History of Arminto 4 PINNEDI moved to Arminto about ten years ago to live in a Teepee until I built a livable structure. I became interested in the history of the place and began to research. A name that comes up the most is J.B. Okie. His story is long, but most interesting.... See More »
History of Arminto pt. 3 PINNEDOne building still standing in Arminto is the Old Hall Place. Hall was a moonshiner. His wife threatened to leave him if he kept distilling in the house. He built a dugout out back and moved the operation into there. He and his partner did well... See More »
A history of Arminto part one. PINNEDAt the turn of the last century Wyoming was as wild as could be. The Indian wars had kept people out of here, for the most part. Cattlemen did as much during the Johnson County War to chase out settlers and sheep herders. Outlaws and rustlers were... See More »
Vegetable oil that's not good enoughThe premise given by some for vegetarian behavior is that they cannot countenance the ingestion of other living things. Wait a minute... Fruits, nuts, gourds are all the very seed of life for some living things. Perhaps plants have feelings, too.... See More »
It ain't much. It may not have amenities, but I built it. Best of all , I own it entirely. Golden, Yo. (1)
Y'all better recognize. I'm quite possibly the badest sumbitch that ever walked on this planet. Mutton Chops and All. (1)
Just face itI'm talking to you Trumpy Monkeys. You don't have the intellectual capacity to warrant engaging in conversation with you. It's like arguing with a five year old : pointless.
A little something the Proud Boys are forgetting.In Montana and Wyoming we have the majority of America's firearms. Go ahead and land grab all you want in the shit hole you call a state. Don't Tread on Us! That would be a losing proposition.
I survive in WyomingLast time Trump was in charge the ass backwards caveman rednecks that plague us with their perpetual ignorance became empowered to act even more racist and stupid than usual. I came to call them Trumpy Monkeys. I tolerated these idiots last time... See More »
What was happening here two hundred years agoAshley's "hundred men" made it up to these mountains leaving Hugh Glass behind after he was mauled by a bear. Hugh was known for telling tall tales above and beyond those of his contemporaries. Historians, therefore, really couldn't say what his life... See More »
The summer of 1989. My Dad worked on the fire lookout tower atop Black Mountain. I stayed there with him for a month or so. He had me help to paint all the railings. My last task was to paint the radio antenna. Right after this picture a fighter jet flew right over... See More » (1)
I ended up here accidentally..On similar worlds, I mean. It began thus: About a decade ago I was in the process of moving out of Casper, Wyoming, USA to Arminto about 60 miles to the West. Arminto was a major shipping pt. along America's second transcontinental railroad one... See More »