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Rational intelligent thinking brings man to the God of nature.

There are three ways man comes to know God exists:
1. By reasoning
2. By reading the Bible (for Muslims, the Koran)
3. By meditation

I come to know God exists by num 1 i.e. reasoning, but it is the God of nature, that means that God created everything that man encounters in nature, and that by man's natural reason and intelligence.

What about you atheists? You should be able to come to the God of nature, because you have from nature the faculty of reason and of intelligence.

The explanation why you deny even the God of nature to exist, is because you are not natural but un-natural.
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newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
why you deny even the God of nature to exist

1. there's no proof that gods exist
2. there's no proof that gods don't exist
3. in any event, there’s no compelling necessity to even postulate gods, and, in any event, the postulation explains nothing (not even itself)... it merely tries to explain everything away.
4. therefore, I have no gods (I’m an agnostic atheist)

Where in that do I 'deny even the God of nature to exist'?

you are not natural but un-natural

Define un-natural
BibleData · M
@DocSavage I know what you're discussing, Doc. Jan has posted that blurb many times in other threads. You can't lump in the god Clunk Head or whoever it is was referring to with all others to establish whether or not that one exists, not that it matters anyway.
DocSavage · M
Chunk head is a troll, he’s claiming a god, but refuses to discuss it. Just demands we accept it. We know he’s an idiot, but we’re game and want to see how far he’ll take it.
Aside from that, in this case , your comments on what can be called a god or why are irrelevant. We’re talking about a physical, supernatural being. Worship/ veneration is not part of the equation.
DocSavage · M
Glad to assist, I got chunkhead to acknowledge a universe without a creator, which was the point. Time to walk away. Watch him cry about it.
yrger · 80-89, M









Why are we here? How did the universe begin? According to the Boshongo people of central Africa, before us there was only darkness, water and the great god Bumba. One day Bumba, in pain from a stomach ache, vomited up the Sun. The Sun evaporated some of the water, leaving land. Still in discomfort, Bumba vomited up the Moon, the stars and then the leopard, the crocodile, the turtle and, finally, humans.

This creation myth, like many others, wrestles with the kinds of questions that we all still ask today. Fortunately, as will become clear, we now have a tool to provide the answers: science. When it comes to these mysteries of existence, the first scientific evidence was discovered in the 1920s, when Edwin Hubble began to make observations with a telescope on Mount Wilson in California. To his surprise, Hubble found that nearly all the galaxies were moving away from us. Moreover, the more distant the galaxies, the faster they were moving away. The expansion of the universe was one of the most important discoveries of all time. This finding transformed the debate about whether the universe had a beginning.

If galaxies are moving apart at the present time, they must therefore have been closer together in the past. If their speed had been constant, then they would all have been on top of one another billions of years ago. Was this how the universe began? At that time many scientists were unhappy with the universe having a beginning because it seemed to imply that physics had broken down. One would have to invoke an outside agency, which for convenience one can call god, to determine how the universe began. They therefore advanced theories in which the universe was expanding at the present time but didn’t have a beginning.
Take our expert-led online cosmology course revealing the biggest mysteries in the universe

Perhaps the best known was proposed in 1948. It was called the steady state theory, and it suggested that the universe had existed for ever and would have looked the same at all times. This last property had the great virtue of being a prediction that could be tested, a critical ingredient of the scientific method. And it was found lacking.

Observational evidence to confirm the idea that the universe had a very dense beginning came in October 1965, with the discovery of a faint background of microwaves throughout space. The only reasonable interpretation is that this “cosmic microwave background” is radiation left over from an early hot and dense state. As the universe expanded, the radiation cooled until it became just the remnant we see today. Theory soon backed up this idea.

With Roger Penrose of Oxford University, I showed that if Albert Einstein’s general theory of relativity is correct, then there would be a singularity, a point of infinite density and space-time curvature, where time has a beginning. The universe started off in the Big Bang and expanded quickly. This is called “inflation” and it was extremely rapid: the universe doubled in size many times in a tiny fraction of a second. Inflation made the universe very large, very smooth and very flat. However, it was not completely smooth: there were tiny variations from place to place. These variations eventually gave rise to galaxies, stars and solar systems. We owe our existence to these variations. If the early universe had been completely smooth, there would be no stars and so life could not have developed. We are the product of primordial quantum fluctuations. As will become clear, many huge mysteries remain. Still, we are steadily edging closer to answering the age-old questions: Where did we come from? And are we the only beings in the universe who can ask these questions?

This story by Stephen Hawking was originally published as the introduction of the New Scientist book The Origin of (Almost) Everything.









newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
Was this how the universe began?


It was how the universe began to expand

Not the same thing... not in the slightest
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
@yrger Do you understand that there's a big difference between 'the universe began' and 'the universe began to expand'?

