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Question to religious people: why do you believe?

I grew up in an orthodox jewish family in Toronto. We strictly followed all the laws of judaism such as pray daily, keep kosher and observe sabbath. When I was growing up, we were maybe a 7 on a scale of 1-10, 10 being fanatic. The minutia of rules lived in every moment of every day. There were specific blessings to say when you ate, slept, went to the bathroom. Rules about what women may not do, say, be. Rules for men too, but much less limited.

For me, it was too much. I defected from that world 20 years ago. (It was hard.) My parents and siblings have only become more fanatical as the years go by, they’re all at a 9 by now. We do speak to each other and get along OK.

But I have trouble understanding how they or anyone can truly be happy in that life.

So I ask, why do YOU believe?
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I can see where you would have a big problem with that. That's an awful way to live and I'm so sorry you had to suffer through that. In Christ, there is freedom. Not denomination or religious rituals. Knowing Christ is not about religion, it is about relationship. There's a huge difference. Religion did not die on the cross to save us from the condemnation that sin placed on us. The person of Jesus Christ did. Religion is described as man-made philosophy. I follow only Jesus, the One who loved me enough to save my soul.

I love the Lord so much, because of all he has done for me and His Holy Spirit transformed my whole life for the better, as promised in His Word.

I love the Lord for all he has done and sacrificed for each of us, even proving his love for us on the cross, when He gave his very life, so that we may have eternal life in heaven. Without him, no one would have made it to heaven and He volunteered to be a living sacrifice for us, so that we could have right standing and fellowship with God the Father in heaven once again, if that's what we choose. He didn't have to do that, but he did. I have loved him and stayed with him for the last 51 years and I don't regret one second of it. Loving him has nothing to do with rules, but an honor and privilege to show him how much he means to me, how much I love him. There is no bondage in true love and no one could love us more than Jesus. His love is absolutely perfect.

@Akimbo75 Sweet lady, we were not born condemned, but we were born with a sin nature and that's what God wants us to help us with.

John 3:17 For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through him, might be saved.
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@Adstar So you write this terrible post about me even AFTER I wrote a note of apology to you, explaining why I wrote what I did. So be it. And for your information, the if doesn't make what you said to me any better, because you said it and you meant it. Some nice guy you are. There are people all over this forum that wrote their opinion that may differ with a poster. That's what we do here. And you know full well that I have in the past, sent you a personal message before I said anything out in the forum asking you to withdraw an unbiblical statement that was false teaching, but you refused, and I told you, that's why I felt you shouldn't have said what you said, because it was not biblical and then I apologized to you because I agreed that these things should be discussed in private. But now you have made it seem a personal battle, which it was not. You just don't like it because I disagreed with you. And now since you have lied against me even after I apologized, I am blocking you. So go ahead and talk nasty about me all you want.
Because of how the Lord reached me personally. I wish I could explain the specifics, but I find that those who don’t believe don’t have a clue what I’m talking about. I’m just not good enough with words.
But I do know that Bible references and what others would say to try to explain Salvation to me didn’t really reach me. It made me think about the afterlife, but that didn’t mean anything to me until God made His presence in life clear.

And now, the thought of being without the Lord in my life is painful. I never knew comfort or love till I found Him. So I follow God, even when I don’t understand things right away. I follow because I love the Lord and because it’s clear He loved me first (even when I didn’t believe).
@LadyGrace Thank you. I love the way you had put it. And it’s difficult for people to understand that there’s a distinction between following Christ and following religion. It’s why they don’t get it. But if they only knew Him, it all makes sense.
@Colonelmustardseed Absolutely, that's the huge difference right there and what I try to relay in my posts. ❤️
@Colonelmustardseed I follow because I love the Lord and because it’s clear He loved me first (even when I didn’t believe).

