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Do you think you’re more attractive now or when you were younger?

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Richard65 · M
I honestly get more female attention as I get older, but I understand why that is. As you get older you learn more about life and understand how to talk to people. Women are obviously attracted to looks, but they are equally (if not more) attracted to empathy and intelligence. If you can attract a woman's mind, chances are she'll become very interested in you.
Ferric67 · M
@Richard65 all true Richard
GeistInTheMachine · 31-35, M
@Richard65 Plus they know you've got that 💲
Younger, although I didn’t appreciate it then. Even with silver hair, I’m told I’ve held up pretty well, but I’ve come to accept that nothing looks as young as actual youth.
GeistInTheMachine · 31-35, M
@bijouxbroussard You are beautiful.
@GeistInTheMachine Thank you, my friend. 🤗
I don't know about myself, but I noticed a shift in what women I find attractive. For those who've been sharing photos for a while, I prefer the more recent ones in their thirties than those taken in their early twenties, and I'm seeing more and more attractive women in their late thirties, forties and even some in their early fifties.
TinyViolins · 31-35, M
I was a fat kid most of my life. I weigh now about as much as I weighed in 8th grade, but I'm a lot more proportional now.

My girlfriend thinks I'm handsome, and the warm interactions I have with women lead me to believe there's truth to that, but growing up with self-esteem issues warps your perspective. I can't really say I ever felt attractive
Lilymoon · F
Younger but I'm holding it together 🤷🏻‍♀
Harmonium1923 · 51-55, M
@Lilymoon You know what my one word response would be so I don’t even have to say it, LOL.
Lilymoon · F
@Harmonium1923 Hahahaha yep 😁
AdaXI · T
Nah, I'd say I was more attractive in my 30s than I was my 20s but now I'm past the mid 40s mark time's beginning to take it's toll so it's more a 'do I still look good for my age?' sorta thing these days.
Harmonium1923 · 51-55, M
Interesting question. I’d say probably now. I have the usual signs of age but I pay a bit more attention to my health, appearance, and dress than I used to. I’m not a particularly attractive person but I try my best.
rhouse · 56-60, M
When I was younger but I still get a lot of looks from women and many of my wife's friends and my co-workers flirt with me so I guess I still have something of interest.

I attract more 20 year olds now than I did when I was 20.
zonavar68 · 56-60, M
@rhouse lucky you to have the attributes that attract women to you. thats top 1 percent stuff right there.
I think I maintained the same attractiveness but according to me age group. I don't see myself being attractive to females let's say in their 20's but I'm noticing women my age now in their 40's flirt with me at random.
zonavar68 · 56-60, M
I must have been as some women did show some interest in my in my 20's, 30's and 40's. Now I'm in my 50's, I am has-been outcast single-dad shiftworker who's basically invisible to all single (or looking but not single) women when it comes to sex, intimacy, dating and relationships. Better off leaving that to the insta-famous people who can easily meet the 666-rule conditions.

I was never clued into attraction of women and never could (and still can't) pick up on attraction cues, choosing signals, etc. plus if I worked out a woman was trying to show interest I would switch to 'emergency exit' mode and make all efforts to remove myself from what to me is a very uncomfortable situation.

BTW I've never considered myself 'attractive' and never cared what other people really think about me since I know I'm not gifted with the ability to do romance, etc. properly. That's for others - not me.
swirlie · F
Oh, well then that's the good news! If it's always been like that, then nothing traumatic has happened to cause it to go that way, right?
zonavar68 · 56-60, M
@swirlie Nothing that I know of. My parents were abusive, used to fight a lot. My dad cheated on mum and they divorced when I was 12 in 1980. Neither of them gave me any help/advice about learning how to socialise and the things that come later (sexual attraction etc.) and my mum basically told me it was all bad and that I had to study and become some corporate high-flyer wonk to be 'acceptable'. Of course I'm the total opposite of a corporate high-flyer wonk as a shiftworking train driver for now about 38 years which is one of the most socially isolating jobs there is. I never really had friends, have always been a loner, never enjoyed being social, never had any interest in girls during school, and have always been the person 'hiding in plain sight' from the rest of society.
swirlie · F
Okay, great self-synopsis you've made. The secret is, your parents could not actually teach you any of those things anyway, even if they didn't fight and were otherwise standing by your side showing you how to dance with a girl.

What you were wanting your parents to do but which they didn't, is an innate ability that you already have inside of yourself from birth, of which has no dependency whatsoever on parents for it to become activated in you.

What activates it is your desire to simply flip the switch to the 'on' position.