Tell me that you understand that difference
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
@yrger I know you're going to once again abandon your god by running away to start a new thread, but before you do that:

Tell me that you understand that difference
DocSavage · M
Asked and answered
This is what , the 20th time you asked the same question ? There’s nothing new to add to our answers. Apparently you don’t understand the word “ultimate
It means “final” which is why our answer never changes. You can keep repeating the question, but it’s cut and paste from here onwards, and that is the ultimate answer you get .
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
@yrger You are unable to comprehend that the Big bang was not the beginning of the universe, but rather the beginning of the expansion of the universe.

Ask yourself... what was going 'bang'?

As there is no known 'beginning' to the universe, there is no compelling necessity to postulate gods.

You accept that as a reasoned conclusion, because you have not argued against it.

therefore... atheist

You are unable to respond in any reasoned or germane manner to my statements that:

1. there's no proof that gods exist
2. there's no proof that gods don't exist
3. in any event, there’s no compelling necessity to even postulate gods, and, in any event, the postulation explains nothing (not even itself)... it merely tries to explain everything away.
4. therefore, I have no gods (I’m an agnostic atheist)

therefore... atheist.

Apparently anything and everything can be a god, so it follows that gods are indistinguishable from everything else, and their existence cannot be discerned, so there is no reason to even consider such a postulation

therefore... atheist.

I congratulate you on the efficient way you have used your claims of theism to destroy theism and thereby advance your atheism
DocSavage · M

You have to keep recycling.
yrger · 80-89, M

Hi Doc, you can craft words like "God is a catalyst."

But you always neglect to go outside the words inside your mind, to search for evidence in the objective world independent of your mind, evidence for the concrete reality of the Catalyst-God.

Hi everyone with reason and intelligence, atheists are full of ideas inside their mind, but never doing anything like going forth into the objective world of reality to search for concrete evidence to the for example existence of the Catalyst-God.

They harbor ideas about fallacies, but they never take the challenge to present examples of fallacies in the real life of humans outside and independent of words inside their mind, for example, the socalled fallacy of circular thinking.

Okay, atheists, give a concrete example of circular acting representing your fallacy of circular thinking - in the real world of people and actions.






DocSavage · M

50 words ? How about just two : BLOW ME
That’s Check Mate again. I answered your “ultimate” question.
Already gave the details. You can keep pretending, but you’re not fooling anyone. I win - you lose.
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
Since you're always so rude as to post every comment as the start of anew thread, why should I (or anyone) give you the courtesy of using the 'reply' button.

So from now every comment I make will start a new thread

Hello fellow atheist... yrger the atheist 👍

You are unable to comprehend that the Big bang was not the beginning of the universe, but rather the beginning of the expansion of the universe.

Ask yourself... what was going 'bang'?

As there is no known 'beginning' to the universe, there is no compelling necessity to postulate gods.

You accept that as a reasoned conclusion, because you have not argued against it.

therefore... atheist

You are unable to respond in any reasoned or germane manner to my statements that:

1. there's no proof that gods exist
2. there's no proof that gods don't exist
3. in any event, there’s no compelling necessity to even postulate gods, and, in any event, the postulation explains nothing (not even itself)... it merely tries to explain everything away.
4. therefore, I have no gods (I’m an agnostic atheist)

therefore... atheist

Apparently anything and everything can be a god, so it follows that gods are indistinguishable from everything else, and their existence cannot be discerned, so there is no reason to even consider such a postulation

therefore... atheist

I congratulate you on the efficient way you have used your claims of theism to destroy theism and thereby advance your atheism
yrger · 80-89, M

Okay, you have the intellectual prowess and courage to exchange ideas with me.

From Yrger to Newjaninev2: Tell me where do we humans ultimately come from?
From Newjaninev2 to Yrger: What exactly do you mean by 'ultimately'?


I will give you an example anecdote for what is the meaning of ultimately:
A policeman is chasing a pickpocket thief, but the policeman cannot get to the thief until the thief finally runs into a dead end street.

There, that is the meaning of ultimately.

You Newjaninev2 keeps on evading the issue where do you ultimately come from until you finally reach a dead end which is the reality of God's existence, the source of all non-indepenent beings.

Who and what is God?
"God is the permanent self-existent spirit creator and operator of man and the universe and everything transient."


newjaninev2 · 51-55, F
you have not explained where you came from ultimately

Because you did not ask me.

Now, enough of your weasel terms... what exactly do you mean by 'ultimately'?
yrger · 80-89, M

Hi Leop, you don't seem to link to the question what is the ultimate cause of man's existence.

Tell me how you understand these words: "what is the ultimate cause of man's existence."