Yes, sister, this is one thing I couldn't let go unnoticed, what you said above. It is so true. The Bible says that even while we were yet sinners, Jesus loved/loves us anyway, with a love that out-loves anyone. Amen.
My parents are very ritualistic too and the way they treated me made me stop believing in God but I had the worst life depending on my own will power so I started to seek God independently which helped change my life and theirs too
@SW-User wow you described it so well I had same experience in my godless years, I always felt like it was me against the world and all I did was lash out at my parents and my life was going nowhere with the way I was fighting god; thank you for your comment as it made me remember how forgiving God; it’s like we literally said Jesus take the wheel lol
@SW-User ya, same thing. I just regret that I didn’t let God take the wheel early in my life. But still late is better than never…
@SW-User Brilliant deduction and great wisdom displayed. Yes, sometimes we ask for things we shouldn't have or are not good for us, and don't even realize it. It reminds me of that Bible verse that says we sometimes ask amiss. God, in his wisdom, gives us not what we want, but what we need and that's really important because he always knows what's best for us.

Your answer shows great maturity in Christ. Sometimes God has to say no to our prayers, because he's protecting us from something we don't even realize. He can see into our future. And sometimes he has to have us wait for things, so that other things can fall into place, so our prayers can be answered for the best outcome. And then other times, we get ahead of God and that's when we must slow down and wait for the answer, because when we get ahead of God and try to fix things, as you have mentioned, it never turns out good, either. haha. God's timing is everything, as you have so wisely pointed out.
Lilymoon · F
I believe in God but I don't follow any "religion" and that in and of itself is freeing.
Lilymoon · F
@Diotrephes there's only One. lol
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
there's only One. lol

Even the biblical fairytale says that there are countless gods, including yourself. So, don't be bashful, name yours.
Lilymoon · F
@Diotrephes you're nuts stop talking to me or I'll have to block you
Blind belief for a child is essential. As they grow certain things need to be taught. Critical thinking skills and science literacy are important parts of overall education.

“Let children learn about different faiths, let them notice their incompatibility, and let them draw their own conclusions about the consequences of that incompatibility. As for whether they are ‘valid,’ let them make up their own minds when they are old enough to do so.”
― Richard Dawkins, The God Delusion
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@BlueSkyKing Wise words although the first paragraph seems self-contradictory - it takes some doing to be able to convert from blindly believing in something just because you are told to, to believing, modifying or rejecting it by independent, rational thought.

I agree with Dawkins' suggestion that children should learn about different faiths - my italics - and allowed to make up their own minds. To neglect to do, to emplace only ignorance of others' ideas, is to sow only division and discord.

Why some find that objectionable I do not really know, but surmise a blend of fear and overweening control (i.e. bullying - but the hallmark of the bully is cowardice anyway). Parents or schools and in some nations, governments, who insist only their own religious beliefs and the sort of parasitical but foolish rules the OP illustrates are the only way to live, are basically frightened of the notion of personal thought and individual expression.
Akimbo75 · 46-50, F
@ArishMell Totally agree that fear is at the heart of much of this.
Adstar · 56-60, M
You seem to assume that every religion is like the religion you experienced.. Religions filled with heavy Law adherence requirements and a lot of restrictions.. That's just not the case..

I am a Christian.. And while i acknowledge the Laws that God established as a guide i also acknowledge that i cannot do the Law without failing.. The whole point of the Law is to cause people to know they are guilty of breaking the Law and thus need Atonement to be justly forgiven their transgressions against Gods Law.. And that brings us to the sacrificial Lamb of God.. The Passover Lamb by the Name of the LORD Jesus who willingly suffered death to provide atonement for all our transgressions against His Law..

So i don't live in a religion where i am under heavy bondage to succeed in doing the Law without failure.. I am destined to fail to do Gods Law but i am at the same time being forgiven continually all my failings and so i have peace of mind and hope for the future and love for the One who willingly suffered death to secure my forgiveness, The LORD Jesus..
Akimbo75 · 46-50, F
@Adstar um no I don’t assume that at all. I was describing my personal experience.
Adstar · 56-60, M
@Akimbo75 Cool.. Thats why i added the ""assume"" in my reply.. Because i was not certain what you thought.. I can understand to some extent your personal experience because i was once in a religion that was what we call a ""Works based"" or ""Works slavation religion"" where ones eternal destiny with God was based on ones success at doing all the laws..
iamnikki · 31-35, F
Why do I believe?
Because I have had things happen to me, and it does not seem to be a coincidence that I walked away unhurt, unharmed, escaped just in time etc... seems to me like someone is watching over.
Then things I see help to confirm

Edited to add, the someone's name is Jesus
Akimbo75 · 46-50, F
@iamnikki By best friend loves Jesus. He often reminds me I’m so blessed, if I could only see it.

