Maybe I'm just special...How the hell are people still getting catfished nowadays? If you can't Skype with someone you've supposedly got to know to an extent I automatically assume it's a catfish..
😒I pack my case, I check my face I look a little bit older I look a little bit colder.. With one deep breath, and one big step I move a little bit closer, I move a little bit closer For reasons unknown..
Man..There is an over abundance of white knights and sjw. Seriously bro do you actually think thats going to get you laid? 🤣🤣
How to make friends..Either I'm just that socially awkward or weird but it's like nearly impossible to make new friends..😅😭😭
Double standards much?Why is being a fat women so socially shunned. But if you are a fat guy it's not so much of a big deal.
Is it really just me?Question for the single peeps. What is the biggest reason for you being single? If your a serial dater what are the issues you encounter the most?
I Cant Say No to AnythingDamn it gained weight right before I gotta see people for the holidays...this sucks
Awkward...How many of y'all have a hard time taking compliments? I find it to be really hard to take them. It just kind of creeps me out
I can do without the tude..Seriously why do so many women have inferiority complexes with other women. It's annoying