Imagine that you are into an essay type university level examination of language comprehension, and the topic you are to write on in 50 words or less, is as follows:

"On the ultimate cause of man's existence."







LeopoldBloom · M
@yrger How humans are existing: I assume you meant what the origin of life is. Life developed from abiotic precursors that gained in complexity through natural selection, as the structures that were able to self-replicate did so and perpetuated themselves.

There is no reason why humans exist. Or we exist for whatever reason works best for you. All value judgments originate with us.
yrger · 80-89, M

You say, this is my argument:
“We can’t explain how the universe began, therefore it must be God.”

It is correct, because God is the "permanent self-existent spirit creator and operator of man and the universe and everything transient in nature."

Scientists tell us that the universe has a beginning, so we can implicate therefrom that God exists, see above.









yrger · 80-89, M
@newjaninev2 Hi atheists and everybody else whether atheists or not but who is rational and intelligent but negative toward the existence of God, would it be possible for me Yrger the theist here to ask you all guys to in not more than 50 words tell me what is your concept of God?
DocSavage · M
Tell you what, you start answering our questions instead of twisting them to fit in your bullshit.
DocSavage · M
You said something can not come from nothing. Ultimately, your god did the same thing . Even if he’s self existing, there had to be a point before he existed and after he self existed himself. Which means that nothingness is the default state. There is no reasonable explanation why the entire universe cannot come about in the same manner. Like all creationist, you’re impatient. You want everything all at once.
yrger · 80-89, M

You say: "Why do you believe that God created everything that man encounters in nature. If it's by reasoning, then show your reasoning."

Here is my reasoning:
1. Nature is the material-physical universe of which man is a part of.
2. Scientists tell us the material-physical universe has a beginning.
3. Everything with a beginning implicates a creator God to bring it to its beginning.
4. Therefore, God exists as the creator of the universe i.e. nature.










Mithraia · 31-35, M
Why do you believe that God created everything that man encounters in nature. If it's by reasoning, then show your reasoning.
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
Scientists tell us the material-physical universe has a beginning

You are incorrect

Science says no such thing.

I have explained this to you three times... yet you ignore the reality that science does not say the 'material-physical universe' (what other sort is there?) had a beginning

Do you commonly ignore reality?

Is that how you maintain your delusions?

Now that we see your second proposition to be invalid, then the third and the fourth also fail
@yrger Nope sorry. No one knows how the universe began. You’re simply using the argument of,

“We can’t explain how the universe began, therefore it must be God.”

Remember that people once thought God created lightning because they couldn’t explain it.

God is a construct of faith and belief. Once a scientific explanation for the Big Bang is found, millions will dismiss it and simply say that it was God. Nothing will change their minds because they have that belief…
yrger · 80-89, M

You say: "If god can exist without a creator."
I gladly concur with you that God does not need a creator because God and creator are identical.

But the material-physical universe is composed of ultimately particles, and particles need a creator master-mind to bring them into existence as a composite being, and keep them in existence, that is why scientists state the universe has a beginning, i.e. in the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation.









DocSavage · M
If god can exist without a creator, the universe can exist without a god.
Prove us wrong or shut up.
DocSavage · M
Quit the bullshit. You’re not fooling anyone.
If your god can exist without a creator, then anything is possible., the laws of physics don’t apply. Nothing needs a creator. It all came from nothing. No god needed.
You yourself said there are things and people that are independent of god. That means everyone , other than you.
You can have each other, we don’t need either one of you.
yrger · 80-89, M
@yrger Hi atheists and everybody else whether atheists or not but who is rational and intelligent but negative toward the existence of God, would it be possible for me Yrger the theist here to ask you all guys to in not more than 50 words tell me what is your concept of God?
yrger · 80-89, M
And I could miss your ideas also, for your ideas could be most profitable to me, as I care to know what other people think about things, in particular about God, for God is the ultimate explanation for everything that is not God.

And although you atheists don't care to know God exists, and I being theist am certain from reason and intelligence that God exists - still for being fellow humans, we can and should be civilized and thus even be good friends - so dear DocSavage, no need to be throwing your tihs at me - that is not being friendly.

From my part I just remind you that we humans are not like cattle or donkeys or frogs (not of course insulting these otherwise noble creatures of God) - for God does not endow them with reason and intelligence.










newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
reason and intelligence

Why are those more important than particular attributes of other species?

Is it because they are our attributes?
yrger · 80-89, M

God of nature is the God man knows to exist in nature and by his (man's) natural reason and intelligence.

God of supernature is the God man knows to exist by reading the Bible (or the Koran in the case of Muslims).

What's their difference?

With the God of nature, man knows God to exist because He (God) created the material/physical universe in the Big Bang.