I mean yes I am fortunate and have made it through a lot of tough times, not unscathed but in one piece, but is that because something/someone was watching over me or because I worked my ass off, tried to be a good and moral person, loved with my whole heart, gave my children the emotional care and time they each needed, and so on?

Yes I am in a good place but why would I think any higher power is paying attention to any of it? If I didn’t do all the work, I wouldn’t be here.

I know it sounds self centered. But to me, it’s more egotistical to think some higher power was taking care of things on their end - like why would I merit that?
iamnikki · 31-35, F
@Akimbo75 I have been searching for an answer to your question since I read it about an hour ago. I am still learning things about Christianity myself. So what I will do is ask for guidance and get back to you tomorrow 😊
iamnikki · 31-35, F
@Akimbo75 I didn't get a straight-forward answer from the group leader as she kind of rushed because she had other things to do and the meeting got cut short. I could try to ask again perhaps
Strongtea · 22-25, M
Life just has been better since I started going to church.
sree251 · 41-45, M
I am religious because I don't accept the explanations of science that provide me with a ridiculous perception of reality. This worldview is inconsistent, incomplete, and fragmentary across the various paradigms of knowledge.

Perception is reality. The world I see, as well as, what I am, is informed by science. Everything appears real. I feel that what is real is not true. This is why I am religious.
Pfuzylogic · M
@sree251 Winstein resisted against the big bang theory but didn’t argue against it because of the perceived validity of the red shift as a measurer of distance.
JWST put us into 21st century with the data that it provided.
sree251 · 41-45, M
@Pfuzylogic I know it sounds ridiculous, but I am not into telescopes and their views of the universe. Perception is reality. What you can see but can't verify with your sense of touch has no relevance to practical life.
Pfuzylogic · M
The big bang was given the leverage of explaining how the universe began. That answer for science has dissipated and no longer valid with no viable replacement.
Carazaa · F
Because Jesus is my passover lamb. His blood saved me. He was slaughtered for the worlds transgressions. All the laws in the old testament that Moses wrote was God showing us we need a savior. We can not be perfect. God requires perfection and so God himself came to take our sins on his own shoulders.
God told Abraham to show his faith and sacrifice his son, and he put him on the sticks to burn him, but God provided a lamb instead. God has provided us a lamb as a sacrifice for sin, His own Son!

Jesus was Jewish and he died for the worlds sins. We are adopted into Jewish race when we love Jesus. He is my savior. He answers my prayers, and I love him. He has taken all my sin away so I want to follow him wherever he leads me!
Jesus the creator of the universe came as a lamb the first time (born in a manger)

