Castenmas · M
My brain says they don’t. They absolutely can’t.
But nobody in my family can explain who the man was who would sit and smoke a cigarette in the chair by my bed when I used to sleep over at my grand parents as a child.
But nobody in my family can explain who the man was who would sit and smoke a cigarette in the chair by my bed when I used to sleep over at my grand parents as a child.
woodyemma2013 · 41-45, F
@Castenmas I believe
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GeistInTheMachine · 31-35, M
I believe in the paranormal.
I've been looking into parapsychology lately, and it is interesting.
I stopped being a materialist a couple years ago.
Perhaps ghosts are an aspect of conciousness, I don't know.
I no longer think people just cease to exist.
I've been looking into parapsychology lately, and it is interesting.
I stopped being a materialist a couple years ago.
Perhaps ghosts are an aspect of conciousness, I don't know.
I no longer think people just cease to exist.
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
Yes. Its part of my culture. Though I have never seen any like you do in the movies. Usually its just feeling a presence like somebody else is in the room. Though when I was a kid I had some health problems that Doctors failed to diagnose. So my Grandmother insisted on taking me to consult the ancestors. I spot somewhere out in the bush. She built a campfire and said we had to wait. It took a long time before anything happened. I was half asleep. But I remember multiple voices and could see the shadows of people against the car. But when I turned over to look at Grandma she was alone by the fire...
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@Thevy29 I've never been able to see ghosts even when other people were seeing them. I can sense things, though.
Disgustedman · 61-69, M
I was at Curlew Job Corp and one night. Was chatting with two others. We suddenly saw a apparition come down the aisle, then turn.
We went to the area, three possible areas it could have gone. TV room (Nope) bathroom (nope) then the locked furnace room. I swear I saw it go into the door. That's one.
Some weeks later, I was awakened by being punched in the back for a week. There wasn't anyone around when I looked. Several suicides happened there I was told.
We went to the area, three possible areas it could have gone. TV room (Nope) bathroom (nope) then the locked furnace room. I swear I saw it go into the door. That's one.
Some weeks later, I was awakened by being punched in the back for a week. There wasn't anyone around when I looked. Several suicides happened there I was told.
Cooper · 61-69, M
Yes I do believe in them, we have them in our house, we call them Haints here in the southern US. We live on or near a Civil War battle ground and believe they are from that era.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@Cooper Yeah, I can see a battlefield having a few confused people who don't know where to go next.
Om2014 · 31-35, M
I acknowledge their existence but prefer to ignore, cause they effect u only as much as u believe in them 😅 cause it's a mind world beyond this physical body, so it's all mind game, don't give it all attention n power over u, best to ignore and keep going your way. The more u believe in them more horrifying n Mysterious it becomes in ur head n then they can overpower u.
Deceased · M
I do because I've had many, many paranormal and supernatural encounters throughout my life.
If I didn’t that would be akin to not believing in myself 👻
Do you?
Do you?
BlueSkyKing · M
I believe in evidence, not say so anecdotes. Clearly define what exactly a ghost is and how this is known
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@BlueSkyKing I can give you a definition, but I'm not interested in trying to convince you that they are real. A ghost is what's left when you kill the body. Some of them are echoes or psychic imprints. I don't know much more than that.
BlueSkyKing · M
@LordShadowfire Detectable, measurable, testable, and falsifiable. Machines are better detectors that any senses we possess. Things made of matter either emit or reflect light.
Ghosts sightings are not on demand. What camera presets are recommended to capture an accurate image? Lenses? Exposure time? Those that claim their photos are evidence are achieved accidentally and it’s way to easy to fake.
Ghosts sightings are not on demand. What camera presets are recommended to capture an accurate image? Lenses? Exposure time? Those that claim their photos are evidence are achieved accidentally and it’s way to easy to fake.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@BlueSkyKing I did say I had no interest in trying to convince you because I don't have evidence. Not sure what you expect to accomplish here.
4meAndyou · F
I saw something one night. I don't want to say it was a ghost, because it had an outline, something like a strip of energy with specks of colored lights inside the strip. Inside the strip of energy it was dark. The shape appeared to be that of a human male, with a large beak of a nose, a deep chest, and a wasp waist.
It walked through the closed door from the basement, across the hallway, and into the bathroom.
It walked through the closed door from the basement, across the hallway, and into the bathroom.
revenant · F
yes because I experienced the preence of one
TheGreatestEver123 · 41-45, M
No because I’m capable of rational thought.
Boleuskas · M
If I see one I will beleive 🙂
zonavar68 · 56-60, M
Can't say I've met one.
deadgerbil · 26-30, M
Adstar · 56-60, M
I don't.. I believe they are demons masqurading as the Ghosts or decieced people..
bugeye · 26-30, F
i do. but i also think shows like ghost adventures are complete BS

No, I don’t believe in any afterlife, when you’re dead you’re dead
Renaci · 36-40
No because no matter how hard they have been looked for for thousands of years the evidence is still no greater than anecdotal and psychological.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
I do, and always have. I had their existence confirmed for me after a weird night in a house that had a reputation for being haunted.