With the God of supernature, man reads in the Bible that God works miracles like making the sun (earth) to stop moving.

I define the God of nature thus:
"The God (of nature) is the permanent self-existent spirit creator and operator of man and the universe and everything transient in nature."

What about you, Doc?

Which God do you deny to exist and how and why?
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
@yrger created the material/physical universe in the Big Bang

I have already explained to you that the Big Bang was not the beginning of the universe.

However, you maintain your delusion by pretending not to understand that simple reality.

here it is again:

The Big Bang was the beginning of expansion of a universe that already existed.

Now ignore that simple reality and go back to your deluded rantings.
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
making the sun (earth) to stop moving

Oh, you're always good for a laugh!

The Bronze Age goat-herders who made up that fable thought that the Sun orbited the Earth (and they didn't know where the Sun went at night! 😂 )

We now know that the Earth Orbits the Sun.

Therefore in the fable the Earth would need to be what stood still. (that's why suddenly the deluded have started writing 'sun (earth)'... because even the gullible can work out that simple reality, and the con artists have started having problems selling their scam.

The speed of Earth's orbit is 107,000 kilometres per hour. Bring that to an instantaneous halt and everything living thing on the planet is instantaneously dead.

Strange we didn't spot that 😂 😂
yrger · 80-89, M

You ask, "So...who created God?"

God doesn't have to create God, because things do not require multiplying - unless they are dependent on another also dependent being to come into dependent existence.

God is the permanent self-existent spirit creator and operator of man and the universe and everything transient in nature.

Atheists think according to science, but science is concerned only with composite beings, while theists think on the transcendental level, by which theists see more things, including God, and understand how God exists and why.









@yrger So basically, science and religion are mutually exclusive. And again, it comes down to a question of faith. You either believe, in the face of all scientific evidence, or you don't.
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
@yrger So you're saying (on the basis of nothing except intellectual laziness) that your gods don't need a beginning.

If that assumption is in any way valid, then it's equally valid to assume that the universe didn't need a beginning.

In which case, there's no compelling necessity to even postulate the existence of gods. The entire postulation becomes unnecessary, and can be dispensed with.

So much for your gods.
yrger · 80-89, M
@SW-User Hi atheists and everybody else whether atheists or not but who is rational and intelligent but negative toward the existence of God, would it be possible for me Yrger the theist here to ask you all guys to in not more than 50 words tell me what is your concept of God?
yrger · 80-89, M

You say "God is a catalyst ."

In which case, please define what is utlimately a catalyst-God: in not more than 50 words.







DocSavage · M
That is exactly what I’m saying. You seem to be having a problem with the idea that something can self exist. As I have repeatedly said. God is a catalyst .if the universe was a self existing singularity, something caused it to expand. There no need for that something to be permanent. Nor for it to be living and self aware. You claim your nature god is different from the traditional supernatural gods, of myth and legends ( real or not ) but can you really think outside the box ? Or are you just too afraid to imagine we’re on our own ? That there’s no one at the driving wheel ?
I’m not. I enjoy it.
DocSavage · M

50 words ? How about just two : BLOW ME
That’s Check Mate again. I answered your “ultimate” question.
Already gave the details. You can keep pretending, but you’re not fooling anyone. I win - you lose.
yrger · 80-89, M

Thanks for reading my posts, I am the Yrger the theist, and I authored the thread here, "Rational intelligent thinking brings man to the God of nature."

You are new here, welcome to my writings here in the current thread.

You ask:
deadgerbil · 22-25, F
@yrger how is this comment any different than the one you posted a few minutes ago?

Are the two comments exactly the same?

That's what you noticed - good girl!

Perhaps you should have asked me instead, why I repeated the comment.

Anyway, read the comment again, and tell me whether you agree with me or not, scil.
No, it's not begging the question, because I go outside concepts in my mind to seek evidence of the creator God in the concrete reality of our neighborhood.

And I have found evidence, namely: for example babies and roses in our everywhee neighborhood, babies and roses ultimately come from God, "The God (of nature) that is the permanent self-existent spirit creator and operator of man and the universe and everything transient in nature.

yrger · 80-89, M
From Yrger the theist and author of the thread, "Rational intelligent thinking brings man to the God of nature."

Correction: the line below, "No, it's begging the question" should read: No, it's not begging the question."

Corrected version:
yrger · 80-89, M
@LeopoldBloom No, it's not begging the question, because I go outside concepts in my mind to seek evidence of the creator God in the concrete reality of our neighborhood.