He is coming back very soon as a lion of Judah judging the living and the dead. We have to have our lamps full of oil so we will be ready to meet our maker.
"Come all who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest, my yolk is easy and my burden is light"
saintsong · 41-45, F
I believe because He made me believe!!! He redeemed my soul in a vision of the Cross, which brought me the fragrance of LIFE....That was just the begining! I could write a book, but it's already there in the bible!
hippyjoe1955 · 70-79, M
I came to faith in Jesus in my late 20s. I was raised atheist and was quite fanatical about it then one day I encountered Jesus. I was walking across a field on a warm summer day when the need to kneel and ask Jesus to forgive me came so overwhelming I did just that. In that instant I knew that Jesus was alive and His Spirit had taken up residence in my heart. I have never wavered in that faith and it has stood me in good stead.
Akimbo75 · 46-50, F
@hippyjoe1955 sounds powerful
hippyjoe1955 · 70-79, M
@Akimbo75 it certainly changed my life. From secular hater of all things religious to Christian Pastor.
exexec · 70-79, C
I was raised in a progressive Christian home, taught to think for myself. Using my denomination's standards for belief (scripture, tradition, experience, and reason), I am still a person of faith but a bit of a heretic, rejecting a lot of traditional Christian teachings. I try to follow the teachings of Jesus I am appalled at the beliefs and actions of a lot of professing Christians today.
@exexec They shouldn't judge you. As long as God is happy with you, that's all that matters. Haha
exexec · 70-79, C
@LadyGrace Agreed.
Akimbo75 · 46-50, F
@exexec I love a nice streak of heresy once in a while 😁
especially with all the hypocrisy we see every day.
Steve42 · 56-60, M
Not because I was raised that way nearly as much as when I was 15 and died in a car wreck and saw it with my own eyes.
Lucky you, having gotten away from it. You actually have a chance of learning that Jesus Christ still loves people without all those rules… I probably started to believe having grown up in completely opposite environment. 🤔Atheists have no such rules. So, no matter what I did in the past, God still didn’t leave me. Then I started to believe 🤔
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
There was a movie made in Israel about this level of legalism. It was available at our public library and subtitles were in English. It was over a decade that I watched it and don’t recall the title. About a rabbinical student married with a young son. All the laws and rules were abided by each and every day. It seemed to be a lonely life for the wife and her bond to her son was even stronger. They went on a holiday to the Dead Sea and while the father was praying the son was playing in the water. I believe, if I remember right, he wanted some attention but because it was a formal prayer his father motioned him away. The son drowned in shallow water face down. Showed the grief at home with the mother. She could barely function, at the end she pushed the books her husband was studying onto the floor, kind of symbolic about her disdain for legalism with no exceptions that suited in the death of the son.
Akimbo75 · 46-50, F
@cherokeepatti Disdain is a good word for that. Especially since there’s a rule that says Break any of these rules if it’s life or death situation.
Ma'am, forgive me for interrupting your post. It was not my intention.
Torsten · 36-40, M
I was raised in it and its just become a part of me. I dont even want to imagine what it would be like living and not having something bigger than all this to believe in.
Akimbo75 · 46-50, F
@Torsten I can see that
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@Justice4All I like the rest of what you said but what you said about Christianity being the only RELIGION that forces you to question the workings of the world, is untrue. Christianity doesn't force anything. It is God's Word alone, that convicts one's heart of their sinful nature and evil in this world. And Christianity is not a religion. It is a relationship with a personal Savior. Religion didn't die on the cross to save us from our sins. Jesus did.
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@Justice4All That's not what I said. Read it again.
No offense but I think organized religion is juvenile.

You do not need to prayer in a particular building at a particular time, wear certain clothing, hide your hair, GIVE YOUR MONEY TO RELIGIOUS INSTITUTIONS to be a good person. All these things are man made rules. God does not care about that. He has one rule: Love others as you love yourself. It's amazing how so many people who are quote "religious" fail to understand that simple concept.

God resides in all of us. When you look into to the face of another, you should see God.

Meditation is my church and the world is my congregation.

The only person who should sit in judgement of another is God Himself. You are not a child of God -- you subscribe to man made rules established to create discord with others. God has one rule : Love one another. Christians, like yourself, enjoy spouting scripture but when it comes to creating a harmonious world filled with understanding, acceptance and love your gospel preaching ilk fall short. Like I said, religious individuals are juvenile. Anyone can memorize scripture, it takes a mature mind and humble heart to set those intentions into meaningful action.
@toodlepip Well you really don't know me, so you can't judge me. I suspect I know who you are, but that's okay. I know I was sincere and that's all that matters.
@toodlepip Oh I see now. Just another troll with no posts entered. Ok.
I'm a reformed jew
I just feel a sense of peace and comfort when I'm at the services at the synagogue

