Are you, like me, contemplating your future health issues?I'm seriously thinking about his topic and would like to know if others, particularly in my age group, have views. I'm particularly interested in views on genetic cancers that are not related to lifestyle choices.
Is Trump likely, eventually, to be jailed?If so, how would his secret service agents be accommodated?
Can I have your recommendation.I'm looking for a celebrity interview online that is in some way extraordinary. If it has an intellectual quality and is in the 1950s-80s era, so much the better.
What's the highest altitude you've been at?Excluding flight. Mine is 2474m, at the Daulo Pass in PNG, delightfully chilly in the near-equatorial zone. Until I researched, I didn't realise this exceeded my previous: Australia's highest summit, Mt Kosciousko, Mexico City and Johannesburg.
Why are farts so funny?They always make me laugh, and very little else does. I don't know why, though. There's nothing inherently funny about this function.
What's the drunkest you've ever been?Mine was when I went out on foot to meet a hooker on a Christmas Eve, after an afternoon's drinking. When I got there her madam turned me away due to my state. I kept drinking all the way back, at one point falling on my face. After I apparently... See More »
Why is Hitler reviled more than Stalin and Mao?Who killed far more people, mostly their own people and outside of wartime, and who many in their own countries still regard as heroic figures?
What is the worst smell imaginable?For me, this is the rotten smell that can pervade your nose during Covid. It smells like death.
Why is farting so funny?Even at 52, I can barely think about it without giggling. Hearing one makes me laugh out loud.
I feel guilty I've done nothing.Nothing to help my countryman and fellow Aspergian, Julian Assange. I think his treatment by governments has been appalling, and he's in a dire way. For doing nothing but honest journalism. I know I could write letters, blog, donate, attend protests... See More »
Anyone else a confirmed public-transport user?I have a dozen reasons for never having wanted to drive.