How do you deal with friendly reminders of the past?It always seems that just as I'm about to be over something or someone, they spring back up into my life again and I feel just as bad as I had the last time I saw them.
I Like To Share MusicWhen I first watched the music video to A Little Piece of Heaven I stared at the ceiling for about an hour while my innocence tried to figure out what I had just watched. Watching it now, "What a great love story"
I Hate Religious WarsPeople say that Christians judge others for their religion or non-faith, yet I see atheists (among others) who judge Christians for their religion. This is not based off of my own religious views. I simply am tired of seeing all of this hatred... See More »
I'll Tell You My OpinionIf Donald is elected, there will be an assassination in the office. If Hillary is elected, there will be a revolt. I saw it in a dream
I Feel I Am AnnoyingI really really really like sending people music they have never heard or getting them to watch movies they have never seen. It pleases me in a weird way...I feel like I bug the shit out of people when I do it though
I Don't Want To Live A Boring LifeThis honestly scares me. I always feel like if I'm not doing something worthwhile or amazing that I am flunking at life, and I will ultimately regret it upon my death. Wow that got deep.
I Have A Pet PeeveI can't stand it when people don't reply back to me, yet I still do it to others. Such a hypocritical niche
I Can't Stand The Smell Of Cigarette SmokeI think that people with cigarettes in their mouths look hot, but when I walk past someone and smell cigarette smoke I literally hold my breathe until it's gone away.
I Like MoviesI know this might sound weird...But does anyone else ever have moments in life that kind of remind you of some scene in a movie?
I Use Music As Therapy For the SoulJust heard a song that goes "emotionless, emotionless, you're beautiful I..sleep" on the radio. Anyone know it?
I Like to Write About How I FeelSometimes I write things down before I forget them, like dreams or thoughts. Helps me in my writing
I am a New Member at Similar WorldsI'm on here to try to meet some people that I can share a connection with, no matter how far away we are from one another.