It's not for everyone
Akimbo75 · 46-50, F
@SW-User I totally understand that.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
It all depends upon what you are asking about, what you think people need to believe. I believe in a history, a set of ethical rules and flexibility in how to accept them. I do not believe in a humanoid figure, certainly not a bearded old white man on a throne. I do believe some ultimate power started all that we know of life, not a humanoid figure though.
Akimbo75 · 46-50, F
@samueltyler2 I don’t know what I think people need to believe! It’s up to them… I totally agree with you on the humanoid figure bit. But if people need a humanoid, it’s fine with me.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@Akimbo75 as long as no one demands my belief, but have no problem with them believing my an thing they want. But, the history of the world is replete with wars over which God is superior, which set of rituals must be performed. What is it about the Jews that has garnered such blood hate over thousands of years?
Akimbo75 · 46-50, F
@samueltyler2 Exactly, why do people have to push their beliefs on others as if it’s the only way? You and I seem to be in the minority opinion of live and let live.
Why so much hatred for Jews? Thats a whole other topic that I think would be super interesting to explore.
pdockal · 56-60, M
One starts out believing what your parents/ grandparents/ family believe
Your life experiences will dictate if you continue to believe what your taught
Akimbo75 · 46-50, F
@pdockal I wonder because my brothers definitely had a different childhood than me. they didn’t need to spend every holiday working in the kitchen, cooking and cleaning for the feasts that needed to be made. or sit and watch quietly in temple while the men did all the rituals.
pdockal · 56-60, M

My sister and mom have different ways to partake in our beliefs then i do because of our differed experiences
Pfuzylogic · M
I was confirmed Lutheran Missouri Synod. I do believe that Jesus kept all of the Law on my behalf and other Christian believers.
I think there were either 613 or 615 laws to keep from the Torah.
Akimbo75 · 46-50, F
@Pfuzylogic Yeah it’s 613, many serve to create an ethical society and I think that’s great. Some are oddly mysterious and have no reason given, requiring blind faith and building a life separate from those who don’t follow ( which are some interesting reasons right there)
Punches · 46-50, F
The only reason some americans are religious now is because they want to hide behind some "God" as their excuse to hate on LGBT.

But the reason some people are happy in that kind of life is it relieves them from having to think for themselves.
I don't. I can't find happiness that way. I have to rely on myself and being aware of circumstances influencing my life and that of my loved ones.
Flenflyys · 31-35, F
I don’t really think I do. But the practice is familiar and comforting.
Akimbo75 · 46-50, F
@Flenflyys I totally get that. I think if my family was at a 4-5 level, I wouldn’t have needed to get away from them.
HannahSky · F
Everyone believes something.
@HannahSky Exactly, and it matters not only what we believe, but why, as that makes all the difference, as to where we shall spend eternity.
HannahSky · F
@LadyGrace it's everyone's choice
@HannahSky It sure is and I hope they choose wisely because the end is pretty near.
Raaii · 22-25, F
I've always been a spiritual soul
smileylovesgaming · 31-35, F
Most of my family is very religious. But me I don't believe in God and all of that
Akimbo75 · 46-50, F
@smileylovesgaming Do they know? Do they accept you?
smileylovesgaming · 31-35, F
@Akimbo75 I doubt if they even know
Alyosha · 31-35, M
I saw a vision.
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Diotrephes · 70-79, M
@Justice4All The Old Testament guys did "miracles." The Jesus guy just did tricks. If he was still wiggling on the cross that would classify as a true miracle but since he was a wino his main "miracle' was turning water into wine.
Greyjedi · M
I am no longer religious but I can give you an excellent answer as to why they believe.
sree251 · 41-45, M
@Greyjedi Why do they believe?
Unhinged · 100+
@Greyjedi @sree251 *
insert bitter cynicism here*
Greyjedi · M
@sree251 It is not a single answer but a handful. People are told by their families what to believe for generations, often that only following this belief will they be safe. Or something is hard to understand so they say it must be ‘hand of God’ Or agurments with parents can lead them to saying there is an authority far higher than them, and children believe in fairytales to spite their parents. Or children are abused if they don’t believe. Some astrology aspects concerning Jupiter or the 9th house can lead to a change in a person’s philosophy or religion. Popularity is power, so what’s popular in ones area can become their religion.
Redbeard · 56-60, M
Religion is a killer. Experiencing God Brings life.
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Akimbo75 · 46-50, F
@jshm2 this made me chuckle
Unhinged · 100+
Because we can

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