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Nancy Pelosi quitting???

I think she is quitting just because she doesn't want to hand the gavel over to a Republican at the formal ceremony. That is so childish, but typical of democrats.
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eli1601 · 70-79, M
Hopefully to be seen soon under subpoena at the Republican led hearings into J6
tindrummer · M
@Baremine examples of all those?
even one - and not just your opinion
2cool4school · 46-50, F
conspiracy stuff just like I expected - how about a shred of real evidence rather than just your opinion?
Remember that you’re arguing with people who believe pizzagate and Q-anon are real. Know your enemy. Don’t expect anything from them that isn’t in their character. This is the age of “weaponized ambiguity”.
2cool4school · 46-50, F
@Baremine @tindrummer

@tindrummer you won't except* real evidence just like the courts wouldn't when it was presented to them.
Awe stupidity is really prevalent and preventable!!
😆 * accept not except
I don’t axpect (lol) you to expect to know what you are actually talking about anyway! @Baremine lol 😂
graphite · 61-69, M
She has to spend some time with the plastic surgeon to get her facelifts tuned, probably.
carpediem · 61-69, M
@graphite Two hours of sandblasting and an hour on the belt sander would be a good start. Then surgically install a bag that covers her head forever so the rest of us can live fulfilling lives.
carpediem · 61-69, M
She needs to go home and begin pegging her hubby so he doesn’t keep getting into dangerous situations to satisfy his urges
eli1601 · 70-79, M
@carpediem She did just try to have her husband bumped off. I wouldn't want to be the hammer guy, sitting in jail waiting to be Clintonized for his failure.
2cool4school · 46-50, F
Its so nad when her husband wants nothing to do with her.
It’s not exactly shocking. She’s so fake and narcissistic.
@2cool4school Yup, just a mess. I dont think any politician should have their jobs for life. 10 years total, thats it.
dancingtongue · 80-89, M
She already said she is not retiring from the seat she just won re-election to, but hadn't decided yet whether she would run for Speaker or Minority Leader and wouldn't until consulting family. But even if she did, how would that be more childish than still maintaining two years after the fact that an election was stolen from you with no evidence to support the allegation and sitting by doing nothing (the most favorable description possible) while your supporters storm the Capitol to overturn an election?
dancingtongue · 80-89, M
[@https://[TallMtnMedic] Fact check: Post comparing Capitol riot to 2018 Kavanaugh protests lacks context
@dancingtongue Great source - comprehensive and compelling.

The only difference in each Capitol invasion is the later one the leftists dressed up as someone else
llloydfred · 56-60, M
@TallMtnMedic Paulie P is saying the same thing.
badminton · 61-69, MVIP
Nancy Pelosi is 82 years old. It is completely understandable that she would want to retire.

The stupid hate and delusional crackpot conspiracy theories MAGA-Trump dupes have for Pelosi and Hillary Clinton shows their poor character and mental state.
badminton · 61-69, MVIP
@SW-User Actually I have often disagreed politically with both Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton. I regard them as corporate Democrats.

However, I respect the Constitution, political norms and common decency. I would never try to sabotage their campaigns, nor make threats, nor encourage violence, nor invent lies or bogus conspiracy theories and I'd accept the results of an election. And out of common decency, I would never attack an elderly person. And yes, all the above includes even Trump and his supporters.
@badminton how mighty white of you
badminton · 61-69, MVIP
@SW-User It's just what any half-way decent person would do.
Virgo79 · 61-69, M
It would be a good day for America any way she decides to go.
pdockal · 56-60, M
Glad to see her go under any circumstances
@pdockal She already said in 2018 that she would hand over the leadership in 2022. I know, it's amazing when a politician keeps their promises but there it is.
pdockal · 56-60, M
Doesn't matter as long as she's gone (yes i know she's still representing her district)
@pdockal How will Jeffries be any different? Other than not being as experienced.

Have you seen how McCarthy isn't necessarily going to be the Speaker? They're talking about Liz Cheney. All you'd need are a few Republicans to break ranks.
You think she’d give her fellow Americans just one inside stock tip ey?
Tight ass old hag.

bhatjc · 46-50, M
@WillaKissing That is the spirt
MasterLee · 56-60, M
She is so immature
DrWatson · 70-79, M
@MasterLee She did not quit as Speaker. She simply quit as party leader. Here she is, last night, handing over the speaker's gavel, continuing a centuries-old tradition of peaceful transition of power in the house.

Strictmichael75 · 61-69, M
Lock TRUMP up
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@Strictmichael75 for what
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MasterLee · 56-60, M
@Strictmichael75 biden certainly is
DrWatson · 70-79, M
You were saying?

