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Question to religious people: why do you believe?

I grew up in an orthodox jewish family in Toronto. We strictly followed all the laws of judaism such as pray daily, keep kosher and observe sabbath. When I was growing up, we were maybe a 7 on a scale of 1-10, 10 being fanatic. The minutia of rules lived in every moment of every day. There were specific blessings to say when you ate, slept, went to the bathroom. Rules about what women may not do, say, be. Rules for men too, but much less limited.

For me, it was too much. I defected from that world 20 years ago. (It was hard.) My parents and siblings have only become more fanatical as the years go by, they’re all at a 9 by now. We do speak to each other and get along OK.

But I have trouble understanding how they or anyone can truly be happy in that life.

So I ask, why do YOU believe?
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I can see where you would have a big problem with that. That's an awful way to live and I'm so sorry you had to suffer through that. In Christ, there is freedom. Not denomination or religious rituals. Knowing Christ is not about religion, it is about relationship. There's a huge difference. Religion did not die on the cross to save us from the condemnation that sin placed on us. The person of Jesus Christ did. Religion is described as man-made philosophy. I follow only Jesus, the One who loved me enough to save my soul.

I love the Lord so much, because of all he has done for me and His Holy Spirit transformed my whole life for the better, as promised in His Word.

I love the Lord for all he has done and sacrificed for each of us, even proving his love for us on the cross, when He gave his very life, so that we may have eternal life in heaven. Without him, no one would have made it to heaven and He volunteered to be a living sacrifice for us, so that we could have right standing and fellowship with God the Father in heaven once again, if that's what we choose. He didn't have to do that, but he did. I have loved him and stayed with him for the last 51 years and I don't regret one second of it. Loving him has nothing to do with rules, but an honor and privilege to show him how much he means to me, how much I love him. There is no bondage in true love and no one could love us more than Jesus. His love is absolutely perfect.

Akimbo75 · 46-50, F
@LadyGrace I appreciate your thoughtful answer.

If we go to one of the most basic tenets, your religion tells you that we are born condemned.

Thats a big nope for me.
Adstar · 56-60, M
@Akimbo75 We where born innocent.. But with a built in flaw, which leads us to have the knowledge of good and evil, which inevitably leads to us doing evil and thus if we live long enough ( past the age of innocence ) we ALL end up being in a state of condemnation..

Why is that knowledge a big nope for you?
Is it fear of the truth?
Is it because it hurts your pride?

So why is it a big nope for you???
If we go to one of the most basic tenets, your religion tells you that we are born condemned.
Thats a big nope for me.

I don't have a religion because there's no religion in this world that will give salvation. Salvation is not dependent on what denomination or group you belong to. Salvation is given as a free gift from God for anyone who wants it in the whole world, not just some. Religion didn't die on the cross for our sins. The person of Jesus did. That makes it a personal relationship with God.

Don't get this mixed up, please. God does not condemn us. Our sins condemn us. We are all in the same spiritual boat, in need of a savior, jesus. Yes we were all born with the sin nature and sin is the one thing that keeps us separated from God, until we go to Jesus and ask him to forgive us of our sins, which he is more than wanting to do. When we are forgiven of our sins, this brings us right back into restored fellowship and right standing before God the Father and we are given eternal life in heaven.

We cannot drag our sins into heaven with us, but through Jesus and his saving grace, anyone can be saved in this world. Just as soon as we accept Jesus as our Savior, and he forgives us, he not only forgives our sins, but washes them completely away and gives us a brand new life in Christ.

Romans 8:1-3 Therefore, there is now NO CONDEMNATION for those who are in Christ Jesus!
Akimbo75 · 46-50, F
@Adstar Does it bother you that I don’t believe we are born in sin? It doesn’t bother me if you believe that. You’re welcome to your faith and I thank you for explaining why you believe.
Adstar · 56-60, M
@Akimbo75 Akimbo please read my replies.. I can accept if a person rejects the message that i give, but it is worse when people reject it having not actually read it.... I said::

We where born innocent.

How can you say i believe we are born in sin when i stated ""We where born innocent."" Now if we where born in sin then we would be guilty from the moment of our birth RIght??

Also i will ask.. Why are you bothered by the fact that all human beings end up sinning? When anyone who simply oberves the world and is truthful to themselves knows that that all people sin including themselves??
Akimbo75 · 46-50, F
@Adstar I can see how you think I didn’t read. what’s happening is that it seems like semantics to me when you say we were born innocent, but with the sin trait. I shortened it to “born in sin” because, semantics. to be clear I don’t think we’re born with a built in flaw to sin.

we are born with the capacity for so many things. why focus on the sin part, thus having to be saved? to me, it’s not a flaw. it’s part of life and choices and cause and effect and nature and nurture. A sin to me is something to save yourself from. it takes a lot of work.

but again that’s just me. your use of triple question marks made it seem you were bothered by my beliefs. again, I read it, I just interpreted some things differently maybe.
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Adstar · 56-60, M
@Adstar I can see how you think I didn’t read. what’s happening is that it seems like semantics to me when you say we were born innocent, but with the sin trait. I shortened it to “born in sin” because, semantics. to be clear I don’t think we’re born with a built in flaw to sin.

we are born with the capacity for so many things. why focus on the sin part, thus having to be saved? to me, it’s not a flaw. it’s part of life and choices and cause and effect and nature and nurture. A sin to me is something to save yourself from. it takes a lot of work.