And I have found evidence, namely: for example babies and roses in our everywhee neighborhood, babies and roses ultimately come from God, "The God (of nature) that is the permanent self-existent spirit creator and operator of man and the universe and everything transient in nature."



















deadgerbil · 26-30
@yrger yeah I've been casually reading this post and this post represents a very strange way to communicate in general. You easily could've replied directly to my comment but for whatever reason you do it indirectly by adding a comment to the post itself instead of the comment thread and you've been doing this to consistently across the board. And nothing with you is ever succinct. It's repetitive and amounts to spam. Therefore I'm turning off notifications for this post. It's a bunch of nonsense.
yrger · 80-89, M

I prefer to not use the reply feature because it does not (I could be wrong though) directly reply to me, but it replies to others and others reply to others and on and on like an unwieldy column wide at the top and narrow at the bottom.
yrger · 80-89, M
I am Yrger the theist and here is my definition of the God of nature:
"The God (of nature) is the permanent self-existent spirit creator and operator of man and the universe and everything transient in nature."









Here is my definition of the God of nature:
"The God (of nature) is the permanent self-existent spirit creator and operator of man and the universe and everything transient in nature."
HollyW · 18-21, F
I strongly disagree. To believe in a super-intelligence requires switching off our own intelligence. it's a 'don't think, just believe' kind of proposition. Sure, there are many arguments of the illogical and spurious sort. They don't impress me much.
yrger · 80-89, M
@HollyW Still you have not explained where you came from ultimately, because your stock of knowledge is depleted.
DocSavage · M
No we don’t
HollyW · 18-21, F
@yrger Your conclusion about me isn't based in reason. I know much more than you do. The conclusion of psychology is that you dwell at the Folly marker. I dwell at the Justice marker and most of your antagonists dwell at the Doubt marker.
yrger · 80-89, M

God dispensed attributes to creatures He creates: to us He gives us reason and intelligence, to cattle, donkeys, and frogs He does not give reason and intelligence, but other attributes for His purposes - God's purposes.

And why does God give to us reason and intelligence?
From my rational intelligent thinking, it is ultimately because He does care that we should know Him.

newjaninev2 · 51-55, F
"reason and intelligence"

Why are those more important than particular attributes of other species?

Is it because they are our attributes?










newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
@yrger so it made one species of ape capable of self-delusion and then sat back to watch the entertainment.

What a nasty piece of work!
DocSavage · M
[image/video - please log in to see this content]
“Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see

Before you follow Hawkin’s advice, you need to do one thing. @yrger/chunkhead change your point of view.
yrger · 80-89, M
Hi everyone, if you can read this post from me, even though I don't use the reply feature, and get my ideas, thanks a lot.

I like people who go from ideas and search for evidence to their ideas in the concrete reality of life outside ideas in the mind.

For example, I have the idea of God, so I go to the concrete reality of the world outside our mind, like in our neighborhood, to seek evidence of God.











deadgerbil · 22-25, F
@yrger yeah I've been casually reading this post and this post represents a very strange way to communicate in general. You easily could've replied directly to my comment but for whatever reason you do it indirectly by adding a comment to the post itself instead of the comment thread and you've been doing this to consistently across the board. And nothing with you is ever succinct. It's repetitive and amounts to spam. Therefore I'm turning off notifications for this post. It's a bunch of nonsense.


I prefer to not use the reply feature because it does not (I could be wrong though) directly reply to me, but it replies to others and others reply to others and on and on like an unwieldy column wide at the top and narrow at the bottom.
yrger · 80-89, M






You Doc say: "Assume for the moment that there is no god, it all myth.
Is the universe, with all its infinite wonder and life any less incredible ?

On that assumption from you, I tell you that ultimately you are claiming that the unverse came from nothingness.

Supposing that ultimately there is no permanent self-existent creator of everything that not independently existing, then we would not be here discussing God exists or not.

DocSavage · M
@yrger /chunkhead
Atheist to theist, answer this simple question : Assume for the moment that there is no god, it all myth.
Is the universe, with all its infinite wonder and life any less incredible ?
DocSavage · M
That is exactly what I’m saying. You seem to be having a problem with the idea that something can self exist. As I have repeatedly said. God is a catalyst .if the universe was a self existing singularity, something caused it to expand. There no need for that something to be permanent. Nor for it to be living and self aware. You claim your nature god is different from the traditional supernatural gods, of myth and legends ( real or not ) but can you really think outside the box ? Or are you just too afraid to imagine we’re on our own ? That there’s no one at the driving wheel ?
I’m not. I enjoy it.
yrger · 80-89, M









Please pay the most focused attention to the text below in bold and italic.

From Yrger the theist:
Hi atheists and everybody else whether atheists or not but who is rational and intelligent but negative toward the existence of God, would it be possible for me Yrger the theist here to ask you all guys to in not more than 50 words tell me what is your concept of God?
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
Since you're always so rude as to post every comment as the start of anew thread, why should I (or anyone) give you the courtesy of using the 'reply' button.

