when you find it hard to fall asleep at night, what helps youdo you ever have restless sleepless nights? or anxious racing thoughts? what helps you to fall asleep on those nights? my mother bought me some pillow mist, you spray it on your pillow and it has herbal scents in it which help you to fall asleep.
what's the best pillow to use to sleep on at nighta while back i bought a memory foam pillow off amazon...but im finding it still hurts my neck during the night when my head is on the pillow, my neck has been stiff and sore for a while...so im wondering what i did wrong? whats the best pillow to... See More »
anyone else go to sleep listening to musicat night, in bed, do you have a stereo hifi where you listen to some nice soft music as you sleep?
I sometimes go to bed early, my working life may dictate the needI don’t logout of some social media pages as much as people might, so it’s likely to seem like I am online when in fact I’m not. If you are not the patient type, please don’t bother to get in touch. I have encountered a few ignorant people,... See More »
What would you want to sleep in right now? I'm really sleepy and trying to make myself more sleepy by looking at beds. These stood out most. 🤣 Please feel free to share your own pics (12)
I'm so tiredwe were up so late last night. I ended up sleeping for over half the bus ride, it was nice. I slept hard last night, but I didn't get as much sleep as I needed. I'm so eepy :[