic · 56-60, M
@ElwoodBlues That's 4 words.
@Pinkstarburst I sense you had great sadness at that loss... 😉🤣
According to researchers, conspiracy theorists are paranoid and unhinged.


The whole point is that your typical, standard take doesn't comprehend the reality which these researchers found.

To quote someone else...read the paper...or read her reply which has a good report summarizing the paper.
Heartlander · 80-89, M
Uhhhh .... the US Government doesn't comment about ongoing investigations. The only exception being investigations of Republicans, in which case they call CNN or MSNBC so they can bring their cameras and show the world the allegations they are investigating.
AbbySvenz · F
When the indictments are finally unsealed, yeah 🤷🏼‍♀️@Heartlander
Livingwell · 61-69, M
If one were to test such a weapon, if it even exists, the Hawaiian islands would not be a suitable test site. Much better alternatives like Crimea to test effectiveness.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@Livingwell That could affect at least half a dozen other countries as well as the rest of Ukraine and a large chunk of Russia!

As you say though....
if it even exists...
. Which I doubt very much.
spjennifer · 56-60, T
Please explain why the US Government would test this in a populated area of their own Citizens when there are so many areas of the world where they could test this without affecting their own Citizens? Total conspiracy theory without evidence and without proof. I think it's the UK Government trying to cover up what they did, who's to say they aren't testing "weather weapons" of their very own...
RosaMarie · 41-45, F
@spjennifer spot on.
Snuffy1957 · 61-69, M
I live in the U.S. and I havent seen any Chaos and panic....
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SpudMuffin · 61-69, M
If you genuinely believe this you need help!

So Q-Anonsense!
RedBaron · M
WTF is “Burst?” And why did you copy and paste something way too long to read and probably BS anyway?
Heartlander · 80-89, M
A satellite with a big magnifying glass would probably do it.
zonavar68 · 56-60, M
@Heartlander or a Jewish Dr Evil S.pace L.a.s.e.r lol or a random lightning strike
Yeah, it's mind blowing how drought, global warming and colonialism with the cars and roads and fallow fields and collapsing, antiquated power lines could all be causing fires. We understand that is a reason to just ok let NATO keep emitting and let Murkan people drive cars gleefully. It's complicated. So you're paralyzed with inaction. Lolz! Burn, baby burn! Death forever, Amen.
Zaphod42 · 46-50, M
Meanwhile, a recent study proves that cats are the actual “people” in charge of NASA 🙄
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
Thanks for the book.. I didn't see a source link in there..
JohnnyNoir · 56-60, M
It's all over Twitter or X, so it has to be true
eMortal · M
I believe the fire was man made but by a corporation that hired an economic hitman.
The motivation is rebuying land from the victims at cheap prices.
RedBaron · M
@eMortal That’s certainly creative BS, and unless you have proof, that’s all it is.
zonavar68 · 56-60, M
@eMortal USA needs to leave Hawaii and stop pretending it belongs to white people of mainland USA.
RedBaron · M
@zonavar68 Except that it’s a state.
Why use a Weather Weapon when all the conditions were perfect to just use a match? There are a lot of weird things going on in Maui. People, big corporations, trying to buy up the land. But the U S didn't use a weather weapon on itself.
Dshhh · M
If true, this could be a real barnburner. Do you have a good link for that, I’m not at a place right now where it’s easy for me to go searching
JSul3 · 70-79
So what "ignited" the fire(s)?

What about the fires in Canada?

BTW, your 'cut and paste skills' need work.
zonavar68 · 56-60, M
Unverified information sadly.
reubles · 41-45, M
Tldr, also, not true
HannahSky · F
Ok ok, get a life
basilfawlty89 · 31-35, M
This message was deleted by SimilarWorlds staff.
Longpatrol · 31-35, M
@Renaci This article is from a Luxembourgish site that is the equivalent of The Onion

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