So from now every comment I make will start a new thread

The physical universe (what other sort is there) isn't 'working to order'

It's the way it is because otherwise it would be a different universe... a different universe that looked as if it was 'working to order'.

...and that universe would be the way it is because otherwise it too would be a different universe... a different universe that looked as if it was 'working to order'.

Your questions are so banal, and the answers are so self-evident, that I suspect you simply enjoy wasting everyone's time with trivialities.
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
You say (on the basis of nothing except intellectual laziness) that your gods don't need a beginning.

If that assumption is in any way valid, then it's equally valid to assume that the universe didn't need a beginning.

In which case, there's no compelling necessity to even postulate the existence of gods. The entire postulation becomes unnecessary, and can be dispensed with.

So much for your gods.

So, now that you have abandoned your gods, why are you still here trying to be noticed?
yrger · 80-89, M
Hi atheists here and all humans with reason and intelligence, don't ask me questions, just make your categorical statements in less than 50 words, on your position with regard to the existence of the God of nature.

My position is that the God of nature exists, and here is my definition of God:
"The God (of nature) is the permanent self-existent spirit creator and operator of man and the universe and everything transient in nature."








DocSavage · M

Reminder from your last thread, when you asked me who created god. And I answered it correctly. Look familiar?

Not answering anymore of your questions chunkhead. We already said creation without any god “ultimately” nature or super nature.
You also admitted that things and people can exist independently of god. So we don’t need a permanent god to have continued existence. You got nothing. If god did create time and space, then you are a waste of both.
deadgerbil · 26-30
You talk about God as a singular entity. What about multiple Gods? Why is this limited to monotheism?
deadgerbil · 26-30
@yrger you assert that people come to know of God's existence but are quick to brush aside the existence of other gods, even though their respective religious explanations are just as valid as your own. People who are polytheists can meditate and reason and they have their own sacred texts.
yrger · 80-89, M

Just let you give me (a) one other god and (b) the explanation for it is just as valid as the God I know to exist which is the God of nature, here is my idea of the God of nature (as distinct from the God of supernature):

"The God (of nature) is the permanent self-existent spirit creator and operator of man and the universe and everything transient in nature."
This comment is hidden. Show Comment
yrger · 80-89, M

Where have you been?

See if you can explain or not why ultimately there is a self-existent being in the realm of reality.

If you are so timid to think on that, then see if you can think over this statement:

The default status of reality is existence, yes or no.

CorvusBlackthorne · 46-50, M
@yrger Projecting again?
yrger · 80-89, M






Hi all atheists, you are asking me what is the meaning of the word, ultimately.

It means finally.

W humans know that different kinds of beings in the material-physical universe came into existence in time and in space in succeeding situations.

For example, we came from our parents and our parents from their parents and on and on and on . . .

Regressing further and further into the past, we finally arrive at what I call ultimately the permanent self-existent reality that is the source of all not-self-existent beings.

With you atheists, you ultimately arrive at nothingness which to you is the final situation of all things in the material-physical universe.

And that is a most absolutely absurd status.
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
You are asking me what is the meaning of the word, ultimately

No, I'm not

I'm not asking you any such thing

Why are you trying to answer a question I haven't asked you?

Here's the question I have been asking you

If you claim a being created the universe - what created that being?

I keep asking you that simple question... and you keep running away and hiding

Are you that frightened of me?


This is farcical.
yrger · 80-89, M
From Yrger the theist and author of the thread, "Rational intelligent thinking brings man to the God of nature."

Correction: the line below, "No, it's begging the question" should read: No, it's not begging the question."

Corrected version:
yrger · 80-89, M
@LeopoldBloom No, it's not begging the question, because I go outside concepts in my mind to seek evidence of the creator God in the concrete reality of our neighborhood.

And I have found evidence, namely: for example babies and roses in our everywhee neighborhood, babies and roses ultimately come from God, "The God (of nature) that is the permanent self-existent spirit creator and operator of man and the universe and everything transient in nature."









deadgerbil · 26-30
@yrger how is this comment any different than the one you posted a few minutes ago?
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
@yrger So the worm that drills holes through children’s eyes and blinds them comes from your god?

Colon cancer comes from your god?

The spontaneous abortion of a quarter of all first pregnancies comes from your god?

Your god is disgusting!
yrger · 80-89, M

Well, hi Doc, I am still waiting to read your definition of the ultimately catalyst-God: in not more than 50 words.






yrger · 80-89, M

You say "God is a catalyst ."

In which case, please define what is utlimately a catalyst-God: in not more than 50 words.
yrger · 80-89, M

Hi Newj, you ask me, "If you claim a being created the universe - what created that being?"

Let me see if you do serious thinking instead of vacuous words-crafting.