I know this because I've been practicing this 'switch-flipping' for my whole adult life, which means I position that switch to wherever it suits my desires in the moment.

Perhaps nobody has ever mentioned that to you before, but it's really a lot of fun sometimes just playing with that switch.
4meAndyou · F
I am sure I was more attractive when I was younger. NOW, however, I like myself a lot more. 😊😊😊
I wouldn't notice much of a difference (I've never been all that attractive), but my thinning hairline has made me look worse and is unfortunate (it's expected since my mom's side of the family is full of bald men). It could be worse, but that's the main thing I notice when comparing how I look now with photos from the past.
Ferric67 · M
I am just getting more and more positive attention for my looks as I've slowly matured. Compliments galore.
Physically attractive, then. Intellectually/mentally/emotionally attractive, now.
Softy1 · M
@OlderSometimesWiser that is what should be desired now!
WandererTony · 56-60, M
@OlderSometimesWiser same to same 😊
Degbeme · 70-79, M
I didn`t really care when I was younger and it`s the same now. I`m just me.
JestAJester · 31-35, M
Well I lost my hair and not as thin as I use to be, conversely I have a more manly appearance and my confidence is much higher so I'd say today I'm a smidgen more attractive than I use to be. Even better looking when I sport a paper bag over my head
poisonouscupcake · 22-25, F
i haven’t really ever found myself attractive. i was fat when i was little so i developed an eating disorder when i was around 11 or 12, i began obsessing over my looks then. i haven’t stopped obsessing since but through all the changes i’ve made i still find myself ugly.
When I was nineteen my friends and family referred to me as kinda old for dating. It was forbidden in my highschool because we were supposed to have gotten it out of our system by age fifteen! When I was eighteen my family reminded me that I was forbidden to have a boyfriend until 21. No time. That's when I was good looking and free!
GeistInTheMachine · 31-35, M
I think my mind and personality is more attractive now, but I had a rock hard six pack back then so...

Depends what type of attractive you mean.
Anniedlr · 26-30, F
I don’t think I’ve changed in any material way as I’ve aged 🙂
FelicityDavenport · 26-30, F
Always hot, I think. But filled out - nicely - since I was a kid.
HotPizza71 · 51-55, M
@FelicityDavenport oh I think we need a teen pic to prove this point 😝
I had a relatively brief spell where I felt good about myself. The years before that were hatred and now I've resigned from the game.
being · 36-40, F
Attractive to the first level I used to be and now I'm not. Second level unlocked 😀
thepreposterouspanda · 36-40, M
Definitely now, I was super skinny when I was younger which I was always self-conscious about haha.
forestgirl · 46-50, F
Definitely younger, but life's decisions caught up to me
Josh1454 · M
@forestgirl that’s insane. You look amazing now so you must’ve been mind blowing when you were younger.
QCDog2659 · 61-69, M
@forestgirl You are stunning now.
Depends on which decade .. but overall .. no. Was most attractive in 20s, but now is better than my 50s I would say
Softy1 · M
I think when I was younger!
popmol · 26-30, M
definitely when younger, i was a pretty child what i've grown into not so much!
GBPackersFan · 41-45, M
I don’t know growing up in the 80’s here lol
Houdini · 56-60, M
I don’t know about more attractive but I am much better person now
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
I can confidently say I am aging like fine wine , just like my dad did .
MarineBob · 56-60, M
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HotPizza71 · 51-55, M
Personally,I think I've grown slightly better looking with age,with some compliments I've recieved online over these past few years
FelicityDavenport · 26-30, F
@HotPizza71 Youthful pic please!
yugimotodm · 26-30, M
I think I’m more attractive now
I was hot in my 30's, now I'm mid
Cantsayno · 56-60, M
Not more attractive. But more comfortable for who I am.
Elisbch · M
Younger 😔
scorpiolovedeep · 51-55, M
Definitely now.

I think it is due to grey hairs and glasses, that create a mature look.
itsok · 31-35, F
I don’t know, probably when I was younger
Rokan · 31-35, M
My credit score is in the 800s now, when i was younger it was 0 so yeah im kind of a big deal now.
The same .. i was slimmer then tho..
Tarnished · 26-30, M
I think I look just about the same still.
swirlie · F
Just about the same as what... when you were 18?
Banksy83 · 41-45, M
acupaday · 46-50, F
Now. Was too much of a nerd who didn’t know how to put herself together when I was younger.
PaleandPolluted · 36-40, F
Most attractive at 25 id say.
Josh1454 · M
@PaleandPolluted you’re beautiful now.
Bowenw · 61-69, M
WaryWitchWandering · 36-40, F
Younger… but I didn’t realize it until looking back

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