Yes this indicates to me you have a ""Works"" mindset.. Not trying to put your down or trying to act all superior by saying this because that is the default mindset human beings all have.. I am in my late 50's and if your reported age is correct your in your late 40's .. I can admit that i have not been able to save myself from sin by a lot of work and i would say with a lot of certainty that you have not achieved a sinless state of perfection in life either.. The sad but true fact is the No human being has Ever or will ever achieve a state of sinless perfection in their lives in this world in our standard human bodies.. This is simply a fact that life long honest experience / observation of people and of oneself should confirm.. So our current faulty state of being is not one we can work at lot on to fix.. While it is noble to strive to be a better person, the actual attaining of perfection is still unobtainable.. So in the end all efforts to ""save yourself"" are futile and also delusional..

So all people need to focus on the sin part to deal with it.. And we have it dealt with by trusting in the Atonement of the LORD.. So Christianity is the Way that my sin is dealt with.. Christianity is the Way that the problem of my sin is covered.. Christianity is the way of eternal forgiveness and establishment of an eternal positive relationship with God.. Thus to your initial question.. ""why do you believe"" I believe because what my religion tells me is observably true and the way my religion fixes my problem is both true and demonstrates the Love of God for me.. He suffered death to pay the death penalty that was upon me because of my sin.. So that i am now gifted eternal life in His perfect eternal existence.. Not because i am good.. But because i have been justly forgiven all the things that make me unworthy of having eternal life in His perfect eternal existence..
Akimbo75 · 46-50, F
@Adstar Thank for explaining why you believe. ❤️
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Adstar · 56-60, M
@Akimbo75 Thank you for reading my replies.. May you be blessed.. May you be forgiven.. ❤️
I shortened it to “born in sin” because, semantics. to be clear I don’t think we’re born with a built in flaw to sin.

I really do see your point and it would seem to make the best of sense, however, that's not the way God views sin. He said that our sin nature is what keeps us separated from him and heaven because we just can't drag our sins into heaven or it couldn't be called heaven. So that's the problem and it's not God that condemns people. It is sin that is not fair to people. Because sin the Bible says, keeps us separated from God, until we ask Jesus to forgive us of our sins. We all have to do that, not just certain people. And if we do nothing to protect our soul, it will stay separated from God, so that's why this is such an important decision. That's what the Bible says and I believe God. I hope you will take that into consideration and think about it as well. ❤️🤗
If you want to reply saying that a new born baby is condemned to the eternal lake of fire at the moment of birth because or original sin that's your freedom to do so..

I said nothing of the kind. Newborn babies are very innocent. They don't know the difference between right and wrong, obviously. God forbid any babies die but if they do they go immediately to the arms of Jesus and how ugly of you to suggest that I said such a thing.

You said:
How can you say i believe we are born in sin when i stated ""We where born innocent."" Now if we where born in sin then we would be guilty from the moment of our birth RIght??

When you say we were born without sin, yes, I will say something, because you're not teaching what the gospel says. It says we were all born in sin, every one of us. Yes, babies are innocent, in the respect that they don't yet know the difference between right and wrong and that they need a Savior. But to say that we're not born in sin, is not biblical. As it stood, it needed to be corrected and if I had messaged you privately, as I have done in the past, by the way, you still argued with me and said no you're not right, but it's not a matter of me being right, it's a matter of presenting the gospel as it is presented in God's Word. I simply did not want others reading what you wrote and taking it as gospel so that's why I brought it up because I didn't know when you would take it down but I agree with you that it is best to write private messages and I shall do so in the future. But that still doesn't mean you will see the mistake nor delete it, so that was my only concern.

However, that being said, I did delete the post you are referring to, out of respect for you, and I, too, think it is best to message privately when there are differences.
A sin to me is something to save yourself from. it takes a lot of work.

That's what kept me a long time from understanding why I needed Jesus. Everyone kept saying no you just have to ask Jesus to save you and he will do it, but I couldn't get it out of my head that there had to be something that I could personally do to make myself approved by God. I later found out that this was not the case.

God loves and accepts us just as we are. There's not one thing we have to do to win his approval. I found out that performance has nothing to do with salvation. I found out that no amount of good things that I could do, would erase my sins, and here's why.

God's plan of salvation demands that our sins be forgiven and paid for by Jesus alone, because only a pure and similar sacrifice can pay for our sins. It has to be innocent, pure blood and especially sinless, or there is no remission of sins. That's what the Bible says and I understand that, after accepting Jesus as my personal Savior. In God's plan of salvation, he appointed Jesus as the only Mediator between God and man. It's not up to man to change what God has authorized. I can never erase my own sins because I have sin myself, so I must go to Jesus and ask him to forgive me of my sins and he promises to do so. He never breaks a promise. Jesus knew we couldn't pay for our own sins, so he volunteered to pay for them for us, on the cross. No one will ever love us this much.
@Akimbo75 Sweet lady, we were not born condemned, but we were born with a sin nature and that's what God wants us to help us with.

John 3:17 For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through him, might be saved.
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@Adstar So you write this terrible post about me even AFTER I wrote a note of apology to you, explaining why I wrote what I did. So be it. And for your information, the if doesn't make what you said to me any better, because you said it and you meant it. Some nice guy you are. There are people all over this forum that wrote their opinion that may differ with a poster. That's what we do here. And you know full well that I have in the past, sent you a personal message before I said anything out in the forum asking you to withdraw an unbiblical statement that was false teaching, but you refused, and I told you, that's why I felt you shouldn't have said what you said, because it was not biblical and then I apologized to you because I agreed that these things should be discussed in private. But now you have made it seem a personal battle, which it was not. You just don't like it because I disagreed with you. And now since you have lied against me even after I apologized, I am blocking you. So go ahead and talk nasty about me all you want.