Here, you must have an answer of sorts to your own question addessed to me, otherwise we will never get to arrive at the answer that we should accept to be correct, according to serious thinking, instead of your vacuous words-crafting.

Let me now read your reaction.







newjaninev2 · 51-55, F

You are asking me what is the meaning of the word, ultimately

No, I'm not

I'm not asking you any such thing

Why are you trying to answer a question I haven't asked you?

Here's the question I have been asking you

If you claim a being created the universe - what created that being?

I keep asking you that simple question... and you keep running away and hiding

Are you that frightened of me?


This is farcical.
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
Since you're always so rude as to post every comment as the start of anew thread, why should I (or anyone) give you the courtesy of using the 'reply' button.

So from now every comment I make will start a new thread

In answer to your question - I think that you repeated your own comment because you wanted to say something just to able to read your own words but had nothing else to say, so you merely said the same thing again to make yourself feel good… otherwise you risked realising the reality of your irrelevance
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
Since you're always so rude as to post every comment as the start of anew thread, why should I (or anyone) give you the courtesy of using the 'reply' button.

So every comment I make will start a new thread

In the comment just above, you'll see that our existence is not associated with the existence of your god, so your claim is invalid.

Please respond to the argument I have laid out in that comment, or acknowledge that there is therefore no need for your god to exist.
yrger · 80-89, M

yrger · 80-89, M

Hi Doc, are you claiming that ultimately humans came from nothingness, yes or no?





yrger · 80-89, M
From Yrger the theist and author of the thread, "Rational intelligent thinking brings man to the God of nature."

Correction: the line below, "No, it's begging the question" should read: No, it's not begging the question."

Corrected version:
yrger · 80-89, M
@LeopoldBloom No, it's not begging the question, because I go outside concepts in my mind to seek evidence of the creator God in the concrete reality of our neighborhood.

And I have found evidence, namely: for example babies and roses in our everywhee neighborhood, babies and roses ultimately come from God, "The God (of nature) that is the permanent self-existent spirit creator and operator of man and the universe and everything transient in nature."









yrger · 80-89, M






You newjaninev2 say "The Big Bang was the beginning of expansion of a universe that already existed.
Now ignore that simple reality and go back to your deluded rantings."

I ask you newjaninev2, ultimately what being created the universe, or you claim that the universe created itself from nothing?
DocSavage · M
@yrger /chunkhead
Atheist to theist, answer this simple question : Assume for the moment that there is no god, it’s all myth.
Is the universe, with all its infinite wonder and life any less incredible ?
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
@yrger if you claim a being created the universe - what created that being?

can't answer, huh?

Nothing to say?

Try answering a question with a direct answer for once.

if you claim a being created the universe - what created that being?
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
@yrger So much for your unsupported and unnecessary postulations about a god
DocSavage · M
You Doc say: "Assume for the moment that there is no god, it all myth.
Is the universe, with all its infinite wonder and life any less incredible ?

On that assumption from you, I tell you that ultimately you are claiming that the unverse came from nothingness.

Supposing that ultimately there is no permanent self-existent creator of everything that not independently existing, then we would not be here discussing God exists or not.
Finally got my answer through that thick bone plating between your ears ! About fucking time !

Still didn’t answer the question. You called me a coward. I don’t need to have a god watching my back. Do you ?
DocSavage · M
1) There have been thousands of gods throughout history (fact)
2) No god in history has ever been proven to exist.(fact)
3) Every god in history is man made. (Fact)
That alone is all the explanation there is.
Reason takes facts in to account . Faith ignores them.
yrger · 80-89, M









Addressing all atheists and also everybody else, I am Yrger the theist and author of the present thread.

I hope to get to know what kind of a world-view atheists have, including everyone else who do have a world-view that is positive or negative in effect toward God.

The God of concern is first before anything else the creator of everything that is not Himself.

My impression is that atheists are in the whole totally hostile emotionally against any world-view where God the creator has an indispensable presence.

Why are they so emotionally hostile to God?

So, hi atheists, why are you so emotionally hostile against God?
yrger · 80-89, M
Please pay the most focused attention to the text below in bold and italic.

From Yrger the theist:
Hi atheists and everybody else whether atheists or not but who is rational and intelligent but negative toward the existence of God, would it be possible for me Yrger the theist here to ask you all guys to in not more than 50 words tell me what is your concept of God?









@yrger You keep repeating yourself over and over again. I'm done with you.
yrger · 80-89, M

Hi everyone, I am Yrger author of this thread, and I am addressing newj.

Please rewrite your post below, and express only one point the most important in your mind. As the post stands, you are incoherent.

newjaninev2 · 51-55, F
@yrger You are unable to comprehend that the Big bang was not the beginning of the universe, but rather the beginning of the expansion of the universe.