This happened last night after McCarthy finally won on the 15th ballot:

ididntknow · 51-55, M
@DrWatson Two crooks together, pelosi looks happy about it, not a good sign
DrWatson · 70-79, M
As the outgoing Speaker, she will hand over the gavel to the incoming Speaker.

She had announced that she will not be her party's minority leader. That is a completely different role. "Speaker of the house" is a constitutional office, like the Presidency. Party leadership roles are not constitutional offices.
Bumbles · 51-55, M
She’s an American hero.
@Bumbles so are you (replace h with z)
Baremine · 70-79, C
@Bumbles hero? Give me a break. She is a disaster, just like dumbass Biden.
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bhatjc · 46-50, M
bhatjc · 46-50, M
@DrWatson Understandable. But she will be gone. That is all the maters.
DrWatson · 70-79, M
@bhatjc Actually, to me, that is not all that matters. This post made an accusation: that Pelosi is "quitting" "just because" she does not want to hand the gavel off to a Republican, and that she is being childish. That accusation is false. She is not being childish. My response did not address the desirability or lack of desirability of Pelosi being speaker. I simply addressed the cheap shot the OP made.

You said "so right." Sorry, it is "so wrong."
bhatjc · 46-50, M
@DrWatson Each too are own opinions. Glad the witch is out of office. She screw over are country and the state of CA.
4meAndyou · F
"In December 2018, Pelosi came to an agreement that would limit her tenure to four years as speaker, and she went on to earn the support of many of the moderate and newly elected lawmakers who were initially resistant to her leadership."
Baremine · 70-79, C
@4meAndyou but since when does a democrat keep their word? If she quits good riddance.
4meAndyou · F
@Baremine I would be thrilled if she went the way of a stinking cadaver, I have seldom become so emotional about political figures, but the hatred I feel for Pelosi when she just stands there and LIES...can't even describe it.
She actually bought a retirement home on Florida...FLORIDA!

She doesnt even want to live in her shitty distirct that she created.
@2cool4school Actually stationed just outside of SF for a few years, I always refer to the northern half as northern California bc it was the prettier part. So yeah living in it, no, but being in it for work and personal two or more times a week counts for something.

Companies, and people, are leaving California bc they are taxed at insane rates and the state is not business friendly unlike Texas, Az, Nevada, etc... People are even taxed for leaving. Its gotten bad enough where California is probably going to lose a few seats in the House which is unheard of, meanwhile Texas is set to gain, as are other states.

Plus crime rates have gotten worse, police hands are tied for the most part, no cash bail, etc....

New York is having similar issues as far as cost of living, crime etc....

