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She wants me to shave. Should I?

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NOS4R2 · 41-45
Why ?
That's a lot to shave off
NOS4R2 · 41-45
@Lostsavage maybe it's scratchy ?
Beards can become that way over time .
Maybe oil it and get it softer ?
It suits you .
Lostsavage · 46-50, M
@NOS4R2 Good advice. I'll admit it's in sore need of a trim.
NOS4R2 · 41-45
@Lostsavage I got to admit, with a beard as good as yours, a trim would make it look pretty impressive.👍
bullmomodog · 22-25, F
I don't think that you should have to shave it all the way off I think that you could just trim it up a bit .
no way!!! that is so you!!!! keep it!
Lostsavage · 46-50, M
@beermeplease I cant take to being civilized too quick. Next thing you know she'll be wanting me to bathe regularly.
@Lostsavage we will hear none of that!!!!. there's a water shortage...keep the earth hydrated. what's a little stink once in a while? 🤷
Lostsavage · 46-50, M
@beermeplease Damn straight. I think I smell purdy.
ElizabethBabe1994 · 31-35, F
If you like the way, you look then you do what you want.
trim it up a bit, yeah, esp the 'stache
Lostsavage · 46-50, M
@SW-User I figure. Good advice for her, too, but I'm not going to be the one telling her.
@Lostsavage oh, you're baaad, lol
WandererTony · 56-60, M
You won’t be you any more! Is she prepared for that?
Quimliqer · 70-79, M
MarineBob · 56-60, M
Let her shave you
Lostsavage · 46-50, M
@MarineBob With peanut butter. I heard it works, but never tried it.
Tetsuya · 56-60, M
is she going to be clean shaven as well?
Lostsavage · 46-50, M
@Tetsuya she shaves her mustache regularly.
Jimbo7 · M
hunkalove · 61-69, M
Nah. You look like a total babe magnet. And you know how much women love to french kiss pipe smokers!
Vin53 · M
If you had the world's strongest microscope and attached it to the 2nd most powerful microscope in the world, you still wouldn't be able to see how little I give a fuck about that.
Vin53 · M
@Vin53 yeah we're all doing cartwheels i'm sure.... my reason for commenting to you is different than you commenting to claim to not give a fuck....but i do
Lostsavage · 46-50, M
@Vin53 All good, man. No apologies needed And honestly I get my back up about political stuff too, sometimes. We all have warrior hearts that make us fight for what we believe.
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
nah but perhaps you can stylize it a bit, make it come together a bit more
Lostsavage · 46-50, M
like this?
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
@Lostsavage lol! pull it together i said!
[image/video deleted]
Lostsavage · 46-50, M
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
I don’t think you should shave it. I have only seen you once but I would say the beard suits you and your style.

Maybe just trim it up a bit.

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