Ask yourself... what was going 'bang'?

As there is no known 'beginning' to the universe, there is no compelling necessity to postulate gods.

You accept that as a reasoned conclusion, because you have not argued against it.

therefore... atheist

You are unable to respond in any reasoned or germane manner to my statements that:

1. there's no proof that gods exist
2. there's no proof that gods don't exist
3. in any event, there’s no compelling necessity to even postulate gods, and, in any event, the postulation explains nothing (not even itself)... it merely tries to explain everything away.
4. therefore, I have no gods (I’m an agnostic atheist)

therefore... atheist.

Apparently anything and everything can be a god, so it follows that gods are indistinguishable from everything else, and their existence cannot be discerned, so there is no reason to even consider such a postulation

therefore... atheist.

I congratulate you on the efficient way you have used your claims of theism to destroy theism and thereby advance your atheism










You all atheists are incoherent with your thinking manner, let me see if you can express what you think you understand in this text from Stephen Hawking:

“Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious. And however difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at. It matters that you don't just give up.”
― Stephen Hawking
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yrger · 80-89, M






Hi atheists here, I don't seem to read any reply from you all to my latest post.

Anyway, tell me, what is your ultimate explanation of how and why we humans are existing.

If you Doc had replied to my latest post, please write now and indicate that you are aswering my latest post, cite my latest post and re-act to the substance of my latest post, okay?
@yrger How humans are existing: I assume you meant what the origin of life is. Life developed from abiotic precursors that gained in complexity through natural selection, as the structures that were able to self-replicate did so and perpetuated themselves.

There is no reason why humans exist. Or we exist for whatever reason works best for you. All value judgments originate with us.
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
Actually, since you're always so rude as to post every comment as the start of anew thread, why should I (or anyone) give you the courtesy of using the 'reply' button.

So from now every comment I make will start a new thread,

Why on Earth do you think I'm suffering? I assure you, that's as far from reality as it's possible to get 😃

I guess you need me to be suffering, or to be bitter about something or other, or to be angry about something or other, or to be... well, the list of what you need goes on... but I'm sorry, I'm none of those things.

her anger and hatred of God

What god? I don't even postulate the exist of gods... difficult to feel hate and anger towards something I dismiss as an unnecessary and quite trivial sop for the fears and insecurities of others..

Sorry, but you'll need to try harder than that 😂
yrger · 80-89, M
Okay, atheists, it's your turn to cite texts indicating scientists state the universe has no beginning.









Okay, hi atheists, let you and I talk about the finding by scienstists that the material-physical universe has a beginning.

From me:
This breakthrough idea later became known as the Big Bang! The Big Bang was the moment 13.8 billion years ago when the universe began* as a tiny, dense, fireball that exploded. Most astronomers use the Big Bang theory to explain how the universe began.

Cfr. do scientists state that the universe has a beginning

Okay, atheists, it's your turn to cite texts indicating scientists state the universe has no beginning.








Why do you believe that God created everything that man encounters in nature. If it's by reasoning, then show your reasoning.
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
Since you're always so rude as to post every comment as the start of anew thread, why should I (or anyone) give you the courtesy of using the 'reply' button.

So from now every comment I make will start a new thread

I have already told you what I think of that text... it's a few comments below your original question in the same thread.

You have not objected to my views, so I take that as yet another indicator of your new-found atheism
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
Since you're always so rude as to post every comment as the start of anew thread, why should I (or anyone) give you the courtesy of using the 'reply' button.

So from now every comment I make will start a new thread,

Why are you going on about my relationship with my parents and within my immediate family?

Are you so seriously in need of hatred and discord and suffering that you imagine it happening to everyone else?

That's disgusting.

All four of my grandparents were atheists.

Their marriages were close and loving and ended only by death.

However, that has nothing to do with you.

Both of my parents were atheists.

My parents and I were close and loving until the day they died.

However, that has nothing to do with you.

My siblings and their families and my daughter are all atheists

My siblings and their families and my daughter and I are close and loving

However, that has nothing to do with you.

So express your hate and your confusion and your fear and your contempt for basic decency towards others somewhere else.

I have no need of it in my life.
yrger · 80-89, M
Hi atheists, why are you all not taking notice of this thread started by me Yrger, I am the theist here.

At the beginning I thought that I noticed more than a hundred replies were made (by atheists?).

Then all replies disappeared.

What happened?

Perhaps the Similar Worlds personnel can tell me, what is happening - I am at a loss.
DocSavage · M

Maybe, you should stop repeating the same old shit. I said you’re getting boring. Atheist love to take shots at theists , but we’re fair, we prefer to go after someone in our class.
You have no class.

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