Theres a reason people are leaving in droves to other states like Florida.
2cool4school · 46-50, F
@TallMtnMedic Crime rates are up all over the US. States like Louisiana and New Mexico are still ahead of California in the percentage increase.
As far as your living in the Nor Cal area for a brief time, I didn’t say that it didn’t count for anything but you’ve told me personally about where you were living and on base and or near SF and the Bay Area is a much different experience. That’s all. I’m not saying that anything that California does is actually alright in my opinion and I’m trying to stick to the facts of situation in the “land of plenty” in general.
I know personally what it’s like to live in the city of SF as well as several areas near the city. I grew up in one of the suburbs that surpassed San Francisco in both size and population density. I also know personally what it’s like to be a resident of Nevada but my experience is not exactly pertinent to the situation. And my opinions are not the discussion nor are my experiences. However California has unique opportunities for both individuals and companies that are based there or were based there and recently moved. Plenty of corporations big and small have a Bay Area presence but are also registered in the state of Nevada for the tax breaks mainly. California is the gateway to the pacific and the business with Asia that often still needs to be done in person. Obviously like many things the internet has made intercontinental connectivity simpler and easier and more profitable. But California occupies a strategically superior area for everything from produce and cannabis to almonds. As well as tech companies that continue to keep a presence in Silicon Valley for more than just romantic reasons, it being the birth place of modern tech.
SoCal and NorCal are vastly different from each other and it’s not too shocking that people have wanted to separate them into 2 and 3 different states for decades now.
Plenty of people have talked about governor Gavin Newsom’s evolution politically from the mayor of SF to someone who has presidential ambitions and it’s not something that is likely to happen with another west coast states’ big city mayor turned governor. Palin tried to leverage her power and she didn’t exactly shock people with her ineptitude. Mainly because being the governor of California puts someone in a position of power on the worlds stage through the many unique things about California that make it as valuable as it’s been and still is.
New York City especially and California both have some of the strictest gun laws and regulations in the country and they still have had the same problems with gun violence as almost anywhere else in America. Chicago is still worse than Los Angeles and San Francisco gun crime combined when it comes down to people dying from bullets. No matter what regulations they try to change and enforce the results are often still the same. Most people who are killed by guns are not killed by a legally attainable weapon. And guns going south of the border are more likely to be from Arizona Nevada and Texas because they don’t have the same limits on guns as Californias magazine limit or strict registration regulations.
I think plenty of reasons play into the facts that people are leaving in mass numbers but it’s not changing much in the way California is operating at least not yet. Losing seats in the House of Representatives might have some impact only time will tell. But the point I was actually making is that the people who left are paying in more ways than just exit fees. Texas has more trouble with weather and their power grid is fragile as well. Californias isn’t exactly ideal especially when you factor in the fire seasons that are now year round in many parts of the state. But you can’t grow tomatoes in Texas 365 days a year and that goes almost across the board for agriculture in California vs anywhere else in the US. As foreign food sources become more of a threatened commodity due to everything from the cost of fuel to the transportation infrastructure and the other factors like conflict affecting getting everything to market from wherever it’s made grown or manufactured. California is always going to have the choice ports in Long Beach and Oakland for foreign cars and anything else with a chip from Apple products and toys to medical care industry items big and small. Tech to PPE all hits the California docks before they can load trucks and trains and planes to get it to the rest of the country. The Golden Gate is still wide open for business as long as our economy is so tightly tied to China and Korea and Taiwan and to a lesser degree Japan and Vietnam for production of goods in Asia. I’m not an economist or an expert in world trade and foreign relations and global policy but I can see that it is vital for all involved to keep the balance and the trade routes open. The largest market for US goods is Mexico so it’s highly unlikely that the southern border will ever be closed in order to stem the flow of narcotics and guns going south and the Narco War is very real and nothing new even though it’s not been covered like a “real” war. It has all the elements of warfare. Corruption is just one. The Chinese are using an asymmetric warfare tactic by supplying Mexico with precursor chemicals to make fentanyl and meth among other substances. They already have had the poppy felids near Michoacán for decades but along with controlling the flow of cocaine and meth the addition of illicit pharmaceuticals in any form from counterfeit compound products containing substances like fentanyl in addition to or in place of the listed ingredients are in high demand just like another common cartel smuggled product. That being humans. And especially laborers for all the jobs that people all over North America rely on and the jobs that many us citizens refuse to do.
Do I think that California is doing things in the “right” or best way? Hard Nope. Do I agree with and believe in the way that they are managing their resources and responsibilities correctly? No but then again I don’t agree with almost anything politicians do and therefore I don’t ever vote and never will.
However that doesn’t change the fact that California has a value and a presence that other states combined can’t reach. It’s not something that is going to change because it’s not just limited to geography or finance or production or something as simple as the weather. It’s more complex than just one factor and it’s not going to change.
@TallMtnMedic She’s not retiring.
JohnOinger · 41-45, M
Keep Dreaming 😄
graphite · 61-69, M
@JohnOinger You're probably right - she's made millions from insider trading thanks to her "public service" in the House. She'll want to keep the $$ rolling in.
2cool4school · 46-50, F
@graphite she did well in Taiwan negotiating for priority over China with TSMC…
ididntknow · 51-55, M
She needs to follow the yellow brick road,
She’s only stepping down as Democratic caucus leader. She’s still Speaker until the next session when she will hand over the gavel.

Please do a little research before spouting off and making yourself sound even dumber than you are.
MasterLee · 56-60, M
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SteelHands · 61-69, M
Inside deal.

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ididntknow · 51-55, M
@Strictmichael75 Nope, it wasn’t a Trump supporter, you listen to too much CNN, MSNBC, and no I don’t listen to Fox News, it’s paid opposition,
ididntknow · 51-55, M
@Strictmichael75 That is all false, stop watching MSNBC / CNN, you are getting misinformation
ididntknow · 51-55, M
@Strictmichael75 No, that was debunked, as you people like to say 😎
gdon39 · 46-50, M
She’s old. She is probably sick of everything. Idc if you are republican , dem, independent or whatever.

The whole shit house is not far from going up in flames.

I don’t think there is a way out of our Partisan problems and the biggest thing that blows my mind is aren’t we supposed to be for the greater good of our nation?
llloydfred · 56-60, M
Paulie Pelosi is gonna be PPPissSSedSSS!!!!!
ron122 · 41-45, M
I'm just glad that ugly piece of crap will be gone.
Zonuss · 46-50, M
No. She quit because it was time.
Both parties are corrupt.
You can learn a lot from a dummy. 🙂

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